2007-11-02 02:30:29 +00:00
/// GCWindowMenu.m
/// GCDrawKitUI
/// Created by graham on 27/03/07.
/// Released under the Creative Commons license 2006 Apptree.net.
/// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
/// To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to
/// Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
#import "GCWindowMenu.h"
#import "GCOneShotEffectTimer.h"
@interface GCWindowMenu (Private)
+ (void) popUpWindowMenu:(GCWindowMenu*) menu withEvent:(NSEvent*) event;
+ (void) popUpWindowMenu:(GCWindowMenu*) menu atPoint:(NSPoint) loc withEvent:(NSEvent*) event;
- (void) trackWithEvent:(NSEvent*) event;
- (NSEvent*) transmogrify:(NSEvent*) event;
#define kGCDefaultWindowMenuSize (NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 28 ))
#define kGCMenuContentInset 2
@implementation GCWindowMenu
/// method: popUpWindowMenu:withEvent:forView:
/// scope: private class method
/// overrides:
/// description: pops up a custom popup menu, tracks it, then hides it again with a fadeout
/// parameters: <menu> the custom popup window to display
/// <event> the event to start the display with (usually from a mouse down)
/// result: none
/// notes: the menu is positioned with its top, left point just to the left of, and slightly below, the
/// point given in the event
+ (void) popUpWindowMenu:(GCWindowMenu*) menu withEvent:(NSEvent*) event
NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow];
loc.x -= 10;
loc.y -= 5;
[self popUpWindowMenu:menu atPoint:loc withEvent:event];
/// method: popUpWindowMenu:atPoint:withEvent:forView:
/// scope: private class method
/// overrides:
/// description: pops up a custom popup menu, tracks it, then hides it again with a fadeout
/// parameters: <menu> the custom popup window to display
/// <loc> the location within the window at which to display the menu (top, left of menu)
/// <event> the event to start the display with (usually from a mouse down)
/// result: none
/// notes:
+ (void) popUpWindowMenu:(GCWindowMenu*) menu atPoint:(NSPoint) loc withEvent:(NSEvent*) event
if ( menu == nil )
menu = [GCWindowMenu windowMenu];
[menu retain];
loc = [[event window] convertBaseToScreen:loc];
[menu setFrameTopLeftPoint:loc];
[[event window] addChildWindow:menu ordered:NSWindowAbove];
// show the "menu"
[menu orderFront:self];
// track the menu (keeps control in its own event loop):
[menu trackWithEvent:event];
// all done, tear down - remove with a fade effect
[GCOneShotEffectTimer oneShotWithTime:0.15 forDelegate:menu];
[menu release];
/// method: windowMenu
/// scope: public class method
/// overrides:
/// description: makes a window menu that can be popped up using the above methods.
/// parameters: none
/// result: a new poppable window menu
/// notes: this method just makes an empy window with the default size. It's up to you to add some useful
/// content before displaying it
+ (GCWindowMenu*) windowMenu
GCWindowMenu* fi = [[GCWindowMenu alloc] initWithContentRect:NSZeroRect
// note - because windows are all sent a -close message at quit time, set it
// not to be released at that time, otherwise the release from the autorelease pool
// will cause a crash due to the stale reference
[fi setReleasedWhenClosed:NO]; // **** important!! ****
return [fi autorelease];
/// method: windowMenuWithContentView:
/// scope: public class method
/// overrides:
/// description: makes a window menu that can be popped up using the above methods.
/// parameters: <view> the view to display within the menu
/// result: a new poppable window menu containing the given view
/// notes: the window is sized to fit the frame of the view you pass.
+ (GCWindowMenu*) windowMenuWithContentView:(NSView*) view
GCWindowMenu* menu = [self windowMenu];
[menu setMainView:view sizeToFit:YES];
return menu;
/// method: popUpAtPoint:withEvent:forView:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: pops up a custom popup menu, tracks it, then hides it again with a fadeout
/// parameters: <p> the location within the window at which to display the menu (top, left of menu)
/// <event> the event to start the display with (usually from a mouse down in some view)
/// result: none
/// notes:
- (void) popUpAtPoint:(NSPoint) p withEvent:(NSEvent*) event
[[self class] popUpWindowMenu:self atPoint:p withEvent:event];
/// method: popUpWithEvent:forView:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: pops up a custom popup menu, tracks it, then hides it again with a fadeout
/// parameters: <event> the event to start the display with (usually from a mouse down in some view)
/// result: none
/// notes:
- (void) popUpWithEvent:(NSEvent*) event
[[self class] popUpWindowMenu:self withEvent:event];
/// method: initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides: NSWindow
/// description: designated initializer.
/// parameters: <> see NSWindow
/// result: the window
/// notes:
- (id) initWithContentRect:(NSRect) contentRect
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styleMask:(NSUInteger) styleMask
2007-11-02 02:30:29 +00:00
backing:(NSBackingStoreType) bufferingType
defer:(BOOL) deferCreation
if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
defer:deferCreation]) != nil )
[self setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel];
[self setHasShadow:YES];
[self setAlphaValue:0.95];
[self setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
[self setFrame:kGCDefaultWindowMenuSize display:NO];
_mainView = nil;
_passFirstClick = YES;
_oneShotTracking = YES;
return self;
/// method: trackWithEvent:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: track the mouse in the menu
/// parameters: <event> the initial starting event (will usually be a mouse down)
/// result: none
/// notes: tracking calls the main view's usual mouseDown/dragged/up methods, and tries to do so as compatibly
/// as possible with the usual view behaviours.
- (void) trackWithEvent:(NSEvent*) event
// tracks the "menu" by keeping control until a mouse up (or down, if menu 'clicked' into being)
NSLog(@"starting tracking; initial event = %@", event);
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// [NSEvent startPeriodicEventsAfterDelay:1.0 withPeriod:0.1];
2007-11-02 02:30:29 +00:00
NSTimeInterval startTime = [event timestamp];
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
if ( _passFirstClick )
[[self mainView] mouseDown:[self transmogrify:event]];
// the view may have trapped the mouse down and implemented its own tracking.
// Standard NSControls do that for example. In that case we don't want to track
// ourselves, so need to detect that and abort.
if ([[self currentEvent] timestamp] - startTime > 0.25 )
NSEvent* theEvent;
BOOL keepOn = YES;
unsigned int mask;
BOOL invertedTracking = NO;
mask = NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask |
NSRightMouseUpMask | NSRightMouseDraggedMask |
NSAppKitDefinedMask | NSFlagsChangedMask |
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NSScrollWheelMask | NSPeriodicMask;
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while (keepOn)
theEvent = [self transmogrify:[self nextEventMatchingMask:mask]];
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switch ([theEvent type])
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case NSMouseMoved:
2007-11-02 02:30:29 +00:00
[[self mainView] mouseMoved:theEvent];
case NSRightMouseDragged:
case NSLeftMouseDragged:
[[self mainView] mouseDragged:theEvent];
case NSRightMouseUp:
case NSLeftMouseUp:
// if this is within a very short time of the mousedown, leave the menu up but track it
// using mouse moved and mouse down to end.
if ([theEvent timestamp] - startTime < 0.25 || !_passFirstClick )
invertedTracking = YES;
mask |= ( NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSRightMouseDownMask | NSMouseMovedMask );
[[self mainView] mouseUp:theEvent];
keepOn = NO;
case NSRightMouseDown:
case NSLeftMouseDown:
if ( ! NSPointInRect([theEvent locationInWindow], [[self mainView] frame]))
keepOn = NO;
[[self mainView] mouseDown:theEvent];
if ( _oneShotTracking )
keepOn = NO;
case NSPeriodic:
case NSFlagsChanged:
[[self mainView] flagsChanged:theEvent];
case NSAppKitDefined:
if([theEvent subtype] == NSApplicationDeactivatedEventType )
keepOn = NO;
case NSScrollWheel:
[[self mainView] scrollWheel:theEvent];
/* Ignore any other kind of event. */
[self discardEventsMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask beforeEvent:theEvent];
//[NSEvent stopPeriodicEvents];
NSLog(@"tracking ended");
/// method: transmogrify:
/// scope: private instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: convert the event to the local window if necessary
/// parameters: <event> an event
/// result: the same event, or a modified version
/// notes: ensures that events received while tracking are always targetted at the right window
- (NSEvent*) transmogrify:(NSEvent*) event
if(([event window] != self) && [event isMouseEventType])
NSPoint glob = [[event window] convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
return [NSEvent mouseEventWithType: [event type]
location: [self convertScreenToBase:glob]
modifierFlags: [event modifierFlags]
timestamp: [event timestamp]
windowNumber: [self windowNumber]
context: [event context]
eventNumber: [event eventNumber]
clickCount: [event clickCount]
pressure: [event pressure]];
return event;
/// method: canBecomeMainWindow
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides: NSWindow
/// description:
/// parameters: none
/// result: return YES
/// notes:
- (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow
return NO;
/// method: setMainView:sizeToFit:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: sets the pop-up window's content to the given view, and optionally sizes the window to fit
/// parameters: <aView> any view already created to be displayed in the menu
/// <stf> if YES, window is sized to the view's frame. If NO, the window size is not changed
/// result: none
/// notes: main view is additionally retained so outlet from NIB may be directly passed in
- (void) setMainView:(NSView*) aView sizeToFit:(BOOL) stf
[aView retain];
[_mainView release];
_mainView = aView;
// add as a subview which retains it as well
[[self contentView] addSubview:aView];
// if stf, position the view at top, left corner of the window and
// make the window the size of the view
if ( stf )
NSRect fr = [self frameRectForContentRect:NSInsetRect( [aView frame], -kGCMenuContentInset, -kGCMenuContentInset )];
fr.origin = NSZeroPoint;
[aView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint( kGCMenuContentInset, kGCMenuContentInset )];
[self setFrame:fr display:YES];
[_mainView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// if the view added is an NSControl, set first click to NO by default
if ([aView isKindOfClass:[NSControl class]])
[self setMainViewWantsFirstClick:NO];
/// method: mainView
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: get the main view
/// parameters: none
/// result: the main view
/// notes:
- (NSView*) mainView
return _mainView;
/// method: setMainViewWantsFirstClick:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: sets whether the main view should receive a mouse down on entry to the tracking loop
/// parameters: <firstClick> YES to get the first click
/// result: none
/// notes: normally should be YES (the default). However views such as NSControl derivatives that implement
/// their own tracking should set NO. If NO, the popup can only be operated by clicking to open, then
/// clicking and dragging within - the continuous click to open, drag through and release operation
/// wont work because the control doesn't get a mouse down to start with.
- (void) setMainViewWantsFirstClick:(BOOL) firstClick
_passFirstClick = firstClick;
/// method: setShouldCloseWhenViewTrackingReturns:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: sets whether popup should close or remain visible after main view completes its own tracking
/// parameters: <cmup> YES close on return from view tracking, NO to remain visble
/// result: none
/// notes: this affects tracking with views that implement their own tracking, such as NSControl. If YES, you
/// get one shot at the control - after operating it, it will be hidden. If NO, the control may be
/// changed as often as you want but you must manually click outside the menu to close it.
- (void) setShouldCloseWhenViewTrackingReturns:(BOOL) cmup
_oneShotTracking = cmup;
/// method: oneShotHasReachedInverse:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides: NSObject (OneShotDelegate)
/// description: callback from fade out effect
/// parameters: <relpos> goes from 1..0
/// result: none
/// notes:
- (void) oneShotHasReachedInverse:(float) relpos
[self setAlphaValue:relpos];
/// method: oneShotComplete
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides: NSObject (OneShotDelegate)
/// description: callback from fade out effect
/// parameters: none
/// result: none
/// notes: removes the window from screen - oneshot will then release it
- (void) oneShotComplete
[[self parentWindow] removeChildWindow:self];
[self orderOut:self];
@implementation NSEvent (GCAdditions)
/// method: isMouseEventType:
/// scope: public instance method
/// overrides:
/// description: checks event to see if it's any mouse event
/// parameters: none
/// result: YES if the event is a mouse event of any kind
/// notes:
- (BOOL) isMouseEventType
// returns YES if type is any mouse type
NSEventType t = [self type];
return ( t == NSLeftMouseDown ||
t == NSLeftMouseUp ||
t == NSRightMouseDown ||
t == NSRightMouseUp ||
t == NSLeftMouseDragged ||
t == NSRightMouseDragged ||
t == NSOtherMouseDown ||
t == NSOtherMouseUp ||
t == NSOtherMouseDragged );