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// SUAppcastItem.m
// Sparkle
// Created by Andy Matuschak on 3/12/06.
// Copyright 2006 Andy Matuschak. All rights reserved.
#import "SUUpdater.h"
#import "SUAppcast.h"
#import "SUAppcastItem.h"
#import "SUVersionComparisonProtocol.h"
#import "SUAppcastItem.h"
#import "SULog.h"
@implementation SUAppcastItem
// Attack of accessors!
- (NSString *)title { return [[title retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)aTitle
if (title == aTitle) return;
[title release];
title = [aTitle copy];
- (NSDate *)date { return [[date retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setDate:(NSDate *)aDate
if (date == aDate) return;
[date release];
date = [aDate copy];
- (NSString *)itemDescription { return [[itemDescription retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setItemDescription:(NSString *)anItemDescription
if (itemDescription == anItemDescription) return;
[itemDescription release];
itemDescription = [anItemDescription copy];
- (NSURL *)releaseNotesURL { return [[releaseNotesURL retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setReleaseNotesURL:(NSURL *)aReleaseNotesURL
if (releaseNotesURL == aReleaseNotesURL) return;
[releaseNotesURL release];
releaseNotesURL = [aReleaseNotesURL copy];
- (NSString *)DSASignature { return [[DSASignature retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setDSASignature:(NSString *)aDSASignature
if (DSASignature == aDSASignature) return;
[DSASignature release];
DSASignature = [aDSASignature copy];
- (NSURL *)fileURL { return [[fileURL retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setFileURL:(NSURL *)aFileURL
if (fileURL == aFileURL) return;
[fileURL release];
fileURL = [aFileURL copy];
- (NSString *)versionString { return [[versionString retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setVersionString:(NSString *)s
if (versionString == s) return;
[versionString release];
versionString = [s copy];
- (NSString *)displayVersionString { return [[displayVersionString retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setDisplayVersionString:(NSString *)s
if (displayVersionString == s) return;
[displayVersionString release];
displayVersionString = [s copy];
- (NSString *)minimumSystemVersion { return [[minimumSystemVersion retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setMinimumSystemVersion:(NSString *)systemVersionString
if (minimumSystemVersion == systemVersionString) return;
[minimumSystemVersion release];
minimumSystemVersion = [systemVersionString copy];
- (NSString *)maximumSystemVersion { return [[maximumSystemVersion retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setMaximumSystemVersion:(NSString *)systemVersionString
if (maximumSystemVersion == systemVersionString) return;
[maximumSystemVersion release];
maximumSystemVersion = [systemVersionString copy];
- (NSURL *)infoURL { return [[infoURL retain] autorelease]; } // UK 2007-08-31 (whole method)
- (void)setInfoURL:(NSURL *)aFileURL // UK 2007-08-31 (whole method)
if( aFileURL == infoURL ) return;
[infoURL release];
infoURL = [aFileURL copy];
- (NSDictionary *)deltaUpdates { return [[deltaUpdates retain] autorelease]; }
- (void)setDeltaUpdates:(NSDictionary *)updates
if (deltaUpdates == updates) return;
[deltaUpdates release];
deltaUpdates = [updates copy];
- (BOOL)isDeltaUpdate
return [[propertiesDictionary objectForKey:@"enclosure"] objectForKey:@"sparkle:deltaFrom"] != nil;
- initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict
return [self initWithDictionary:dict failureReason:nil];
- initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict failureReason:(NSString**)error
self = [super init];
if (self)
id enclosure = [dict objectForKey:@"enclosure"];
// Try to find a version string.
// Finding the new version number from the RSS feed is a little bit hacky. There are two ways:
// 1. A "sparkle:version" attribute on the enclosure tag, an extension from the RSS spec.
// 2. If there isn't a version attribute, Sparkle will parse the path in the enclosure, expecting
// that it will look like this: http://something.com/YourApp_0.5.zip. It'll read whatever's between the last
// underscore and the last period as the version number. So name your packages like this: APPNAME_VERSION.extension.
// The big caveat with this is that you can't have underscores in your version strings, as that'll confuse Sparkle.
// Feel free to change the separator string to a hyphen or something more suited to your needs if you like.
NSString *newVersion = [enclosure objectForKey:@"sparkle:version"];
if( newVersion == nil )
newVersion = [dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:version"]; // UK 2007-08-31 Get version from the item, in case it's a download-less item (i.e. paid upgrade).
if (newVersion == nil) // no sparkle:version attribute anywhere?
// Separate the url by underscores and take the last component, as that'll be closest to the end,
// then we remove the extension. Hopefully, this will be the version.
NSArray *fileComponents = [[enclosure objectForKey:@"url"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"_"];
if ([fileComponents count] > 1)
newVersion = [[fileComponents lastObject] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
if(!newVersion )
if (error)
*error = @"Feed item lacks sparkle:version attribute, and version couldn't be deduced from file name (would have used last component of a file name like AppName_1.3.4.zip)";
[self release];
return nil;
propertiesDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:dict];
[self setTitle:[dict objectForKey:@"title"]];
[self setDate:[dict objectForKey:@"pubDate"]];
[self setItemDescription:[dict objectForKey:@"description"]];
NSString* theInfoURL = [dict objectForKey:@"link"];
if( theInfoURL )
if( ![theInfoURL isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] )
SULog(@"SUAppcastItem -initWithDictionary: Info URL is not of valid type.");
[self setInfoURL:[NSURL URLWithString:theInfoURL]];
// Need an info URL or an enclosure URL. Former to show "More Info"
// page, latter to download & install:
if( !enclosure && !theInfoURL )
if (error)
*error = @"No enclosure in feed item";
[self release];
return nil;
NSString* enclosureURLString = [enclosure objectForKey:@"url"];
if( !enclosureURLString && !theInfoURL )
if (error)
*error = @"Feed item's enclosure lacks URL";
[self release];
return nil;
if( enclosureURLString )
[self setFileURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [enclosureURLString stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]];
if( enclosure )
[self setDSASignature:[enclosure objectForKey:@"sparkle:dsaSignature"]];
[self setVersionString: newVersion];
[self setMinimumSystemVersion: [dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:minimumSystemVersion"]];
[self setMaximumSystemVersion: [dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:maximumSystemVersion"]];
NSString *shortVersionString = [enclosure objectForKey:@"sparkle:shortVersionString"];
if (nil == shortVersionString)
shortVersionString = [dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:shortVersionString"]; // fall back on the <item>
if (shortVersionString)
[self setDisplayVersionString: shortVersionString];
[self setDisplayVersionString: [self versionString]];
// Find the appropriate release notes URL.
if ([dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:releaseNotesLink"])
[self setReleaseNotesURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[dict objectForKey:@"sparkle:releaseNotesLink"]]];
else if ([[self itemDescription] hasPrefix:@"http://"] || [[self itemDescription] hasPrefix:@"https://"]) // if the description starts with http:// or https:// use that.
[self setReleaseNotesURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self itemDescription]]];
[self setReleaseNotesURL:nil];
if ([dict objectForKey:@"deltas"])
NSMutableDictionary *deltas = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSArray *deltaDictionaries = [dict objectForKey:@"deltas"];
NSEnumerator *deltaDictionariesEnum = [deltaDictionaries objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary *deltaDictionary;
while ((deltaDictionary = [deltaDictionariesEnum nextObject]))
NSMutableDictionary *fakeAppCastDict = [dict mutableCopy];
[fakeAppCastDict removeObjectForKey:@"deltas"];
[fakeAppCastDict setObject:deltaDictionary forKey:@"enclosure"];
SUAppcastItem *deltaItem = [[[self class] alloc] initWithDictionary:fakeAppCastDict];
[fakeAppCastDict release];
[deltas setObject:deltaItem forKey:[deltaDictionary objectForKey:@"sparkle:deltaFrom"]];
[deltaItem release];
[self setDeltaUpdates:deltas];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self setTitle:nil];
[self setDate:nil];
[self setItemDescription:nil];
[self setReleaseNotesURL:nil];
[self setDSASignature:nil];
[self setMinimumSystemVersion: nil];
[self setFileURL:nil];
[self setVersionString:nil];
[self setDisplayVersionString:nil];
[self setInfoURL:nil];
[propertiesDictionary release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSDictionary *)propertiesDictionary
return propertiesDictionary;