Changed updater script to handle new version strings

New version strings are in a different place, and Sparkle will no longer
be including the Git hash in the CFBundleVersion query, so we must get
it from the ZIP filename.
Christopher Snowhill 2022-06-22 01:17:02 -07:00
parent 90b064fd3a
commit 05eb1c38a0
1 changed files with 13 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -24,15 +24,14 @@ sortedchannels ='./item').sort_by{ |i| Time.parse('pubDate'
#Get the latest revision from the appcast
appcast_enclosure = sortedchannels[0].search('./enclosure').first
appcast_revision = sortedchannels[0].xpath('.//sparkle:version').text
appcast_url = appcast_enclosure.attribute('url');
if !appcast_revision
appcast_revision = appcast_enclosure.attribute_with_ns('version', sparkle).to_s
appcast_revision_split = appcast_revision.split( /-/ )
appcast_revision_code = appcast_revision_split[1]
appcast_revision_split = appcast_revision_code.split( /g/ )
appcast_revision_code = appcast_revision_split[1]
appcast_url = appcast_enclosure.attribute('url').to_s;
appcast_filename = appcast_url.split( '/' )[-1]
appcast_filename_split = appcast_filename.split( '.' )
appcast_filename_base = appcast_filename_split[0]
appcast_filename_split = appcast_filename_base.split( '-' )
appcast_revision_code = appcast_filename_split[1]
#Remove modified files that may cause conflicts.
#%x[hg revert --all]
@ -60,6 +59,11 @@ appcast_revision_code = appcast_revision_split[1]
latest_revision = version_element.inner_text
if latest_revision.split( /-/ ).count < 2
version_element = plistdoc.xpath('//key[.="GitVersion"]/following-sibling::string[1]')
latest_revision = version_element.inner_text
#latest_revision = %x[/usr/local/bin/hg log -r . --template '{latesttag}-{latesttagdistance}-{node|short}']
revision_split = latest_revision.split( /-/ )
revision_number = revision_split[0]