Cog Audio: Also commit synchronization delay on new track playback

Christopher Snowhill 2022-01-13 23:54:16 -08:00
parent c8d2864862
commit 083dbbf18b
1 changed files with 23 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
- (void)play:(NSURL *)url withUserInfo:(id)userInfo withRGInfo:(NSDictionary *)rgi startPaused:(BOOL)paused andSeekTo:(double)time
[self waitUntilCallbacksExit];
output = [[OutputNode alloc] initWithController:self previous:nil];
[output setup];
[output setVolume: volume];
@ -194,21 +196,8 @@
// Called when the playlist changed before we actually started playing a requested stream. We will re-request.
- (void)resetNextStreams
// This sucks! And since the thread that's inside the function can be calling
// event dispatches, we have to pump the message queue if we're on the main
// thread. Damn.
if (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
BOOL mainThread = (dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue()) == dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL));
atomic_store(&resettingNow, true);
while (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
[semaphore signal]; // Gotta poke this periodically
if (mainThread)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.001]];
atomic_store(&resettingNow, false);
[self waitUntilCallbacksExit];
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
for (id anObject in chainQueue) {
[anObject setShouldContinue:NO];
@ -532,5 +521,24 @@
return newVolume;
- (void)waitUntilCallbacksExit
// This sucks! And since the thread that's inside the function can be calling
// event dispatches, we have to pump the message queue if we're on the main
// thread. Damn.
if (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
BOOL mainThread = (dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue()) == dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL));
atomic_store(&resettingNow, true);
while (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
[semaphore signal]; // Gotta poke this periodically
if (mainThread)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.001]];
atomic_store(&resettingNow, false);