[HRIR Filter] Employ impulse cache
An impulse cache reduces any glitching from format channel count changes to near insignificant levels, resulting in a more pleasant experience when there are different mixed formats playing, or even a file which changes format mid-playback. Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <kode54@gmail.com>swiftingly
@ -17,6 +17,32 @@
#import "lpc.h"
#import "util.h"
@interface impulseCacheObject : NSObject {
@property NSURL *URL;
@property int sampleCount;
@property int channelCount;
@property double sampleRate;
@property double targetSampleRate;
@property NSData *data;
@implementation impulseCacheObject
@synthesize URL;
@synthesize sampleCount;
@synthesize channelCount;
@synthesize sampleRate;
@synthesize targetSampleRate;
@synthesize data;
@interface impulseCache : NSObject {
@property NSMutableArray<impulseCacheObject *> *cacheObjects;
+ (impulseCache *)sharedController;
- (const float *)getImpulse:(NSURL *)url sampleCount:(int *)sampleCount channelCount:(int *)channelCount sampleRate:(double)sampleRate;
// Apparently _mm_malloc is Intel-only on newer macOS targets, so use supported posix_memalign
static void *_memalign_malloc(size_t size, size_t align) {
void *ret = NULL;
@ -26,6 +52,227 @@ static void *_memalign_malloc(size_t size, size_t align) {
return ret;
@implementation impulseCache
static impulseCache *_sharedController = nil;
+ (impulseCache *)sharedController {
@synchronized(self) {
if(!_sharedController) {
_sharedController = [[impulseCache alloc] init];
return _sharedController;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
self.cacheObjects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (impulseCacheObject *)addImpulse:(NSURL *)url sampleCount:(int)sampleCount channelCount:(int)channelCount originalSampleRate:(double)originalSampleRate targetSampleRate:(double)targetSampleRate impulseBuffer:(const float *)impulseBuffer {
impulseCacheObject *obj = [[impulseCacheObject alloc] init];
obj.URL = url;
obj.sampleCount = sampleCount;
obj.channelCount = channelCount;
obj.sampleRate = originalSampleRate;
obj.targetSampleRate = targetSampleRate;
obj.data = [NSData dataWithBytes:impulseBuffer length:(sampleCount * channelCount * sizeof(float))];
@synchronized(self.cacheObjects) {
[self.cacheObjects addObject:obj];
return obj;
- (const float *)getImpulse:(NSURL *)url sampleCount:(int *)retSampleCount channelCount:(int *)retImpulseChannels sampleRate:(double)sampleRate {
BOOL impulseFound = NO;
const float *impulseData = NULL;
double sampleRateOfSource = 0;
int sampleCount = 0;
int impulseChannels = 0;
impulseCacheObject *cacheObject = nil;
@synchronized(self.cacheObjects) {
for(impulseCacheObject *obj in self.cacheObjects) {
if([obj.URL isEqualTo:url] &&
obj.targetSampleRate == sampleRate) {
*retSampleCount = obj.sampleCount;
*retImpulseChannels = obj.channelCount;
return (const float *)[obj.data bytes];
for(impulseCacheObject *obj in self.cacheObjects) {
if([obj.URL isEqualTo:url] &&
obj.sampleRate == obj.targetSampleRate) {
impulseData = (const float *)[obj.data bytes];
sampleCount = obj.sampleCount;
impulseChannels = obj.channelCount;
sampleRateOfSource = obj.sampleRate;
impulseFound = YES;
if(!impulseFound) {
id<CogSource> source = [AudioSource audioSourceForURL:url];
return NULL;
if(![source open:url])
return NULL;
id<CogDecoder> decoder = [AudioDecoder audioDecoderForSource:source];
if(decoder == nil) {
[source close];
source = nil;
return NULL;
if(![decoder open:source]) {
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return NULL;
NSDictionary *properties = [decoder properties];
sampleRateOfSource = [[properties objectForKey:@"sampleRate"] floatValue];
sampleCount = [[properties objectForKey:@"totalFrames"] intValue];
impulseChannels = [[properties objectForKey:@"channels"] intValue];
if([[properties objectForKey:@"floatingPoint"] boolValue] != YES ||
[[properties objectForKey:@"bitsPerSample"] intValue] != 32 ||
!([[properties objectForKey:@"endian"] isEqualToString:@"host"] ||
[[properties objectForKey:@"endian"] isEqualToString:@"little"]) ||
(impulseChannels != 14 && impulseChannels != 7)) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return NULL;
float *impulseBuffer = (float *)_memalign_malloc(sampleCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!impulseBuffer) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return NULL;
if([decoder readAudio:impulseBuffer frames:sampleCount] != sampleCount) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return NULL;
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
cacheObject = [self addImpulse:url sampleCount:sampleCount channelCount:impulseChannels originalSampleRate:sampleRateOfSource targetSampleRate:sampleRateOfSource impulseBuffer:impulseBuffer];
impulseData = (const float *)[cacheObject.data bytes];
if(sampleRateOfSource != sampleRate) {
double sampleRatio = sampleRate / sampleRateOfSource;
int resampledCount = (int)ceil((double)sampleCount * sampleRatio);
r8bstate *_r8bstate = new r8bstate(impulseChannels, 1024, sampleRateOfSource, sampleRate);
unsigned long PRIME_LEN_ = MAX(sampleRateOfSource / 20, 1024u);
unsigned int N_samples_to_add_ = sampleRateOfSource;
unsigned int N_samples_to_drop_ = sampleRate;
samples_len(&N_samples_to_add_, &N_samples_to_drop_, 20, 8192u);
int resamplerLatencyIn = (int)N_samples_to_add_;
int resamplerLatencyOut = (int)N_samples_to_drop_;
float *tempImpulse = (float *)_memalign_malloc((sampleCount + resamplerLatencyIn * 2 + 1024) * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!tempImpulse) {
return nil;
resampledCount += resamplerLatencyOut * 2 + 1024;
float *resampledImpulse = (float *)_memalign_malloc(resampledCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!resampledImpulse) {
return nil;
size_t prime = MIN(sampleCount, PRIME_LEN_);
void *extrapolate_buffer = NULL;
size_t extrapolate_buffer_size = 0;
memcpy(tempImpulse + resamplerLatencyIn * impulseChannels, impulseData, sampleCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels);
lpc_extrapolate_bkwd(tempImpulse + N_samples_to_add_ * impulseChannels, sampleCount, prime, impulseChannels, LPC_ORDER, N_samples_to_add_, &extrapolate_buffer, &extrapolate_buffer_size);
lpc_extrapolate_fwd(tempImpulse + N_samples_to_add_ * impulseChannels, sampleCount, prime, impulseChannels, LPC_ORDER, N_samples_to_add_, &extrapolate_buffer, &extrapolate_buffer_size);
size_t inputDone = 0;
size_t outputDone = 0;
outputDone = _r8bstate->resample(tempImpulse, sampleCount + N_samples_to_add_ * 2, &inputDone, resampledImpulse, resampledCount);
if(outputDone < resampledCount) {
outputDone += _r8bstate->flush(resampledImpulse + outputDone * impulseChannels, resampledCount - outputDone);
delete _r8bstate;
outputDone -= N_samples_to_drop_ * 2;
// Do this instead of the memmove
float *resampledImpulseData = resampledImpulse + N_samples_to_drop_ * impulseChannels;
/*memmove(resampledImpulse, resampledImpulse + N_samples_to_drop_ * impulseChannels, outputDone * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels);*/
sampleCount = (int)outputDone;
// Normalize resampled impulse by sample ratio
float fSampleRatio = (float)sampleRatio;
vDSP_vsdiv(resampledImpulseData, 1, &fSampleRatio, resampledImpulseData, 1, sampleCount * impulseChannels);
cacheObject = [self addImpulse:url sampleCount:sampleCount channelCount:impulseChannels originalSampleRate:sampleRateOfSource targetSampleRate:sampleRate impulseBuffer:resampledImpulseData];
impulseData = (const float *)[cacheObject.data bytes];
*retSampleCount = sampleCount;
*retImpulseChannels = impulseChannels;
return impulseData;
@implementation HeadphoneFilter
enum {
@ -131,138 +378,13 @@ static const int8_t speakers_to_hesuvi_14[11][2] = {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
id<CogSource> source = [AudioSource audioSourceForURL:url];
return nil;
if(![source open:url])
return nil;
id<CogDecoder> decoder = [AudioDecoder audioDecoderForSource:source];
if(decoder == nil) {
[source close];
source = nil;
return nil;
if(![decoder open:source]) {
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return nil;
NSDictionary *properties = [decoder properties];
double sampleRateOfSource = [[properties objectForKey:@"sampleRate"] floatValue];
int sampleCount = [[properties objectForKey:@"totalFrames"] intValue];
int impulseChannels = [[properties objectForKey:@"channels"] intValue];
if([[properties objectForKey:@"floatingPoint"] boolValue] != YES ||
[[properties objectForKey:@"bitsPerSample"] intValue] != 32 ||
!([[properties objectForKey:@"endian"] isEqualToString:@"host"] ||
[[properties objectForKey:@"endian"] isEqualToString:@"little"]) ||
(impulseChannels != 14 && impulseChannels != 7)) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return nil;
float *impulseBuffer = (float *)_memalign_malloc(sampleCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
int sampleCount = 0;
int impulseChannels = 0;
const float *impulseBuffer = [[impulseCache sharedController] getImpulse:url sampleCount:&sampleCount channelCount:&impulseChannels sampleRate:sampleRate];
if(!impulseBuffer) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return nil;
if([decoder readAudio:impulseBuffer frames:sampleCount] != sampleCount) {
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
return nil;
[decoder close];
decoder = nil;
[source close];
source = nil;
if(sampleRateOfSource != sampleRate) {
double sampleRatio = sampleRate / sampleRateOfSource;
int resampledCount = (int)ceil((double)sampleCount * sampleRatio);
r8bstate *_r8bstate = new r8bstate(impulseChannels, 1024, sampleRateOfSource, sampleRate);
unsigned long PRIME_LEN_ = MAX(sampleRateOfSource / 20, 1024u);
unsigned int N_samples_to_add_ = sampleRateOfSource;
unsigned int N_samples_to_drop_ = sampleRate;
samples_len(&N_samples_to_add_, &N_samples_to_drop_, 20, 8192u);
int resamplerLatencyIn = (int)N_samples_to_add_;
int resamplerLatencyOut = (int)N_samples_to_drop_;
float *tempImpulse = (float *)_memalign_malloc((sampleCount + resamplerLatencyIn * 2 + 1024) * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!tempImpulse) {
return nil;
resampledCount += resamplerLatencyOut * 2 + 1024;
float *resampledImpulse = (float *)_memalign_malloc(resampledCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!resampledImpulse) {
return nil;
size_t prime = MIN(sampleCount, PRIME_LEN_);
void *extrapolate_buffer = NULL;
size_t extrapolate_buffer_size = 0;
memcpy(tempImpulse + resamplerLatencyIn * impulseChannels, impulseBuffer, sampleCount * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels);
lpc_extrapolate_bkwd(tempImpulse + N_samples_to_add_ * impulseChannels, sampleCount, prime, impulseChannels, LPC_ORDER, N_samples_to_add_, &extrapolate_buffer, &extrapolate_buffer_size);
lpc_extrapolate_fwd(tempImpulse + N_samples_to_add_ * impulseChannels, sampleCount, prime, impulseChannels, LPC_ORDER, N_samples_to_add_, &extrapolate_buffer, &extrapolate_buffer_size);
size_t inputDone = 0;
size_t outputDone = 0;
outputDone = _r8bstate->resample(tempImpulse, sampleCount + N_samples_to_add_ * 2, &inputDone, resampledImpulse, resampledCount);
if (outputDone < resampledCount) {
outputDone += _r8bstate->flush(resampledImpulse + outputDone * impulseChannels, resampledCount - outputDone);
delete _r8bstate;
outputDone -= N_samples_to_drop_ * 2;
memmove(resampledImpulse, resampledImpulse + N_samples_to_drop_ * impulseChannels, outputDone * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels);
impulseBuffer = resampledImpulse;
sampleCount = (int)outputDone;
// Normalize resampled impulse by sample ratio
float fSampleRatio = (float)sampleRatio;
vDSP_vsdiv(impulseBuffer, 1, &fSampleRatio, impulseBuffer, 1, sampleCount * impulseChannels);
channelCount = channels;
bufferSize = 512;
@ -277,7 +399,6 @@ static const int8_t speakers_to_hesuvi_14[11][2] = {
float *deinterleavedImpulseBuffer = (float *)_memalign_malloc(fftSize * sizeof(float) * impulseChannels, 16);
if(!deinterleavedImpulseBuffer) {
return nil;
@ -286,8 +407,6 @@ static const int8_t speakers_to_hesuvi_14[11][2] = {
vDSP_vclr(deinterleavedImpulseBuffer + i * fftSize + sampleCount, 1, fftSize - sampleCount);
paddedBufferSize = fftSize;
fftSizeOver2 = (fftSize + 1) / 2;
const size_t fftSizeOver2Plus1 = fftSizeOver2 + 1; // DFT float overwrites plus one, double doesn't
Reference in New Issue