Updated VGMStream to r1050-2637-gd871302c
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ void decode_ngc_afc(VGMSTREAMCHANNEL *stream, sample_t *outbuf, int channelspaci
bytes_per_frame = 0x09;
samples_per_frame = (bytes_per_frame - 0x01) * 2; /* always 16 */
frames_in = first_sample / samples_per_frame;
first_sample = first_sample % samples_per_frame; /* for flat/blocked layout */
/* parse frame header */
frame_offset = stream->offset + bytes_per_frame * frames_in;
@ -535,16 +535,97 @@ fail:
return NULL;
/* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in older 7th gen games for storing music */
/* open map/mpf+mus pairs that aren't exact pairs, since EA's games can load any combo */
static STREAMFILE *open_mapfile_pair(STREAMFILE *streamFile, int track, int num_tracks) {
static const char *const mapfile_pairs[][2] = {
/* standard cases, replace map part with mus part (from the end to preserve prefixes) */
{"FreSkate.mpf", "track.mus,ram.mus"}, /* Skate It */
{"nsf_sing.mpf", "track_main.mus"}, /* Need for Speed: Nitro */
{"nsf_wii.mpf", "Track.mus"}, /* Need for Speed: Nitro */
{"ssx_fe.mpf", "stream_1.mus,stream_2.mus"}, /* SSX 2012 */
{"ssxdd.mpf", "main_trk.mus," /* SSX 2012 */
char file_name[PATH_LIMIT];
int pair_count = (sizeof(mapfile_pairs) / sizeof(mapfile_pairs[0]));
int i, j;
size_t file_len, map_len;
/* if there's only one track, try opening MUS with the same name first (most common scenario) */
if (num_tracks == 1) {
musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus");
if (musFile) return musFile;
get_streamfile_filename(streamFile, file_name, PATH_LIMIT);
file_len = strlen(file_name);
for (i = 0; i < pair_count; i++) {
const char *map_name = mapfile_pairs[i][0];
const char *mus_name = mapfile_pairs[i][1];
char buf[PATH_LIMIT] = {0};
char *pch;
map_len = strlen(map_name);
/* replace map_name with expected mus_name */
if (file_len < map_len)
if (strncasecmp(file_name + (file_len - map_len), map_name, map_len) != 0)
strncpy(buf, mus_name, map_len);
pch = strtok(buf, ","); //TODO: not thread safe in std C
for (j = 0; j < track && pch; j++) {
pch = strtok(NULL, ",");
if (!pch)
file_name[file_len - map_len] = '\0';
strcat(file_name, pch);
musFile = open_streamfile_by_filename(streamFile, file_name);
if (musFile) return musFile;
get_streamfile_filename(streamFile, file_name, PATH_LIMIT); /* reset for next loop */
/* hack when when multiple maps point to the same mus, uses name before "+"
* ex. ZZZTR00A.TRJ+ZTR00PGR.MAP or ZZZTR00A.TRJ+ZTR00R0A.MAP both point to ZZZTR00A.TRJ */
char *mod_name = strchr(file_name, '+');
if (mod_name) {
mod_name[0] = '\0';
musFile = open_streamfile_by_filename(streamFile, file_name);
if (musFile) return musFile;
VGM_LOG("No MPF/MUS pair specified for %s.\n", file_name);
return NULL;
/* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in older 7th gen games for storing interactive music */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
uint32_t num_sounds;
uint32_t num_tracks, track_start, track_hash, mus_sounds, mus_stream = 0;
uint8_t version, sub_version, block_id;
off_t table_offset, entry_offset, snr_offset, sns_offset;
/* size_t snr_size sns_size; */
off_t tracks_table, samples_table, eof_offset, table_offset, entry_offset, snr_offset, sns_offset;
int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL;
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index;
int i;
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index, total_streams, is_ram = 0;
/* check extension */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "mpf"))
@ -553,30 +634,93 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* detect endianness */
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x50464478) { /* "PFDx" */
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
} else if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x78444650) { /* "xDFP" */
} else if (read_32bitLE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x50464478) { /* "xDFP" */
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
} else {
goto fail;
musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus");
if (!musFile) goto fail;
/* MPF format is unchanged but we don't really care about its contents since
* MUS conveniently contains sound offset table */
version = read_8bit(0x04, streamFile);
sub_version = read_8bit(0x05, streamFile);
if (version != 0x05 || sub_version != 0x03) goto fail;
if (version != 5 || sub_version < 2 || sub_version > 3) goto fail;
/* number of files is always little endian */
num_sounds = read_32bitLE(0x04, musFile);
table_offset = 0x28;
num_tracks = read_8bit(0x0d, streamFile);
tracks_table = read_32bit(0x2c, streamFile);
samples_table = read_32bit(0x34, streamFile);
eof_offset = read_32bit(0x38, streamFile);
total_streams = (eof_offset - samples_table) / 0x08;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || num_sounds == 0 || target_stream > num_sounds)
if (target_stream < 0 || total_streams == 0 || target_stream > total_streams)
goto fail;
for (i = num_tracks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
entry_offset = read_32bit(tracks_table + i * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
track_start = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile);
if (track_start <= target_stream - 1) {
track_hash = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile);
is_ram = (track_hash == 0xF1F1F1F1);
/* checks to distinguish it from older versions */
if (is_ram) {
if (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) != 0x00)
goto fail;
track_hash = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x14, streamFile);
if (track_hash == 0xF1F1F1F1)
continue; /* empty track */
} else {
if (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) == 0x00)
goto fail;
mus_stream = target_stream - 1 - track_start;
/* open MUS file that matches this track */
musFile = open_mapfile_pair(streamFile, i, num_tracks);
if (!musFile)
goto fail;
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, musFile) != track_hash)
goto fail;
/* sample offsets table is still there but it just holds SNS offsets, it's of little use to us */
/* MUS file has a header, however */
if (sub_version == 2) {
if (read_32bit(0x04, musFile) != 0x00)
goto fail;
* 0x00: flags? index?
* 0x04: SNR offset
* 0x08: SNS offset (contains garbage for RAM sounds)
table_offset = 0x08;
entry_offset = table_offset + mus_stream * 0x0c;
snr_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x04, musFile);
if (is_ram) {
sns_offset = snr_offset + get_snr_size(musFile, snr_offset);
} else {
sns_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x08, musFile);
} else if (sub_version == 3) {
/* number of files is always little endian */
mus_sounds = read_32bitLE(0x04, musFile);
if (mus_stream >= mus_sounds)
goto fail;
if (is_ram) {
/* not seen so far */
VGM_LOG("Found RAM SNR in MPF v5.3.\n");
goto fail;
* 0x00: hash?
* 0x04: index
@ -587,13 +731,13 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
* 0x14: SNS size
* 0x18: zero
entry_offset = table_offset + (target_stream - 1) * 0x1c;
table_offset = 0x28;
entry_offset = table_offset + mus_stream * 0x1c;
snr_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x08, musFile) * 0x10;
sns_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x0c, musFile) * 0x80;
snr_size = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x10, musFile);
sns_size = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x14, musFile);
} else {
goto fail;
block_id = read_8bit(sns_offset, musFile);
if (block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_DATA && block_id != EAAC_BLOCKID0_END)
@ -603,7 +747,8 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus_eaac(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = num_sounds;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_streams;
get_streamfile_filename(musFile, vgmstream->stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE);
return vgmstream;
@ -623,13 +623,18 @@ fail:
/* open map/mpf+mus pairs that aren't exact pairs, since EA's games can load any combo */
static STREAMFILE* open_mapfile_pair(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
static STREAMFILE* open_mapfile_pair(STREAMFILE *streamFile, int track, int num_tracks) {
static const char *const mapfile_pairs[][2] = {
/* standard cases, replace map part with mus part (from the end to preserve prefixes) */
{"MUS_CTRL.MPF","MUS_STR.MUS"}, /* GoldenEye - Rogue Agent (PS2) */
{"mus_ctrl.mpf","mus_str.mus"}, /* GoldenEye - Rogue Agent (others) */
{".mpf","_main.mus"}, /* 007 - Everything or Nothing (GC) */
{"AKA_Mus.mpf","Track.mus"}, /* Boogie (PS2) */
{"mus_ctrl.mpf", "mus_str.mus"}, /* GoldenEye - Rogue Agent */
{"AKA_Mus.mpf", "Track.mus"}, /* Boogie */
{"SSX4.mpf", "moments0.mus,main.mus,load_loop0.mus"}, /* SSX Blur */
{"willow.mpf", "willow.mus,willow_o.mus"}, /* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets */
{"exterior.mpf", "exterior.mus,ext_o.mus"}, /* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets */
{"Peak1Amb.mpf", "Peak1_Strm.mus,Peak1_Ovr0.mus"}, /* SSX 3 */
{"Peak2Amb.mpf", "Peak2_Strm.mus,Peak2_Ovr0.mus"},
{"Peak3Amb.mpf", "Peak3_Strm.mus,Peak3_Ovr0.mus"},
{".mpf", "_main.mus"}, /* 007 - Everything or Nothing */
//TODO: improve pairs (needs better wildcard support)
/* ZTRxxROK.MAP > ZTRxx.TRJ */
@ -639,53 +644,73 @@ static STREAMFILE* open_mapfile_pair(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
/* other extra files that may need the hack below */
/* hack when when multiple maps point to the same mus, uses name before "+"
* ex. ZZZTR00A.TRJ+ZTR00PGR.MAP or ZZZTR00A.TRJ+ZTR00R0A.MAP both point to ZZZTR00A.TRJ */
{"+",""}, /* Need for Speed III (PS1) */
char file_name[PATH_LIMIT];
int pair_count = (sizeof(mapfile_pairs)/sizeof(mapfile_pairs[0]));
int i;
int i, j;
size_t file_len, map_len;
/* if there's only one track, try opening MUS with the same name first (most common scenario) */
if (num_tracks == 1) {
musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus");
if (musFile) return musFile;
get_streamfile_filename(streamFile, file_name, PATH_LIMIT);
file_len = strlen(file_name);
for (i = 0; i < pair_count; i++) {
const char *map_name = mapfile_pairs[i][0];
const char *mus_name = mapfile_pairs[i][1];
char buf[PATH_LIMIT] = {0};
char *pch;
map_len = strlen(map_name);
if (map_name[0] == '+') {
/* use name before "+" */
char *mod_name = strchr(file_name, '+');
if (mod_name == NULL)
mod_name[0] = '\0';
else {
/* replace map_name with expected mus_name */
if (file_len < map_len)
if (strncmp(file_name+(file_len - map_len), map_name, map_len) != 0)
if (strncasecmp(file_name + (file_len - map_len), map_name, map_len) != 0)
file_name[file_len - map_len] = '\0';
strcat(file_name, mus_name);
strncpy(buf, mus_name, map_len);
pch = strtok(buf, ","); //TODO: not thread safe in std C
for (j = 0; j < track && pch; j++) {
pch = strtok(NULL, ",");
if (!pch)
file_name[file_len - map_len] = '\0';
strcat(file_name, pch);
musFile = open_streamfile_by_filename(streamFile, file_name);
if (musFile) return musFile;
get_streamfile_filename(streamFile, file_name, PATH_LIMIT); /* reset for next loop */
/* hack when when multiple maps point to the same mus, uses name before "+"
* [Need for Speed II (PS1), Need for Speed III (PS1)] */
char *mod_name = strchr(file_name, '+');
if (mod_name)
mod_name[0] = '\0';
musFile = open_streamfile_by_filename(streamFile, file_name);
if (musFile) return musFile;
VGM_LOG("No MPF/MUS pair specified for %s.\n", file_name);
return NULL;
/* EA MAP/MUS combo - used in older games for interactive music (for EA's PathFinder tool) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_map_mus(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
uint8_t version, num_sounds, num_userdata, userdata_size;
uint8_t version, num_sounds, num_events, num_sections;
off_t section_offset, schl_offset;
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL;
@ -702,37 +727,34 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_map_mus(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
version = read_8bit(0x04, streamFile);
if (version > 1) goto fail;
musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus");
if (!musFile) {
musFile = open_mapfile_pair(streamFile);
musFile = open_mapfile_pair(streamFile, 0, 1);
if (!musFile) goto fail;
* 0x04: version
* 0x05: intro segment
* 0x06: number of segments
* 0x07: userdata entry size (incorrect?)
* 0x05: starting node
* 0x06: number of nodes
* 0x07: number of sections
* 0x08: three zeroes
* 0x0b: number of userdata entries
* 0x0c: section 1 start
* 0x0b: number of events
* 0x0c: data start
num_sounds = read_8bit(0x06, streamFile);
userdata_size = read_8bit(0x07, streamFile);
num_userdata = read_8bit(0x0b, streamFile);
num_sections = read_8bit(0x07, streamFile);
num_events = read_8bit(0x0b, streamFile);
section_offset = 0x0c;
/* section 1: contains information about segment playback order */
/* section 1: nodes, contains information about segment playback order */
section_offset += num_sounds * 0x1c;
/* section 2: userdata, specific to game and track */
section_offset += num_userdata * userdata_size;
/* section 2: events, specific to game and track */
section_offset += num_events * num_sections;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || num_sounds == 0 || target_stream > num_sounds)
goto fail;
/* section 3: sound offset table */
/* section 3: samples */
schl_offset = read_32bitBE(section_offset + (target_stream - 1) * 0x04, streamFile);
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, musFile) != EA_BLOCKID_HEADER)
goto fail;
@ -750,17 +772,18 @@ fail:
return NULL;
/* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in newer 6th gen games for interactive music (for EA's PathFinder tool) */
/* EA MPF/MUS combo - used in 6th gen games for interactive music (for EA's PathFinder tool) */
VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
off_t section_offset, entry_offset, subentry_num, eof_offset, off_mult, schl_offset;
size_t sec2_size;
uint16_t sec1_num;
uint8_t version, sub_version, sec2_num, sec3_num, sec4_num;
off_t tracks_table, samples_table, section_offset, entry_offset, eof_offset, off_mult, sound_offset;
uint32_t track_start, track_hash = 0;
uint16_t num_nodes;
uint8_t version, sub_version, num_tracks, num_sections, num_events, num_routers, num_vars, subentry_num;
int32_t(*read_32bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
int16_t(*read_16bit)(off_t, STREAMFILE*);
VGMSTREAM *vgmstream = NULL;
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index, total_streams, big_endian;
int i;
int target_stream = streamFile->stream_index, total_streams, big_endian, is_bnk = 0;
/* check extension */
if (!check_extensions(streamFile, "mpf"))
@ -771,7 +794,7 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
read_32bit = read_32bitBE;
read_16bit = read_16bitBE;
big_endian = 1;
} else if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x78444650) { /* "xDFP" */
} else if (read_32bitLE(0x00, streamFile) == 0x50464478) { /* "xDFP" */
read_32bit = read_32bitLE;
read_16bit = read_16bitLE;
big_endian = 0;
@ -785,122 +808,162 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_ea_mpf_mus(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if (version < 3 || version > 5) goto fail;
if (version == 5 && sub_version > 2) goto fail; /* newer version using SNR/SNS */
musFile = open_streamfile_by_ext(streamFile, "mus");
if (!musFile) {
musFile = open_mapfile_pair(streamFile);
if (!musFile) goto fail;
num_tracks = read_8bit(0x0d, streamFile);
num_sections = read_8bit(0x0e, streamFile);
num_events = read_8bit(0x0f, streamFile);
num_routers = read_8bit(0x10, streamFile);
num_vars = read_8bit(0x11, streamFile);
num_nodes = read_16bit(0x12, streamFile);
/* HACK: number of sub-entries is stored in bitstreams that are different in LE and BE */
/* HACK: number of sub-entries for nodes and events is stored in bitstreams that are different in LE and BE */
/* I can't figure it out, so let's just use a workaround for now */
if (version == 3 && sub_version == 1) { /* SSX Tricky */
/* we need to go through the first two sections to find the sound table */
sec1_num = read_16bit(0x12, streamFile);
sec2_size = read_8bit(0x0d, streamFile) * read_8bit(0x0e, streamFile);
sec2_num = read_8bit(0x0f, streamFile);
sec3_num = read_8bit(0x10, streamFile);
sec4_num = read_8bit(0x11, streamFile);
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (version == 3)
/* SSX Tricky (v3.1), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (v3.4) */ {
/* we need to go through all the sections to get to the samples table */
/* get the last entry offset */
section_offset = 0x24;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (sec1_num - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (num_nodes - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
if (sub_version == 1) {
subentry_num = read_8bit(entry_offset + 0x0b, streamFile);
section_offset = entry_offset + 0x0c + subentry_num * 0x04;
section_offset += align_size_to_block(sec2_num * sec2_size, 0x04);
section_offset += sec3_num * 0x04;
section_offset += sec4_num * 0x04;
entry_offset = read_32bit(section_offset, streamFile) * 0x04;
section_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile) * 0x04;
eof_offset = get_streamfile_size(streamFile);
total_streams = (eof_offset - section_offset) / 0x08;
off_mult = 0x04;
} else if (version == 3 && sub_version == 4) { /* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets */
/* we need to go through the first two sections to find the sound table */
sec1_num = read_16bit(0x12, streamFile);
sec2_size = read_8bit(0x0d, streamFile) * read_8bit(0x0e, streamFile);
sec2_num = read_8bit(0x0f, streamFile);
sec3_num = read_8bit(0x10, streamFile);
sec4_num = read_8bit(0x11, streamFile);
/* get the last entry offset */
section_offset = 0x24;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (sec1_num - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
} else if (sub_version == 4) {
if (big_endian) {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 19) & 0xFF;
} else {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 16) & 0xFF;
} else {
goto fail;
section_offset = entry_offset + 0x0c + subentry_num * 0x04;
section_offset += align_size_to_block(sec2_num * sec2_size, 0x04);
section_offset += sec3_num * 0x04;
section_offset += sec4_num * 0x04;
entry_offset = read_32bit(section_offset, streamFile) * 0x04;
section_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile) * 0x04;
eof_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
total_streams = (eof_offset - section_offset) / 0x08;
section_offset += align_size_to_block(num_events * num_tracks * num_sections, 0x04);
section_offset += num_routers * 0x04;
section_offset += num_vars * 0x04;
tracks_table = read_32bit(section_offset, streamFile) * 0x04;
samples_table = tracks_table + (num_tracks + 1) * 0x04;
for (i = num_tracks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
track_start = read_32bit(tracks_table + i * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
track_start = (track_start - samples_table) / 0x08;
if (track_start <= target_stream - 1)
eof_offset = read_32bit(tracks_table + num_tracks * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
total_streams = (eof_offset - samples_table) / 0x08;
off_mult = 0x04;
} else if (version == 4) { /* SSX 3, Need for Speed: Underground 2 */
/* we need to go through the first two sections to find the sound table */
sec1_num = read_16bit(0x12, streamFile);
sec2_num = read_8bit(0x0f, streamFile);
sec3_num = read_8bit(0x10, streamFile);
sec4_num = read_8bit(0x11, streamFile);
} else if (version == 4) {
/* Need for Speed: Underground 2, SSX 3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban */
/* we need to go through all the sections to get to the samples table */
/* get the last entry offset */
section_offset = 0x20;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (sec1_num - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (num_nodes - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
if (big_endian) {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 15) & 0xFF;
} else {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) >> 20) & 0xFF;
section_offset = entry_offset + 0x10 + subentry_num * 0x04;
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (sec2_num - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
/* get the last entry offset */
entry_offset = (uint16_t)read_16bit(section_offset + (num_events - 1) * 0x02, streamFile) * 0x04;
if (big_endian) {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) >> 10) & 0xFF;
} else {
subentry_num = (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) >> 8) & 0xFF;
section_offset = entry_offset + 0x10 + subentry_num * 0x10;
entry_offset = read_32bit(section_offset, streamFile) * 0x04;
entry_offset += sec3_num * 0x04;
entry_offset += sec4_num * 0x04;
/* TODO: verify this */
section_offset = read_32bit(section_offset, streamFile) * 0x04;
section_offset += num_routers * 0x04;
section_offset += num_vars * 0x04;
tracks_table = section_offset;
samples_table = tracks_table + (num_tracks + 1) * 0x04;
section_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile) * 0x04;
eof_offset = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
total_streams = (eof_offset - section_offset) / 0x08;
for (i = num_tracks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
track_start = read_32bit(tracks_table + i * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
track_start = (track_start - samples_table) / 0x08;
if (track_start <= target_stream - 1)
eof_offset = read_32bit(tracks_table + num_tracks * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
total_streams = (eof_offset - samples_table) / 0x08;
off_mult = 0x80;
} else if (version == 5) { /* Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Carbon */
section_offset = read_32bit(0x34, streamFile);
} else if (version == 5) {
/* Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Carbon */
tracks_table = read_32bit(0x2c, streamFile);
samples_table = read_32bit(0x34, streamFile);
for (i = num_tracks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
entry_offset = read_32bit(tracks_table + i * 0x04, streamFile) * 0x04;
track_start = read_32bit(entry_offset + 0x00, streamFile);
if (track_start <= target_stream - 1) {
track_hash = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x08, streamFile);
is_bnk = (track_hash == 0xF1F1F1F1);
/* checks to distinguish it from SNR/SNS version */
if (is_bnk) {
if (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) == 0x00)
goto fail;
track_hash = read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x14, streamFile);
if (track_hash == 0xF1F1F1F1)
continue; /* empty track */
} else {
if (read_32bitBE(entry_offset + 0x0c, streamFile) != 0x00)
goto fail;
eof_offset = read_32bit(0x38, streamFile);
total_streams = (eof_offset - section_offset) / 0x08;
total_streams = (eof_offset - samples_table) / 0x08;
off_mult = 0x80;
} else {
goto fail;
if (target_stream == 0) target_stream = 1;
if (target_stream < 0 || total_streams == 0 || target_stream > total_streams)
goto fail;
schl_offset = read_32bit(section_offset + (target_stream - 1) * 0x08 + 0x00, streamFile) * off_mult;
if (read_32bitBE(schl_offset, musFile) != EA_BLOCKID_HEADER)
/* open MUS file that matches this track */
musFile = open_mapfile_pair(streamFile, i, num_tracks);
if (!musFile)
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(musFile, schl_offset, 0);
if (version == 5) {
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, musFile) != track_hash)
goto fail;
} else {
is_bnk = (read_32bitBE(0x00, musFile) == (big_endian ? EA_BNK_HEADER_BE : EA_BNK_HEADER_LE));
/* 0x00 - offset/BNK index, 0x04 - duration (in milliseconds) */
if (is_bnk) {
/* TODO: Harry Potter COS appears to reference only the first segments of multi-segment BNK sounds? */
sound_offset = read_32bit(samples_table + (target_stream - 1) * 0x08 + 0x00, streamFile);
vgmstream = parse_bnk_header(musFile, version < 5 ? 0x00 : 0x100, sound_offset, 1);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
} else {
sound_offset = read_32bit(samples_table + (target_stream - 1) * 0x08 + 0x00, streamFile) * off_mult;
if (read_32bitBE(sound_offset, musFile) != EA_BLOCKID_HEADER)
goto fail;
vgmstream = parse_schl_block(musFile, sound_offset, 0);
if (!vgmstream)
goto fail;
vgmstream->num_streams = total_streams;
get_streamfile_filename(musFile, vgmstream->stream_name, STREAM_NAME_SIZE);
return vgmstream;
@ -329,12 +329,13 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_riff(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
* (extensionless): Myst III (Xbox)
* .sbv: Spongebob Squarepants - The Movie (PC)
* .wvx: Godzilla - Destroy All Monsters Melee (Xbox)
* .str: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Xbox)
* .at3: standard ATRAC3
* .rws: Climax games (Silent Hill Origins PSP, Oblivion PSP) ATRAC3
* .aud: EA Replay ATRAC3
* .at9: standard ATRAC9
if ( check_extensions(streamFile, "wav,lwav,xwav,da,dax,cd,med,snd,adx,adp,xss,xsew,adpcm,adw,wd,,sbv,wvx,at3,rws,aud,at9") ) {
if ( check_extensions(streamFile, "wav,lwav,xwav,da,dax,cd,med,snd,adx,adp,xss,xsew,adpcm,adw,wd,,sbv,wvx,str,at3,rws,aud,at9") ) {
else if ( check_extensions(streamFile, "mwv") ) {
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ VGMSTREAM * init_vgmstream_xma(STREAMFILE *streamFile) {
if ( !check_extensions(streamFile, "xma,xma2,nps,str") )
goto fail;
/* check header */
if (read_32bitBE(0x00, streamFile) != 0x52494646) /* "RIFF" */
goto fail;
size_t file_size = streamFile->get_size(streamFile);
size_t riff_size = read_32bitLE(0x04,streamFile);
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ fail:
static int parse_xsb_old_cues(xsb_header *xsb, STREAMFILE *sf) {
int32_t (*read_s32)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = xsb->big_endian ? read_s32be : read_s32le;
int16_t (*read_s16)(off_t,STREAMFILE*) = xsb->big_endian ? read_s16be : read_s16le;
uint16_t flags;
//uint16_t flags;
int cue_entry;
off_t offset, name_offset, jump_offset;
int i, j, table_count;
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static int parse_xsb_old_cues(xsb_header *xsb, STREAMFILE *sf) {
for (i = 0; i < xsb->simple_cues_count; i++) {
/*** cue index ***/
flags = read_s16(offset + 0x00, sf); /* 0 is normal, 2 exists and 8 often goes with -1 (random) entry */
//flags = read_s16(offset + 0x00, sf); /* 0 is normal, 2 exists and 8 often goes with -1 (random) entry */
cue_entry = read_s16(offset + 0x02, sf);
name_offset = read_s32(offset + 0x04, sf);
/* 0x08: table offset, or -1 */
Reference in New Issue