Cog Audio converter: Fix end of track flush and extrapolation

Christopher Snowhill 2022-01-11 19:37:17 -08:00
parent 8a91bc1d09
commit f44e4e793b
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -400,9 +400,10 @@ static void extrapolate(float *buffer, size_t channels, size_t frameSize, size_t
char writeBuf[CHUNK_SIZE];
while ([self shouldContinue] == YES && [self endOfStream] == NO) //Need to watch EOS somehow....
while ([self shouldContinue] == YES) //Need to watch EOS somehow....
int amountConverted = [self convert:writeBuf amount:CHUNK_SIZE];
if (!amountConverted) break;
[self writeData:writeBuf amount:amountConverted];
@ -457,17 +458,20 @@ tryagain:
ioNumberPackets = (int)resampler->latency(resampler_data);
newSize = ioNumberPackets * floatFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
newSize += inpSize;
if (!inputBuffer || inputBufferSize < newSize)
inputBuffer = realloc( inputBuffer, inputBufferSize = newSize * 64);
inputBuffer = realloc( inputBuffer, inputBufferSize = newSize * 3);
extrapolateEnd = ioNumberPackets;
// Extrapolate end samples
if (inpSize)
extrapolate( inputBuffer, floatFormat.mChannelsPerFrame, inpSize / floatFormat.mBytesPerPacket, extrapolateEnd, NO);
inpSize = newSize;
inpOffset = 0;
inpOffset = inpSize;
inpSize += extrapolateEnd * floatFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
latencyPostfill = YES;