Added a string dictionary for deduplication of metadata, and actually
initialize both it and the art dictionary on startup, so they actually
work like they should.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Art ID should be set on new files when they are stored into the
database, and the album art property should be affected by assigning to
the artId property, since it affects the caching identifier.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Now cache around NSData objects of individual pieces of album art,
unique by their byte contents. And the artwork image cacher will also
use the art ID keys from the database as the cache keys for NSImages,
so they'll not only be only read once per unique image, but also tracks
can have unique artwork per track, if the files so feature it.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Where TagLib is not being employed, use FFmpeg to read tags where
possible. This allows reading tags from files like IFF. It reads it
through properties, otherwise allowing tag readers to function like
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Now it should flow playback correctly to the next remaining track after
the block of deleted tracks. And if the user deletes the next queued
track, it will still be queued to flow past the deleted block. If the
user undoes their deletes and restores the tracks, playback will resume
after the originally deleted track.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
This fixes the dynamic length field not updating correctly after a track
info reload, which breaks the seekbar when reloading the current track.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
For Playlist Entries that are not File URLs, return the full absolute
URL for path queries, so the playlist path column will show the full
URL instead of a useless reduced path string.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
- Display playlist total duration in units up to weeks and down to just seconds, and only pluralize units as necessary
- Major change: Implemented a SQLite disk backed playlist, track data, and queue storage system, which will be synchronized from the player in real time, and will hopefully survive system or app crashes. Existing plist playlist will be imported on first run, and removed on shutdown.