The output now uses AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer to play all formats, and
uses that to resample. It also supports Spatial Audio on macOS 12.0 or
newer. Note that there are some outstanding bugs with Spatial Audio
support. Namely that it appears to be limited to only 192 kHz at mono or
stereo, or 352800 Hz at surround configurations. This breaks DSD64
playback at stereo formats, as well as possibly other things. This is
entirely an Apple bug. I have reported it to Apple with reference code
FB10441301 for reference, in case anyone else wants to complain that it
isn't fixed.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
All optional fallback code for older versions has also been removed, and
everything now assumes 10.13.0 or newer. Some cases are still included
for point releases, such as 10.13.2.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
This file should not be referenced directly by projects, otherwise it
will be expected to exist, even in CI.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Redesign the code signing from the ground up. Now all bundles and their
embedded frameworks import the Shared.xcconfig file and enable its
settings, so they may be signed with Apple Development instead of sign
to run locally. This apparently isn't necessary for frameworks which are
embedded in the main app bundle directly, only for the bundles and their
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Require asking user consent for data transmission on first launch, or
otherwise disable sending crash reports by default.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
When testing the path for whether it's in storage, run more tests to
make sure we only care about valid paths, and a path that actually has
a string.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Refine the global variable usage, eliminating double underscore prefixes
and trusting that static global variables will exist in the object where
the class was created. Got rid of that nasty NSApplication extension
hack that was previously in use.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
- Implemented App Sandboxing in a more friendly manner.
- All sandboxed paths will need to be set in Preferences. Set as loose
a path as you want. The shortest path will be preferred.
- Removed client support, as it was non-functional by now,
unfortunately. Maybe something better can come in the future.
- Added support for insecure SSL to the HTTP/S reader, in case anyone
needs streams which are "protected" by self-signed or expired
certificates, without having to futz around by adding certificates to
the system settings, especially for expired certificates that can't
otherwise be dodged this way.
If you want to import your old playlists to the new version, copy the
contents of `~/Library/Application Support/Cog` to the alternate sandbox
path: `~/Library/Containers/org.cogx.cog/Data/Library/Application `...
...continued...`Support/Cog`. The preferences file will migrate to the
new version automatically.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Remove or rename obsolete English.lproj files, renaming where
en.lproj does not already exist, or removing if en.lproj has
already replaced it.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Update all project files with new upgrade version number, and add the
dead code stripping option. Don't touch MASShortcut because it's not my
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Replace overlap-add vDSP/Accelerate implementation with a faster PFFFT
overlap-save implementation, using fewer FFT steps as well.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Add options to the Appearance preferences page to allow changing the
spectrum's projection between a 2D-like one and 3D perspective, and add
options to change the bar and peak dot colors.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
When the option is enabled, and playback comes to a completion, the
player will quit on its own.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
There is only one appcast to choose from, and it has been this way for
quite some time now, so simply make it final.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
This fixes the ability to configure the MIDI synthesizer properly, after
commit 7e5107d431 was applied.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
Implement the ability to configure and select an HRIR preset to use with
the HRIR filter, or remove the preset. It will validate the file's
usefulness before setting it for the player to use.
Also, fixed back center channel filtering for 7.0 format audio.
Signed-off-by: Christopher Snowhill <>
This new virtualizer uses the Accelerate framework to process samples.
I've bundled a HeSuVi impulse for now, and will add an option to select
an impulse in the future. It will validate the selection before sending
it to the actual filter, which outright fails if it receives invalid
input. Impulses will be supported in any arbitrary format that Cog
supports, but let's not go too hog wild, it requires HeSuVi 14 channel
- Restructure main window a bit more
- Remove attempt at SF Symbols icons for now
- Add Now Playing popout to Stacks style main window, tooltip instructs to click to select the current track in playlist
- Disable libFLAC plugin on macOS 10.13 and newer, letting Core Audio handle it instead. Apparently, libFLAC is not really ready for Apple Silicon yet.
- Update BASS and friends to latest versions
- Remove unused unmo3 library
- Add entitlements to Hardened Runtime for unsigned plugins (for
AU MIDI playback), and for executable memory use (for the USF
- TODO: Replace Growl branding with generic notification icon
- Change MIDI flavor default to 'default (auto)'
- Fix MIDI preference page to correctly enable the flavor option only where applicable
- Fix SCVA player to reset existing instances reliably