FirebaseCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled SUEnableInstallerLauncherService CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en_US CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeExtensions * CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Folder CFBundleTypeOSTypes **** fold disk CFBundleTypeRole None LSHandlerRank Default CFBundleTypeExtensions m3u m3u8 CFBundleTypeIconFile m3u.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName M3U Playlist File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions pls CFBundleTypeIconFile pls.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName PLS Playlist File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions rsn CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName RAR Archive of SPC Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions vgm7z CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName 7Z Archive of VGM Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions wav w64 CFBundleTypeIconFile wav.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName WAVE File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions aif aiff aifc CFBundleTypeIconFile aiff.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AIFF File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions caf CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName CAF File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions au CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AU File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mp3 mp2 mp1 m2a mpa CFBundleTypeIconFile mp3.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mpeg CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG Stream File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions m4a mp4 m4b m4r CFBundleTypeIconFile m4a.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG-4 Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions aac adts CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG-4 AAC Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions amr CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AMR Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions xhe CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName USAC Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ac3 CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AC-3 Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions flac CFBundleTypeIconFile flac.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName FLAC Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions snd CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName SND Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions 208 2dx9 2pfs 3do 3ds 4 8 800 9tav a3c aa3 aax abc abk acb acm acx ad adc adm adp adpcm adpcmx ads adw adx afc afs2 agsc ahx ahv ai aifc aix akb al al2 ams amts an2 ao ap apc as4 asbin asd asf asr ass ast at3 at9 atsl atsl3 atsl4 atslx atx aud audio audio_data aus awa awb awc b1s baf baka bank bar bcstm bcwav bcv bd3 bdsp bfstm bfwav bg00 bgm bgw bh2pcm bigrp bik bika bik2 binka bk2 bkr blk bmdx bms bnk bnm bns bnsf bo2 brstm brstmspm brwav brwsd bsnd btsnd bvg bwav cads caf cbd2 cd cfn chd chk ckb ckd cks cnk cpk cps csa csb csmp cvs cwav cxs d2 da data dax dbm dct dcs ddsp de2 dec diva dmsg ds2 dsb dsf dsp dspw dtk dvi dyx e4x eam eas eda emff enm eno ens esf exa ezw fag fcb fda ffw filp flx fsb fsv fwav fwse g1l gbts gca gcm gcub gcw genh gin gms grn gsb gsf gtd gwm h4m hab hca hdr hgc1 his hps hsf hvqm hwx hx2 hx3 hxc hxd hxg hxx hwas iab iadp idmsf idsp idvi idwav idx idxma ifs ikm ild ilf ilv ima imc imx int is14 isb isd isws itl ivaud ivag ivb ivs joe jstm kat kces kcey km9 kma kmx kovs kno kns koe kraw ktac ktsl2asbin ktss kvs kwa l l00 laac ladpcm laif laiff laifc lac3 lasf lbin ldat leg lep lflac lin lm0 lm1 lm2 lm3 lm4 lm5 lm6 lm7 lmp2 lmp3 lmp4 lmpc logg lopus lp lpcm lpk lps lrmb lse lsf lstm lwav lwma mab mad map matx mc3 mca mcadpcm mcg mds mdsp med mjb mi4 mib mic mihb mnstr mogg mpdsp mpds mpf mps ms msa msb msd mse msf mss msv msvp mta2 mtaf mul mups mus musc musx mvb mwa mwv mxst myspd n64 naac nds ndp nlsd nop nps npsf nsa nsopus nub nub2 nus3audio nus3bank nwa nwav nxa ogg_ ogl ogv oma omu opusx otm oto ovb p04 p16 p1d p2a p2bt p3d past pcm pdt pk pnb pona pos ps3 ps2stm psb psf psh psnd r rac rad rak ras raw rda res rkv rnd rof rpgmvo rrds rsd rsf rsm rsnd rsp rstm rvws rwar rwav rws rwsd rwx rxx s14 s3s s3v sab sad saf sag sam sap sb0 sb1 sb2 sb3 sb4 sb5 sb6 sb7 sbk sbin sbr sbv sig sm0 sm1 sm2 sm3 sm4 sm5 sm6 sm7 sc scd sch sd9 sdp sdf sdt seb sed seg sem sf0 sfl sfs sfx sgb sgd sgt sgx sl3 slb sli smc smk smp smpl smv snb snd snds sng sngw snr sns snu snz sod son spd spm sps spsd spw ss2 ssd ssm sspr ssp sss ster sth stm stma str stream strm sts sts_cp3 stx svag svs svg swag swav swd switch switch_audio sx sxd sxd2 sxd3 szd szd1 szd3 tad tgq tgv thp tk5 tmx tra tun txth txtp tydsp u0 ue4opus ulw um3 utk uv v0 va3 vab vag vai vam vas vawx vb vbk vbx vca vcb vds vdm vgi vgm vgs vgv vh vid vig vis vm4 vms vmu voi vp6 vpk vs vsf vsv vxn w waa wac wad waf wam was wavc wave wavebatch wavm wavx way wb wb2 wbd wbk wd wem wii wic wip wlv wmus wp2 wpd wsd wsi wst wua wv2 wv6 wve wvs wvx wxd x x360audio xa xa2 xa30 xag xau xav xb xen xma xma2 xms xmu xmv xnb xsh xsf xse xsew xss xvag xvas xwav xwb xmd xopus xps xwc xwm xwma xws xwv ydsp ymf zic zsd zsm zss zwdsp zwv vgmstream CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName VGMStream Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions wma asf CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Windows Media Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions tak CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName TAK Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mp4 m4a m4b m4r CFBundleTypeIconFile m4a.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG-4 Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions aac CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG-4 AAC Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mp3 m2a mpa CFBundleTypeIconFile mp3.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ape CFBundleTypeIconFile ape.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Monkey's Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ac3 CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AC-3 Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions dts CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName DTS Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions dtshd CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName DTS-HD MA Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions tta CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName True Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions vqf vqe vql CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName TrueVQ Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ra rm rmj CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Real Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mka CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Matroska Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mkv CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Matroska Video File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions weba CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName WebM Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions webm CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName WebM Media File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions dsf CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName DSD Stream File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions iff dsdiff CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Interchange File Format CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions wsd CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Wideband Single-bit Data CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions aiff aif CFBundleTypeIconFile aiff.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Audio Interchange File Format CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions vgm vgz s98 dro gym CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName libvgm Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions hsc sng imf wlf adlib a2m sng amd bam cmf d00 dfm hsp ksm mad mus ims mdi mid sci laa mkj cff dmo s3m dtm sng mtk rad rac raw sat sa2 xad bmf xad xad xad xad xad lds m rol xsm dro dro msc rix adl jbm got cmf vgm vgz sop hsq sqx sdb agd ha2 CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName AdPlug Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions psf minipsf psf2 minipsf2 ssf minissf dsf minidsf qsf miniqsf gsf minigsf ncsf minincsf 2sf mini2sf usf miniusf CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName PSF Format Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mptm mod s3m xm it 667 669 amf ams c67 dbm digi dmf dsm dsym dtm far fmt imf ice j2b m15 mdl med mms mt2 mtm mus nst okt plm psm pt36 ptm sfx sfx2 st26 stk stm stx stp symmod gtk gt2 ult wow xmf gdm mo3 oxm umx xpk ppm mmcmp mdz mdr s3z xmz itz mptmz CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName libOpenMPT Module Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions hvl CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Hively Tracker File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ahx CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Abyss' Highest eXperience File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ay gbs hes kss nsf nsfe sap sfm sgc spc CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Game Music Emu Files CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions wv wvp CFBundleTypeIconFile wv.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Wavpack File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions shn CFBundleTypeIconFile shn.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Shorten File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions cue CFBundleTypeIconFile cue.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName CUE Sheet File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mid midi kar CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName General MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions rmi CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName RIFF MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mids mds CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MIDS MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions hmi hmp hmq CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName HMI MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mus CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName id Software MUS MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions xmi CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName XMI MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions lds CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Loudness MIDI File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions sid CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName SID File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mus CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName SID MUS File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions opus CFBundleTypeIconFile ogg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Opus Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ogg CFBundleTypeIconFile ogg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Ogg Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions org CFBundleTypeIconFile vg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Organya File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mp3 m2a mpa CFBundleTypeIconFile mp3.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName MPEG Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions flac CFBundleTypeIconFile flac.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName FLAC Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions ogg CFBundleTypeIconFile ogg.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Ogg Vorbis File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions mpc CFBundleTypeIconFile mpc.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName Musepack Audio File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleTypeExtensions apl CFBundleTypeIconFile song.icns CFBundleTypeIconSystemGenerated 1 CFBundleTypeName APL Link File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Default LSTypeIsPackage CFBundleExecutable Cog CFBundleHelpBookName CFBundleIdentifier $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName $(PRODUCT_NAME) CFBundleDisplayName $(PRODUCT_NAME) CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString 0.08 CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleVersion r516 LSApplicationCategoryType LSMinimumSystemVersion $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads NSAppleScriptEnabled YES NSCalendarsUsageDescription Cog has no use for your calendar information. Why are you trying to open your Calendar with an audio player? NSCameraUsageDescription Cog is an audio player. It will never use your camera. Why is it asking for permission to use your camera? NSContactsUsageDescription Cog has no use for your contacts information. Why are you trying to open your contacts with an audio player? NSLocationUsageDescription Cog has no use for your location information. Something is obviously wrong with the application. NSMainNibFile MainMenu NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Cog is an audio player. It does not, however, record audio. Why is it asking for permission to use your microphone? NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription Cog is an audio player. Why are you trying to access your Photos Library with an audio player? NSPrincipalClass MediaKeysApplication NSRemindersUsageDescription Cog has no use for your reminders. Why are you trying to access them with an audio player? OSAScriptingDefinition Cog.sdef SUFeedURL SUPublicEDKey omxG7Rp0XK9/YEvKbVy7cd44eVAh1LJB6CmjQwjOJz4=