/***************************************************************************************** APEInfo.h Copyright (C) 2000 by Matthew T. Ashland All Rights Reserved. Simple method for working with APE files... it encapsulates reading, writing and getting file information. Just create a CAPEInfo class, call OpenFile(), and use the class methods to do whatever you need... the destructor will take care of any cleanup Notes: -Most all functions return 0 upon success, and some error code (other than 0) on failure. However, all of the file functions that are wrapped from the Win32 API return 0 on failure and some other number on success. This applies to ReadFile, WriteFile, SetFilePointer, etc... WARNING: -This class driven system for using Monkey's Audio is still in development, so I can't make any guarantees that the classes and libraries won't change before everything gets finalized. Use them at your own risk *****************************************************************************************/ #ifndef APE_APEINFO_H #define APE_APEINFO_H #include "IO.h" #include "APETag.h" #include "MACLib.h" /***************************************************************************************** APE_FILE_INFO - structure which describes most aspects of an APE file (used internally for speed and ease) *****************************************************************************************/ struct APE_FILE_INFO { int nVersion; // file version number * 1000 (3.93 = 3930) int nCompressionLevel; // the compression level int nFormatFlags; // format flags int nTotalFrames; // the total number frames (frames are used internally) int nBlocksPerFrame; // the samples in a frame (frames are used internally) int nFinalFrameBlocks; // the number of samples in the final frame int nChannels; // audio channels int nSampleRate; // audio samples per second int nBitsPerSample; // audio bits per sample int nBytesPerSample; // audio bytes per sample int nBlockAlign; // audio block align (channels * bytes per sample) int nWAVHeaderBytes; // header bytes of the original WAV int nWAVDataBytes; // data bytes of the original WAV int nWAVTerminatingBytes; // terminating bytes of the original WAV int nWAVTotalBytes; // total bytes of the original WAV int nAPETotalBytes; // total bytes of the APE file int nTotalBlocks; // the total number audio blocks int nLengthMS; // the length in milliseconds int nAverageBitrate; // the kbps (i.e. 637 kpbs) int nDecompressedBitrate; // the kbps of the decompressed audio (i.e. 1440 kpbs for CD audio) int nJunkHeaderBytes; // used for ID3v2, etc. int nSeekTableElements; // the number of elements in the seek table(s) CSmartPtr spSeekByteTable; // the seek table (byte) CSmartPtr spSeekBitTable; // the seek table (bits -- legacy) CSmartPtr spWaveHeaderData; // the pre-audio header data CSmartPtr spAPEDescriptor; // the descriptor (only with newer files) }; /***************************************************************************************** Helper macros (sort of hacky) *****************************************************************************************/ #define GET_USES_CRC(APE_INFO) (((APE_INFO)->GetInfo(APE_INFO_FORMAT_FLAGS) & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_CRC) ? TRUE : FALSE) #define GET_FRAMES_START_ON_BYTES_BOUNDARIES(APE_INFO) (((APE_INFO)->GetInfo(APE_INFO_FILE_VERSION) > 3800) ? TRUE : FALSE) #define GET_USES_SPECIAL_FRAMES(APE_INFO) (((APE_INFO)->GetInfo(APE_INFO_FILE_VERSION) > 3820) ? TRUE : FALSE) #define GET_IO(APE_INFO) ((CIO *) (APE_INFO)->GetInfo(APE_INFO_IO_SOURCE)) #define GET_TAG(APE_INFO) ((CAPETag *) (APE_INFO)->GetInfo(APE_INFO_TAG)) /***************************************************************************************** CAPEInfo - use this for all work with APE files *****************************************************************************************/ class CAPEInfo { public: // construction and destruction CAPEInfo(int * pErrorCode, const char * pFilename, CAPETag * pTag = NULL); CAPEInfo(int * pErrorCode, CIO * pIO, CAPETag * pTag = NULL); virtual ~CAPEInfo(); // query for information int GetInfo(APE_DECOMPRESS_FIELDS Field, int nParam1 = 0, int nParam2 = 0); private: // internal functions int GetFileInformation(BOOL bGetTagInformation = TRUE); int CloseFile(); // internal variables BOOL m_bHasFileInformationLoaded; CSmartPtr m_spIO; CSmartPtr m_spAPETag; APE_FILE_INFO m_APEFileInfo; }; #endif // #ifndef APE_APEINFO_H