"AddButtonTooltip" = "Add files"; "CogTitle" = "Cog"; "ConsentNo" = "No"; "ConsentYes" = "Yes"; "CrashlyticsConsentText" = "Would you like to allow Crashlytics to submit crash reports? You may turn this off again in Preferences. We won't ask you again."; "CrashlyticsConsentTitle" = "Crashlytics crash collection"; "ErrorInvalidTrackId" = "Invalid track ID sent to SQLite request."; "ErrorMessageBadFile" = "Unable to parse metadata for bad file."; "ErrorMetadata" = "Unable to retrieve metadata."; "ErrorSqliteProblem" = "General problem accessing track from SQLite database."; "ErrorTrackMissing" = "Track entry is missing from SQLite database."; "ErrorTrackTooltip" = "Error"; "FeedbackFailedInformativeText" = "Feedback failed to send."; "FeedbackFailedMessageText" = "Failed"; "FeedbackSuccessInformativeText" = "Feedback successfully sent!"; "FeedbackSuccessMessageText" = "Success"; "FileButtonTooltip" = "File drawer"; "GainAlbumGain" = "Album Gain"; "GainAlbumGainPeak" = "Album Gain plus Peak"; "GainAlbumPeak" = "Album Peak"; "GainNone" = "None"; "GainTrackGain" = "Track Gain"; "GainTrackGainPeak" = "Track Gain plus Peak"; "GainTrackPeak" = "Track Peak"; "GainVolumeScale" = "Volume Scale"; "InfoButtonTooltip" = "Information on the selected file"; "InvalidURLLong" = "The URL is not valid."; "InvalidURLShort" = "Invalid URL"; "NextButtonTooltip" = "Next"; "PauseButtonTooltip" = "Pause"; "PlayButtonTooltip" = "Play"; "PlayingTrackTooltip" = "Playing"; "PlaylistHeaderContextMenuTitle" = "Playlist Header Context Menu"; "PlaylistIndexColumn" = "Index"; "PlaylistRandomizationAction" = "Playlist Randomization"; "PlaylistStatusColumn" = "Status"; "PreferencesTitle" = "Preferences"; "PrevButtonTooltip" = "Previous"; "PrivacyPolicyURL" = "https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/59859310"; "ProgressActionLoader" = "playlist loader inserting files"; "ProgressActionLoadingMetadata" = "loading metadata for tracks"; "ProgressSubActionLoaderAddingEntries" = "creating and adding playlist entries"; "ProgressSubActionLoaderFilteringContainedFiles" = "eliminating unsupported file types from containers"; "ProgressSubActionLoaderFilteringContainerFiles" = "handling container file types"; "ProgressSubActionLoaderFilteringFiles" = "eliminating unsupported file types"; "ProgressSubActionLoaderListingFiles" = "collecting files"; "ProgressSubActionLoadingMetadata" = "processing files"; "ProgressSubActionMetadataApply" = "applying info to playlist storage"; "QueuedTrackTooltip" = "Queued"; "RandomizeButtonTooltip" = "Randomize playlist"; "RemoveButtonTooltip" = "Remove selected files"; "RepeatButtonTooltip" = "Repeat mode"; "ShuffleButtonTooltip" = "Shuffle mode"; "SkipAction" = "Skip"; "StopAfterTrackTooltip" = "Stop After Track"; "StopButtonTooltip" = "Stop"; "SwitchFromMiniPlayer" = "Switch from Mini Player"; "SwitchToMiniPlayer" = "Switch to Mini Player"; "TimeElapsed" = "%i:%02i"; "TimeFirstSeen" = "First seen"; "TimeLastPlayed" = "Last played"; "TimeRemaining" = "-%i:%02i"; "Version %@ (%@)" = "Version %1$@ (%2$@)"; "replayGainAlbumGain" = "The volume level of playback output will be detected through enumeration, \ re"; /* second for total */ "%1d seconds(s)" = "%1d seconds(s)"; /* Total duration for status */ "Total duration: %@" = "Total duration: %@"; /* minutes and seconds */ "ms" = "%@ and %@"; /* hours, minutes and seconds */ "hms" = "%@, %@ and %@"; /* days, hours, minutes and seconds */ "dhms" = "%@, %@, %@ and %@"; /* weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds */ "wdhms" = "%@, %@, %@, %@ and %@"; "PrivacyPolicyURL" = "https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/59859310";