// // Node.m // CogNew // // Created by Vincent Spader on 1/4/06. // Copyright 2006 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved. // #import "Node.h" @implementation Node - (id)initWithController:(id)c previous:(id)p { self = [super init]; if (self) { buffer = [[VirtualRingBuffer alloc] initWithLength:BUFFER_SIZE]; semaphore = [[Semaphore alloc] init]; readLock = [[NSLock alloc] init]; writeLock = [[NSLock alloc] init]; controller = c; previousNode = p; endOfStream = NO; shouldContinue = YES; } return self; } - (int)writeData:(void *)ptr amount:(int)amount { void *writePtr; int amountToCopy, availOutput; int amountLeft = amount; [writeLock lock]; while (shouldContinue == YES && amountLeft > 0) { availOutput = [buffer lengthAvailableToWriteReturningPointer:&writePtr]; if (availOutput == 0) { [writeLock unlock]; [semaphore wait]; [writeLock lock]; } else { amountToCopy = availOutput; if (amountToCopy > amountLeft) amountToCopy = amountLeft; memcpy(writePtr, &((char *)ptr)[amount - amountLeft], amountToCopy); if (amountToCopy > 0) { [buffer didWriteLength:amountToCopy]; } amountLeft -= amountToCopy; } } [writeLock unlock]; return (amount - amountLeft); } //Should be overwriten by subclass. - (void)process { DBLog(@"WRONG PROCESS"); } - (void)threadEntry:(id)arg { [self retain]; NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; DBLog(@"In thread entry"); [self process]; [pool release]; [self release]; } - (int)readData:(void *)ptr amount:(int)amount { void *readPtr; int amountToCopy; int availInput; [readLock lock]; availInput = [[previousNode buffer] lengthAvailableToReadReturningPointer:&readPtr]; if (availInput <= amount && [previousNode endOfStream] == YES) { NSLog(@"END OF NODE"); // NSLog(@"RELEASING: %i %i %i", availInput, [previousNode endOfStream], shouldContinue); // [previousNode release]; //If it is the outputNode, [soundController newInputChain]; //else endOfStream = YES; } amountToCopy = availInput; if (amountToCopy > amount) { amountToCopy = amount; } memcpy(ptr, readPtr, amountToCopy); if (amountToCopy > 0) { [[previousNode buffer] didReadLength:amountToCopy]; [[previousNode semaphore] signal]; } [readLock unlock]; return amountToCopy; } - (void)launchThread { DBLog(@"THREAD LAUNCHED"); [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadEntry:) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; } - (id)previousNode { return previousNode; } - (BOOL)shouldContinue { return shouldContinue; } - (void)setShouldContinue:(BOOL)s { shouldContinue = s; } - (VirtualRingBuffer *)buffer { return buffer; } - (void)resetBuffer { [buffer empty]; } - (NSLock *)readLock { return readLock; } - (NSLock *)writeLock { return writeLock; } - (Semaphore *)semaphore { return semaphore; } - (BOOL)endOfStream { return endOfStream; } - (void)setEndOfStream:(BOOL)e { endOfStream = e; } @end