 *  $Id: AudioScrobbler.m 238 2007-01-26 22:55:20Z stephen_booth $
 *  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Stephen F. Booth <me@sbooth.org>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#import "AudioScrobbler.h"

#import "AudioScrobblerClient.h"
#import "PlaylistEntry.h"

static NSString * 
escapeForLastFM(NSString *string)
	NSMutableString *result = [string mutableCopy];
	[result replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"&" 
								 range:NSMakeRange(0, [result length])];
	return (nil == result ? @"" : [result autorelease]);

@interface AudioScrobbler (Private)

- (NSMutableArray *)	queue;
- (NSString *)			pluginID;

- (void)				sendCommand:(NSString *)command;

- (BOOL)				keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands;
- (void)				setKeepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands:(BOOL)keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands;

- (BOOL)				audioScrobblerThreadCompleted;
- (void)				setAudioScrobblerThreadCompleted:(BOOL)audioScrobblerThreadCompleted;

- (semaphore_t)			semaphore;

- (void)				processAudioScrobblerCommands:(AudioScrobbler *)myself;


@implementation AudioScrobbler

- (id) init
	if((self = [super init])) {

		_pluginID = @"tst";

		if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"automaticallyLaunchLastFM"]) {
			[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:@"Last.fm.app"];
		_keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands = YES;

		kern_return_t result = semaphore_create(mach_task_self(), &_semaphore, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO, 0);
		if(KERN_SUCCESS != result) {
			NSLog(@"Couldn't create semaphore (%s).", mach_error_type(result));

			[self release];
			return nil;
		[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(processAudioScrobblerCommands:) toTarget:self withObject:self];
	return self;

- (void) dealloc
	if([self keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands] || NO == [self audioScrobblerThreadCompleted]) {
		[self shutdown];
	[_queue release], _queue = nil;
	semaphore_destroy(mach_task_self(), _semaphore), _semaphore = 0;

	[super dealloc];

- (void) start:(PlaylistEntry *)pe
	[self sendCommand:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"START c=%@&a=%@&t=%@&b=%@&m=%@&l=%i&p=%@\n", 
		[self pluginID],
		escapeForLastFM([pe artist]), 
		escapeForLastFM([pe title]), 
		escapeForLastFM([pe album]), 
		@"", // TODO: MusicBrainz support
		(int)([pe length]/1000.0),
		escapeForLastFM([[pe url] path])

- (void) stop
	[self sendCommand:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"STOP c=%@\n", [self pluginID]]];

- (void) pause
	[self sendCommand:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PAUSE c=%@\n", [self pluginID]]];

- (void) resume
	[self sendCommand:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"RESUME c=%@\n", [self pluginID]]];

- (void) shutdown
	[self setKeepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands:NO];
	semaphore_signal([self semaphore]);

	// Wait for the thread to terminate
	while(NO == [self audioScrobblerThreadCompleted]) {
		[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.5]];


@implementation AudioScrobbler (Private)

- (NSMutableArray *) queue
	if(nil == _queue) {
		_queue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
	return _queue;

- (NSString *) pluginID
	return _pluginID;

- (void) sendCommand:(NSString *)command
	NSLog(@"Command: %@", command);
	@synchronized([self queue]) {
		[[self queue] addObject:command];
	semaphore_signal([self semaphore]);

- (BOOL) keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands
	return _keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands;

- (void) setKeepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands:(BOOL)keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands
	_keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands = keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands;

- (BOOL) audioScrobblerThreadCompleted
	return _audioScrobblerThreadCompleted;

- (void) setAudioScrobblerThreadCompleted:(BOOL)audioScrobblerThreadCompleted
	_audioScrobblerThreadCompleted = audioScrobblerThreadCompleted;

- (semaphore_t) semaphore
	return _semaphore;

- (void) processAudioScrobblerCommands:(AudioScrobbler *)myself
	NSAutoreleasePool		*pool				= [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
	AudioScrobblerClient	*client				= [[AudioScrobblerClient alloc] init];
	mach_timespec_t			timeout				= { 5, 0 };
	NSEnumerator			*enumerator			= nil;
	NSString				*command			= nil;
	NSString				*response			= nil;
	in_port_t				port				= 33367;
	while([myself keepProcessingAudioScrobblerCommands]) {

		// Get the first command to be sent
		@synchronized([myself queue]) {
			enumerator	= [[myself queue] objectEnumerator];
			command		= [[enumerator nextObject] retain];
			[[myself queue] removeObjectIdenticalTo:command];

		if(nil != command) {
			@try {
				port = [client connectToHost:@"localhost" port:port];
				[client send:command];

				[command release];

				response = [client receive];
				if(2 > [response length] || NSOrderedSame != [response compare:@"OK" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0,2)]) {
					NSLog(@"AudioScrobbler error: %@", response);
				[client shutdown];
			@catch(NSException *exception) {
				[client shutdown];
//				NSLog(@"Exception: %@",exception);
		semaphore_timedwait([myself semaphore], timeout);
	// Send a final stop command to cleanup
	@try {
		port = [client connectToHost:@"localhost" port:port];
		[client send:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"STOP c=%@\n", [myself pluginID]]];

		response = [client receive];
		if(2 > [response length] || NSOrderedSame != [response compare:@"OK" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0,2)]) {
			NSLog(@"AudioScrobbler error: %@", response);

		[client shutdown];
	@catch(NSException *exception) {
		[client shutdown];
	[client release];
	[pool release];

	[myself setAudioScrobblerThreadCompleted:YES];
