/* ============================================================================= FILE: UKKQueue.h PROJECT: Filie COPYRIGHT: (c) 2003 M. Uli Kusterer, all rights reserved. AUTHORS: M. Uli Kusterer - UK LICENSES: MIT License REVISIONS: 2006-03-13 UK Clarified license, streamlined UKFileWatcher stuff, Changed notifications to be useful and turned off by default some deprecated stuff. 2003-12-21 UK Created. ========================================================================== */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Headers: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/event.h> #import "UKFileWatcher.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Backwards compatibility constants. Don't rely on code commented out with these constants, because it may be deleted in a future version. #ifndef UKKQUEUE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE #define UKKQUEUE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE 0 // 1 to send old-style kqueue:receivedNotification:forFile: messages to objects that accept them. #endif #ifndef UKKQUEUE_SEND_STUPID_NOTIFICATIONS #define UKKQUEUE_SEND_STUPID_NOTIFICATIONS 0 // 1 to send old-style notifications that have the path as the object and no userInfo dictionary. #endif #ifndef UKKQUEUE_OLD_SINGLETON_ACCESSOR_NAME #define UKKQUEUE_OLD_SINGLETON_ACCESSOR_NAME 0 // 1 to allow use of sharedQueue instead of sharedFileWatcher. #endif #ifndef UKKQUEUE_OLD_NOTIFICATION_NAMES #define UKKQUEUE_OLD_NOTIFICATION_NAMES 0 // 1 to allow use of old KQueue-style notification names instead of the new more generic ones in UKFileWatcher. #endif // Flags for notifyingAbout: #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutRename NOTE_RENAME // Item was renamed. #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutWrite NOTE_WRITE // Item contents changed (also folder contents changed). #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutDelete NOTE_DELETE // item was removed. #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutAttributeChange NOTE_ATTRIB // Item attributes changed. #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutSizeIncrease NOTE_EXTEND // Item size increased. #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutLinkCountChanged NOTE_LINK // Item's link count changed. #define UKKQueueNotifyAboutAccessRevocation NOTE_REVOKE // Access to item was revoked. // Notifications this sends: // (see UKFileWatcher) // Old names: *deprecated* #if UKKQUEUE_OLD_NOTIFICATION_NAMES #define UKKQueueFileRenamedNotification UKFileWatcherRenameNotification #define UKKQueueFileWrittenToNotification UKFileWatcherWriteNotification #define UKKQueueFileDeletedNotification UKFileWatcherDeleteNotification #define UKKQueueFileAttributesChangedNotification UKFileWatcherAttributeChangeNotification #define UKKQueueFileSizeIncreasedNotification UKFileWatcherSizeIncreaseNotification #define UKKQueueFileLinkCountChangedNotification UKFileWatcherLinkCountChangeNotification #define UKKQueueFileAccessRevocationNotification UKFileWatcherAccessRevocationNotification #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UKKQueue: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @interface UKKQueue : NSObject <UKFileWatcher> { int queueFD; // The actual queue ID (Unix file descriptor). NSMutableArray* watchedPaths; // List of NSStrings containing the paths we're watching. NSMutableArray* watchedFDs; // List of NSNumbers containing the file descriptors we're watching. id delegate; // Gets messages about changes instead of notification center, if specified. id delegateProxy; // Proxy object to which we send messages so they reach delegate on the main thread. BOOL alwaysNotify; // Send notifications even if we have a delegate? Defaults to NO. BOOL keepThreadRunning; // Termination criterion of our thread. } +(id) sharedFileWatcher; // Returns a singleton, a shared kqueue object Handy if you're subscribing to the notifications. Use this, or just create separate objects using alloc/init. Whatever floats your boat. -(int) queueFD; // I know you unix geeks want this... // High-level file watching: (use UKFileWatcher protocol methods instead, where possible!) -(void) addPathToQueue: (NSString*)path; -(void) addPathToQueue: (NSString*)path notifyingAbout: (u_int)fflags; -(void) removePathFromQueue: (NSString*)path; -(id) delegate; -(void) setDelegate: (id)newDelegate; -(BOOL) alwaysNotify; -(void) setAlwaysNotify: (BOOL)n; #if UKKQUEUE_OLD_SINGLETON_ACCESSOR_NAME +(UKKQueue*) sharedQueue; #endif // private: -(void) watcherThread: (id)sender; -(void) postNotification: (NSString*)nm forFile: (NSString*)fp; // Message-posting bottleneck. @end // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods delegates need to provide: // * DEPRECATED * use UKFileWatcher delegate methods instead! // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @interface NSObject (UKKQueueDelegate) -(void) kqueue: (UKKQueue*)kq receivedNotification: (NSString*)nm forFile: (NSString*)fpath; @end