// // WavPackFile.m // Cog // // Created by Vincent Spader on 6/6/05. // Copyright 2005 Vincent Spader All rights reserved. // #import "WavPackDecoder.h" #import "Logging.h" @implementation WavPackReader - (id)initWithSource:(id)s { self = [super init]; if (self) { source = s; } return self; } - (void)setSource:(id)s { source = s; } - (id)source { return source; } @end @implementation WavPackDecoder int32_t ReadBytesProc(void *ds, void *data, int32_t bcount) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; return (int32_t) [[wv source] read:data amount:bcount]; } uint32_t GetPosProc(void *ds) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; return (uint32_t) [[wv source] tell]; } int SetPosAbsProc(void *ds, uint32_t pos) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; return ([[wv source] seek:pos whence:SEEK_SET] ? 0: -1); } int SetPosRelProc(void *ds, int32_t delta, int mode) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; return ([[wv source] seek:delta whence:mode] ? 0: -1); } int PushBackByteProc(void *ds, int c) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; if ([[wv source] seekable]) { [[wv source] seek:-1 whence:SEEK_CUR]; return c; } else { return -1; } } uint32_t GetLengthProc(void *ds) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; if ([[wv source] seekable]) { long currentPos = [[wv source] tell]; [[wv source] seek:0 whence:SEEK_END]; long size = [[wv source] tell]; [[wv source] seek:currentPos whence:SEEK_SET]; return (uint32_t) size; } else { return 0; } } int CanSeekProc(void *ds) { WavPackReader *wv = (__bridge WavPackReader *)ds; return [[wv source] seekable]; } int32_t WriteBytesProc(void *ds, void *data, int32_t bcount) { return -1; } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { wpc = NULL; inputBuffer = NULL; inputBufferSize = 0; } return self; } - (BOOL)open:(id)s { int open_flags = 0; char error[80]; wv = [[WavPackReader alloc] initWithSource:s]; if ([s seekable]) { id audioSourceClass = NSClassFromString(@"AudioSource"); NSURL *wvcurl = [[s url] URLByDeletingPathExtension]; wvcurl = [wvcurl URLByAppendingPathExtension:@"wvc"]; id wvcsrc = [audioSourceClass audioSourceForURL:wvcurl]; if ([wvcsrc open:wvcurl]) { wvc = [[WavPackReader alloc] initWithSource:wvcsrc]; } else { wvc = nil; } } else { wvc = nil; } reader.read_bytes = ReadBytesProc; reader.get_pos = GetPosProc; reader.set_pos_abs = SetPosAbsProc; reader.set_pos_rel = SetPosRelProc; reader.push_back_byte = PushBackByteProc; reader.get_length = GetLengthProc; reader.can_seek = CanSeekProc; reader.write_bytes = WriteBytesProc; open_flags |= OPEN_DSD_NATIVE | OPEN_ALT_TYPES; if (![s seekable]) open_flags |= OPEN_STREAMING; wpc = WavpackOpenFileInputEx(&reader, (__bridge void *)(wv), (__bridge void *)(wvc), error, open_flags, 0); if (!wpc) { DLog(@"Unable to open file.."); return NO; } channels = WavpackGetNumChannels(wpc); bitsPerSample = WavpackGetBitsPerSample(wpc); frequency = WavpackGetSampleRate(wpc); totalFrames = WavpackGetNumSamples(wpc); isDSD = NO; float nativeFrequency = WavpackGetNativeSampleRate(wpc); if (nativeFrequency != frequency && bitsPerSample == 8) { isDSD = YES; frequency = nativeFrequency; bitsPerSample = 1; totalFrames *= 8; } bitrate = (int)(WavpackGetAverageBitrate(wpc, TRUE)/1000.0); floatingPoint = MODE_FLOAT & WavpackGetMode(wpc) && 127 == WavpackGetFloatNormExp(wpc); [self willChangeValueForKey:@"properties"]; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"properties"]; return YES; } /* - (int)fillBuffer:(void *)buf ofSize:(UInt32)size { int numsamples; int n; void *sampleBuf = malloc(size*2); numsamples = size/(bitsPerSample/8)/channels; n = WavpackUnpackSamples(wpc, sampleBuf, numsamples); int i; for (i = 0; i < n*channels; i++) { ((UInt16 *)buf)[i] = ((UInt32 *)sampleBuf)[i]; } n *= (bitsPerSample/8)*channels; free(sampleBuf); return n; } */ - (int)readAudio:(void *)buf frames:(UInt32)frames { uint32_t sample; int32_t audioSample; uint32_t samplesRead; int8_t *alias8; int16_t *alias16; int32_t *alias32; size_t newSize = frames*sizeof(int32_t)*channels; if (!inputBuffer || newSize > inputBufferSize) { inputBuffer = realloc(inputBuffer, inputBufferSize = newSize); } samplesRead = WavpackUnpackSamples(wpc, inputBuffer, frames); switch(bitsPerSample) { case 1: case 8: // No need for byte swapping alias8 = buf; for(sample = 0; sample < samplesRead * channels; ++sample) { *alias8++ = (int8_t)inputBuffer[sample]; } break; case 16: // Convert to little endian byte order alias16 = buf; for(sample = 0; sample < samplesRead*channels; ++sample) { *alias16++ = OSSwapHostToLittleInt16((int16_t)inputBuffer[sample]); } break; case 24: // Convert to little endian byte order alias8 = buf; for(sample = 0; sample < samplesRead * channels; ++sample) { audioSample = inputBuffer[sample]; *alias8++ = (int8_t)audioSample; *alias8++ = (int8_t)(audioSample >> 8); *alias8++ = (int8_t)(audioSample >> 16); } break; case 32: // Convert to little endian byte order alias32 = buf; for(sample = 0; sample < samplesRead * channels; ++sample) { *alias32++ = OSSwapHostToLittleInt32(inputBuffer[sample]); } break; default: ALog(@"Unsupported sample size: %d", bitsPerSample); } return samplesRead; } - (long)seek:(long)frame { uint32_t trueFrame = (uint32_t) frame; if (isDSD) { trueFrame /= 8; frame = trueFrame * 8; } WavpackSeekSample(wpc, trueFrame); return frame; } - (void)close { if (wpc) { WavpackCloseFile(wpc); wpc = NULL; } if (inputBuffer) { free(inputBuffer); inputBuffer = NULL; inputBufferSize = 0; } wvc = nil; wv = nil; } - (void)dealloc { [self close]; } - (NSDictionary *)properties { return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt:channels],@"channels", [NSNumber numberWithInt:bitsPerSample],@"bitsPerSample", [NSNumber numberWithInt:bitrate],@"bitrate", [NSNumber numberWithFloat:frequency],@"sampleRate", [NSNumber numberWithBool:floatingPoint],@"floatingPoint", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:totalFrames],@"totalFrames", [NSNumber numberWithBool:[[wv source] seekable]], @"seekable", @"Wavpack",@"codec", @"little",@"endian", nil]; } + (NSArray *)fileTypes { return @[@"wv", @"wvp"]; } + (NSArray *)mimeTypes { return @[@"audio/x-wavpack"]; } + (float)priority { return 1.0; } + (NSArray *)fileTypeAssociations { return @[ @[@"Wavpack File", @"wv.icns", @"wv", @"wvp"] ]; } @end