#!/bin/sh # Create a read-only disk image of the contents of a folder # # Usage: make-release <version> set -e; VERSION=0.06 APP_NAME=Cog DEST_FOLDER=Release APPLESCRIPT=dmg-cog.scpt TEMPLATE_DMG=template.dmg DSSTORE=cog.dsstore APP_PATH=../build/Release/Cog.app LICENSE_PATH=../COPYING CHANGES_PATH=../ChangeLog README_PATH=../README #Make dest echo "Creating destination..." mkdir ${DEST_FOLDER} echo "Copying app..." cp -R ${APP_PATH} ${DEST_FOLDER} echo "Copying misc files..." cp ${LICENSE_PATH} ${DEST_FOLDER}/License.txt cp ${CHANGES_PATH} ${DEST_FOLDER}/Changes.txt cp ${README_PATH} ${DEST_FOLDER}/Readme.txt echo "Creating Applications alias..." ln -s /Applications ${DEST_FOLDER}/Applications echo "Mounting template..." TEMP_DIR=temp BACKGROUND=${TEMP_DIR}/.background/background.png bunzip2 -k ${TEMPLATE_DMG}.bz2 mkdir -p ${TEMP_DIR} hdiutil attach "${TEMPLATE_DMG}" -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint "${TEMP_DIR}" echo "Copying .DS_Store" cp ${TEMP_DIR}/.DS_Store ${DSSTORE} echo "Launching applescript..." osascript ${APPLESCRIPT} ${DEST_FOLDER} ${TEMP_DIR} echo "Creating image..." ./make-diskimage.sh ${APP_NAME}-${VERSION}.dmg ${DEST_FOLDER} "${APP_NAME} ${VERSION}" -null- ${DSSTORE} ${BACKGROUND} echo "Unmounting template..." DMG_DEV=`hdiutil info | grep "${TEMP_DIR}" | grep "Apple_HFS" | awk '{print $1}'` hdiutil detach ${DMG_DEV} -quiet -force rm -r ${TEMP_DIR} rm ${TEMPLATE_DMG} rm ${DSSTORE} rm -r ${DEST_FOLDER}