/****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Tony Robinson * * * * See the file doc/LICENSE.shorten for conditions on distribution and usage * * * ******************************************************************************/ /* * $Id$ */ #include #include "mkbshift.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define USIZE 256 #define HUSIZE 128 #define SHIFTSIZE 13 char *argv0 = "mkbshift"; char *filenameo = NULL; FILE *fileo = NULL; int main() { FILE *fout; char *filename = "bitshift.h", *writemode = "w"; int shift, i; int tab[USIZE]; slong sample; slong **forwardmap = long2d((ulong) SHIFTSIZE, (ulong) USIZE); slong **reversemap = long2d((ulong) SHIFTSIZE, (ulong) USIZE); fout = fopen(filename, writemode); if(fout == NULL) perror_exit("fopen(\"%s\", \"%s\")", filename, writemode); for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++) tab[i] = 0; /* brute force search of the largest number of zero bits in a linear value */ for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) for(sample = -(1L << 15); sample < (1L << 15); sample += 1 << (shift + 3)) tab[Slinear2ulaw(sample)] = shift; /* print this out as a lookup table */ fprintf(fout, "char ulaw_maxshift[%d] = {", USIZE); for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++) fprintf(fout, "%d,", tab[i]); fprintf(fout, "%d};\n\n", tab[USIZE - 1]); /* compute the greatest inward shift compatable with ??? */ for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) { int nused; nused = 0; for(i = 255; i >= 128; i--) if(tab[i] >= shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused++; for(i = 255; i >= 128; i--) if(tab[i] < shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused++; nused = -1; for(i = 126; i >= 0; i--) if(tab[i] >= shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused--; forwardmap[shift][127] = nused--; for(i = 126; i >= 0; i--) if(tab[i] < shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused--; for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++) reversemap[shift][forwardmap[shift][i] + HUSIZE] = i; } /* simple check */ for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++) if(forwardmap[shift][reversemap[shift][i]] != i - HUSIZE) error_exit("identity maping failed for shift: %d\tindex: %d\n",shift,i); /* print out the ulaw_inward lookup table */ fprintf(fout, "schar ulaw_inward[%d][%d] = {\n", SHIFTSIZE, USIZE); for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) { fprintf(fout, "{"); for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++) fprintf(fout, "%ld,", forwardmap[shift][i]); if(shift != SHIFTSIZE - 1) fprintf(fout, "%ld},\n", forwardmap[shift][USIZE - 1]); else fprintf(fout, "%ld}\n};\n", forwardmap[shift][USIZE - 1]); } fprintf(fout, "\n"); /* print out the ulaw_outward lookup table */ fprintf(fout, "uchar ulaw_outward[%d][%d] = {\n", SHIFTSIZE, USIZE); for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) { fprintf(fout, "{"); for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++) fprintf(fout, "%ld,", reversemap[shift][i]); if(shift != SHIFTSIZE - 1) fprintf(fout, "%ld},\n", reversemap[shift][USIZE - 1]); else fprintf(fout, "%ld}\n};\n", reversemap[shift][USIZE - 1]); } fclose(fout); /* exit happy */ return(0); }