// // OutputCoreAudio.m // Cog // // Created by Vincent Spader on 8/2/05. // Copyright 2005 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved. // #import "OutputCoreAudio.h" #import "OutputNode.h" #import "Logging.h" @implementation OutputCoreAudio - (id)initWithController:(OutputNode *)c { self = [super init]; if (self) { outputController = c; outputUnit = NULL; [[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"values.outputDevice" options:0 context:NULL]; } return self; } static OSStatus Sound_Renderer(void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { OutputCoreAudio *output = (__bridge OutputCoreAudio *)inRefCon; OSStatus err = noErr; void *readPointer = ioData->mBuffers[0].mData; int amountToRead, amountRead; if ([output->outputController shouldContinue] == NO) { AudioOutputUnitStop(output->outputUnit); // [output stop]; return err; } amountToRead = inNumberFrames*(output->deviceFormat.mBytesPerPacket); amountRead = [output->outputController readData:(readPointer) amount:amountToRead]; if ((amountRead < amountToRead) && [output->outputController endOfStream] == NO) //Try one more time! for track changes! { int amountRead2; //Use this since return type of readdata isnt known...may want to fix then can do a simple += to readdata amountRead2 = [output->outputController readData:(readPointer+amountRead) amount:amountToRead-amountRead]; amountRead += amountRead2; } ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = amountRead; ioData->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = output->deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; ioData->mNumberBuffers = 1; return err; } - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"values.outputDevice"]) { NSDictionary *device = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] objectForKey:@"outputDevice"]; [self setOutputDeviceWithDeviceDict:device]; } } - (OSStatus)setOutputDeviceByID:(AudioDeviceID)deviceID { OSStatus err; if (deviceID == -1) { DLog(@"DEVICE IS -1"); UInt32 size = sizeof(AudioDeviceID); AudioObjectPropertyAddress theAddress = { .mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, .mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, .mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster }; err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &theAddress, 0, NULL, &size, &deviceID); if (err != noErr) { ALog(@"THERE'S NO DEFAULT OUTPUT DEVICE"); return err; } } printf("DEVICE: %i\n", deviceID); outputDeviceID = deviceID; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(outputUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &deviceID, sizeof(AudioDeviceID)); return err; } - (BOOL)setOutputDeviceWithDeviceDict:(NSDictionary *)deviceDict { NSNumber *deviceIDNum = [deviceDict objectForKey:@"deviceID"]; AudioDeviceID outputDeviceID = [deviceIDNum unsignedIntValue] ?: -1; __block OSStatus err = [self setOutputDeviceByID:outputDeviceID]; if (err != noErr) { // Try matching by name. NSString *userDeviceName = deviceDict[@"name"]; [self enumerateAudioOutputsUsingBlock: ^(NSString *deviceName, AudioDeviceID deviceID, AudioDeviceID systemDefaultID, BOOL *stop) { if ([deviceName isEqualToString:userDeviceName]) { err = [self setOutputDeviceByID:deviceID]; #if 0 // Disable. Would cause loop by triggering `-observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:` above. // Update `outputDevice`, in case the ID has changed. NSDictionary *deviceInfo = @{ @"name": deviceName, @"deviceID": [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:deviceID], }; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:deviceInfo forKey:@"outputDevice"]; #endif return; } }]; } if (err != noErr) { ALog(@"No output device could be found, your random error code is %d. Have a nice day!", err); return NO; } return YES; } // The following is largely a copy pasta of -awakeFromNib from "OutputsArrayController.m". // TODO: Share the code. (How to do this across xcodeproj?) - (void)enumerateAudioOutputsUsingBlock:(void (NS_NOESCAPE ^ _Nonnull)(NSString *deviceName, AudioDeviceID deviceID, AudioDeviceID systemDefaultID, BOOL *stop))block { UInt32 propsize; AudioObjectPropertyAddress theAddress = { .mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, .mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, .mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster }; __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize)); UInt32 nDevices = propsize / (UInt32)sizeof(AudioDeviceID); AudioDeviceID *devids = malloc(propsize); __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize, devids)); theAddress.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice; AudioDeviceID systemDefault; propsize = sizeof(systemDefault); __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize, &systemDefault)); theAddress.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { CFStringRef name = NULL; propsize = sizeof(name); theAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString; __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyData(devids[i], &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize, &name)); propsize = 0; theAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration; __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(devids[i], &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize)); if (propsize < sizeof(UInt32)) continue; AudioBufferList * bufferList = (AudioBufferList *) malloc(propsize); __Verify_noErr(AudioObjectGetPropertyData(devids[i], &theAddress, 0, NULL, &propsize, bufferList)); UInt32 bufferCount = bufferList->mNumberBuffers; free(bufferList); if (!bufferCount) continue; BOOL stop = NO; block([NSString stringWithString:(__bridge NSString *)name], devids[i], systemDefault, &stop); CFRelease(name); if (stop) { break; } } free(devids); } - (BOOL)setup { if (outputUnit) [self stop]; AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAddress = { .mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster }; UInt32 dataSize; ComponentDescription desc; OSStatus err; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output; desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput; desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; Component comp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc); //Finds an component that meets the desc spec's if (comp == NULL) return NO; err = OpenAComponent(comp, &outputUnit); //gains access to the services provided by the component if (err) return NO; // Initialize AudioUnit err = AudioUnitInitialize(outputUnit); if (err != noErr) return NO; // Setup the output device before mucking with settings NSDictionary *device = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] objectForKey:@"outputDevice"]; if (device) { BOOL ok = [self setOutputDeviceWithDeviceDict:device]; if (!ok) { //Ruh roh. [self setOutputDeviceWithDeviceDict:nil]; [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] removeObjectForKey:@"outputDevice"]; } } else { [self setOutputDeviceWithDeviceDict:nil]; } UInt32 size = sizeof (AudioStreamBasicDescription); Boolean outWritable; //Gets the size of the Stream Format Property and if it is writable AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &size, &outWritable); //Get the current stream format of the output err = AudioUnitGetProperty (outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &deviceFormat, &size); if (err != noErr) return NO; // change output format... // The default channel map is silence SInt32 deviceChannelMap [deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame]; for(UInt32 i = 0; i < deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; ++i) deviceChannelMap[i] = -1; // Determine the device's preferred stereo channels for output mapping if(1 == deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame || 2 == deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame) { propertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo; propertyAddress.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput; UInt32 preferredStereoChannels [2] = { 1, 2 }; if(AudioObjectHasProperty(outputDeviceID, &propertyAddress)) { dataSize = sizeof(preferredStereoChannels); err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(outputDeviceID, &propertyAddress, 0, nil, &dataSize, &preferredStereoChannels); } AudioChannelLayout stereoLayout; stereoLayout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo; const AudioChannelLayout *specifier [1] = { &stereoLayout }; SInt32 stereoChannelMap [2] = { 1, 2 }; dataSize = sizeof(stereoChannelMap); err = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelMap, sizeof(specifier), specifier, &dataSize, stereoChannelMap); if(noErr == err) { deviceChannelMap[preferredStereoChannels[0] - 1] = stereoChannelMap[0]; deviceChannelMap[preferredStereoChannels[1] - 1] = stereoChannelMap[1]; } else { // Just use a channel map that makes sense deviceChannelMap[preferredStereoChannels[0] - 1] = 0; deviceChannelMap[preferredStereoChannels[1] - 1] = 1; } } // Determine the device's preferred multichannel layout else { propertyAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout; propertyAddress.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput; if(AudioObjectHasProperty(outputDeviceID, &propertyAddress)) { err = AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(outputDeviceID, &propertyAddress, 0, nil, &dataSize); AudioChannelLayout *preferredChannelLayout = (AudioChannelLayout *)(malloc(dataSize)); err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(outputDeviceID, &propertyAddress, 0, nil, &dataSize, preferredChannelLayout); const AudioChannelLayout *specifier [1] = { preferredChannelLayout }; // Not all channel layouts can be mapped, so handle failure with a generic mapping dataSize = (UInt32)sizeof(deviceChannelMap); err = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelMap, sizeof(specifier), specifier, &dataSize, deviceChannelMap); if(noErr != err) { // Just use a channel map that makes sense for(UInt32 i = 0; i < deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; ++i) deviceChannelMap[i] = i; } free(preferredChannelLayout), preferredChannelLayout = nil; } else { // Just use a channel map that makes sense for(UInt32 i = 0; i < deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; ++i) deviceChannelMap[i] = i; } } ///Seems some 3rd party devices return incorrect stuff...or I just don't like noninterleaved data. deviceFormat.mFormatFlags &= ~kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; // deviceFormat.mFormatFlags &= ~kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat; // deviceFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; deviceFormat.mBytesPerFrame = deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame*(deviceFormat.mBitsPerChannel/8); deviceFormat.mBytesPerPacket = deviceFormat.mBytesPerFrame * deviceFormat.mFramesPerPacket; err = AudioUnitSetProperty (outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &deviceFormat, size); //Set the stream format of the output to match the input err = AudioUnitSetProperty (outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &deviceFormat, size); size = (unsigned int) sizeof(deviceChannelMap); err = AudioUnitSetProperty(outputUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_ChannelMap, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, deviceChannelMap, size); //setup render callbacks renderCallback.inputProc = Sound_Renderer; renderCallback.inputProcRefCon = (__bridge void * _Nullable)(self); AudioUnitSetProperty(outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &renderCallback, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct)); [outputController setFormat:&deviceFormat]; return (err == noErr); } - (void)setVolume:(double)v { AudioUnitSetParameter (outputUnit, kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, v * 0.01f, 0); } - (void)start { AudioOutputUnitStart(outputUnit); } - (void)stop { if (outputUnit) { AudioOutputUnitStop(outputUnit); AudioUnitUninitialize (outputUnit); CloseComponent(outputUnit); outputUnit = NULL; } } - (void)dealloc { [self stop]; [[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"values.outputDevice"]; } - (void)pause { AudioOutputUnitStop(outputUnit); } - (void)resume { AudioOutputUnitStart(outputUnit); } @end