/* * NDHotKeyEvent.m * NDHotKeyEvent * * Created by Nathan Day on Wed Feb 26 2003. * Copyright (c) 2002 Nathan Day. All rights reserved. */ #import "NDHotKeyEvent.h" #import @interface NDHotKeyEvent (Private) + (NSMapTable *)allHotKeyEvents; - (BOOL)addHotKey; - (void)removeHotKey; - (BOOL)setCollectiveEnabled:(BOOL)aFlag; - (BOOL)collectiveEnable; @end static NSString * kArchivingKeyCodeKey = @"KeyCodeKey", * kArchivingCharacterKey = @"CharacterKey", * kArchivingModifierFlagsKey = @"ModifierFlagsKey", * kArchivingSelectorReleasedCodeKey = @"SelectorReleasedCodeKey", * kArchivingSelectorPressedCodeKey = @"SelectorPressedCodeKey"; const OSType NDHotKeyDefaultSignature = 'NDHK'; static OSStatus switchHotKey( NDHotKeyEvent * self, BOOL aFlag ); unichar unicodeForFunctionKey( UInt32 aKeyCode ); /* * class implementation NDHotKeyEvent */ @implementation NDHotKeyEvent #ifdef NDHotKeyEventThreadSafe static NSLock * hotKeysLock = NULL; #warning Thread saftey has been enabled for NDHotKeyEvent class methods #define NDHotKeyEventLock [hotKeysLock lock] #define NDHotKeyEventUnlock [hotKeysLock unlock] #else #warning The NDHotKeyEvent class methods are NOT thread safe #define NDHotKeyEventLock // lock #define NDHotKeyEventUnlock // unlock #endif static NSMapTable * allHotKeyEvents = NULL; static BOOL isInstalled = NO; static OSType signature = 0; unsigned int cocoaModifierFlagsToCarbonModifierFlags( unsigned int aModifierFlags ); pascal OSErr eventHandlerCallback( EventHandlerCallRef anInHandlerCallRef, EventRef anInEvent, void * self ); NSUInteger hashValueHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aHotKeyEntry ); BOOL isEqualHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aFirstHotKeyEvent, const void * aSecondHotKeyEvent ); NSString * describeHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aHotKeyEvent ); NSUInteger hashKeyHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aNumber ); BOOL isEqualKeyHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aFirstNumber, const void * aSecondNumber ); void hashKeyRetainFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aNumber ); void hashKeyReleaseFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, void * aNumber ); struct HotKeyMappingEntry { unsigned short keyCode; unsigned int modifierFlags; NDHotKeyEvent * hotKeyEvent; }; /* * +install */ + (BOOL)install { if( isInstalled == NO ) { NSMapTable * theHotKeyEvents = [self allHotKeyEvents]; EventTypeSpec theTypeSpec[] = { { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventHotKeyPressed }, { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventHotKeyReleased } }; NDHotKeyEventLock; if( theHotKeyEvents != nil && isInstalled == NO ) { if( InstallEventHandler( GetEventDispatcherTarget(), NewEventHandlerUPP((EventHandlerProcPtr)eventHandlerCallback), 2, theTypeSpec, theHotKeyEvents, nil ) == noErr ) { isInstalled = YES; } else { NSLog(@"Could not install Event handler"); } } NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return isInstalled; } #ifdef NDHotKeyEventThreadSafe /* * +initialize: */ + (void)initialize { while( hotKeysLock == nil ) { NSLock * theInstance = [[NSLock alloc] init]; if( !CompareAndSwap( nil, (unsigned long int)theInstance, (unsigned long int*)&hotKeysLock) ) [theInstance release]; // did not use instance } } #endif /* * +setSignature: */ + (void)setSignature:(OSType)aSignature { NSAssert( signature == 0 || aSignature == signature, @"The signature used by NDHotKeyEvent can only be set once safely" ); signature = aSignature; } /* * +signature */ + (OSType)signature { signature = signature ? signature : NDHotKeyDefaultSignature; return signature; } /* * +setAllEnabled: */ + (BOOL)setAllEnabled:(BOOL)aFlag { BOOL theAllSucceeded = YES; NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; /* * need to install before to make sure the method 'setCollectiveEnabled:' * doesn't try install since install tries to aquire the lock 'hotKeysLock' */ if( theMapTable && [NDHotKeyEvent install] ) { NSMapEnumerator theEnumerator; NSUInteger theKey; struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theHotKeyMapEntry; NDHotKeyEventLock; theEnumerator = NSEnumerateMapTable(theMapTable); while ( NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&theEnumerator, (void**)&theKey, (void**)&theHotKeyMapEntry) ) { if( ![theHotKeyMapEntry->hotKeyEvent setCollectiveEnabled:aFlag] ) theAllSucceeded = NO; } NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return theAllSucceeded; } /* * +isEnabledKeyCode:modifierFlags: */ + (BOOL)isEnabledKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags { return [[self findHotKeyForKeyCode:aKeyCode modifierFlags:aModifierFlags] isEnabled]; } /* * +getHotKeyForKeyCode:character:modifierFlags: */ + (NDHotKeyEvent *)getHotKeyForKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode character:(unichar)aChar modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags { NDHotKeyEvent * theHotKey = nil; theHotKey = [self findHotKeyForKeyCode:aKeyCode modifierFlags:aModifierFlags]; return theHotKey ? theHotKey : [self hotKeyWithKeyCode:aKeyCode character:aChar modifierFlags:aModifierFlags]; } /* * +findHotKeyForKeyCode:modifierFlags: */ + (NDHotKeyEvent *)findHotKeyForKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags { struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theFoundEntry = NULL; NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; if( theMapTable ) { NDHotKeyEventLock; theFoundEntry = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry *) NSMapGet( theMapTable, (void*)(NSUInteger)(aKeyCode ^ aModifierFlags) ); if( theFoundEntry != NULL ) [[theFoundEntry->hotKeyEvent retain] autorelease]; NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return (theFoundEntry) ? theFoundEntry->hotKeyEvent : nil; } /* * +hotKeyWithKeyCode:character:modifierFlags: */ + (id)hotKeyWithKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode character:(unichar)aChar modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags { return [self hotKeyWithKeyCode:aKeyCode character:aChar modifierFlags:aModifierFlags target:nil selector:NULL]; } /* * +hotKeyWithKeyCode:character:modifierFlags:target:selector: */ + (id)hotKeyWithKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode character:(unichar)aChar modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags target:(id)aTarget selector:(SEL)aSelector { return [[[self alloc] initWithKeyCode:aKeyCode character:aChar modifierFlags:aModifierFlags target:aTarget selector:aSelector] autorelease]; } + (id)hotKeyWithWithPropertyList:(id)aPropertyList { return [[[self alloc] initWithPropertyList:aPropertyList] autorelease]; } + (NSString *)description { NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; NSString * theDescription = nil; if( theMapTable ) { NDHotKeyEventLock; theDescription = @""; NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return theDescription; } /* * -init */ - (id)init { [self release]; NSAssert( NO, @"You can not initialize a Hot Key with the init method" ); return nil; } /* * -initWithKeyCode:character:modifierFlags: */ - (id)initWithKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode character:(unichar)aChar modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags { return [self initWithKeyCode:aKeyCode character:aChar modifierFlags:aModifierFlags target:nil selector:NULL]; } /* * -initWithKeyCode:character:modifierFlags:target:selector: */ - (id)initWithKeyCode:(unsigned short)aKeyCode character:(unichar)aChar modifierFlags:(unsigned int)aModifierFlags target:(id)aTarget selector:(SEL)aSelector { if( (self = [super init]) != nil ) { keyCode = aKeyCode; character = aChar; modifierFlags = aModifierFlags; target = aTarget; selectorReleased = aSelector; currentEventType = NDHotKeyNoEvent; isEnabled.collective = YES; if( ![self addHotKey] ) { [self release]; self = nil; } } else { [self release]; self = nil; } return self; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { if( (self = [super init]) != nil) { if( [aDecoder allowsKeyedCoding] ) { keyCode = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kArchivingKeyCodeKey] unsignedShortValue]; character = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kArchivingCharacterKey] unsignedShortValue]; modifierFlags = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kArchivingModifierFlagsKey] unsignedIntValue]; selectorReleased = NSSelectorFromString( [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kArchivingSelectorReleasedCodeKey] ); selectorPressed = NSSelectorFromString( [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kArchivingSelectorPressedCodeKey] ); } else { [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unsigned short) at:&keyCode]; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unichar) at:&character]; [aDecoder decodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unsigned int) at:&modifierFlags]; selectorReleased = NSSelectorFromString( [aDecoder decodeObject] ); selectorPressed = NSSelectorFromString( [aDecoder decodeObject] ); } if( ![self addHotKey] ) { [self release]; self = nil; } } return self; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)anEncoder { if( [anEncoder allowsKeyedCoding] ) { [anEncoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:keyCode] forKey:kArchivingKeyCodeKey]; [anEncoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:character] forKey:kArchivingCharacterKey]; [anEncoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:modifierFlags] forKey:kArchivingModifierFlagsKey]; [anEncoder encodeObject:NSStringFromSelector( selectorReleased ) forKey:kArchivingSelectorReleasedCodeKey]; [anEncoder encodeObject:NSStringFromSelector( selectorPressed ) forKey:kArchivingSelectorPressedCodeKey]; } else { [anEncoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unsigned short) at:&keyCode]; [anEncoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unichar) at:&character]; [anEncoder encodeValueOfObjCType:@encode(unsigned int) at:&modifierFlags]; [anEncoder encodeObject:NSStringFromSelector( selectorReleased )]; [anEncoder encodeObject:NSStringFromSelector( selectorPressed )]; } } - (id)initWithPropertyList:(id)aPropertyList { if( aPropertyList ) { NSString * theCharacter; NSNumber * theKeyCode, * theModiferFlag; SEL theKeyPressedSelector, theKeyReleasedSelector; theKeyCode = [aPropertyList objectForKey:kArchivingKeyCodeKey]; theCharacter = [aPropertyList objectForKey:kArchivingCharacterKey]; theModiferFlag = [aPropertyList objectForKey:kArchivingModifierFlagsKey]; theKeyPressedSelector = NSSelectorFromString([aPropertyList objectForKey:kArchivingSelectorPressedCodeKey]); theKeyReleasedSelector = NSSelectorFromString([aPropertyList objectForKey:kArchivingSelectorReleasedCodeKey]); self = [self initWithKeyCode:[theKeyCode unsignedShortValue] character:[theCharacter characterAtIndex:0] modifierFlags:[theModiferFlag unsignedIntValue]]; } else { [self release]; self = nil; } return self; } - (id)propertyList { return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:[self keyCode]], kArchivingKeyCodeKey, [NSString stringWithCharacters:&character length:1] , kArchivingCharacterKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:[self modifierFlags]], kArchivingModifierFlagsKey, NSStringFromSelector( selectorPressed ), kArchivingSelectorPressedCodeKey, NSStringFromSelector( selectorReleased ), kArchivingSelectorReleasedCodeKey, nil]; } /* * -release */ - (oneway void)release { /* * We need to remove the hot key from the hash table before it's retain count reaches zero */ if( [self retainCount] == 1 ) { NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; if( theMapTable ) { NDHotKeyEventLock; switchHotKey( self, NO ); if( [self retainCount] == 1 ) // check again because it might have changed { [theMapTable removeObjectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self hash]]]; } NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } } // else [super release]; } - (void)dealloc { if( UnregisterEventHotKey( reference ) != noErr ) // in lock from release NSLog( @"Failed to unregister hot key %@", self ); [super dealloc]; } /* * -setEnabled: */ - (BOOL)setEnabled:(BOOL)aFlag { BOOL theResult = YES; if( [NDHotKeyEvent install] ) { /* * if individual and collective YES then currently ON, otherwise currently off */ NDHotKeyEventLock; if( aFlag == YES && isEnabled.collective == YES && isEnabled.individual == NO ) { theResult = (switchHotKey( self, YES ) == noErr); } else if( aFlag == NO && isEnabled.collective == YES && isEnabled.individual == YES ) { theResult = (switchHotKey( self, NO ) == noErr); } NDHotKeyEventUnlock; if( theResult ) isEnabled.individual = aFlag; else NSLog(@"%s failed ", aFlag ? "enable" : "disable" ); } else theResult = NO; return theResult; } /* * -isEnabled */ - (BOOL)isEnabled { return isEnabled.individual && isEnabled.collective; } /* * -target */ - (id)target { return target; } /* * -selector */ - (SEL)selector { return selectorReleased; } /* * -selectorReleased */ - (SEL)selectorReleased { return selectorReleased; } /* * -selectorPressed */ - (SEL)selectorPressed { return selectorPressed; } /* * -currentEventType * (NDHotKeyNoEvent | NDHotKeyPressedEvent | NDHotKeyReleasedEvent) */ - (int)currentEventType { return currentEventType; } /* * -setTarget:selector: */ - (BOOL)setTarget:(id)aTarget selector:(SEL)aSelector { return [self setTarget:aTarget selectorReleased:aSelector selectorPressed:(SEL)0]; } /* * -setTarget:selectorReleased:selectorPressed: */ - (BOOL)setTarget:(id)aTarget selectorReleased:(SEL)aSelectorReleased selectorPressed:(SEL)aSelectorPressed { [self setEnabled:NO]; if( target && target != aTarget ) { [self setEnabled:NO]; if( ![target respondsToSelector:@selector(targetWillChangeToObject:forHotKeyEvent:)] || [target targetWillChangeToObject:aTarget forHotKeyEvent:self] ) { target = aTarget; selectorReleased = aSelectorReleased; selectorPressed = aSelectorPressed; } } else { target = aTarget; selectorReleased = aSelectorReleased; selectorPressed = aSelectorPressed; } return target == aTarget; // was change succesful } /* * -performHotKeyReleased */ - (void)performHotKeyReleased { NSAssert( target, @"NDHotKeyEvent tried to perfrom release with no target" ); if( selectorReleased && [target respondsToSelector:selectorReleased]) { currentEventType = NDHotKeyReleasedEvent; [target performSelector:selectorReleased withObject:self]; currentEventType = NDHotKeyNoEvent; } } /* * -performHotKeyPressed */ - (void)performHotKeyPressed { NSAssert( target, @"NDHotKeyEvent tried to perfrom press with no target" ); if( selectorPressed && [target respondsToSelector:selectorPressed]) { currentEventType = NDHotKeyPressedEvent; [target performSelector:selectorPressed withObject:self]; currentEventType = NDHotKeyNoEvent; } } /* * -keyCode */ - (unsigned short)keyCode { return keyCode; } /* * -character */ - (unichar)character { return character; } /* * -modifierFlags */ - (unsigned int)modifierFlags { return modifierFlags; } /* * -stringValue */ - (NSString *)stringValue { NSString * theStringValue = nil; NDHotKeyEventLock; theStringValue = stringForKeyCodeAndModifierFlags( [self keyCode], [self character], [self modifierFlags] ); NDHotKeyEventUnlock; return theStringValue; } /* * -isEqual: */ - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject { return [super isEqual:anObject] || ([anObject isKindOfClass:[self class]] == YES && [self keyCode] == [(NDHotKeyEvent*)anObject keyCode] && [self modifierFlags] == [(NDHotKeyEvent*)anObject modifierFlags]); } /* * -hash */ - (NSUInteger)hash { return (unsigned int)keyCode ^ modifierFlags; // xor } /* * -description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{\n\tKey Combination: %@,\n\tEnabled: %s\n\tKey Press Selector: %@\n\tKey Release Selector: %@\n}\n", [self stringValue], [self isEnabled] ? "yes" : "no", NSStringFromSelector([self selectorPressed]), NSStringFromSelector([self selectorReleased])]; } /* * cocoaModifierFlagsToCarbonModifierFlags() */ unsigned int cocoaModifierFlagsToCarbonModifierFlags( unsigned int aModifierFlags ) { unsigned int theCarbonModifierFlags = 0; if(aModifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) theCarbonModifierFlags |= shiftKey; if(aModifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask) theCarbonModifierFlags |= controlKey; if(aModifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) theCarbonModifierFlags |= optionKey; if(aModifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) theCarbonModifierFlags |= cmdKey; return theCarbonModifierFlags; } /* * eventHandlerCallback() */ pascal OSErr eventHandlerCallback( EventHandlerCallRef anInHandlerCallRef, EventRef anInEvent, void * anInUserData ) { NSMapTable * allHotKeyEvents = (NSMapTable *)anInUserData; EventHotKeyID theHotKeyID; OSStatus theError; NSCAssert( GetEventClass( anInEvent ) == kEventClassKeyboard, @"Got event that is not a hot key event" ); theError = GetEventParameter( anInEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeEventHotKeyID, NULL, sizeof(EventHotKeyID), NULL, &theHotKeyID ); if( theError == noErr ) { struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theHotKeyMappingEntry; NDHotKeyEvent * theHotKeyEvent; UInt32 theEventKind; NSCAssert( [NDHotKeyEvent signature] == theHotKeyID.signature, @"Got hot key event with wrong signature" ); theHotKeyMappingEntry = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry *) NSMapGet(allHotKeyEvents, (void *)(NSUInteger)theHotKeyID.id); if ( theHotKeyMappingEntry ) { theHotKeyEvent = theHotKeyMappingEntry->hotKeyEvent; theEventKind = GetEventKind( anInEvent ); if( kEventHotKeyPressed == theEventKind ) { [theHotKeyEvent performHotKeyPressed]; } else if( kEventHotKeyReleased == theEventKind ) { [theHotKeyEvent performHotKeyReleased]; } } } return theError; } /* * hashValueHashFunction() */ NSUInteger hashValueHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aHotKeyEntry ) { struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theHotKeyEntry; unsigned int theKeyCode, theModifiers; theHotKeyEntry = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry*)aHotKeyEntry; theKeyCode = (unsigned int)theHotKeyEntry->keyCode; theModifiers = (unsigned int)theHotKeyEntry->modifierFlags; return theKeyCode ^ theModifiers; // xor } /* * isEqualHashFunction() */ BOOL isEqualHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aFirstHotKeyEntry, const void * aSecondHotKeyEntry ) { struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theFirst, * theSecond; theFirst = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry*)aFirstHotKeyEntry; theSecond = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry*)aSecondHotKeyEntry; return theFirst->keyCode == theSecond->keyCode && theFirst->modifierFlags == theSecond->modifierFlags; } /* * describeHashFunction() */ NSString * describeHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aHotKeyEntry ) { NDHotKeyEvent * theHotKey; theHotKey = ((struct HotKeyMappingEntry*)aHotKeyEntry)->hotKeyEvent; return [theHotKey description]; } NSUInteger hashKeyHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aNumber ) { NSNumber * theNumber = (NSNumber *) aNumber; return [theNumber integerValue]; } BOOL isEqualKeyHashFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aFirstNumber, const void * aSecondNumber ) { NSNumber * theFirstNumber = (NSNumber *) aFirstNumber; NSNumber * theSecondNumber = (NSNumber *) aSecondNumber; return [theFirstNumber isEqual:theSecondNumber]; } void hashKeyRetainFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, const void * aNumber ) { const NSNumber * theNumber = (const NSNumber *) aNumber; [theNumber retain]; } void hashKeyReleaseFunction( NSMapTable * aTable, void * aNumber ) { NSNumber * theNumber = (NSNumber *) aNumber; [theNumber release]; } @end @implementation NDHotKeyEvent (Private) /* * +allHotKeyEvents */ + (NSMapTable *)allHotKeyEvents { if( allHotKeyEvents == NULL ) { NDHotKeyEventLock; if( allHotKeyEvents == NULL ) allHotKeyEvents = NSCreateMapTable(NSIntegerMapKeyCallBacks, NSNonOwnedPointerMapValueCallBacks, 0); NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return allHotKeyEvents; } /* * -addHotKey */ - (BOOL)addHotKey { NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; if( theMapTable ) { struct HotKeyMappingEntry * theEntry; theEntry = (struct HotKeyMappingEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct HotKeyMappingEntry)); theEntry->keyCode = [self keyCode]; theEntry->modifierFlags = [self modifierFlags]; theEntry->hotKeyEvent = self; NDHotKeyEventLock; NSMapInsert(theMapTable, (void*)[self hash], theEntry); NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } return YES; } /* * -removeHotKey */ - (void)removeHotKey { [self setEnabled:NO]; NSMapTable * theMapTable = [NDHotKeyEvent allHotKeyEvents]; if( theMapTable ) { NDHotKeyEventLock; free(NSMapGet(theMapTable, (void *)[self hash])); NSMapRemove(theMapTable, (void*)[self hash]); NDHotKeyEventUnlock; } } /* * setCollectiveEnabled: */ - (BOOL)setCollectiveEnabled:(BOOL)aFlag { BOOL theResult = YES; if( [NDHotKeyEvent install] ) { /* * if individual and collective YES then currently ON, otherwise currently off */ NDHotKeyEventLock; if( aFlag == YES && isEnabled.collective == NO && isEnabled.individual == YES ) { theResult = (switchHotKey( self, YES ) == noErr); } else if( aFlag == NO && isEnabled.collective == YES && isEnabled.individual == YES ) { theResult = (switchHotKey( self, NO ) == noErr); } NDHotKeyEventUnlock; if( theResult ) isEnabled.collective = aFlag; else NSLog(@"%s failed", aFlag ? "enable" : "disable" ); } else theResult = NO; return theResult; } /* * collectiveEnable() */ - (BOOL)collectiveEnable { return isEnabled.collective; } /* * switchHotKey() */ static OSStatus switchHotKey( NDHotKeyEvent * self, BOOL aFlag ) { OSStatus theError; if( aFlag ) { struct HotKeyMappingEntry theDummyEntry; theDummyEntry.keyCode = [self keyCode]; theDummyEntry.modifierFlags = [self modifierFlags]; theDummyEntry.hotKeyEvent = nil; EventHotKeyID theHotKeyID; theHotKeyID.signature = [NDHotKeyEvent signature]; theHotKeyID.id = hashValueHashFunction( nil, (const void *)&theDummyEntry ); NSCAssert( theHotKeyID.signature, @"HotKeyEvent signature has not been set yet" ); NSCParameterAssert(sizeof(unsigned long) >= sizeof(id) ); theError = RegisterEventHotKey( self->keyCode, cocoaModifierFlagsToCarbonModifierFlags(self->modifierFlags), theHotKeyID, GetEventDispatcherTarget(), 0, &self->reference ); } else { theError = UnregisterEventHotKey( self->reference ); } return theError; } @end /* * stringForKeyCodeAndModifierFlags() */ NSString * stringForKeyCodeAndModifierFlags( unsigned short aKeyCode, unichar aChar, unsigned int aModifierFlags ) { NSString * stringForCharacter( const unsigned short aKeyCode, unichar aCharacter ); NSString * stringForModifiers( unsigned int aModifierFlags ); return [stringForModifiers(aModifierFlags) stringByAppendingString:stringForCharacter( aKeyCode, aChar )]; } /* * unicharForKeyCode() */ unichar unicharForKeyCode( unsigned short aKeyCode ) { UInt32 theChar = kNullCharCode; TISInputSourceRef theCurrentKeyBoardLayout = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource(); UCKeyboardLayout *uchr = (UCKeyboardLayout *) TISGetInputSourceProperty(theCurrentKeyBoardLayout, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData); if ( uchr != nil ) { UInt32 deadKeyState = 0; UInt32 flags = 0; UniCharCount maxStringLength = 255; UniCharCount actualStringLength = 0; UniChar unicodeString[maxStringLength]; UCKeyTranslate(uchr, aKeyCode, kUCKeyActionDown, flags, LMGetKbdType(), 1, &deadKeyState, maxStringLength, &actualStringLength, unicodeString); if ( actualStringLength == 1 ) theChar = unicodeString[ 0 ]; switch( theChar ) { case kHomeCharCode: theChar = NSHomeFunctionKey; break; // case kEnterCharCode: theChar = ; break; case kEndCharCode: theChar = NSEndFunctionKey; break; case kHelpCharCode: theChar = NSHelpFunctionKey; break; // case kBellCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kBackspaceCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kTabCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kLineFeedCharCode: theChar = ; break; case kPageUpCharCode: theChar = NSPageUpFunctionKey; break; case kPageDownCharCode: theChar = NSPageDownFunctionKey; break; // case kReturnCharCode: theChar = ; break; case kFunctionKeyCharCode: theChar = unicodeForFunctionKey( aKeyCode ); break; // case kCommandCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kCheckCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kDiamondCharCode : theChar = ; break; // case kAppleLogoCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kEscapeCharCode: theChar = ; break; case kClearCharCode: theChar = (aKeyCode==0x47) ? NSInsertFunctionKey : theChar; break; case kLeftArrowCharCode: theChar = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey; break; case kRightArrowCharCode: theChar = NSRightArrowFunctionKey; break; case kUpArrowCharCode: theChar = NSUpArrowFunctionKey; break; case kDownArrowCharCode: theChar = NSDownArrowFunctionKey; break; // case kSpaceCharCode: theChar = ; break; case kDeleteCharCode: theChar = NSDeleteCharFunctionKey; break; // case kBulletCharCode: theChar = ; break; // case kNonBreakingSpaceCharCode: theChar = ; break; } } return theChar; } unichar unicodeForFunctionKey( UInt32 aKeyCode ) { switch( aKeyCode ) { case 0x7A: return NSF1FunctionKey; case 0x78: return NSF2FunctionKey; case 0x63: return NSF3FunctionKey; case 0x76: return NSF4FunctionKey; case 0x60: return NSF5FunctionKey; case 0x61: return NSF6FunctionKey; case 0x62: return NSF7FunctionKey; case 0x64: return NSF8FunctionKey; case 0x65: return NSF9FunctionKey; case 0x6D: return NSF10FunctionKey; case 0x67: return NSF11FunctionKey; case 0x6F: return NSF12FunctionKey; default: return 0x00; } } NSString * stringForCharacter( const unsigned short aKeyCode, unichar aCharacter ) { NSString * theString = nil; switch( aCharacter ) { case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2191; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2193; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2190; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2192; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSF1FunctionKey: theString = @"F1"; break; case NSF2FunctionKey: theString = @"F2"; break; case NSF3FunctionKey: theString = @"F3"; break; case NSF4FunctionKey: theString = @"F4"; break; case NSF5FunctionKey: theString = @"F5"; break; case NSF6FunctionKey: theString = @"F6"; break; case NSF7FunctionKey: theString = @"F7"; break; case NSF8FunctionKey: theString = @"F8"; break; case NSF9FunctionKey: theString = @"F9"; break; case NSF10FunctionKey: theString = @"F10"; break; case NSF11FunctionKey: theString = @"F11"; break; case NSF12FunctionKey: theString = @"F12"; break; case NSF13FunctionKey: theString = @"F13"; break; case NSF14FunctionKey: theString = @"F14"; break; case NSF15FunctionKey: theString = @"F15"; break; case NSF16FunctionKey: theString = @"F16"; break; case NSF17FunctionKey: theString = @"F17"; break; case NSF18FunctionKey: theString = @"F18"; break; case NSF19FunctionKey: theString = @"F19"; break; case NSF20FunctionKey: theString = @"F20"; break; case NSF21FunctionKey: theString = @"F21"; break; case NSF22FunctionKey: theString = @"F22"; break; case NSF23FunctionKey: theString = @"F23"; break; case NSF24FunctionKey: theString = @"F24"; break; case NSF25FunctionKey: theString = @"F25"; break; case NSF26FunctionKey: theString = @"F26"; break; case NSF27FunctionKey: theString = @"F27"; break; case NSF28FunctionKey: theString = @"F28"; break; case NSF29FunctionKey: theString = @"F29"; break; case NSF30FunctionKey: theString = @"F30"; break; case NSF31FunctionKey: theString = @"F31"; break; case NSF32FunctionKey: theString = @"F32"; break; case NSF33FunctionKey: theString = @"F33"; break; case NSF34FunctionKey: theString = @"F34"; break; case NSF35FunctionKey: theString = @"F35"; break; case NSInsertFunctionKey: theString = @"Ins"; break; case NSDeleteFunctionKey: theString = @"Delete"; break; case NSHomeFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2196; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSBeginFunctionKey: theString = @"Begin"; break; case NSEndFunctionKey: theString = @"End"; break; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: // aCharacter = 0x21DE; // theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; theString = @"PgUp"; break; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: // aCharacter = 0x21DF; // theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; theString = @"PgDn"; break; case NSPrintScreenFunctionKey: theString = @"Print"; break; case NSScrollLockFunctionKey: theString = @"ScrollLock"; break; case NSPauseFunctionKey: theString = @"Pause"; break; case NSSysReqFunctionKey: theString = @"SysReq"; break; case NSBreakFunctionKey: theString = @"Break"; break; case NSResetFunctionKey: theString = @"Reset"; break; case NSStopFunctionKey: theString = @"Stop"; break; case NSMenuFunctionKey: theString = @"Menu"; break; case NSUserFunctionKey: theString = @"User"; break; case NSSystemFunctionKey: theString = @"System"; break; case NSPrintFunctionKey: theString = @"Print"; break; case NSClearLineFunctionKey: theString = @"ClearLine"; break; case NSClearDisplayFunctionKey: theString = @"ClearDisplay"; break; case NSInsertLineFunctionKey: theString = @"InsertLine"; break; case NSDeleteLineFunctionKey: theString = @"DeleteLine"; break; case NSInsertCharFunctionKey: theString = @"InsertChar"; break; case NSDeleteCharFunctionKey: aCharacter = 0x2326; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case NSPrevFunctionKey: theString = @"Prev"; break; case NSNextFunctionKey: theString = @"Next"; break; case NSSelectFunctionKey: theString = @"Select"; break; case NSExecuteFunctionKey: theString = @"Exec"; break; case NSUndoFunctionKey: theString = @"Undo"; break; case NSRedoFunctionKey: theString = @"Redo"; break; case NSFindFunctionKey: theString = @"Find"; break; case NSHelpFunctionKey: theString = @"Help"; break; case NSModeSwitchFunctionKey: theString = @"ModeSwitch"; break; case kEscapeCharCode: theString = @"Esc"; break; case kTabCharCode: aCharacter = 0x21E5; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case kSpaceCharCode: theString = @"Space"; break; case kEnterCharCode: aCharacter = 0x21B5; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case kReturnCharCode: aCharacter = 0x21A9; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; case kDeleteCharCode: theString = @"Del"; break; case '0'...'9': case '=': case '/': case '*': case '-': case '+': case '.': theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; if( aKeyCode > 60 ) theString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@]", theString]; break; default: aCharacter = unicharForKeyCode(aKeyCode); if( aCharacter >= 'a' && aCharacter <= 'z' ) // convert to uppercase aCharacter = aCharacter + 'A' - 'a'; theString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&aCharacter length:1]; break; } return theString; } NSString * stringForModifiers( unsigned int aModifierFlags ) { NSMutableString * theString; unichar theCharacter; theString = [NSMutableString string]; if( aModifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask) { theCharacter = kControlUnicode; [theString appendString:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&theCharacter length:1]]; } if( aModifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) { theCharacter = kOptionUnicode; [theString appendString:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&theCharacter length:1]]; } if( aModifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) { theCharacter = kShiftUnicode; [theString appendString:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&theCharacter length:1]]; } if( aModifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) { theCharacter = kCommandUnicode; [theString appendString:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&theCharacter length:1]]; } return theString; }