//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // **** WAVPACK **** // // Hybrid Lossless Wavefile Compressor // // Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006 Conifer Software. // // All Rights Reserved. // // Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // utils.c // This module provides general purpose utilities for the WavPack command-line // utilities and the self-extraction module. #if defined(WIN32) #include #include #include #include #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__sun) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "wavpack.h" #include "utils.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define fileno _fileno #define stat64 __stat64 #define fstat64 _fstat64 #endif #ifdef WIN32 int copy_timestamp (const char *src_filename, const char *dst_filename) { FILETIME last_modified; HANDLE src, dst; int res = TRUE; if (*src_filename == '-' || *dst_filename == '-') return res; src = CreateFile (src_filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); dst = CreateFile (dst_filename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (src == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || dst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !GetFileTime (src, NULL, NULL, &last_modified) || !SetFileTime (dst, NULL, NULL, &last_modified)) res = FALSE; if (src != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (src); if (dst != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (dst); return res; } #else #include #include int copy_timestamp(const char *src_filename, const char *dst_filename) { struct stat fileinfo; struct timeval times[2]; if (strcmp(src_filename, "-") == 0 || strcmp(dst_filename, "-") == 0) return TRUE; if (stat(src_filename, &fileinfo)) return FALSE; /* stat failed */ times[0].tv_sec = fileinfo.st_atime; times[0].tv_usec = 0; times[1].tv_sec = fileinfo.st_mtime; times[1].tv_usec = 0; if (utimes(dst_filename, times)) return FALSE; /* utimes failed */ return TRUE; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function parses a filename (with or without full path) and returns // // a pointer to the extension (including the "."). If no extension is found // // then NULL is returned. Extensions with more than 3 letters don't count. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(WIN32) static int is_second_byte (char *filespec, char *pos); char *filespec_ext (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); LANGID langid = GetSystemDefaultLangID (); while (--cp >= filespec) { if (langid == 0x411 && is_second_byte (filespec, cp)) --cp; if (*cp == '\\' || *cp == ':') return NULL; if (*cp == '.') { if (strlen (cp) > 1 && strlen (cp) <= 4) return cp; else return NULL; } } return NULL; } #else char *filespec_ext (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); while (--cp >= filespec) { if (*cp == '/' || *cp == ':') return NULL; if (*cp == '.') { if (strlen (cp) > 1 && strlen (cp) <= 4) return cp; else return NULL; } } return NULL; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function determines if the specified filespec is a valid pathname. // // If not, NULL is returned. If it is in the format of a pathname, then the // // original pointer is returned. If the format is ambiguous, then a lookup // // is performed to determine if it is in fact a valid path, and if so a "\" // // is appended so that the pathname can be used and the original pointer is // // returned. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__sun)) && !defined(WIN32) char *filespec_path (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); glob_t globs; struct stat fstats; if (cp == filespec || filespec_wild (filespec)) return NULL; if (*--cp == '/' || *cp == ':') return filespec; if (*cp == '.' && cp == filespec) return strcat (filespec, "/"); if (glob (filespec, GLOB_MARK|GLOB_NOSORT, NULL, &globs) == 0 && globs.gl_pathc > 0) { /* test if the file is a directory */ if (stat(globs.gl_pathv[0], &fstats) == 0 && (fstats.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { filespec[0] = '\0'; strcat (filespec, globs.gl_pathv[0]); globfree(&globs); return filespec; } } globfree(&globs); return NULL; } #else char *filespec_path (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); LANGID langid = GetSystemDefaultLangID (); struct _finddata_t finddata; intptr_t file; if (cp == filespec || filespec_wild (filespec)) return NULL; --cp; if (langid == 0x411 && is_second_byte (filespec, cp)) --cp; if (*cp == '\\' || *cp == ':') return filespec; if (*cp == '.' && cp == filespec) return strcat (filespec, "\\"); if ((file = _findfirst (filespec, &finddata)) != (intptr_t) -1 && (finddata.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) { _findclose (file); return strcat (filespec, "\\"); } if (file != -1L) _findclose(file); return NULL; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function returns non-NULL if the specified filename spec has any // // wildcard characters. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *filespec_wild (char *filespec) { return strpbrk (filespec, "*?"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function parses a filename (with or without full path) and returns // // a pointer to the actual filename, or NULL if no filename can be found. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(WIN32) char *filespec_name (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); LANGID langid = GetSystemDefaultLangID (); while (--cp >= filespec) { if (langid == 0x411 && is_second_byte (filespec, cp)) --cp; if (*cp == '\\' || *cp == ':') break; } if (strlen (cp + 1)) return cp + 1; else return NULL; } #else char *filespec_name (char *filespec) { char *cp = filespec + strlen (filespec); while (--cp >= filespec) if (*cp == '/' || *cp == ':') break; if (strlen (cp + 1)) return cp + 1; else return NULL; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function returns TRUE if "pos" is pointing to the second byte of a // // double-byte character in the string "filespec" which is assumed to be // // shift-JIS. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(WIN32) static int is_second_byte (char *filespec, char *pos) { unsigned char *cp = pos; while (cp > filespec && ((cp [-1] >= 0x81 && cp [-1] <= 0x9f) || (cp [-1] >= 0xe0 && cp [-1] <= 0xfc))) cp--; return (int)((unsigned char *)pos - cp) & 1; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function allows the user to type 'y', 'n', or 'a' (with Enter) in // // response to a system query. The return value is the key typed as // // lowercase (regardless of the typed case). // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int waiting_input; char yna (void) { char choice = 0; int key; waiting_input = 1; while (1) { #if defined(WIN32) key = _getch (); #else key = fgetc(stdin); #endif if (key == 3) { fprintf (stderr, "^C\n"); exit (1); } else if (key == '\r' || key == '\n') { if (choice) { fprintf (stderr, "\r\n"); break; } else fprintf (stderr, "%c", 7); } else if (key == 'Y' || key == 'y') { #ifdef WIN32 fprintf (stderr, "%c\b", key); #endif choice = 'y'; } else if (key == 'N' || key == 'n') { #ifdef WIN32 fprintf (stderr, "%c\b", key); #endif choice = 'n'; } else if (key == 'A' || key == 'a') { #ifdef WIN32 fprintf (stderr, "%c\b", key); #endif choice = 'a'; } else fprintf (stderr, "%c", 7); } waiting_input = 0; return choice; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display the specified message on the console through stderr. Note that // // the cursor may start anywhere in the line and all text already on the // // line is erased. A terminating newline is not needed and function works // // with printf strings and args. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern int debug_logging_mode; #ifdef WIN32 int get_app_path (char *app_path) { static char file_path [MAX_PATH], tried, result; HINSTANCE hinstLib; FARPROC ProcAdd; if (tried) { if (result) strcpy (app_path, file_path); return result; } tried = TRUE; hinstLib = LoadLibrary ("shell32.dll"); if (hinstLib) { ProcAdd = GetProcAddress (hinstLib, "SHGetFolderPathA"); if (ProcAdd && SUCCEEDED ((ProcAdd) (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA | 0x8000, NULL, 0, file_path))) result = TRUE; if (!result) { ProcAdd = GetProcAddress (hinstLib, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"); if (ProcAdd && SUCCEEDED ((ProcAdd) (NULL, file_path, CSIDL_APPDATA, TRUE))) result = TRUE; } FreeLibrary (hinstLib); } if (!result) { hinstLib = LoadLibrary ("shfolder.dll"); if (hinstLib) { ProcAdd = GetProcAddress (hinstLib, "SHGetFolderPathA"); if (ProcAdd && SUCCEEDED ((ProcAdd) (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA | 0x8000, NULL, 0, file_path))) result = TRUE; FreeLibrary (hinstLib); } } if (result) strcpy (app_path, file_path); return result; } void error_line (char *error, ...) { char error_msg [512]; va_list argptr; error_msg [0] = '\r'; va_start (argptr, error); vsprintf (error_msg + 1, error, argptr); va_end (argptr); fputs (error_msg, stderr); finish_line (); if (debug_logging_mode) { char file_path [MAX_PATH]; FILE *error_log = NULL; if (get_app_path (file_path)) { strcat (file_path, "\\WavPack\\wavpack.log"); error_log = fopen (file_path, "a+"); if (!error_log) { get_app_path (file_path); strcat (file_path, "\\WavPack"); if (CreateDirectory (file_path, NULL)) { strcat (file_path, "\\wavpack.log"); error_log = fopen (file_path, "a+"); } } } if (!error_log) error_log = fopen ("c:\\wavpack.log", "a+"); if (error_log) { fputs (error_msg + 1, error_log); fputc ('\n', error_log); fclose (error_log); } } } #else void error_line (char *error, ...) { char error_msg [512]; va_list argptr; error_msg [0] = '\r'; va_start (argptr, error); vsprintf (error_msg + 1, error, argptr); va_end (argptr); fputs (error_msg, stderr); finish_line (); } #endif void debug_line (char *error, ...) { char error_msg [512]; va_list argptr; if (!debug_logging_mode) return; error_msg [0] = '\r'; va_start (argptr, error); vsprintf (error_msg + 1, error, argptr); va_end (argptr); fputs (error_msg, stderr); finish_line (); if (debug_logging_mode) { FILE *error_log = fopen ("c:\\wavpack.log", "a+"); if (error_log) { fputs (error_msg + 1, error_log); fputc ('\n', error_log); fclose (error_log); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to intercept ^C or ^Break typed at the console. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(WIN32) static int break_flag; BOOL WINAPI ctrl_handler (DWORD ctrl) { if (ctrl == CTRL_C_EVENT) { break_flag = TRUE; return TRUE; } if (ctrl == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { if (waiting_input) { return FALSE; } else { break_flag = TRUE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to initialize console for intercepting ^C and ^Break. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup_break (void) { HANDLE hConIn = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleMode (hConIn, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT); FlushConsoleInputBuffer (hConIn); SetConsoleCtrlHandler (ctrl_handler, TRUE); break_flag = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to determine whether ^C or ^Break has been issued by user. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int check_break (void) { return break_flag; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to clear the stderr console to the end of the current line (and // // go to the beginning next line). // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void finish_line (void) { HANDLE hConIn = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO coninfo; if (hConIn && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hConIn, &coninfo)) { unsigned char spaces = coninfo.dwSize.X - coninfo.dwCursorPosition.X; while (spaces--) fputc (' ', stderr); } else fputc ('\n', stderr); } #else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to clear the stderr console to the end of the current line (and // // go to the beginning next line). // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void finish_line (void) { fprintf (stderr, " \n"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to initialize console for intercepting ^C and ^Break. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup_break (void) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to determine whether ^C or ^Break has been issued by user. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int check_break (void) { return 0; } #endif //////////////////////////// File I/O Wrapper //////////////////////////////// int DoReadFile (FILE *hFile, void *lpBuffer, uint32_t nNumberOfBytesToRead, uint32_t *lpNumberOfBytesRead) { uint32_t bcount; *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0; while (nNumberOfBytesToRead) { bcount = (uint32_t) fread ((unsigned char *) lpBuffer + *lpNumberOfBytesRead, 1, nNumberOfBytesToRead, hFile); if (bcount) { *lpNumberOfBytesRead += bcount; nNumberOfBytesToRead -= bcount; } else break; } return !ferror (hFile); } int DoWriteFile (FILE *hFile, void *lpBuffer, uint32_t nNumberOfBytesToWrite, uint32_t *lpNumberOfBytesWritten) { uint32_t bcount; *lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0; while (nNumberOfBytesToWrite) { bcount = (uint32_t) fwrite ((unsigned char *) lpBuffer + *lpNumberOfBytesWritten, 1, nNumberOfBytesToWrite, hFile); if (bcount) { *lpNumberOfBytesWritten += bcount; nNumberOfBytesToWrite -= bcount; } else break; } return !ferror (hFile); } #ifdef WIN32 int64_t DoGetFileSize (FILE *hFile) { struct stat64 statbuf; if (!hFile || fstat64 (fileno (hFile), &statbuf) || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return 0; return statbuf.st_size; } #else int64_t DoGetFileSize (FILE *hFile) { struct stat statbuf; if (!hFile || fstat (fileno (hFile), &statbuf) || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return 0; return (int64_t) statbuf.st_size; } #endif uint32_t DoGetFilePosition (FILE *hFile) { return ftell (hFile); } int DoSetFilePositionAbsolute (FILE *hFile, uint32_t pos) { return fseek (hFile, pos, SEEK_SET); } int DoSetFilePositionRelative (FILE *hFile, int32_t pos, int mode) { return fseek (hFile, pos, mode); } // if ungetc() is not available, a seek of -1 is fine also because we do not // change the byte read. int DoUngetc (int c, FILE *hFile) { return ungetc (c, hFile); } int DoCloseHandle (FILE *hFile) { return hFile ? !fclose (hFile) : 0; } int DoTruncateFile (FILE *hFile) { if (hFile) { fflush (hFile); #if defined(WIN32) return !_chsize (_fileno (hFile), 0); #else return !ftruncate(fileno (hFile), 0); #endif } return 0; } int DoDeleteFile (char *filename) { return !remove (filename); }