// // PlaylistController.m // Cog // // Created by Vincent Spader on 3/18/05. // Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #import "PlaylistController.h" #import "PlaylistEntry.h" @implementation PlaylistController #define HISTORY_SIZE 100 - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder { self = [super initWithCoder:decoder]; if (self) { acceptableFileTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"ogg",@"wav",@"mpc",@"flac",@"ape",@"mp3",@"aiff",@"aif",@"aac",nil]; acceptablePlaylistTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"playlist",nil]; history = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; shuffleList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // DBLog(@"DAH BUTTER CHORNAR: %@", history); } return self; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [super awakeFromNib]; } - (int)insertFile:(NSString *)filename atIndex:(int)index { if ([acceptableFileTypes containsObject:[filename pathExtension]]) { PlaylistEntry *pe = [[PlaylistEntry alloc] init]; [pe setFilename:filename]; //Setfilename takes car of opening the soundfile..cheap hack, but works for now [pe setIndex:index]; [pe readTags]; [pe readInfo]; [self insertObject:pe atArrangedObjectIndex:index]; return 1; } return 0; } - (int)insertPath:(NSString *)path atIndex:(int)index { BOOL isDir; NSFileManager *manager; manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:path isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir == YES) { int count; int j; NSArray *subpaths; count = 0; subpaths = [manager subpathsAtPath:path]; for (j = 0; j < [subpaths count]; j++) { NSString *filepath; filepath = [NSString pathWithComponents:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:path,[subpaths objectAtIndex:j],nil]]; count += [self insertFile:filepath atIndex:index+count]; } return count; } else { // DBLog(@"Adding fiiiiile: %@", path); return [self insertFile:path atIndex:index]; } } - (int)insertPaths:(NSArray *)paths atIndex:(int)index sort:(BOOL)sort { NSArray *sortedFiles; int count; int i; if (!paths) return 0; if (index < 0) index = 0; count = 0; if (sort == YES) sortedFiles = [paths sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; else sortedFiles = paths; for(i=0; i < [sortedFiles count]; i++) { int j; NSString *f; f = [sortedFiles objectAtIndex:i]; // DBLog(@"Adding file to index: %i", index+count); j = [self insertPath:f atIndex:(index+count)]; // DBLog(@"Number added: %i", j); count+=j; } if (shuffle == YES) [self generateShuffleList]; return count; } - (int)addFile:(NSString *)filename { return [self insertFile:filename atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count]]; } - (int)addPath:(NSString *)path { return [self insertPath:path atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count]]; } - (int)addPaths:(NSArray *)paths sort:(BOOL)sort { return [self insertPaths:paths atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count] sort:sort]; } - (NSArray *)acceptableFileTypes { return acceptableFileTypes; } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView*)tv acceptDrop:(id )info row:(int)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)op { int i; [super tableView:tv acceptDrop:info row:row dropOperation:op]; if ([info draggingSource] == tableView) { //DNDArrayController handles moving...still need to update the uhm...indices NSArray *rows = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[[info draggingPasteboard] dataForType: MovedRowsType]]; NSIndexSet *indexSet = [self indexSetFromRows:rows]; int firstIndex = [indexSet firstIndex]; if (firstIndex > row) { i = row; } else { i = firstIndex; } [self updateIndexesFromRow:i]; return YES; } if (row < 0) row = 0; NSArray *files = [[info draggingPasteboard] propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; [self insertPaths:files atIndex:row sort:YES]; [self updateIndexesFromRow:row]; if (shuffle == YES) [self generateShuffleList]; return YES; } - (void)updateIndexesFromRow:(int) row { // DBLog(@"UPDATE INDEXES: %i", row); int j; for (j = row; j < [[self content] count]; j++) { PlaylistEntry *p; p = [[self content] objectAtIndex:j]; [p setIndex:j]; } } - (void)removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes { NSArray *a = [[self arrangedObjects] objectsAtIndexes:indexes]; if ([a containsObject:currentEntry]) { [currentEntry setIndex:-1]; } [super removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:indexes]; [self updateIndexesFromRow:[indexes firstIndex]]; if (shuffle == YES) [self generateShuffleList]; [history removeObjectsInArray:a]; } - (IBAction)takeShuffleFromObject:(id)sender { if( [sender respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)] ) [self setShuffle: [sender boolValue]]; else [self setShuffle: [sender state]]; } - (IBAction)takeRepeatFromObject:(id)sender { if( [sender respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)] ) [self setRepeat: [sender boolValue]]; else [self setRepeat: [sender state]]; } - (void)next { PlaylistEntry *pe; pe = [self nextEntry]; if (pe == nil) return; if (shuffle == YES) { [shuffleList removeObject:pe]; } [self setCurrentEntry:pe addToHistory:YES]; [self setNextEntry:nil]; } - (void)prev { PlaylistEntry *pe; pe = [self prevEntry]; if (pe == nil) return; if (pe != [history objectAtIndex:1]) DBLog(@"History inconcistency"); [history removeObjectAtIndex:0]; [self setCurrentEntry:pe addToHistory:NO]; [self setPrevEntry:nil]; //If one goes back, and goes forward, one shall receive unto thee a new song if (shuffle == YES) [self generateShuffleList]; } - (PlaylistEntry *)prevEntry { if (prevEntry == nil) [self getPrevEntry]; return prevEntry; } - (PlaylistEntry *)nextEntry { if (nextEntry == nil) [self getNextEntry]; return nextEntry; } - (void)reset { nextEntry = nil; prevEntry = nil; [self generateShuffleList]; } - (void)generateShuffleList { // [shuffleHistory removeAllObjects]; // DBLog(@"Generated Shuffle List"); [shuffleList removeAllObjects]; [shuffleList addObjectsFromArray:[self arrangedObjects]]; if (currentEntry != nil) [shuffleList removeObject:currentEntry]; } - (void)setCurrentEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe addToHistory:(BOOL)h { [self setCurrentEntry:pe]; if (h == YES) { [history insertObject:pe atIndex:0]; if ([history count] > HISTORY_SIZE) [history removeObjectAtIndex:([history count] - 1)]; } } - (void)getNextEntry { PlaylistEntry *pe; if (nextEntry != nil) return; if (shuffle == YES) { // DBLog(@"SHUFFLE IS TEH ON: %i", [shuffleList count]); if ([shuffleList count] == 0) //out of tuuuunes { if (repeat == YES) { [self generateShuffleList]; } else { [self setNextEntry:nil]; return; } } int r; r = random() % [shuffleList count]; // DBLog(@"PICKING SONG %i FROM SHUFFLE LIST", r); pe = [shuffleList objectAtIndex:r]; [self setNextEntry:pe]; } else { int i = [currentEntry index] + 1; if (i >= [[self arrangedObjects] count]) //out of tuuuunes { if (repeat == YES) { i = 0; } else { [self setNextEntry:nil]; return; } } pe = [[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i]; [self setNextEntry:pe]; } } - (id)currentEntry { // DBLog(@"WOAH EGE "); return currentEntry; } - (void)setCurrentEntry:(id)pe { [currentEntry setCurrent:NO]; [pe setCurrent:YES]; [tableView scrollRowToVisible:[pe index]]; [pe retain]; [currentEntry release]; currentEntry = pe; } - (void)getPrevEntry { PlaylistEntry *pe; // DBLog(@"GETTING PREVIOUS ENTRY"); if (prevEntry != nil) return; //NOTE: 1 contains the current entry if ([history count] == 1) //Cant go back any further { // DBLog(@"HISTORY IS TEH EMPTY"); [self setPrevEntry:nil]; return; } else { // DBLog(@"IN TEH HISTORY"); pe = [history objectAtIndex:1]; [self setPrevEntry:pe]; return; } } - (void)setPrevEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe { [pe retain]; [prevEntry release]; prevEntry = pe; } - (void)setNextEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe { [pe retain]; [nextEntry release]; nextEntry = pe; } - (void)setShuffle:(BOOL)s { shuffle = s; if (shuffle == YES) [self generateShuffleList]; } - (BOOL)shuffle { return shuffle; } - (void)setRepeat:(BOOL)r { repeat = r; } - (BOOL)repeat { return repeat; } - (void)savePlaylist:(NSString *)filename { // DBLog(@"SAVING PLAYLIST: %@", filename); NSString *fileContents; NSMutableArray *filenames = [NSMutableArray array]; NSEnumerator *enumerator; PlaylistEntry *entry; enumerator = [[self arrangedObjects] objectEnumerator]; while (entry = [enumerator nextObject]) { [filenames addObject:[entry filename]]; } fileContents = [filenames componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"]; [fileContents writeToFile:filename atomically:NO]; } - (void)loadPlaylist:(NSString *)filename { NSString *fileContents; [self removeObjects:[self arrangedObjects]]; fileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filename]; if (fileContents) { NSArray *filenames = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; // DBLog(@"filenames: %@", filenames); [self addPaths:filenames sort:NO]; } } - (NSArray *)acceptablePlaylistTypes { return acceptablePlaylistTypes; } - (NSString *)playlistFilename { return playlistFilename; } - (void)setPlaylistFilename:(NSString *)pf { [pf retain]; [playlistFilename release]; playlistFilename = pf; } @end