#include "All.h"
#include "APECompress.h"
#include "APECompressCreate.h"
#include "WAVInputSource.h"
#include "CharacterHelper.h"

    m_nBufferHead        = 0;
    m_nBufferTail        = 0;
    m_nBufferSize        = 0;
    m_bBufferLocked        = FALSE;
    m_bOwnsOutputIO        = FALSE;
    m_pioOutput            = NULL;

    m_spAPECompressCreate.Assign(new CAPECompressCreate());

    m_pBuffer = NULL;


    if (m_bOwnsOutputIO)

int CAPECompress::Start(const char * pOutputFilename, const WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeInput, int nMaxAudioBytes, int nCompressionLevel, const void * pHeaderData, int nHeaderBytes)
    m_pioOutput = new IO_CLASS_NAME;
    m_bOwnsOutputIO = TRUE;
    if (m_pioOutput->Create(pOutputFilename) != 0)
    m_spAPECompressCreate->Start(m_pioOutput, pwfeInput, nMaxAudioBytes, nCompressionLevel,
        pHeaderData, nHeaderBytes);
    m_nBufferSize = m_spAPECompressCreate->GetFullFrameBytes();
    m_pBuffer = new unsigned char [m_nBufferSize];
    memcpy(&m_wfeInput, pwfeInput, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

int CAPECompress::StartEx(CIO * pioOutput, const WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeInput, int nMaxAudioBytes, int nCompressionLevel, const void * pHeaderData, int nHeaderBytes)
    m_pioOutput = pioOutput;
    m_bOwnsOutputIO = FALSE;

    m_spAPECompressCreate->Start(m_pioOutput, pwfeInput, nMaxAudioBytes, nCompressionLevel,
        pHeaderData, nHeaderBytes);

    m_nBufferSize = m_spAPECompressCreate->GetFullFrameBytes();
    m_pBuffer = new unsigned char [m_nBufferSize];
    memcpy(&m_wfeInput, pwfeInput, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

int CAPECompress::GetBufferBytesAvailable()
    return m_nBufferSize - m_nBufferTail;

int CAPECompress::UnlockBuffer(int nBytesAdded, BOOL bProcess)
    if (m_bBufferLocked == FALSE)
        return ERROR_UNDEFINED;
    m_nBufferTail += nBytesAdded;
    m_bBufferLocked = FALSE;
    if (bProcess)
        int nRetVal = ProcessBuffer();
        if (nRetVal != 0) { return nRetVal; }
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

unsigned char * CAPECompress::LockBuffer(int * pBytesAvailable)
    if (m_pBuffer == NULL) { return NULL; }
    if (m_bBufferLocked)
        return NULL;
    m_bBufferLocked = TRUE;
    if (pBytesAvailable)
        *pBytesAvailable = GetBufferBytesAvailable();
    return &m_pBuffer[m_nBufferTail];

int CAPECompress::AddData(unsigned char * pData, int nBytes)
    if (m_pBuffer == NULL) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY;

    int nBytesDone = 0;
    while (nBytesDone < nBytes)
        // lock the buffer
        int nBytesAvailable = 0;
        unsigned char * pBuffer = LockBuffer(&nBytesAvailable);
        if (pBuffer == NULL || nBytesAvailable <= 0)
            return ERROR_UNDEFINED;
        // calculate how many bytes to copy and add that much to the buffer
        int nBytesToProcess = min(nBytesAvailable, nBytes - nBytesDone);
        memcpy(pBuffer, &pData[nBytesDone], nBytesToProcess);
        // unlock the buffer (fail if not successful)
        int nRetVal = UnlockBuffer(nBytesToProcess);
        if (nRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS)
                return nRetVal;

        // update our progress
        nBytesDone += nBytesToProcess;

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

int CAPECompress::Finish(unsigned char * pTerminatingData, int nTerminatingBytes, int nWAVTerminatingBytes)
	return m_spAPECompressCreate->Finish(pTerminatingData, nTerminatingBytes, nWAVTerminatingBytes);

int CAPECompress::Kill()
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

int CAPECompress::ProcessBuffer(BOOL bFinalize)
    if (m_pBuffer == NULL) { return ERROR_UNDEFINED; }
        // process as much as possible
        int nThreshold = (bFinalize) ? 0 : m_spAPECompressCreate->GetFullFrameBytes();
        while ((m_nBufferTail - m_nBufferHead) >= nThreshold)
            int nFrameBytes = min(m_spAPECompressCreate->GetFullFrameBytes(), m_nBufferTail - m_nBufferHead);
            if (nFrameBytes == 0)
			int nRetVal = m_spAPECompressCreate->EncodeFrame(&m_pBuffer[m_nBufferHead], nFrameBytes);
            if (nRetVal != 0) { return nRetVal; }
            m_nBufferHead += nFrameBytes;
        // shift the buffer
        if (m_nBufferHead != 0)
            int nBytesLeft = m_nBufferTail - m_nBufferHead;
            if (nBytesLeft != 0)
                memmove(m_pBuffer, &m_pBuffer[m_nBufferHead], nBytesLeft);
            m_nBufferTail -= m_nBufferHead;
            m_nBufferHead = 0;
        return ERROR_UNDEFINED;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

int CAPECompress::AddDataFromInputSource(CInputSource * pInputSource, int nMaxBytes, int * pBytesAdded)
    // error check the parameters
    if (pInputSource == NULL) return ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER;

    // initialize
    if (pBytesAdded) *pBytesAdded = 0;
    // lock the buffer
    int nBytesAvailable = 0;
    unsigned char * pBuffer = LockBuffer(&nBytesAvailable);
    if ((pBuffer == NULL) || (nBytesAvailable == 0))
    // calculate the 'ideal' number of bytes
    unsigned int nBytesRead = 0;

    int nIdealBytes = m_spAPECompressCreate->GetFullFrameBytes() - (m_nBufferTail - m_nBufferHead);
    if (nIdealBytes > 0)
        // get the data
        int nBytesToAdd = nBytesAvailable;
        if (nMaxBytes > 0)
            if (nBytesToAdd > nMaxBytes) nBytesToAdd = nMaxBytes;

        if (nBytesToAdd > nIdealBytes) nBytesToAdd = nIdealBytes;

        // always make requests along block boundaries
        while ((nBytesToAdd % m_wfeInput.nBlockAlign) != 0)

        int nBlocksToAdd = nBytesToAdd / m_wfeInput.nBlockAlign;

        // get data
        int nBlocksAdded = 0;
		int nRetVal = pInputSource->GetData(pBuffer, nBlocksToAdd, &nBlocksAdded);
        if (nRetVal != 0)
            return ERROR_IO_READ;
            nBytesRead = (nBlocksAdded * m_wfeInput.nBlockAlign);
        // store the bytes read
        if (pBytesAdded)
            *pBytesAdded = nBytesRead;
    // unlock the data and process
    int nRetVal = UnlockBuffer(nBytesRead, TRUE);
    if (nRetVal != 0)
        return nRetVal;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;