/* * ContainerMMCMP.cpp * ------------------ * Purpose: Handling of MMCMP compressed modules * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: Olivier Lapicque * OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../common/FileReader.h" #include "Container.h" #include "Sndfile.h" #include "BitReader.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef MPT_ALL_LOGGING #define MMCMP_LOG #endif struct MMCMPFILEHEADER { char id[8]; // "ziRCONia" uint16le hdrsize; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(MMCMPFILEHEADER, 10) struct MMCMPHEADER { uint16le version; uint16le nblocks; uint32le filesize; uint32le blktable; uint8le glb_comp; uint8le fmt_comp; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(MMCMPHEADER, 14) struct MMCMPBLOCK { uint32le unpk_size; uint32le pk_size; uint32le xor_chk; uint16le sub_blk; uint16le flags; uint16le tt_entries; uint16le num_bits; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(MMCMPBLOCK, 20) struct MMCMPSUBBLOCK { uint32le unpk_pos; uint32le unpk_size; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(MMCMPSUBBLOCK, 8) #define MMCMP_COMP 0x0001 #define MMCMP_DELTA 0x0002 #define MMCMP_16BIT 0x0004 #define MMCMP_STEREO 0x0100 #define MMCMP_ABS16 0x0200 #define MMCMP_ENDIAN 0x0400 static constexpr uint8 MMCMP8BitCommands[8] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF8 }; static constexpr uint8 MMCMP8BitFetch[8] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0 }; static constexpr uint16 MMCMP16BitCommands[16] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x3C, 0x78, 0xF0, 0x1F0, 0x3F0, 0x7F0, 0xFF0, 0x1FF0, 0x3FF0, 0x7FF0, 0xFFF0 }; static constexpr uint8 MMCMP16BitFetch[16] = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static bool MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(const std::vector &unpackedData, uint32 pos, uint32 len) { if(pos >= unpackedData.size()) return false; if(len > unpackedData.size()) return false; if(len > unpackedData.size() - pos) return false; if(!len) return false; return true; } static bool MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(const std::vector &unpackedData, const MMCMPSUBBLOCK &subblk) { return MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(unpackedData, subblk.unpk_pos, subblk.unpk_size); } static bool ValidateHeader(const MMCMPFILEHEADER &mfh) { if(std::memcmp(mfh.id, "ziRCONia", 8) != 0) { return false; } if(mfh.hdrsize != sizeof(MMCMPHEADER)) { return false; } return true; } static bool ValidateHeader(const MMCMPHEADER &mmh) { if(mmh.nblocks == 0) { return false; } if(mmh.filesize == 0) { return false; } if(mmh.filesize > 0x80000000) { return false; } return true; } CSoundFile::ProbeResult CSoundFile::ProbeFileHeaderMMCMP(MemoryFileReader file, const uint64 *pfilesize) { MMCMPFILEHEADER mfh; if(!file.ReadStruct(mfh)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(mfh)) { return ProbeFailure; } MMCMPHEADER mmh; if(!file.ReadStruct(mmh)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(mmh)) { return ProbeFailure; } MPT_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pfilesize); return ProbeSuccess; } bool UnpackMMCMP(std::vector &containerItems, FileReader &file, ContainerLoadingFlags loadFlags) { file.Rewind(); containerItems.clear(); MMCMPFILEHEADER mfh; if(!file.ReadStruct(mfh)) { return false; } if(!ValidateHeader(mfh)) { return false; } MMCMPHEADER mmh; if(!file.ReadStruct(mmh)) { return false; } if(!ValidateHeader(mmh)) { return false; } if(loadFlags == ContainerOnlyVerifyHeader) { return true; } if(mmh.blktable > file.GetLength()) return false; if(mmh.blktable + 4 * mmh.nblocks > file.GetLength()) return false; containerItems.emplace_back(); containerItems.back().data_cache = std::make_unique >(); std::vector & unpackedData = *(containerItems.back().data_cache); unpackedData.resize(mmh.filesize); // 8-bit deltas uint8 ptable[256] = { 0 }; for (uint32 nBlock=0; nBlock subblks(blk.sub_blk); for(uint32 i=0; i 0 ? subblks.data() : nullptr; if(blkPos + sizeof(MMCMPBLOCK) + blk.sub_blk * sizeof(MMCMPSUBBLOCK) >= file.GetLength()) return false; uint32 memPos = blkPos + sizeof(MMCMPBLOCK) + blk.sub_blk * sizeof(MMCMPSUBBLOCK); #ifdef MMCMP_LOG MPT_LOG(LogDebug, "MMCMP", mpt::format(U_("block %1: flags=%2 sub_blocks=%3"))(nBlock, mpt::ufmt::HEX0<4>(static_cast(blk.flags)), static_cast(blk.sub_blk))); MPT_LOG(LogDebug, "MMCMP", mpt::format(U_(" pksize=%1 unpksize=%2"))(static_cast(blk.pk_size), static_cast(blk.unpk_size))); MPT_LOG(LogDebug, "MMCMP", mpt::format(U_(" tt_entries=%1 num_bits=%2"))(static_cast(blk.tt_entries), static_cast(blk.num_bits))); #endif // Data is not packed if (!(blk.flags & MMCMP_COMP)) { for (uint32 i=0; i(psubblk->unpk_pos), static_cast(psubblk->unpk_size))); #endif if(!file.Seek(memPos)) return false; if(file.ReadRaw(&(unpackedData[psubblk->unpk_pos]), psubblk->unpk_size) != psubblk->unpk_size) return false; psubblk++; } } else // Data is 16-bit packed if (blk.flags & MMCMP_16BIT) { uint32 subblk = 0; if(!psubblk) return false; if(!MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(unpackedData, psubblk[subblk])) return false; char *pDest = &(unpackedData[psubblk[subblk].unpk_pos]); uint32 dwSize = psubblk[subblk].unpk_size & ~1u; if(!dwSize) return false; uint32 dwPos = 0; uint32 numbits = blk.num_bits; uint32 oldval = 0; #ifdef MMCMP_LOG MPT_LOG(LogDebug, "MMCMP", mpt::format(U_(" 16-bit block: pos=%1 size=%2 %3 %4"))(psubblk->unpk_pos, psubblk->unpk_size, (blk.flags & MMCMP_DELTA) ? U_("DELTA ") : U_(""), (blk.flags & MMCMP_ABS16) ? U_("ABS16 ") : U_(""))); #endif if(!file.Seek(memPos + blk.tt_entries)) return false; if(!file.CanRead(blk.pk_size - blk.tt_entries)) return false; BitReader bitFile{ file.GetChunk(blk.pk_size - blk.tt_entries) }; try { while (subblk < blk.sub_blk) { uint32 newval = 0x10000; uint32 d = bitFile.ReadBits(numbits + 1); uint32 command = MMCMP16BitCommands[numbits & 0x0F]; if (d >= command) { uint32 nFetch = MMCMP16BitFetch[numbits & 0x0F]; uint32 newbits = bitFile.ReadBits(nFetch) + ((d - command) << nFetch); if (newbits != numbits) { numbits = newbits & 0x0F; } else { if ((d = bitFile.ReadBits(4)) == 0x0F) { if (bitFile.ReadBits(1)) break; newval = 0xFFFF; } else { newval = 0xFFF0 + d; } } } else { newval = d; } if (newval < 0x10000) { newval = (newval & 1) ? (uint32)(-(int32)((newval+1) >> 1)) : (uint32)(newval >> 1); if (blk.flags & MMCMP_DELTA) { newval += oldval; oldval = newval; } else if (!(blk.flags & MMCMP_ABS16)) { newval ^= 0x8000; } pDest[dwPos + 0] = (uint8)(((uint16)newval) & 0xFF); pDest[dwPos + 1] = (uint8)(((uint16)newval) >> 8); dwPos += 2; } if (dwPos >= dwSize) { subblk++; dwPos = 0; if(!(subblk < blk.sub_blk)) break; if(!MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(unpackedData, psubblk[subblk])) return false; dwSize = psubblk[subblk].unpk_size & ~1u; if(!dwSize) return false; pDest = &(unpackedData[psubblk[subblk].unpk_pos]); } } } catch(const BitReader::eof &) { } } else // Data is 8-bit packed { uint32 subblk = 0; if(!psubblk) return false; if(!MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(unpackedData, psubblk[subblk])) return false; char *pDest = &(unpackedData[psubblk[subblk].unpk_pos]); uint32 dwSize = psubblk[subblk].unpk_size; uint32 dwPos = 0; uint32 numbits = blk.num_bits; uint32 oldval = 0; if(blk.tt_entries > sizeof(ptable) || !file.Seek(memPos) || file.ReadRaw(ptable, blk.tt_entries) < blk.tt_entries) return false; if(!file.CanRead(blk.pk_size - blk.tt_entries)) return false; BitReader bitFile{ file.GetChunk(blk.pk_size - blk.tt_entries) }; try { while (subblk < blk.sub_blk) { uint32 newval = 0x100; uint32 d = bitFile.ReadBits(numbits + 1); uint32 command = MMCMP8BitCommands[numbits & 0x07]; if (d >= command) { uint32 nFetch = MMCMP8BitFetch[numbits & 0x07]; uint32 newbits = bitFile.ReadBits(nFetch) + ((d - command) << nFetch); if (newbits != numbits) { numbits = newbits & 0x07; } else { if ((d = bitFile.ReadBits(3)) == 7) { if (bitFile.ReadBits(1)) break; newval = 0xFF; } else { newval = 0xF8 + d; } } } else { newval = d; } if (newval < sizeof(ptable)) { int n = ptable[newval]; if (blk.flags & MMCMP_DELTA) { n += oldval; oldval = n; } pDest[dwPos++] = (uint8)n; } if (dwPos >= dwSize) { subblk++; dwPos = 0; if(!(subblk < blk.sub_blk)) break; if(!MMCMP_IsDstBlockValid(unpackedData, psubblk[subblk])) return false; dwSize = psubblk[subblk].unpk_size; pDest = &(unpackedData[psubblk[subblk].unpk_pos]); } } } catch(const BitReader::eof &) { } } } containerItems.back().file = FileReader(mpt::byte_cast(mpt::as_span(unpackedData))); return true; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END