//  Pair.h
//  Cog
//  Created by Eric Hanneken on 2/13/08.
//  Copyright 2008 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved.

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface NSArray (ShuffleUtils)

+ (NSArray *) arrayWithRandomLongs:(NSUInteger) count;

 * zip produces a new array by pairing successive objects
 * from two input arrays until one is exhausted.  Only
 * pointers are copied; the objects are not.
+ (NSArray *)zipArray:(NSArray*)x withArray:(NSArray *) y;

 * Unzip produces a new pair of arrays by separating
 * an input array of pairs.  Only pointers are copied;
 * the objects are not.
+ (NSArray *) unzipArray:(NSArray*) pairs;

- (NSComparisonResult) compareFirsts:(id) y;
- (id)first;
- (id)second;
