// // Sound.h // Cog // // Created by Vincent Spader on 5/11/05. // Copyright 2005 Vincent Spader All rights reserved. // #import #import #import #import #import "SoundFile/SoundFile.h" #import "VirtualRingBuffer.h" //Inter thread messages //Controller to sound messages enum { kCogPauseResumeMessage = 100, kCogPauseMessage, kCogResumeMessage, kCogPlayFileMessage, kCogChangeFileMessage, kCogStopMessage, kCogSeekMessage, kCogEndOfPlaylistMessage, kCogSetVolumeMessage, //sound to controller kCogCheckinMessage, kCogRequestNextFileMessage, kCogBitrateUpdateMessage, kCogLengthUpdateMessage, kCogPositionUpdateMessage, kCogFileChangedMessage, kCogStatusUpdateMessage }; enum { kCogStatusPaused = 0, kCogStatusStopped, kCogStatusPlaying, kCogStatusEndOfFile, kCogStatusEndOfPlaylist, kCogStatusPlaybackEnded }; @interface Sound : NSObject { //For communication with the soundcontroller NSPort *sendPort; NSPort *distantPort; SoundFile *soundFile; unsigned long currentPosition; unsigned long totalLength; //Whole lotta core audio fun AudioUnit outputUnit; AudioStreamBasicDescription deviceFormat; // info about the default device AudioStreamBasicDescription sourceStreamFormat; AURenderCallbackStruct renderCallback; AudioConverterRef converter; void *conversionBuffer; int playbackStatus; int oldPlaybackStatus; //For resuming NSTimer *fillTimer; //used to wake up the filler thread //semaphore_t semaphore; //used to wake up the filler thread NSTimer *positionTimer; VirtualRingBuffer *ringBuffer; VirtualRingBuffer *auxRingBuffer; //For changing tracks VirtualRingBuffer *readRingBuffer; VirtualRingBuffer *writeRingBuffer; //Track changing procedure...sound send changerequest to controller when it hits EOF, and sets writeringbuffer to the opposite buffer... //when buffer is empty, sound sends changecomplete to controller, and sets readringbuffer to the opposite NSLock *readLock; NSLock *writeLock; } - (void)launchThreadWithPort:(id)inData; - (void)sendPortMessage:(int)msgid; - (void)sendPortMessage:(int)msgid withData:(void *)data ofSize:(int)size; - (void)handlePortMessage:(NSPortMessage *)portMessage; - (void)scheduleFillTimer; - (void)fireFillTimer; - (void)sendPositionUpdate:(id)sender; - (void)fillBuffer:(id)sender; - (int)convert:(void *)destBuf packets:(int)numPackets; - (void)resetBuffer; - (VirtualRingBuffer *)oppositeBuffer:(VirtualRingBuffer *)buf; //private methodss - (BOOL)setupAudioOutput; - (BOOL)startAudioOutput; - (void)stopAudioOutput; - (void)cleanUpAudioOutput; - (BOOL)prepareSoundFile; - (void)cleanUpSoundFile; - (void)setThreadPolicy; - (void)setPlaybackStatus:(int)s; - (void)pause; - (void)resume; - (void)stop; - (void)playFile:(NSString *)filename; - (void)changeFile:(NSString *)filename; - (BOOL)setSoundFile:(NSString *)filename; //helper function - (double)calculateTime:(unsigned long) pos; - (unsigned long)calculatePos:(double) time; - (void)setVolume:(float)v; @end