#import "PluginController.h" #import "CogPluginMulti.h" #import "Plugin.h" #import "Logging.h" #import "NSFileHandle+CreateFile.h" #import "NSDictionary+Merge.h" @implementation PluginController @synthesize sources; @synthesize containers; @synthesize metadataReaders; @synthesize propertiesReadersByExtension; @synthesize propertiesReadersByMimeType; @synthesize decodersByExtension; @synthesize decodersByMimeType; @synthesize configured; static PluginController *sharedPluginController = nil; + (id)sharedPluginController { @synchronized(self) { if(sharedPluginController == nil) { sharedPluginController = [[self alloc] init]; } } return sharedPluginController; } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if(self) { self.sources = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.containers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.metadataReaders = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.propertiesReadersByExtension = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.propertiesReadersByMimeType = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.decodersByExtension = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.decodersByMimeType = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [self setup]; } return self; } - (void)setup { if(self.configured == NO) { self.configured = YES; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(bundleDidLoad:) name:NSBundleDidLoadNotification object:nil]; [self loadPlugins]; [self printPluginInfo]; } } - (void)bundleDidLoad:(NSNotification *)notification { NSArray *classNames = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSLoadedClasses"]; for(NSString *className in classNames) { Class bundleClass = NSClassFromString(className); if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogVersionCheck)]) { DLog(@"Component has version check: %@", className); if(![bundleClass shouldLoadForOSVersion:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion]]) { DLog(@"Plugin fails OS version check, ignoring"); return; } } } for(NSString *className in classNames) { DLog(@"Class loaded: %@", className); Class bundleClass = NSClassFromString(className); if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogContainer)]) { [self setupContainer:className]; } if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogDecoder)]) { [self setupDecoder:className]; } if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogMetadataReader)]) { [self setupMetadataReader:className]; } if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogPropertiesReader)]) { [self setupPropertiesReader:className]; } if([bundleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CogSource)]) { [self setupSource:className]; } } } - (void)loadPluginsAtPath:(NSString *)path { NSArray *dirContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:path error:nil]; for(NSString *pname in dirContents) { NSString *ppath; ppath = [NSString pathWithComponents:@[path, pname]]; if([[pname pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"bundle"]) { NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:ppath]; [b load]; } } } - (void)loadPlugins { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *basePath = [[paths firstObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Cog"]; [self loadPluginsAtPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsPath]]; [self loadPluginsAtPath:[basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Plugins"]]; } - (void)setupContainer:(NSString *)className { Class container = NSClassFromString(className); if(container && [container respondsToSelector:@selector(fileTypes)]) { for(id fileType in [container fileTypes]) { NSString *ext = [fileType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *containerSet; if(![containers objectForKey:ext]) { containerSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [containers setObject:containerSet forKey:ext]; } else containerSet = [containers objectForKey:ext]; [containerSet addObject:className]; } } } - (void)setupDecoder:(NSString *)className { Class decoder = NSClassFromString(className); if(decoder && [decoder respondsToSelector:@selector(fileTypes)]) { for(id fileType in [decoder fileTypes]) { NSString *ext = [fileType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *decoders; if(![decodersByExtension objectForKey:ext]) { decoders = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [decodersByExtension setObject:decoders forKey:ext]; } else decoders = [decodersByExtension objectForKey:ext]; [decoders addObject:className]; } } if(decoder && [decoder respondsToSelector:@selector(mimeTypes)]) { for(id mimeType in [decoder mimeTypes]) { NSString *mimetype = [mimeType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *decoders; if(![decodersByMimeType objectForKey:mimetype]) { decoders = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [decodersByMimeType setObject:decoders forKey:mimetype]; } else decoders = [decodersByMimeType objectForKey:mimetype]; [decoders addObject:className]; } } } - (void)setupMetadataReader:(NSString *)className { Class metadataReader = NSClassFromString(className); if(metadataReader && [metadataReader respondsToSelector:@selector(fileTypes)]) { for(id fileType in [metadataReader fileTypes]) { NSString *ext = [fileType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *readers; if(![metadataReaders objectForKey:ext]) { readers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [metadataReaders setObject:readers forKey:ext]; } else readers = [metadataReaders objectForKey:ext]; [readers addObject:className]; } } } - (void)setupPropertiesReader:(NSString *)className { Class propertiesReader = NSClassFromString(className); if(propertiesReader && [propertiesReader respondsToSelector:@selector(fileTypes)]) { for(id fileType in [propertiesReader fileTypes]) { NSString *ext = [fileType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *readers; if(![propertiesReadersByExtension objectForKey:ext]) { readers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [propertiesReadersByExtension setObject:readers forKey:ext]; } else readers = [propertiesReadersByExtension objectForKey:ext]; [readers addObject:className]; } } if(propertiesReader && [propertiesReader respondsToSelector:@selector(mimeTypes)]) { for(id mimeType in [propertiesReader mimeTypes]) { NSString *mimetype = [mimeType lowercaseString]; NSMutableArray *readers; if(![propertiesReadersByMimeType objectForKey:mimetype]) { readers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [propertiesReadersByMimeType setObject:readers forKey:mimetype]; } else readers = [propertiesReadersByMimeType objectForKey:mimetype]; [readers addObject:className]; } } } - (void)setupSource:(NSString *)className { Class source = NSClassFromString(className); if(source && [source respondsToSelector:@selector(schemes)]) { for(id scheme in [source schemes]) { [sources setObject:className forKey:scheme]; } } } - (void)printPluginInfo { ALog(@"Sources: %@", self.sources); ALog(@"Containers: %@", self.containers); ALog(@"Metadata Readers: %@", self.metadataReaders); ALog(@"Properties Readers By Extension: %@", self.propertiesReadersByExtension); ALog(@"Properties Readers By Mime Type: %@", self.propertiesReadersByMimeType); ALog(@"Decoders by Extension: %@", self.decodersByExtension); ALog(@"Decoders by Mime Type: %@", self.decodersByMimeType); #if 0 // XXX Keep in sync with Info.plist on disk! NSString * plistHeader = @"\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \tCFBundleDevelopmentRegion\n\ \tEnglish\n\ \tCFBundleDocumentTypes\n\ \t\n\ \t\t\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeExtensions\n\ \t\t\t\n\ \t\t\t\t*\n\ \t\t\t\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeIconFile\n\ \t\t\tsong.icns\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeOSTypes\n\ \t\t\t\n\ \t\t\t\t****\n\ \t\t\t\tfold\n\ \t\t\t\tdisk\n\ \t\t\t\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeRole\n\ \t\t\tNone\n\ \t\t\n"; NSString * plistFooter = @"\t\n\ \tCFBundleExecutable\n\ \tCog\n\ \tCFBundleHelpBookFolder\n\ \tCog.help\n\ \tCFBundleHelpBookName\n\ \torg.cogx.cog.help\n\ \tCFBundleIdentifier\n\ \t$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)\n\ \tCFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion\n\ \t6.0\n\ \tCFBundlePackageType\n\ \tAPPL\n\ \tCFBundleShortVersionString\n\ \t0.08\n\ \tCFBundleSignature\n\ \t????\n\ \tCFBundleVersion\n\ \tr516\n\ \tLSApplicationCategoryType\n\ \tpublic.app-category.music\n\ \tLSMinimumSystemVersion\n\ \t$(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET)\n\ \tNSAppTransportSecurity\n\ \t\n\ \t\tNSAllowsArbitraryLoads\n\ \t\t\n\ \t\n\ \tNSAppleScriptEnabled\n\ \tYES\n\ \tNSCalendarsUsageDescription\n\ \tCog has no use for your calendar information. Why are you trying to open your Calendar with an audio player?\n\ \tNSCameraUsageDescription\n\ \tCog is an audio player. It will never use your camera. Why is it asking for permission to use your camera?\n\ \tNSContactsUsageDescription\n\ \tCog has no use for your contacts information. Why are you trying to open your contacts with an audio player?\n\ \tNSLocationUsageDescription\n\ \tCog has no use for your location information. Something is obviously wrong with the application.\n\ \tNSMainNibFile\n\ \tMainMenu\n\ \tNSMicrophoneUsageDescription\n\ \tCog is an audio player. It does not, however, record audio. Why is it asking for permission to use your microphone?\n\ \tNSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription\n\ \tCog is an audio player. Why are you trying to access your Photos Library with an audio player?\n\ \tNSPrincipalClass\n\ \tMediaKeysApplication\n\ \tNSRemindersUsageDescription\n\ \tCog has no use for your reminders. Why are you trying to access them with an audio player?\n\ \tSUFeedURL\n\ \thttps://cogcdn.cog.losno.co/mercury.xml\n\ \tSUPublicEDKey\n\ \tomxG7Rp0XK9/YEvKbVy7cd44eVAh1LJB6CmjQwjOJz4=\n\ \n\ \n"; NSMutableArray * decodersRegistered = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSArray * allKeys = [self.decodersByExtension allKeys]; for (NSString * ext in allKeys) { NSArray * decoders = [self.decodersByExtension objectForKey:ext]; for (NSString * decoder in decoders) { if (![decodersRegistered containsObject:decoder]) { [decodersRegistered addObject:decoder]; } } } NSMutableArray * stringList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [stringList addObject:plistHeader]; // These aren't handled by decoders, but as containers NSArray * staticTypes = @[ @[@"M3U Playlist File", @"m3u.icns", @"m3u", @"m3u8"], @[@"PLS Playlist File", @"pls.icns", @"pls"], @[@"RAR Archive of SPC Files", @"vg.icns", @"rsn"], @[@"7Z Archive of VGM Files", @"vg.icns", @"vgm7z"] ]; NSMutableArray * assocTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [assocTypes addObjectsFromArray:staticTypes]; for (NSString * decoderString in decodersRegistered) { Class decoder = NSClassFromString(decoderString); if (decoder && [decoder respondsToSelector:@selector(fileTypeAssociations)]) { NSArray * types = [decoder fileTypeAssociations]; [assocTypes addObjectsFromArray:types]; } } for (NSArray * type in assocTypes) { [stringList addObject:@"\t\t\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeExtensions\n\ \t\t\t\n\ "]; for (size_t i = 2; i < [type count]; ++i) { [stringList addObject:@"\t\t\t\t"]; [stringList addObject:[[type objectAtIndex:i] lowercaseString]]; [stringList addObject:@"\n"]; } [stringList addObject:@"\t\t\t\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeIconFile\n\ \t\t\t"]; [stringList addObject:[type objectAtIndex:1]]; [stringList addObject:@"\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeName\n\ \t\t\t"]; [stringList addObject:[type objectAtIndex:0]]; [stringList addObject:@"\n\ \t\t\tCFBundleTypeRole\n\ \t\t\tViewer\n\ \t\t\tLSTypeIsPackage\n\ \t\t\t\n\ \t\t\n"]; } [stringList addObject:plistFooter]; NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:@"/tmp/Cog_Info.plist" createFile:YES]; if (!fileHandle) { DLog(@"Error saving Info.plist!"); return; } [fileHandle truncateFileAtOffset:0]; [fileHandle writeData:[[stringList componentsJoinedByString:@""] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [fileHandle closeFile]; #endif } - (id)audioSourceForURL:(NSURL *)url { NSString *scheme = [url scheme]; Class source = NSClassFromString([sources objectForKey:scheme]); return [[source alloc] init]; } - (NSArray *)urlsForContainerURL:(NSURL *)url { NSString *ext = [url pathExtension]; NSArray *containerSet = [containers objectForKey:[ext lowercaseString]]; NSString *classString; if(containerSet) { if([containerSet count] > 1) { return [CogContainerMulti urlsForContainerURL:url containers:containerSet]; } else { classString = [containerSet objectAtIndex:0]; } } else { return nil; } Class container = NSClassFromString(classString); return [container urlsForContainerURL:url]; } // Note: Source is assumed to already be opened. - (id)audioDecoderForSource:(id)source skipCue:(BOOL)skip { NSString *ext = [[source url] pathExtension]; NSArray *decoders = [decodersByExtension objectForKey:[ext lowercaseString]]; NSString *classString; if(decoders) { if([decoders count] > 1) { if(skip) { NSMutableArray *_decoders = [decoders mutableCopy]; for(int i = 0; i < [_decoders count];) { if([[_decoders objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:@"CueSheetDecoder"]) [_decoders removeObjectAtIndex:i]; else ++i; } return [[CogDecoderMulti alloc] initWithDecoders:_decoders]; } return [[CogDecoderMulti alloc] initWithDecoders:decoders]; } else { classString = [decoders objectAtIndex:0]; } } else { decoders = [decodersByMimeType objectForKey:[[source mimeType] lowercaseString]]; if(decoders) { if([decoders count] > 1) { return [[CogDecoderMulti alloc] initWithDecoders:decoders]; } else { classString = [decoders objectAtIndex:0]; } } else { classString = @"SilenceDecoder"; } } Class decoder = NSClassFromString(classString); return [[decoder alloc] init]; } - (NSDictionary *)metadataForURL:(NSURL *)url skipCue:(BOOL)skip { NSString *urlScheme = [url scheme]; if([urlScheme isEqualToString:@"http"] || [urlScheme isEqualToString:@"https"]) return nil; NSString *ext = [url pathExtension]; NSArray *readers = [metadataReaders objectForKey:[ext lowercaseString]]; NSString *classString; if(readers) { if([readers count] > 1) { if(skip) { NSMutableArray *_readers = [readers mutableCopy]; for(int i = 0; i < [_readers count];) { if([[_readers objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:@"CueSheetMetadataReader"]) [_readers removeObjectAtIndex:i]; else ++i; } return [CogMetadataReaderMulti metadataForURL:url readers:_readers]; } return [CogMetadataReaderMulti metadataForURL:url readers:readers]; } else { classString = [readers objectAtIndex:0]; } } else { return nil; } Class metadataReader = NSClassFromString(classString); return [metadataReader metadataForURL:url]; } // If no properties reader is defined, use the decoder's properties. - (NSDictionary *)propertiesForURL:(NSURL *)url { NSString *urlScheme = [url scheme]; if([urlScheme isEqualToString:@"http"] || [urlScheme isEqualToString:@"https"]) return nil; NSDictionary *properties = nil; NSString *ext = [url pathExtension]; id source = [self audioSourceForURL:url]; if(![source open:url]) return nil; NSArray *readers = [propertiesReadersByExtension objectForKey:[ext lowercaseString]]; NSString *classString = nil; if(readers) { if([readers count] > 1) { properties = [CogPropertiesReaderMulti propertiesForSource:source readers:readers]; if(properties != nil && [properties count]) return properties; } else { classString = [readers objectAtIndex:0]; } } else { readers = [propertiesReadersByMimeType objectForKey:[[source mimeType] lowercaseString]]; if(readers) { if([readers count] > 1) { properties = [CogPropertiesReaderMulti propertiesForSource:source readers:readers]; if(properties != nil && [properties count]) return properties; } else { classString = [readers objectAtIndex:0]; } } } if(classString) { Class propertiesReader = NSClassFromString(classString); properties = [propertiesReader propertiesForSource:source]; if(properties != nil && [properties count]) return properties; } { id decoder = [self audioDecoderForSource:source skipCue:NO]; if(![decoder open:source]) { return nil; } NSDictionary *properties = [decoder properties]; NSDictionary *metadata = [decoder metadata]; [decoder close]; return [NSDictionary dictionaryByMerging:properties with:metadata]; } } - (int)putMetadataInURL:(NSURL *)url { return 0; } @end