/* * TestToolsLib.h * -------------- * Purpose: Unit test framework for libopenmpt. * Notes : This is more complex than the OpenMPT version because we cannot * rely on a debugger and have to deal with exceptions ourselves. * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #pragma once #include "BuildSettings.h" #ifdef ENABLE_TESTS #ifndef MODPLUG_TRACKER //#define MPT_TEST_CXX11 #include #include "../common/Endianness.h" #include "../common/FlagSet.h" #include "../soundlib/Snd_defs.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace Test { extern int fail_count; enum Verbosity { VerbosityQuiet, VerbosityNormal, VerbosityVerbose, }; enum Fatality { FatalityContinue, FatalityStop }; struct TestFailed { std::string values; TestFailed(const std::string &values) : values(values) { } TestFailed() { } }; } // namespace Test template struct ToStringHelper { std::string operator () (const T &x) { return mpt::fmt::val(x); } }; #ifdef MPT_TEST_CXX11 template<> struct ToStringHelper { std::string operator () (const mpt::endian &x) { if(x == mpt::endian::big) return "big"; if(x == mpt::endian::little) return "little"; return "unknown"; } }; template struct ToStringHelper > { std::string operator () (const FlagSet &x) { return mpt::fmt::val(x.GetRaw()); } }; template struct ToStringHelper > { std::string operator () (const enum_value_type &x) { return mpt::fmt::val(x.as_bits()); } }; template struct ToStringHelper > { std::string operator () (const std::pair &x) { return std::string("{") + mpt::fmt::val(x.first) + std::string(",") + mpt::fmt::val(x.second) + std::string("}"); } }; template struct ToStringHelper > { std::string operator () (const FPInt &x) { return std::string("FPInt<") + mpt::fmt::val(FRACT) + std::string(",") + mpt::fmt::val(typeid(T).name()) + std::string(">{") + mpt::fmt::val(x.GetInt()) + std::string(".") + mpt::fmt::val(x.GetFract()) + std::string("}"); } }; template<> struct ToStringHelper { std::string operator () (const SamplePosition &x) { return mpt::fmt::val(x.GetInt()) + std::string(".") + std::string("0x") + mpt::fmt::hex0<8>(x.GetFract()); } }; #endif // MPT_TEST_CXX11 namespace Test { class Testcase { private: Fatality const fatality; Verbosity const verbosity; const char * const desc; mpt::source_location const loc; public: Testcase(Fatality fatality, Verbosity verbosity, const char * const desc, const mpt::source_location &loc); public: std::string AsString() const; void ShowStart() const; void ShowProgress(const char * text) const; void ShowPass() const; void ShowFail(bool exception = false, const char * const text = nullptr) const; void ReportPassed(); void ReportFailed(); void ReportException(); private: template inline bool IsEqual(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, std::false_type, std::false_type) { return (x == y); } template inline bool IsEqual(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, std::false_type, std::true_type) { return (x == y); } template inline bool IsEqual(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, std::true_type, std::false_type) { return (x == y); } template inline bool IsEqual(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, std::true_type /* is_integer */, std::true_type /* is_integer */ ) { // Avoid signed-unsigned-comparison warnings and test equivalence in case of either type conversion direction. return ((x == static_cast(y)) && (static_cast(x) == y)); } template inline bool IsEqualEpsilon(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, const Teps &eps) { return std::abs(x - y) <= eps; } public: #ifdef MPT_TEST_CXX11 private: template MPT_NOINLINE void TypeCompareHelper(const Tx &x, const Ty &y) { if(!IsEqual(x, y, std::is_integral(), std::is_integral())) { throw TestFailed(mpt::format(std::string("%1 != %2"))(ToStringHelper()(x), ToStringHelper()(y))); //throw TestFailed(); } } template MPT_NOINLINE void TypeCompareHelper(const Tx &x, const Ty &y, const Teps &eps) { if(!IsEqualEpsilon(x, y, eps)) { throw TestFailed(mpt::format(std::string("%1 != %2"))(ToStringHelper()(x), ToStringHelper()(y))); //throw TestFailed(); } } public: template MPT_NOINLINE void operator () (const Tfx &fx, const Tfy &fy) { ShowStart(); try { ShowProgress("Calculate x ..."); const auto x = fx(); ShowProgress("Calculate y ..."); const auto y = fy(); ShowProgress("Compare ..."); TypeCompareHelper(x, y); ReportPassed(); } catch(...) { ReportFailed(); } } template MPT_NOINLINE void operator () (const Tfx &fx, const Tfy &fy, const Teps &eps) { ShowStart(); try { ShowProgress("Calculate x ..."); const auto x = fx(); ShowProgress("Calculate y ..."); const auto y = fy(); ShowProgress("Compare ..."); TypeCompareHelper(x, y, eps); ReportPassed(); } catch(...) { ReportFailed(); } } #define VERIFY_EQUAL(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityContinue, Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( [&](){return (x) ;}, [&](){return (y) ;} ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_NONCONT(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityStop , Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( [&](){return (x) ;}, [&](){return (y) ;} ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_QUIET_NONCONT(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityStop , Test::VerbosityQuiet , #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( [&](){return (x) ;}, [&](){return (y) ;} ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_EPS(x,y,eps) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityContinue, Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( [&](){return (x) ;}, [&](){return (y) ;}, (eps) ) #else public: template MPT_NOINLINE void operator () (const Tx &x, const Ty &y) { ShowStart(); try { if(!IsEqual(x, y, std::is_integral(), std::is_integral())) { //throw TestFailed(mpt::format(std::string("%1 != %2"))(x, y)); throw TestFailed(); } ReportPassed(); } catch(...) { ReportFailed(); } } template MPT_NOINLINE void operator () (const Tx &x, const Ty &y, const Teps &eps) { ShowStart(); try { if(!IsEqualEpsilon(x, y, eps)) { //throw TestFailed(mpt::format(std::string("%1 != %2"))(x, y)); throw TestFailed(); } ReportPassed(); } catch(...) { ReportFailed(); } } #define VERIFY_EQUAL(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityContinue, Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( (x) , (y) ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_NONCONT(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityStop , Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( (x) , (y) ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_QUIET_NONCONT(x,y) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityStop , Test::VerbosityQuiet , #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( (x) , (y) ) #define VERIFY_EQUAL_EPS(x,y,eps) Test::Testcase(Test::FatalityContinue, Test::VerbosityNormal, #x " == " #y , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() )( (x) , (y), (eps) ) #endif }; #define DO_TEST(func) \ MPT_DO { \ Test::Testcase test(Test::FatalityStop, Test::VerbosityVerbose, #func , MPT_SOURCE_LOCATION_CURRENT() ); \ try { \ test.ShowStart(); \ fail_count = 0; \ func(); \ if(fail_count > 0) { \ throw Test::TestFailed(); \ } \ test.ReportPassed(); \ } catch(...) { \ test.ReportException(); \ } \ } MPT_WHILE_0 } // namespace Test OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END #endif // !MODPLUG_TRACKER #endif // ENABLE_TESTS