.word $f000 * = $f000 lf000 lf001 = * + 1 lf002 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf005 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf008 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf00b = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf00e = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf011 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf014 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf017 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf01a = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf01b lf01c = * + 1 lf01d = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf020 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf023 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf024 lf025 = * + 1 lf026 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf027 lf028 = * + 1 lf029 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf02a .byt $00,$00,$00 lf02d lf02e = * + 1 lf02f = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf030 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf033 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf036 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf039 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf03c .byt $00,$00,$00 lf03f .byt $00,$00,$00 lf042 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf045 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf048 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf04b .byt $00,$00,$00 lf04e .byt $00,$00,$00 lf051 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf054 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf057 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf05a .byt $00,$00,$00 lf05d .byt $00,$00,$00 lf060 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf063 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf066 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf069 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf06c .byt $00,$00,$00 lf06f .byt $00,$00,$00 lf072 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf075 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf078 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf07b .byt $00,$00,$00 lf07e .byt $00,$00,$00 lf081 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf084 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf087 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf08a .byt $00,$00,$00 lf08d .byt $00,$00,$00 lf090 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf093 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf096 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf099 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf09c .byt $00,$00,$00 lf09f .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0a2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0a5 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0a8 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0ab .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0ae .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0b1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0b4 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0b7 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0ba lf0bc = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0bd lf0be = * + 1 lf0bf = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0c0 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0c3 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0c6 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0c9 lf0ca = * + 1 lf0cb = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0cc lf0cd = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0d0 = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0d3 = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0d6 = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0d9 = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0dc = * + 1 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0df = * + 1 lf0e0 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0e1 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0f0 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf0ff .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf117 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf12f .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf13e .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf156 lf157 = * + 1 lf158 = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf159 lf15a = * + 1 lf15b = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf15c lf15d = * + 1 lf15e = * + 2 .byt $00,$00,$00 lf15f lf160 = * + 1 ; Instruction opcode accessed. ; Instruction parameter accessed. adc ($f1,x) rts lf162 .byt $01,$02,$04 lf165 lf167 = * + 2 .byt $00,$07,$0e .byt $02,$02,$fe .byt $02,$02,$fe lf16f = * + 1 .byt $fe,$00,$01 lf172 = * + 1 .byt $00,$ff,$00 .byt $02,$04,$05 .byt $07,$09,$0b lf17a .byt $1e,$18,$8b .byt $7e,$fa,$06 .byt $ac,$f3,$e6 .byt $8f,$f8,$2e lf186 .byt $86,$8e,$96 .byt $9f,$a8,$b3 .byt $bd,$c8,$d4 .byt $e1,$ee,$fd lf192 sty $6478 bvc lf1d3 .byt $28,$14,$00 lf19a .byt $00,$02,$03 .byt $05,$07,$08 .byt $0a,$0c,$0d .byt $0f,$11,$12 lf1a6 lf1a8 = * + 2 .byt $00,$e0,$00 lf1a9 .byt $05,$0a,$0f lf1ac lf1ad = * + 1 .byt $f9,$00,$f5 lf1af .byt $00,$00,$00 lf1b2 bpl lf1b4 lf1b4 .byt $00 lf1b5 jsr $0000 bmi lf1ba lf1ba .byt $00,$40,$00 .byt $00 lf1be bvc lf1c0 lf1c0 .byt $00,$60,$00 .byt $00 lf1c4 bvs lf1c6 lf1c6 .byt $00,$80,$00 .byt $00 lf1ca bcc lf1cc lf1cc .byt $00 lf1cd ldy #$00 lf1cf lda #$00 lf1d3 = * + 2 sta lf000 ldx #$95 ldy #$42 lda $02a6 beq lf1e1 lf1dd ldx #$25 ldy #$40 lf1e1 stx lf15b sty lf15c nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop rts lf200 lda #$00 sta lf000 stx $61 sty $62 ldy #$bc lf20b sta lf000,y dey bne lf20b lf211 ldy #$72 lf213 sta lf0bc,y dey bne lf213 lf219 sta $d515 sta $d516 lda #$08 sta lf025 sta $d517 sta lf026 sta $d518 lda #$90 sta lf027 lda #$60 sta lf028 lda #$0c sta lf029 lda lf15b sta lf02d lda lf15c sta lf02e lda #$ff sta lf0cc lda #$d5 sta $64 ldx #$02 lf253 lda #$ff sta lf00b,x lda #$01 sta lf030,x sta lf02a,x txa sta lf033,x sta lf0ae,x lda #$04 sta lf039,x lda lf1a8,x sta lf0ba,x lda #$5b sta lf07e,x lda lf165,x sta $63 lda #$00 tay sta ($63),y iny sta ($63),y iny sta ($63),y lda #$08 sta lf017,x sta lf09c,x iny sta ($63),y iny sta ($63),y lda #$40 sta lf01a,x sta ($63),y lda #$20 sta lf01d,x iny sta ($63),y lda #$f5 sta lf020,x iny sta ($63),y dex bpl lf253 lf2af txa ldx #$17 lf2b2 sta lf13e,x dex bpl lf2b2 lf2b8 lda $61 clc adc #$06 sta $63 lda #$00 tax tay adc $62 lf2c5 sta $64 sta lf0ab,x sta lf0b4,x lda $63 sta lf0a8,x sta lf0b1,x clc adc ($61),y sta $63 lda $64 iny adc ($61),y iny inx cpx #$03 bne lf2c5 lf2e5 ldx $63 tay rts lf2e9 lda #$00 sta $d504 sta $d50b sta $d512 sta $d501 sta $d508 sta $d50f lda #$08 sta $d517 lda lf15b sta $dc04 lda lf15c sta $dc05 rts lf30f nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop rts lf31e lda #$08 sta lf000 lf323 jmp (lf15d) lf326 nop nop nop lf329 lda lf000 bmi lf31e lf32e ora #$80 tay and #$07 beq lf323 lf335 cld sty lf000 nop lda $fb sta lf156 lda $fc sta lf157 lda $fd sta lf158 lda $fe sta lf159 lda $ff sta lf15a lda lf023 clc adc lf0d9 pha and #$07 tay lda lf0dc adc #$00 sta $ff pla lsr $ff ror lsr $ff ror lsr $ff ror clc adc lf024 sty $d515 sta $d516 lda lf025 sta $d517 lda lf026 sta $d518 lda #$d5 sta $fc ldx #$00 lf38b lda lf000 and lf162,x beq lf3e4 lf393 lda lf165,x sta $fb lda lf00e,x clc adc lf051,x tay lda lf011,x adc lf054,x pha tya clc adc lf0cd,x ldy #$00 sta ($fb),y pla adc lf0d0,x iny sta ($fb),y lda lf014,x clc adc lf069,x sta $ff lda lf017,x adc lf06c,x pha lda $ff clc adc lf0d3,x iny sta ($fb),y pla adc lf0d6,x iny sta ($fb),y lda lf01d,x iny iny sta ($fb),y lda lf020,x iny sta ($fb),y lf3e4 inx cpx #$03 bne lf38b lf3e9 ldy lf01a ldx lf01b lda lf01c sty $d504 stx $d50b sta $d512 ldx lf02d ldy lf02e stx $dc04 sty $dc05 lda $d51b sta lf0be lda $d51c sta lf0bf ldx #$00 lf415 lda lf000 and lf162,x beq lf42d lf41d stx lf02f jsr lf536 lda lf000 and #$78 beq lf42d lf42a jmp lf50c lf42d inx cpx #$03 bne lf415 lf432 lda lf0c9 bne lf489 lf437 lda lf0ca ora lf0cb beq lf4b7 lf43f lda lf0df bne lf46c lf444 lda lf0ca beq lf471 lf449 clc adc lf0bd bcs lf456 lf44f cmp lf0cc bcc lf4b4 lf454 beq lf4b4 lf456 lda #$00 sta lf0df lda lf0cb beq lf4b4 lf460 inc lf0df lda lf0bd sbc lf0cb jmp lf4b4 lf46c lda lf0cb beq lf444 lf471 lda lf0bd sec sbc lf0cb bcs lf4b4 lf47a lda #$00 sta lf0df lda lf0ca bne lf4b4 lf484 inc lf0df bne lf4b1 lf489 dec lf0e0 bne lf4b7 lf48e lda lf0df bne lf4a4 lf493 inc lf0df lda lf0cb bne lf49d lf49b lda #$20 lf49d sta lf0e0 lda #$00 beq lf4b4 lf4a4 dec lf0df lda lf0ca bne lf4ae lf4ac lda #$20 lf4ae sta lf0e0 lf4b1 lda lf0cc lf4b4 sta lf0bd lf4b7 ldx #$00 lf4b9 lda lf0c3,x beq lf502 lf4be lda #$00 sta $ff ldy lf0c0,x lda lf0bd,y ldy lf0c6,x beq lf4db lf4cd bmi lf4d7 lf4cf asl rol $ff dey bne lf4cf lf4d5 beq lf4db lf4d7 lsr iny bne lf4d7 lf4db ldy lf0c3,x dey bne lf4ec lf4e1 sta lf0cd,x lda $ff sta lf0d0,x jmp lf502 lf4ec dey bne lf4fa lf4ef sta lf0d3,x lda $ff sta lf0d6,x jmp lf502 lf4fa sta lf0d9 lda $ff sta lf0dc lf502 inx cpx #$03 bne lf4b9 lf507 lda lf000 and #$7f lf50c sta lf000 lda lf156 sta $fb lda lf157 sta $fc lda lf158 sta $fd lda lf159 sta $fe lda lf15a sta $ff jmp (lf15d) lf52b lda lf060,x bne lf533 lf530 jmp lf69f lf533 jmp lf5ba lf536 dec lf030,x bne lf53e lf53b jmp lf6a0 lf53e lda lf036,x bmi lf52b lf543 bne lf55f lf545 lda lf03f,x beq lf54f lf54a dec lf03f,x bne lf55f lf54f lda lf039,x cmp lf030,x bcc lf55f lf557 lda lf01a,x and #$fe sta lf01a,x lf55f lda lf042,x beq lf5ba lf564 asl lda lf00e,x bcs lf587 lf56a adc lf045,x sta lf00e,x tay lda lf011,x adc lf048,x sta lf011,x pha tya cmp lf08d,x pla sbc lf090,x bcs lf5a4 lf585 bcc lf5b5 lf587 sbc lf045,x sta lf00e,x lda lf011,x sbc lf048,x sta lf011,x lda lf08d,x cmp lf00e,x lda lf090,x sbc lf011,x bcc lf5b5 lf5a4 lda lf08d,x sta lf00e,x lda lf090,x sta lf011,x lda #$00 sta lf042,x lf5b5 lda lf060,x beq lf60f lf5ba lda lf04b,x beq lf60a lf5bf ldy #$00 dec lf04e,x bne lf5f7 lf5c6 lda lf051,x ora lf054,x bne lf5e9 lf5ce lda lf05d,x sta lf057,x sta lf04e,x lda lf04b,x asl lda lf05a,x bcc lf5e4 lf5e0 eor #$ff adc #$00 lf5e4 sta lf04b,x bne lf5f9 lf5e9 lda lf057,x sta lf04e,x tya sec sbc lf04b,x sta lf04b,x lf5f7 cmp #$00 lf5f9 bpl lf5fc lf5fb dey lf5fc clc adc lf051,x sta lf051,x tya adc lf054,x sta lf054,x lf60a lda lf036,x bmi lf624 lf60f lda lf093,x beq lf624 lf614 clc adc lf014,x sta lf014,x lda lf096,x adc lf017,x sta lf017,x lf624 lda lf063,x beq lf674 lf629 ldy #$00 dec lf066,x bne lf661 lf630 lda lf069,x ora lf06c,x bne lf653 lf638 lda lf072,x sta lf06f,x sta lf066,x lda lf063,x asl lda lf075,x bcc lf64e lf64a eor #$ff adc #$00 lf64e sta lf063,x bne lf663 lf653 lda lf06f,x sta lf066,x tya sec sbc lf063,x sta lf063,x lf661 cmp #$00 lf663 bpl lf666 lf665 dey lf666 clc adc lf069,x sta lf069,x tya adc lf06c,x sta lf06c,x lf674 lda lf036,x bpl lf67c lf679 jmp lf69f lf67c ldy #$00 lda lf0a2,x beq lf69f lf683 bpl lf686 lf685 iny lf686 clc adc lf023 pha and #$07 sta lf023 pla ror lsr lsr clc adc lf1a6,y clc adc lf024 sta lf024 lf69f rts lf6a0 lda lf0a8,x sta $fd lda lf0ab,x sta $fe bne lf6b0 lf6ac rts lf6ad jsr lf898 lf6b0 lda lf000 and lf162,x beq lf6ac lf6b8 ldy #$00 lda ($fd),y sta $ff iny lda ($fd),y tay lda $fd clc adc #$02 sta $fd sta lf0a8,x lda $fe adc #$00 sta $fe sta lf0ab,x lda $ff and #$03 bne lf6ad lf6db lda lf08d,x sta lf00e,x lda lf090,x sta lf011,x lda $ff sta lf005,x tya sta lf002,x and #$07 tay lda lf167,y sta lf16f lda lf002,x and #$38 lsr lsr lsr adc lf081,x sta $fd lda lf002,x and #$c0 asl rol rol tay lda lf16f,y sta $fe lda lf002,x and #$07 beq lf77d lf71b tay lda lf172,y adc $fe clc adc lf084,x bpl lf72c lf727 clc adc #$0c inc $fd lf72c cmp #$0c bcc lf734 lf730 sbc #$0c dec $fd lf734 sta $fe tay lda lf186,y sta $ff lda lf17a,y ldy $fd dey bmi lf74a lf744 lsr $ff ror dey bpl lf744 lf74a clc adc lf087,x sta lf08d,x lda $ff adc lf08a,x sta lf090,x lda lf005,x bne lf761 lf75e jmp lf6a0 lf761 lda lf045,x ora lf048,x beq lf77f lf769 lda lf00e,x cmp lf08d,x lda lf011,x sbc lf090,x lda #$fe ror sta lf042,x bcc lf78e lf77d beq lf7c9 lf77f sta lf042,x lda lf08d,x sta lf00e,x lda lf090,x sta lf011,x lf78e lda lf036,x asl bne lf7c9 lf794 lda lf093,x beq lf7a5 lf799 lda lf099,x sta lf014,x lda lf09c,x sta lf017,x lf7a5 lda lf09f,x beq lf7b9 lf7aa ldy $fd clc adc lf192,y ldy $fe clc adc lf19a,y clc bcc lf7c1 lf7b9 lda lf0a2,x beq lf7c9 lf7be lda lf0a5,x lf7c1 sta lf024 lda #$00 sta lf023 lf7c9 lda lf03c,x sta lf03f,x lda lf005,x and #$40 sta lf036,x lda lf005,x lsr lsr and #$07 bne lf810 lf7e0 lda lf005,x bmi lf7f9 lf7e5 lda lf027 and #$3c bne lf80a lf7ec lda lf027 asl rol rol bne lf7f6 lf7f4 lda #$04 lf7f6 jmp lf870 lf7f9 lda lf028 beq lf80a lf7fe and #$3f bne lf80a lf802 lda lf028 asl rol rol bne lf870 lf80a lda #$10 sta lf000 rts lf810 cmp #$01 bne lf827 lf814 lda lf005,x and #$20 bne lf821 lf81b lda lf029 jmp lf870 lf821 lda lf02a,x jmp lf870 lf827 tay lda lf005,x and #$a0 cmp #$80 beq lf861 lf831 sta $ff clc lda lf027 bne lf83a lf839 sec lf83a dey dey beq lf844 lf83e ror bcs lf88f lf841 dey bne lf83e lf844 ldy $ff sta $ff beq lf870 lf84a lsr $ff bcs lf88f lf84e beq lf892 lf850 adc $ff bcs lf892 lf854 iny bpl lf870 lf857 lsr $ff bcs lf88f lf85b adc $ff bcc lf870 lf85f bcs lf892 lf861 lda lf028 beq lf88f lf866 dey dey beq lf870 lf86a lsr bcs lf88f lf86d dey bne lf86a lf870 sta lf030,x lda lf01a,x and #$f6 sta lf01a,x sec lda lf002,x and #$07 bne lf886 lf883 ror lf036,x lf886 lda lf01a,x adc #$00 sta lf01a,x rts lf88f lda #$10 lf892 = * + 1 ; Instruction parameter jumped to. bit $18a9 sta lf000 rts lf898 tya pha lda $ff lsr bcc lf8a2 lf89f jmp lfa42 lf8a2 lsr lsr bcs lf8c4 lf8a6 lsr bcs lf8b7 lf8a9 sta lf09c,x sta lf017,x pla sta lf099,x sta lf014,x rts lf8b7 lsr bcc lf8bc lf8ba ora #$f8 lf8bc sta lf08a,x pla sta lf087,x rts lf8c4 lsr bcs lf8ca lf8c7 jmp lf94a lf8ca lsr bcs lf92e lf8cd lsr bcs lf8df lf8d0 bne lf8da lf8d2 pla sta lf0a5,x sta lf024 rts lf8da pla sta lf03c,x rts lf8df bne lf929 lf8e1 pla sta lf07e,x cmp #$5b beq lf91c lf8e9 tay lsr lsr lsr sec sbc #$0b clc adc lf084,x bmi lf902 lf8f6 cmp #$0c bcc lf90b lf8fa sbc #$0c dec lf081,x jmp lf90b lf902 cmp #$f5 bcs lf90b lf906 adc #$0c inc lf081,x lf90b sta lf084,x tya and #$07 sec sbc #$03 clc adc lf081,x sta lf081,x rts lf91c lda lf078,x sta lf081,x lda lf07b,x sta lf084,x rts lf929 pla sta lf0c6,x rts lf92e lsr bcs lf939 lf931 sta lf00b,x pla sta lf008,x rts lf939 lsr ror ror adc lf15b sta lf02d pla adc lf15c sta lf02e rts lf94a lsr bcc lf950 lf94d jmp lf9d3 lf950 lsr bcs lf993 lf953 lsr bcs lf96d lf956 lsr bcs lf968 lf959 pla sta lf027 lsr lsr lsr tay lda lf1af,y sta lf028 rts lf968 pla sta lf05d,x rts lf96d lsr bcs lf975 lf970 pla sta lf001 rts lf975 pla beq lf989 lf978 sta lf075,x ldy lf063,x bne lf988 lf980 sta lf063,x lda #$01 sta lf066,x lf988 rts lf989 sta lf063,x sta lf069,x sta lf06c,x rts lf993 lsr bcs lf9c6 lf996 lsr bcs lf99e lf999 pla sta lf039,x rts lf99e pla ldy #$00 lsr bcc lf9a6 lf9a4 iny clc lf9a6 pha and #$07 adc lf1ac,y sta lf078,x sta lf081,x pla lsr lsr lsr clc adc lf1ad,y sta lf07b,x sta lf084,x lda #$5b sta lf07e,x rts lf9c6 lsr bcs lf9ce lf9c9 pla sta lf0a2,x rts lf9ce pla sta lf0cc rts lf9d3 lsr bcs lf9fd lf9d6 lsr bcs lf9e6 lf9d9 lsr bcs lf9e1 lf9dc pla sta lf029 rts lf9e1 pla sta lf09f,x rts lf9e6 lsr bcs lf9f8 lf9e9 pla sta lf093,x ldy #$00 asl bcc lf9f3 lf9f2 dey lf9f3 tya sta lf096,x rts lf9f8 pla sta lf072,x rts lf9fd lsr bcs lfa1c lfa00 lsr bcs lfa18 lfa03 pla sta lf0b7,x lda $fd sta lf0b1,x lda $fe sta lf0b4,x lda lf033,x sta lf0ae,x rts lfa18 pla jmp (lf15f) lfa1c lsr bcs lfa3d lfa1f pla bne lfa2c lfa22 sta lf04b,x sta lf051,x sta lf054,x rts lfa2c sta lf05a,x ldy lf04b,x bne lfa3c lfa34 sta lf04b,x lda #$01 sta lf04e,x lfa3c rts lfa3d pla sta lf02a,x rts lfa42 lsr bcc lfa4d lfa45 sta lf048,x pla sta lf045,x rts lfa4d pla lsr bcs lfab2 lfa51 lsr bcs lfa79 lfa54 lsr bcs lfa5c lfa57 lsr ldy #$f0 bne lfa62 lfa5c asl asl asl asl ldy #$0f lfa62 sta $ff tya bcs lfa70 lfa67 and lf01d,x ora $ff sta lf01d,x rts lfa70 and lf020,x ora $ff sta lf020,x rts lfa79 lsr bcs lfab4 lfa7c lsr bcs lfae3 lfa7f sta $ff lda lf0ba,x cmp lf1a9,x beq lfadd lfa89 inc lf0ba,x tay lda $fd sta lf0e1,y lda $fe sta lf0f0,y lda lf033,x sta lf12f,y ldy $ff lda lf117,y beq lfada lfaa4 sta $fe lda lf0ff,y sta $fd lda lf13e,y sta lf033,x rts lfab2 bcs lfaff lfab4 lsr bcs lfaf3 lfab7 tay lda $fd sta lf0ff,y lda $fe sta lf117,y lda lf033,x sta lf13e,y lda lf0ba,x cmp lf1a9,x beq lfadd lfad0 inc lf0ba,x tay lda #$00 sta lf0f0,y rts lfada lda #$30 lfadd = * + 1 ; Instruction parameter jumped to. bit $28a9 sta lf000 rts lfae3 asl asl asl asl eor lf025 and #$f0 eor lf025 sta lf025 rts lfaf3 eor lf026 and #$0f eor lf026 sta lf026 rts lfaff lsr bcs lfb0d lfb02 lsr bcs lfb09 lfb05 sta lf0ca rts lfb09 sta lf0cb rts lfb0d lsr bcc lfb13 lfb10 jmp lfba5 lfb13 lsr tay beq lfb38 lfb17 dey beq lfb4e lfb1a dey beq lfb5f lfb1d dey beq lfb6a lfb20 dey beq lfb75 lfb23 dey beq lfb82 lfb26 dey beq lfb8f lfb29 dey beq lfb9f lfb2c and #$07 ora #$10 bcs lfb35 lfb32 jmp lfab7 lfb35 jmp lfa7f lfb38 ldy lf026 bcs lfb44 lfb3d iny tya and #$0f bne lfb4a lfb43 rts lfb44 tya and #$0f beq lfb4d lfb49 dey lfb4a sty lf026 lfb4d rts lfb4e lda lf162,x eor #$ff and lf025 bcc lfb5b lfb58 ora lf162,x lfb5b sta lf025 rts lfb5f lda lf01a,x and #$fb bcc lfbbb lfb66 ora #$04 bcs lfbbb lfb6a lda lf01a,x and #$fd bcc lfbbb lfb71 ora #$02 bcs lfbbb lfb75 lda lf025 and #$f7 bcc lfb7e lfb7c ora #$08 lfb7e sta lf025 rts lfb82 lda lf026 and #$7f bcc lfb8b lfb89 ora #$80 lfb8b sta lf026 rts lfb8f tya sta lf0bd sta lf0df iny sty lf0e0 rol sta lf0c9 rts lfb9f tya rol sta lf060,x rts lfba5 lsr bcs lfbcf lfba8 lsr bcs lfbbf lfbab bne lfbaf lfbad lda #$08 lfbaf asl asl asl asl eor lf01a,x and #$f0 eor lf01a,x lfbbb sta lf01a,x rts lfbbf asl asl asl asl eor lf026 and #$70 eor lf026 sta lf026 rts lfbcf lsr bcc lfbd6 lfbd2 sta lf0c0,x rts lfbd6 tay beq lfbf9 lfbd9 dey beq lfc1c lfbdc dey beq lfc42 lfbdf and #$03 sta lf0c3,x lda #$00 sta lf0cd,x sta lf0d0,x sta lf0d3,x sta lf0d6,x sta lf0d9 sta lf0dc rts lfbf9 lda lf0b7,x beq lfc03 lfbfe dec lf0b7,x beq lfc15 lfc03 lda lf033,x cmp lf0ae,x bne lfc16 lfc0b lda lf0b1,x sta $fd lda lf0b4,x sta $fe lfc15 rts lfc16 lda #$38 sta lf000 rts lfc1c lda lf0ba,x cmp lf1a8,x beq lfc3c lfc24 dec lf0ba,x tay dey lda lf0f0,y beq lfc3b lfc2e sta $fe lda lf0e1,y sta $fd lda lf12f,y sta lf033,x lfc3b rts lfc3c lda #$20 sta lf000 rts lfc42 lda lf000 eor lf162,x sta lf000 lda #$01 sta lf030,x rts lfc51 lda lf000 and #$07 sta lfc81 bne lfc5e lfc5b jsr lf2e9 lfc5e rts .byt $00 lfc60 ldx #$51 ldy #$fc stx lf15d sty lf15e jsr lf1cf ldx #$00 ldy #$09 jsr lf200 lda #$07 sta lf000 sta lfc81 lfc7c rts .byt $00,$00,$00 lfc80 lfc81 = * + 1 ; Instruction parameter accessed. lda #$00 and #$ff beq lfc7c lfc86 jmp lf329 lfc89 lda #$07 sta lf000 rts .byt $00 lfc90 jsr $ec60 jmp lfc60 lfc96 jsr $ec80 jmp lfc80