// // libvgmDecoder.mm // libvgmPlayer // // Created by Christopher Snowhill on 1/02/22. // Copyright 2022 __LoSnoCo__. All rights reserved. // #import "libvgmDecoder.h" #import "Logging.h" #import "PlaylistController.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import @implementation libvgmDecoder #ifdef _DEBUG const int logLevel = DEVLOG_DEBUG; #else const int logLevel = DEVLOG_INFO; #endif static UINT8 FilePlayCallback(PlayerBase* player, void* userParam, UINT8 evtType, void* evtParam) { libvgmDecoder * decoder = (__bridge libvgmDecoder *)(userParam); switch(evtType) { case PLREVT_START: //printf("Playback started.\n"); break; case PLREVT_STOP: //printf("Playback stopped.\n"); break; case PLREVT_LOOP: { //UINT32* curLoop = (UINT32*)evtParam; //if (player->GetState() & PLAYSTATE_SEEK) // break; } break; case PLREVT_END: if ([decoder trackEnded]) break; [decoder setTrackEnded:YES]; break; } return 0x00; } #include "yrw801.h" static DATA_LOADER* RequestFileCallback(void* userParam, PlayerBase* player, const char* fileName) { DATA_LOADER* dLoad; if (strcmp(fileName, "yrw801.rom") == 0) { dLoad = MemoryLoader_Init(yrw801_rom, sizeof(yrw801_rom)); } else { dLoad = FileLoader_Init(fileName); } UINT8 retVal = DataLoader_Load(dLoad); if (! retVal) return dLoad; DataLoader_Deinit(dLoad); return NULL; } static const char* LogLevel2Str(UINT8 level) { static const char* LVL_NAMES[6] = {" ??? ", "Error", "Warn ", "Info ", "Debug", "Trace"}; if (level >= (sizeof(LVL_NAMES) / sizeof(LVL_NAMES[0]))) level = 0; return LVL_NAMES[level]; } static void PlayerLogCallback(void* userParam, PlayerBase* player, UINT8 level, UINT8 srcType, const char* srcTag, const char* message) { if (level > logLevel) return; // don't print messages with higher verbosity than current log level if (srcType == PLRLOGSRC_PLR) { ALog(@"[%s] %s: %s", LogLevel2Str(level), player->GetPlayerName(), message); } else { ALog(@"[%s] %s %s: %s", LogLevel2Str(level), player->GetPlayerName(), srcTag, message); } return; } const int sampleRate = 44100; const int numChannels = 2; const int numBitsPerSample = 24; const int smplAlloc = 2048; const int masterVol = 0x10000; // Fixed point 16.16 - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { fileData = NULL; dLoad = NULL; mainPlr = NULL; } return self; } - (BOOL)open:(id)s { [self setSource:s]; //We need file-size to use GME if (![source seekable]) { return NO; } BOOL repeatOne = IsRepeatOneSet(); uint32_t maxLoops = repeatOne ? 0 : 2; mainPlr = new PlayerA; mainPlr->RegisterPlayerEngine(new VGMPlayer); mainPlr->RegisterPlayerEngine(new S98Player); mainPlr->RegisterPlayerEngine(new DROPlayer); mainPlr->RegisterPlayerEngine(new GYMPlayer); mainPlr->SetEventCallback(FilePlayCallback, (__bridge void *)(self)); mainPlr->SetFileReqCallback(RequestFileCallback, NULL); mainPlr->SetLogCallback(PlayerLogCallback, NULL); { PlayerA::Config pCfg = mainPlr->GetConfiguration(); pCfg.masterVol = masterVol; pCfg.loopCount = maxLoops; pCfg.fadeSmpls = sampleRate * 4; // fade over 4 seconds pCfg.endSilenceSmpls = sampleRate / 2; // 0.5 seconds of silence at the end pCfg.pbSpeed = 1.0; mainPlr->SetConfiguration(pCfg); } mainPlr->SetOutputSettings(sampleRate, numChannels, numBitsPerSample, smplAlloc); [source seek:0 whence:SEEK_END]; size_t size = [source tell]; [source seek:0 whence:SEEK_SET]; fileData = (UINT8*) malloc(size); if (!fileData) return NO; size_t bytesRead = [source read:fileData amount:size]; if (bytesRead != size) return NO; dLoad = MemoryLoader_Init(fileData, (unsigned int)size); if (!dLoad) return NO; DataLoader_SetPreloadBytes(dLoad,0x100); if (DataLoader_Load(dLoad)) return NO; if (mainPlr->LoadFile(dLoad)) return NO; PlayerBase* player = mainPlr->GetPlayer(); mainPlr->SetLoopCount(maxLoops); if (player->GetPlayerType() == FCC_VGM) { VGMPlayer* vgmplay = dynamic_cast(player); mainPlr->SetLoopCount(vgmplay->GetModifiedLoopCount(maxLoops)); } length = player->Tick2Second(player->GetTotalTicks()) * sampleRate; [self setTrackEnded:NO]; mainPlr->Start(); [self willChangeValueForKey:@"properties"]; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"properties"]; return YES; } - (NSDictionary *)properties { return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt:0], @"bitrate", [NSNumber numberWithFloat:sampleRate], @"sampleRate", [NSNumber numberWithLong:length], @"totalFrames", [NSNumber numberWithInt:numBitsPerSample], @"bitsPerSample", //Samples are short [NSNumber numberWithInt:numChannels], @"channels", //output from gme_play is in stereo [NSNumber numberWithBool:[source seekable]], @"seekable", @"host", @"endian", nil]; } - (int)readAudio:(void *)buf frames:(UInt32)frames { if ([self trackEnded]) return 0; BOOL repeatOne = IsRepeatOneSet(); uint32_t maxLoops = repeatOne ? 0 : 2; PlayerBase* player = mainPlr->GetPlayer(); mainPlr->SetLoopCount(maxLoops); if (player->GetPlayerType() == FCC_VGM) { VGMPlayer* vgmplay = dynamic_cast(player); mainPlr->SetLoopCount(vgmplay->GetModifiedLoopCount(maxLoops)); } UInt32 framesDone = 0; while (framesDone < frames) { UInt32 framesToDo = frames - framesDone; if (framesToDo > smplAlloc) framesToDo = smplAlloc; int numSamples = framesToDo * numChannels * (numBitsPerSample/8); mainPlr->Render(numSamples, buf); buf = (void *)(((uint8_t*)buf) + numSamples); framesDone += framesToDo; } return framesDone; } - (long)seek:(long)frame { [self setTrackEnded:NO]; mainPlr->Seek(PLAYPOS_SAMPLE, (unsigned int)frame); return frame; } - (void)close { if (mainPlr) { mainPlr->Stop(); mainPlr->UnloadFile(); delete mainPlr; mainPlr = NULL; } if (dLoad) { DataLoader_Deinit(dLoad); dLoad = NULL; } if (fileData) { free(fileData); fileData = NULL; } } - (void)dealloc { [self close]; } + (NSArray *)fileTypes { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"vgm", @"vgz", @"s98", @"dro", @"gym", nil]; } + (NSArray *)mimeTypes { return nil; } + (float)priority { return 1.25; } + (NSArray *)fileTypeAssociations { NSMutableArray * ret = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [ret addObject:@"libvgm Files"]; [ret addObject:@"vg.icns"]; [ret addObjectsFromArray:[self fileTypes]]; return [NSArray arrayWithObject:ret]; } - (void)setSource:(id)s { source = s; } - (id)source { return source; } - (BOOL)trackEnded { return trackEnded; } - (void)setTrackEnded:(BOOL)ended { trackEnded = ended; } @end