#import "PlaybackController.h" #import "PlaylistView.h" #import #import "CogAudio/Status.h" #import "PlaylistController.h" #import "PlaylistEntry.h" @implementation PlaybackController #define DEFAULT_SEEK 10 //MAX_VOLUME is in percent #define MAX_VOLUME 400 //These functions are helpers for the process of converting volume from a linear to logarithmic scale. //Numbers that goes in to audioPlayer should be logarithmic. Numbers that are displayed to the user should be linear. //Here's why: http://www.dr-lex.34sp.com/info-stuff/volumecontrols.html //We are using the approximation of X^4. //Input/Output values are in percents. double logarithmicToLinear(double logarithmic) { return pow((logarithmic/MAX_VOLUME), 0.25) * 100.0; } double linearToLogarithmic(double linear) { return (linear/100) * (linear/100) * (linear/100) * (linear/100) * MAX_VOLUME; } //End helper volume function thingies. ONWARDS TO GLORY! - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { [self initDefaults]; audioPlayer = [[AudioPlayer alloc] init]; [audioPlayer setDelegate:self]; playbackStatus = kCogStatusStopped; showTimeRemaining = NO; scrobbler = [[AudioScrobbler alloc] init]; [GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:self]; } return self; } - (void)initDefaults { NSDictionary *defaultsDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"enableAudioScrobbler", [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"automaticallyLaunchLastFM", nil]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:defaultsDictionary]; } - (NSDictionary *) registrationDictionaryForGrowl { NSArray *notifications = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Stream Changed", nil]; return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Cog", GROWL_APP_NAME, notifications, GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL, notifications, GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT, nil]; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(100.0)]; [audioPlayer setVolume: 100]; [positionSlider setEnabled:NO]; } - (IBAction)playPauseResume:(id)sender { if (playbackStatus == kCogStatusStopped) [self play:self]; else [self pauseResume:self]; } - (IBAction)pauseResume:(id)sender { if (playbackStatus == kCogStatusPaused) [self resume:self]; else [self pause:self]; } - (IBAction)pause:(id)sender { [audioPlayer pause]; if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"enableAudioScrobbler"]) { [scrobbler pause]; } } - (IBAction)resume:(id)sender { [audioPlayer resume]; if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"enableAudioScrobbler"]) { [scrobbler resume]; } } - (IBAction)stop:(id)sender { [audioPlayer stop]; if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"enableAudioScrobbler"]) { [scrobbler stop]; } } //called by double-clicking on table - (void)playEntryAtIndex:(int)i { PlaylistEntry *pe = [[playlistController arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i]; [self playEntry:pe]; } - (IBAction)playbackButtonClick:(id)sender { int clickedSegment = [sender selectedSegment]; if (clickedSegment == 0) //Previous { [sender setSelected:YES forSegment:0]; [sender setSelected:YES forSegment:1]; [self prev:sender]; } else if (clickedSegment == 1) //Play { [self playPauseResume:sender]; } else if (clickedSegment == 2) //Next { [self next:sender]; } } - (IBAction)play:(id)sender { if ([playlistView selectedRow] == -1) [playlistView selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO]; [self playEntryAtIndex:[playlistView selectedRow]]; } - (void)playEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe { if (playbackStatus != kCogStatusStopped) [self stop:self]; [playlistController setCurrentEntry:pe]; [positionSlider setDoubleValue:0.0]; [self updateTimeField:0.0f]; [audioPlayer play:[pe url] withUserInfo:pe]; if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"enableAudioScrobbler"]) { [scrobbler start:pe]; } [GrowlApplicationBridge notifyWithTitle:[pe title] description:[pe artist] notificationName:@"Stream Changed" iconData:nil priority:0 isSticky:NO clickContext:nil]; } - (IBAction)next:(id)sender { if ([playlistController next] == NO) return; [self stop:self]; [self playEntry:[playlistController currentEntry]]; } - (IBAction)prev:(id)sender { if ([playlistController prev] == NO) return; [self stop:self]; [self playEntry:[playlistController currentEntry]]; } - (IBAction)seek:(id)sender { double time; time = [positionSlider doubleValue]; if ([sender tracking] == NO) // check if user stopped sliding before playing audio [audioPlayer seekToTime:time]; [self updateTimeField:time]; } - (IBAction)eventSeekForward:(id)sender { [self seekForward:DEFAULT_SEEK]; } - (void)seekForward:(double)amount { double seekTo = [audioPlayer amountPlayed] + amount; if (seekTo > (int)[positionSlider maxValue]) { [self next:self]; } else { [audioPlayer seekToTime:seekTo]; [self updateTimeField:seekTo]; [positionSlider setDoubleValue:seekTo]; } } - (IBAction)eventSeekBackward:(id)sender { [self seekBackward:DEFAULT_SEEK]; } - (void)seekBackward:(double)amount { double seekTo = [audioPlayer amountPlayed] - amount; if (seekTo < 0) { [audioPlayer seekToTime:0]; [self updateTimeField:0]; [positionSlider setDoubleValue:0.0]; } else { [audioPlayer seekToTime:seekTo]; [self updateTimeField:seekTo]; [positionSlider setDoubleValue:seekTo]; } } - (void)changePlayButtonImage:(NSString *)name { NSImage *img = [NSImage imageNamed:name]; // [img retain]; if (img == nil) { NSLog(@"Error loading image!"); } [playbackButtons setImage:img forSegment:1]; } - (IBAction)changeVolume:(id)sender { double oneLog = logarithmicToLinear(100.0); double distance = [sender frame].size.height*([sender doubleValue] - oneLog)/100.0; if (fabs(distance) < 2.0) { [sender setDoubleValue:oneLog]; } NSLog(@"VOLUME: %lf, %lf", [sender doubleValue], linearToLogarithmic([sender doubleValue])); [audioPlayer setVolume:linearToLogarithmic([sender doubleValue])]; } /* selector for NSTimer - gets passed the Timer object itself and the appropriate userInfo, which in this case is an NSNumber containing the current volume before we start fading. */ - (void)audioFader:(NSTimer *)audioTimer { static int incrementalFader = 10; double volume = [audioPlayer volume]; double originalVolume = [[audioTimer userInfo] doubleValue]; NSLog(@"VOLUME IS %lf", volume); if (volume > 0.0001) //YAY! Roundoff error! { [self volumeDown:incrementalFader++]; } else // volume is at 0 or below, we are ready to release the timer and move on { [audioPlayer pause]; [audioPlayer setVolume:originalVolume]; [volumeSlider setDoubleValue: logarithmicToLinear(originalVolume)]; incrementalFader = 10; [audioTimer invalidate]; } } - (IBAction)fadeOut:(id)sender withTime:(double)time { // we can not allow multiple fade timers to be registered if (playbackStatus != kCogStatusPlaying) return; NSNumber *originalVolume = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [audioPlayer volume]]; NSTimer *fadeTimer; playbackStatus = kCogStatusFading; fadeTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:time target:self selector:@selector(audioFader:) userInfo:originalVolume repeats:YES]; } - (IBAction)skipToNextAlbum:(id)sender { BOOL found = NO; NSNumber *index = (NSNumber *)[[playlistController currentEntry] index]; NSString *origAlbum = [[playlistController entryAtIndex:[index intValue]] album]; int playlistLength = [[playlistController arrangedObjects] count] - 1; int i = [index intValue] + 1; NSString *curAlbum; PlaylistEntry *pe; while (!found) { pe = [[playlistController arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i]; curAlbum = [pe album]; // check for untagged files, and just play the first untagged one // we come across if (curAlbum == nil) break; if (![curAlbum caseInsensitiveCompare:origAlbum]) { i++; if (i > playlistLength) return; continue; } else { found = YES; } } [self playEntryAtIndex:i]; } - (IBAction)skipToPreviousAlbum:(id)sender { BOOL found = NO; BOOL foundAlbum = NO; NSNumber *index = (NSNumber *)[[playlistController currentEntry] index]; NSString *origAlbum = [[playlistController entryAtIndex:[index intValue]] album]; NSString *curAlbum; int i = [index intValue] - 1; if (i <= 0) return; PlaylistEntry *pe; while (!found) { pe = [[playlistController arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i]; curAlbum = [pe album]; if (curAlbum == nil) break; if (![curAlbum caseInsensitiveCompare:origAlbum]) { i--; if (i == 0) // first entry in playlist if (foundAlbum == YES) break; else return; continue; } else { if (foundAlbum == NO) { foundAlbum = YES; // now we need to move up to the first song in the album, so we'll // go till we either find index 0, or the first song in the album origAlbum = [[playlistController entryAtIndex:i] album]; i--; } else found = YES; // terminate loop } } if ((foundAlbum == YES) && i != 0) i++; [self playEntryAtIndex:i]; } - (IBAction)eventVolumeDown:(id)sender { [self volumeDown:DEFAULT_VOLUME_DOWN]; } - (void)volumeDown:(double)amount { double newVolume; if (amount > [audioPlayer volume]) newVolume = 0.0; else newVolume = linearToLogarithmic(logarithmicToLinear([audioPlayer volume]) - amount); [volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(newVolume)]; [audioPlayer setVolume:newVolume]; } - (IBAction)eventVolumeUp:(id)sender { [self volumeUp:DEFAULT_VOLUME_UP]; } - (void)volumeUp:(double)amount { double newVolume = linearToLogarithmic(logarithmicToLinear([audioPlayer volume]) + amount); if (newVolume > MAX_VOLUME) newVolume = MAX_VOLUME; [volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(newVolume)]; [audioPlayer setVolume:newVolume]; } - (void)updateTimeField:(double)pos { NSString *text; if (showTimeRemaining == NO) { int sec = (int)(pos); text = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TimeElapsed", @""), sec/60, sec%60]; } else { int sec = (int)(([positionSlider maxValue] - pos)); if (sec < 0) sec = 0; text = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TimeRemaining", @""), sec/60, sec%60]; } [timeField setStringValue:text]; } - (IBAction)toggleShowTimeRemaining:(id)sender { showTimeRemaining = !showTimeRemaining; [self updateTimeField:[positionSlider doubleValue]]; } - (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player requestNextStream:(id)userInfo { PlaylistEntry *curEntry = (PlaylistEntry *)userInfo; PlaylistEntry *pe = [playlistController getNextEntry:curEntry]; [player setNextStream:[pe url] withUserInfo:pe]; } - (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player streamChanged:(id)userInfo { PlaylistEntry *pe = (PlaylistEntry *)userInfo; [playlistController setCurrentEntry:pe]; [positionSlider setDoubleValue:0.0f]; [self updateTimeField:0.0f]; if([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"enableAudioScrobbler"]) { [scrobbler start:pe]; } [GrowlApplicationBridge notifyWithTitle:[pe title] description:[pe artist] notificationName:@"Stream Changed" iconData:nil priority:0 isSticky:NO clickContext:nil]; } - (void)updatePosition:(id)sender { double pos = [audioPlayer amountPlayed]; if ([positionSlider tracking] == NO) { [positionSlider setDoubleValue:pos]; [self updateTimeField:pos]; } } - (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player statusChanged:(id)s { int status = [s intValue]; if (status == kCogStatusStopped || status == kCogStatusPaused) { if (positionTimer) { [positionTimer invalidate]; positionTimer = NULL; } if (status == kCogStatusStopped) { [positionSlider setDoubleValue:0.0f]; [self updateTimeField:0.0f]; } //Show play image [self changePlayButtonImage:@"play"]; } else if (status == kCogStatusPlaying) { if (!positionTimer) positionTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.00 target:self selector:@selector(updatePosition:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; //Show pause [self changePlayButtonImage:@"pause"]; } if (status == kCogStatusStopped) { [positionSlider setEnabled:NO]; } else { [positionSlider setEnabled:[[[playlistController currentEntry] seekable] boolValue]]; } playbackStatus = status; } -(BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)menuItem { SEL action = [menuItem action]; if (action == @selector(seekBackward:) && (playbackStatus == kCogStatusStopped)) return NO; if (action == @selector(seekForward:) && (playbackStatus == kCogStatusStopped)) return NO; if (action == @selector(stop:) && (playbackStatus == kCogStatusStopped)) return NO; return YES; } @end