/* BSD License Copyright (c) 2002, Brent Simmons All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of ranchero.com or Brent Simmons nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* RSS.m A class for reading RSS feeds. Created by Brent Simmons on Wed Apr 17 2002. Copyright (c) 2002 Brent Simmons. All rights reserved. */ #import "RSS.h" // This comparator function is used to sort the RSS items by their published date. int compareNewsItems(id item1, id item2, void *context) { // We compare item2 with item1 instead of the other way 'round because we want descending, not ascending. Bit of a hack. return [(NSDate *)[NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:[item2 objectForKey:@"pubDate"]] compare:(NSDate *)[NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:[item1 objectForKey:@"pubDate"]]]; } @implementation RSS #define titleKey @"title" #define linkKey @"link" #define descriptionKey @"description" /*Public interface*/ - (NSDictionary *)newestItem { // The news items are already sorted by published date, descending. return [[self newsItems] objectAtIndex:0]; } - (RSS *) initWithTitle: (NSString *) title andDescription: (NSString *) description { /* Create an empty feed. Useful for synthetic feeds. */ NSMutableDictionary *header; flRdf = NO; header = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 2]; [header setObject: title forKey: titleKey]; [header setObject: description forKey: descriptionKey]; headerItems = (NSDictionary *) [header copy]; newsItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 0]; version = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: @"synthetic"]; return (self); } /*initWithTitle*/ - (RSS *) initWithData: (NSData *) rssData normalize: (BOOL) fl { CFXMLTreeRef tree; flRdf = NO; normalize = fl; NS_DURING tree = CFXMLTreeCreateFromData (kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFDataRef) rssData, NULL, kCFXMLParserSkipWhitespace, kCFXMLNodeCurrentVersion); NS_HANDLER tree = nil; NS_ENDHANDLER if (tree == nil) { /*If there was a problem parsing the RSS file, raise an exception.*/ NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"RSSParseFailed" reason: @"The XML parser could not parse the RSS data." userInfo: nil]; [exception raise]; } /*if*/ [self createheaderdictionary: tree]; [self createitemsarray: tree]; [self setversionstring: tree]; CFRelease (tree); return (self); } /*initWithData*/ - (RSS *) initWithURL: (NSURL *) url normalize: (BOOL) fl { return [self initWithURL: url normalize: fl userAgent: nil]; } - (RSS *) initWithURL: (NSURL *) url normalize: (BOOL) fl userAgent: (NSString*)userAgent { NSData *rssData; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL: url cachePolicy: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval: 30.0]; if (userAgent) [request setValue: userAgent forHTTPHeaderField: @"User-Agent"]; NSURLResponse *response=0; NSError *error=0; rssData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: request returningResponse: &response error: &error]; if (rssData == nil) { NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"RSSDownloadFailed" reason: [error localizedFailureReason] userInfo: [error userInfo] ]; [exception raise]; } return [self initWithData: rssData normalize: fl]; } /*initWithUrl*/ - (NSDictionary *) headerItems { return (headerItems); } /*headerItems*/ - (NSMutableArray *) newsItems { return (newsItems); } /*newsItems*/ - (NSString *) version { return (version); } /*version*/ - (void) dealloc { [headerItems release]; [newsItems release]; [version release]; [super dealloc]; } /*dealloc*/ /*Private methods. Don't call these: they may change.*/ - (void) createheaderdictionary: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree { CFXMLTreeRef channelTree, childTree; CFXMLNodeRef childNode; int childCount, i; NSString *childName; NSMutableDictionary *headerItemsMutable; channelTree = [self getchanneltree: tree]; if (channelTree == nil) { NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"RSSCreateHeaderDictionaryFailed" reason: @"Couldn't find the channel tree." userInfo: nil]; [exception raise]; } /*if*/ childCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (channelTree); headerItemsMutable = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: childCount]; for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { childTree = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (channelTree, i); childNode = CFXMLTreeGetNode (childTree); childName = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (childNode); if ([childName hasPrefix: @"rss:"]) childName = [childName substringFromIndex: 4]; if ([childName isEqualToString: @"item"]) break; if ([childName isEqualTo: @"image"]) [self flattenimagechildren: childTree into: headerItemsMutable]; [headerItemsMutable setObject: [self getelementvalue: childTree] forKey: childName]; } /*for*/ headerItems = [headerItemsMutable copy]; } /*initheaderdictionary*/ - (void) createitemsarray: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree { CFXMLTreeRef channelTree, childTree, itemTree; CFXMLNodeRef childNode, itemNode; NSString *childName; NSString *itemName, *itemValue; int childCount, itemChildCount, i, j; NSMutableDictionary *itemDictionaryMutable; NSMutableArray *itemsArrayMutable; if (flRdf) channelTree = [self getnamedtree: tree name: @"rdf:RDF"]; else channelTree = [self getchanneltree: tree]; if (channelTree == nil) { NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"RSSCreateItemsArrayFailed" reason: @"Couldn't find the news items." userInfo: nil]; [exception raise]; } /*if*/ childCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (channelTree); itemsArrayMutable = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: childCount]; for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { childTree = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (channelTree, i); childNode = CFXMLTreeGetNode (childTree); childName = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (childNode); if ([childName hasPrefix: @"rss:"]) childName = [childName substringFromIndex: 4]; if (![childName isEqualToString: @"item"]) continue; itemChildCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (childTree); itemDictionaryMutable = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: itemChildCount]; for (j = 0; j < itemChildCount; j++) { itemTree = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (childTree, j); itemNode = CFXMLTreeGetNode (itemTree); itemName = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (itemNode); if ([itemName hasPrefix: @"rss:"]) itemName = [itemName substringFromIndex: 4]; if ([itemName isEqualTo:@"enclosure"]) { // Hack to add attributes to the dictionary in addition to children. (AMM) const CFXMLElementInfo *websiteInfo = CFXMLNodeGetInfoPtr(itemNode); NSMutableDictionary *enclosureDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; id keyEnumerator = [(NSDictionary *)websiteInfo->attributes keyEnumerator], current; while ((current = [keyEnumerator nextObject])) { [enclosureDictionary setObject:[(NSDictionary *)websiteInfo->attributes objectForKey:current] forKey:current]; } [itemDictionaryMutable setObject: enclosureDictionary forKey: itemName]; continue; } itemValue = [self getelementvalue: itemTree]; if ([itemName isEqualTo: @"source"]) [self flattensourceattributes: itemNode into: itemDictionaryMutable]; [itemDictionaryMutable setObject: itemValue forKey: itemName]; } /*for*/ if (normalize) [self normalizeRSSItem: itemDictionaryMutable]; [itemsArrayMutable addObject: itemDictionaryMutable]; } /*for*/ // Sort the news items by published date, descending. newsItems = [[itemsArrayMutable sortedArrayUsingFunction:compareNewsItems context:NULL] retain]; } /*createitemsarray*/ - (void) setversionstring: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree { CFXMLTreeRef rssTree; const CFXMLElementInfo *elementInfo; CFXMLNodeRef node; if (flRdf) { version = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: @"rdf"]; return; } /*if*/ rssTree = [self getnamedtree: tree name: @"rss"]; node = CFXMLTreeGetNode (rssTree); elementInfo = CFXMLNodeGetInfoPtr (node); version = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: [(NSDictionary *) (*elementInfo).attributes objectForKey: @"version"]]; } /*setversionstring*/ - (void) flattenimagechildren: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree into: (NSMutableDictionary *) dictionary { int childCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (tree); int i = 0; CFXMLTreeRef childTree; CFXMLNodeRef childNode; NSString *childName, *childValue, *keyName; if (childCount < 1) return; for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { childTree = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (tree, i); childNode = CFXMLTreeGetNode (childTree); childName = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (childNode); if ([childName hasPrefix: @"rss:"]) childName = [childName substringFromIndex: 4]; childValue = [self getelementvalue: childTree]; keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"image%@", childName]; [dictionary setObject: childValue forKey: keyName]; } /*for*/ } /*flattenimagechildren*/ - (void) flattensourceattributes: (CFXMLNodeRef) node into: (NSMutableDictionary *) dictionary { const CFXMLElementInfo *elementInfo; NSString *sourceHomeUrl, *sourceRssUrl; elementInfo = CFXMLNodeGetInfoPtr (node); sourceHomeUrl = [(NSDictionary *) (*elementInfo).attributes objectForKey: @"homeUrl"]; sourceRssUrl = [(NSDictionary *) (*elementInfo).attributes objectForKey: @"url"]; if (sourceHomeUrl != nil) [dictionary setObject: sourceHomeUrl forKey: @"sourceHomeUrl"]; if (sourceRssUrl != nil) [dictionary setObject: sourceRssUrl forKey: @"sourceRssUrl"]; } /*flattensourceattributes*/ - (CFXMLTreeRef) getchanneltree: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree { CFXMLTreeRef rssTree, channelTree; rssTree = [self getnamedtree: tree name: @"rss"]; if (rssTree == nil) { /*It might be "rdf:RDF" instead, a 1.0 or greater feed.*/ rssTree = [self getnamedtree: tree name: @"rdf:RDF"]; if (rssTree != nil) flRdf = YES; /*This info will be needed later when creating the items array.*/ } /*if*/ if (rssTree == nil) return (nil); channelTree = [self getnamedtree: rssTree name: @"channel"]; if (channelTree == nil) channelTree = [self getnamedtree: rssTree name: @"rss:channel"]; return (channelTree); } /*getchanneltree*/ - (CFXMLTreeRef) getnamedtree: (CFXMLTreeRef) currentTree name: (NSString *) name { int childCount, i; CFXMLNodeRef xmlNode; CFXMLTreeRef xmlTreeNode; NSString *itemName; childCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (currentTree); for (i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { xmlTreeNode = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (currentTree, i); xmlNode = CFXMLTreeGetNode (xmlTreeNode); itemName = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (xmlNode); if ([itemName isEqualToString: name]) return (xmlTreeNode); } /*for*/ return (nil); } /*getnamedtree*/ - (void) normalizeRSSItem: (NSMutableDictionary *) rssItem { /* Make sure item, link, and description are present and have reasonable values. Description and link may be "". Also trim white space, remove HTML when appropriate. */ NSString *description, *link, *title; BOOL nilDescription = NO; /*Description*/ description = [rssItem objectForKey: descriptionKey]; if (description == nil) { description = @""; nilDescription = YES; } /*if*/ description = [description trimWhiteSpace]; if ([description isEqualTo: @""]) nilDescription = YES; [rssItem setObject: description forKey: descriptionKey]; /*Link*/ link = [rssItem objectForKey: linkKey]; if ([NSString stringIsEmpty: link]) { /*Try to get a URL from the description.*/ if (!nilDescription) { NSArray *stringComponents = [description componentsSeparatedByString: @"href=\""]; if ([stringComponents count] > 1) { link = [stringComponents objectAtIndex: 1]; stringComponents = [link componentsSeparatedByString: @"\""]; link = [stringComponents objectAtIndex: 0]; } /*if*/ } /*if*/ } /*if*/ if (link == nil) link = @""; link = [link trimWhiteSpace]; [rssItem setObject: link forKey: linkKey]; /*Title*/ title = [rssItem objectForKey: titleKey]; if (title != nil) { title = [title stripHTML]; title = [title trimWhiteSpace]; } /*if*/ if ([NSString stringIsEmpty: title]) { /*Grab a title from the description.*/ if (!nilDescription) { NSArray *stringComponents = [description componentsSeparatedByString: @">"]; if ([stringComponents count] > 1) { title = [stringComponents objectAtIndex: 1]; stringComponents = [title componentsSeparatedByString: @"<"]; title = [stringComponents objectAtIndex: 0]; title = [title stripHTML]; title = [title trimWhiteSpace]; } /*if*/ if ([NSString stringIsEmpty: title]) { /*use first part of description*/ NSString *shortTitle = [[[description stripHTML] trimWhiteSpace] ellipsizeAfterNWords: 5]; shortTitle = [shortTitle trimWhiteSpace]; title = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@...", shortTitle]; } /*else*/ } /*if*/ title = [title stripHTML]; title = [title trimWhiteSpace]; if ([NSString stringIsEmpty: title]) title = @"Untitled"; } /*if*/ [rssItem setObject: title forKey: titleKey]; /*dangerousmeta case: super-long title with no description*/ if ((nilDescription) && ([title length] > 50)) { NSString *shortTitle = [[[title stripHTML] trimWhiteSpace] ellipsizeAfterNWords: 7]; description = [[title copy] autorelease]; [rssItem setObject: description forKey: descriptionKey]; title = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@...", shortTitle]; [rssItem setObject: title forKey: titleKey]; } /*if*/ { /*deal with entities*/ const char *tempcstring; NSAttributedString *s = nil; NSString *convertedTitle = nil; NSArray *stringComponents; stringComponents = [title componentsSeparatedByString: @"&"]; if ([stringComponents count] > 1) { stringComponents = [title componentsSeparatedByString: @";"]; if ([stringComponents count] > 1) { int len; tempcstring = [title UTF8String]; len = strlen (tempcstring); if (len > 0) { s = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithHTML: [NSData dataWithBytes: tempcstring length: strlen (tempcstring)] documentAttributes: (NSDictionary **) NULL]; convertedTitle = [s string]; [s autorelease]; convertedTitle = [convertedTitle stripHTML]; convertedTitle = [convertedTitle trimWhiteSpace]; } /*if*/ if ([NSString stringIsEmpty: convertedTitle]) convertedTitle = @"Untitled"; [rssItem setObject: convertedTitle forKey: @"convertedTitle"]; } /*if*/ } /*if*/ } /*deal with entities*/ } /*normalizeRSSItem*/ - (NSString *) getelementvalue: (CFXMLTreeRef) tree { CFXMLNodeRef node; CFXMLTreeRef itemTree; int childCount, ix; NSMutableString *valueMutable; NSString *value; NSString *name; childCount = CFTreeGetChildCount (tree); valueMutable = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; for (ix = 0; ix < childCount; ix++) { itemTree = CFTreeGetChildAtIndex (tree, ix); node = CFXMLTreeGetNode (itemTree); name = (NSString *) CFXMLNodeGetString (node); if (name != nil) { if (CFXMLNodeGetTypeCode (node) == kCFXMLNodeTypeEntityReference) { if ([name isEqualTo: @"lt"]) name = @"<"; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"gt"]) name = @">"; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"quot"]) name = @"\""; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"amp"]) name = @"&"; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"rsquo"]) name = @"\""; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"lsquo"]) name = @"\""; else if ([name isEqualTo: @"apos"]) name = @"'"; else name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"&%@;", name]; } /*if*/ [valueMutable appendString: name]; } /*if*/ } /*for*/ value = [valueMutable copy]; [valueMutable autorelease]; return ([value autorelease]); } /*getelementvalue*/ @end