1) Create (or modify) a template image that contains all of the files with their final names. Image can be created through Disk Utiliy. The defaults should be good.

2) Make sure the template image is bzip2'ed and named template.dmg.bz2. (The name can be changed in make-release.sh)

3)In make-release.sh:
  a) Set the VERSION.
  b) Ensure that the .app folder and the misc files are put in the destination folder. (Including Application link).

4) With the template image mounted:
  a) Change the name of the template image to have the same name as the final image, which is "Cog $VERSION".
  b) Copy in a background image to /Volumes/Cog $VERSION/.background/background.png
  c) Set the background in View->Show View Options. Ensure "This window only" is selected. Use shift+apple+G to type in the path to the background.
  d) Set custom icons.
  e) Hide the toolbar and set the size.

5) Eject the image very carefully.

6) Custom icons are copied through applescript in dmg-cog.scrpt. Make sure all files with custom icons have them copied.

7) Run make-release.sh, and hope his noodly appendage looks favourably upon you.

8) When it fails, maybe it'd be easier to just make the image manually.