#include "rar.hpp" #ifdef _WIN_ALL #include RarTime& RarTime::operator =(FILETIME &ft) { _ULARGE_INTEGER ul = {ft.dwLowDateTime, ft.dwHighDateTime}; itime=ul.QuadPart; return *this; } void RarTime::GetWin32(FILETIME *ft) { _ULARGE_INTEGER ul; ul.QuadPart=itime; ft->dwLowDateTime=ul.LowPart; ft->dwHighDateTime=ul.HighPart; } #endif RarTime& RarTime::operator =(time_t ut) { uint64 ushift=int32to64(0x19DB1DE,0xD53E8000); // 116444736000000000. itime=uint64(ut)*10000000+ushift; return *this; } time_t RarTime::GetUnix() { uint64 ushift=int32to64(0x19DB1DE,0xD53E8000); // 116444736000000000. time_t ut=(itime-ushift)/10000000; return ut; } void RarTime::GetLocal(RarLocalTime *lt) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL FILETIME ft; GetWin32(&ft); FILETIME lft; // SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime based code produces 1 hour error on XP. FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft,&lft); SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft,&st); lt->Year=st.wYear; lt->Month=st.wMonth; lt->Day=st.wDay; lt->Hour=st.wHour; lt->Minute=st.wMinute; lt->Second=st.wSecond; lt->wDay=st.wDayOfWeek; lt->yDay=lt->Day-1; static int mdays[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; for (uint I=1;IMonth && I<=ASIZE(mdays);I++) lt->yDay+=mdays[I-1]; if (lt->Month>2 && IsLeapYear(lt->Year)) lt->yDay++; st.wMilliseconds=0; FILETIME zft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&zft); // Calculate the time reminder, which is the part of time smaller // than 1 second, represented in 100-nanosecond intervals. lt->Reminder=int32to64(lft.dwHighDateTime,lft.dwLowDateTime)- int32to64(zft.dwHighDateTime,zft.dwLowDateTime); #else time_t ut=GetUnix(); struct tm *t; t=localtime(&ut); lt->Year=t->tm_year+1900; lt->Month=t->tm_mon+1; lt->Day=t->tm_mday; lt->Hour=t->tm_hour; lt->Minute=t->tm_min; lt->Second=t->tm_sec; lt->Reminder=itime % 10000000; lt->wDay=t->tm_wday; lt->yDay=t->tm_yday; #endif } void RarTime::SetLocal(RarLocalTime *lt) { #ifdef _WIN_ALL SYSTEMTIME st; st.wYear=lt->Year; st.wMonth=lt->Month; st.wDay=lt->Day; st.wHour=lt->Hour; st.wMinute=lt->Minute; st.wSecond=lt->Second; st.wMilliseconds=0; FILETIME lft; if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&lft)) { lft.dwLowDateTime+=lt->Reminder; if (lft.dwLowDateTimeReminder) lft.dwHighDateTime++; FILETIME ft; // TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime based code produces 1 hour error on XP. LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&lft,&ft); *this=ft; } else Reset(); #else struct tm t; t.tm_sec=lt->Second; t.tm_min=lt->Minute; t.tm_hour=lt->Hour; t.tm_mday=lt->Day; t.tm_mon=lt->Month-1; t.tm_year=lt->Year-1900; t.tm_isdst=-1; *this=mktime(&t); itime+=lt->Reminder; #endif } // Return the stored time as 64-bit number of 100-nanosecond intervals since // 01.01.1601. Actually we do not care since which date this time starts from // as long as this date is the same for GetRaw and SetRaw. We use the value // returned by GetRaw() for time comparisons, for relative operations // like SetRaw(GetRaw()-C) and for compact time storage when necessary. uint64 RarTime::GetRaw() { return itime; } void RarTime::SetRaw(uint64 RawTime) { itime=RawTime; } uint RarTime::GetDos() { RarLocalTime lt; GetLocal(<); uint DosTime=(lt.Second/2)|(lt.Minute<<5)|(lt.Hour<<11)| (lt.Day<<16)|(lt.Month<<21)|((lt.Year-1980)<<25); return DosTime; } void RarTime::SetDos(uint DosTime) { RarLocalTime lt; lt.Second=(DosTime & 0x1f)*2; lt.Minute=(DosTime>>5) & 0x3f; lt.Hour=(DosTime>>11) & 0x1f; lt.Day=(DosTime>>16) & 0x1f; lt.Month=(DosTime>>21) & 0x0f; lt.Year=(DosTime>>25)+1980; lt.Reminder=0; SetLocal(<); } #ifndef SFX_MODULE void RarTime::SetIsoText(const wchar *TimeText) { int Field[6]; memset(Field,0,sizeof(Field)); for (uint DigitCount=0;*TimeText!=0;TimeText++) if (IsDigit(*TimeText)) { int FieldPos=DigitCount<4 ? 0:(DigitCount-4)/2+1; if (FieldPos