// // AACFile.m // Cog // // Created by Zaphod Beeblebrox on 5/31/05. // Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. // #import "AACFile.h" #import @implementation AACFile - (BOOL)open:(const char *)filename { faadAACInfo info; // unsigned long cap = NeAACDecGetCapabilities(); //Check if decoder has the needed capabilities inFd = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!inFd) return NO; //Open the library hAac = NeAACDecOpen(); //Get the current config NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(hAac); conf->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_32BIT; bitsPerSample = 32; //set the new configuration NeAACDecSetConfiguration(hAac, conf); get_AAC_format(inFd, &info, &seekTable, &seekTableLength, 1); DBLog(@"INFO TIME"); DBLog(@"---------"); DBLog(@"%i %i %i %i %i", info.bitrate, info.channels, info.length, info.sampling_rate, info.version); DBLog(@""); fseek(inFd, 0, SEEK_SET); inputAmount = fread(inputBuffer, 1, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, inFd); unsigned long samplerate; unsigned char c; //Initialize the library using one of the initalization functions char err = NeAACDecInit(hAac, (unsigned char *)inputBuffer, inputAmount, &samplerate, &c); if (err < 0) { //ERROR BLARG DBLog(@"AAC ERRROR"); return NO; } inputAmount -= err; memmove(inputBuffer, &inputBuffer[err], inputAmount); frequency = (int)samplerate; channels = c; bitRate = (int)((float)info.bitrate/1000.0); totalSize = (long int)(info.length*(double)frequency/1000.0*channels*bitsPerSample/8); isBigEndian = YES; return YES; } - (BOOL)readInfo:(const char *)filename { return [self open:filename]; //they both would do the same damn thing } - (int)fillBuffer:(void *)buf ofSize:(UInt32)size { int numread = bufferAmount; int count = 0; char *sampleBuffer; // DBLog(@"FILLING BUFFER : %i, %i", size, bufferAmount); // DBLog(@"INPUT AMOUNT: %i/%i", inputAmount, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); // DBLog(@"Fill buffer: %i", size); //Fill from buffer, going by bufferAmount //if still needs more, decode and repeat if (bufferAmount == 0) { int n; /* returns the length of the samples*/ if (inputAmount < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && !feof(inFd)) { n = fread(&inputBuffer[inputAmount], 1, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE-inputAmount, inFd); inputAmount += n; } sampleBuffer = NeAACDecDecode(hAac, &hInfo, (unsigned char *)inputBuffer, inputAmount); if (hInfo.error == 0 && hInfo.samples > 0) { inputAmount -= hInfo.bytesconsumed; memmove(inputBuffer, &inputBuffer[hInfo.bytesconsumed], inputAmount); //DO STUFF with decoded data memcpy(buffer, sampleBuffer, hInfo.samples * (bitsPerSample/8)); } else if (hInfo.error != 0) { DBLog(@"FAAD2 Warning %s %i\n", NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(hInfo.error), hInfo.channels); if (feof(inFd) && inputAmount == 0) { return 0; } } else { inputAmount -= hInfo.bytesconsumed; memmove(inputBuffer, &inputBuffer[hInfo.bytesconsumed], inputAmount); } bufferAmount = hInfo.samples*(bitsPerSample/8); // DBLog(@"REAL BUFFER AMOUNT: %i", bufferAmount); } count = bufferAmount; if (bufferAmount > size) { count = size; } memcpy(buf, buffer, count); bufferAmount -= count; if (bufferAmount > 0) memmove(buffer, &buffer[count], bufferAmount); if (count < size) numread = [self fillBuffer:(&((char *)buf)[count]) ofSize:(size - count)]; else numread = 0; return count + numread; } - (double)seekToTime:(double)milliseconds { int second; int i; unsigned long pos; unsigned long length; if (seekTableLength <= 1) return -1; length = (unsigned long)(totalSize /(frequency * channels*(bitsPerSample/8))); second = (int)(milliseconds/1000.0); i = (int)(((float)second/length)*seekTableLength); DBLog(@"SEEKING TO: %i %i", seekTable, seekTableLength); pos = seekTable[i]; fseek(inFd, pos, SEEK_SET); inputAmount = 0; NeAACDecPostSeekReset(hAac, -1); return second*1000.0; } - (void)close { NeAACDecClose(hAac); fclose(inFd); } @end