// // KFTypeSelectTableView.m // KFTypeSelectTableView v1.0.4 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2005, Ken Ferry All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // (3) Neither Ken Ferry's name nor the names of other contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER // OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #import #import #include #include static uint64_t SecondsToMachAbsolute(double seconds); NSString *KFTypeSelectTableViewPatternDidChangeNotification = @"KFTypeSelectTableViewPatternDidChange"; /* NOTE - because of behavior detailed at cocoadev.com/index.pl?PosingWithCategoriesSuperGotcha, * it's important that private methods be _implemented_ in the main implementation of the class, * not in a category. It's okay for the declarations to be in a category, as below. * (Summary of link: messages to super act like messages to self in categories on a posing class * in system 10.3) */ @interface KFTypeSelectTableView (Private) // responding to events static BOOL KFKeyEventIsBeginFindEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); static BOOL KFKeyEventIsExtendFindEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); static BOOL KFKeyEventIsFindNextEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); static BOOL KFKeyEventIsFindPreviousEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); static BOOL KFKeyEventIsDeleteEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); static BOOL KFKeyEventIsCancelEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent); // finding strings - (void)kfFindPattern:(NSString *)pattern initialRow:(int)initialRow topToBottom:(BOOL)topToBottom allowExtension:(BOOL)allowPatternExtension; - (BOOL)kfWorkUnitGetMatch:(NSString **)match range:(NSRange *)matchRange lastSearchedRow:(int *)lastSearchedRow forPattern:(NSString *)pattern matchOptions:(unsigned)patternMatchOptions initialRow:(int)initialRow boundaryRow:(int)boundaryRow rowIncrement:(int)rowIncrement searchColumns:(NSArray *)searchColumns timeout:(uint64_t)timeout; - (BOOL)kfShouldAcceptMatch:(NSString *)match range:(NSRange)matchedRange inRow:(int)row; - (BOOL)kfCanPerformTypeSelect; - (BOOL)kfSelectionShouldChange; - (BOOL)kfCanGetTableData; - (NSString *)kfStringValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)column row:(int)row; - (NSArray *)kfSearchColumns; - (BOOL)kfSearchTopToBottom; - (int)kfInitialRowForNewSearch; // taking action - (void)kfPatternDidChange:(id)sender; - (void)kfDidFindMatch:(NSString *)match range:(NSRange)matchedRange inRow:(int)row; - (void)kfDidFailToFindMatchSearchingToRow:(int)row; - (void)kfResetSearch; - (void)kfConfigureDelegateIfNeeded; // utility - (BOOL)kfRowIsVisible:(int)row; - (void)kfScrollRectToCenter:(NSRect)aRect vertical:(BOOL)scrollVertical horizontal:(BOOL)scrollHorizontal; // simulated ivars infrastructure - (NSMutableDictionary *)kfSimulatedIvars; - (id)kfIdentifier; - (void)kfSetUpSimulatedIvars; - (void)kfTearDownSimulatedIvars; // accessors - (int)kfSavedRowForExtensionSearch; - (void)setKfSavedRowForExtensionSearch:(int)row; - (NSString *)kfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern; - (void)setKfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern:(NSString *)string; - (BOOL)kfCanExtendFind; - (void)setKfCanExtendFind:(BOOL)flag; - (id)kfLastConfiguredDelegate; - (void)setKfLastConfiguredDelegate:(id)anObject; - (NSInvocation *)kfTimeoutInvocation; - (void)setKfTimeoutInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation; - (void)setPattern:(NSString *)pattern; @end @implementation KFTypeSelectTableView #pragma mark - #pragma mark SETUP/TEARDOWN #pragma mark - // Note: don't use init. Won't receive it for preexisting objects when posing. - (void)dealloc { NSInvocation *timeoutInvocation = [self kfTimeoutInvocation]; [[timeoutInvocation class] cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:[self kfTimeoutInvocation] selector:@selector(invoke) object:nil]; [self kfTearDownSimulatedIvars]; [super dealloc]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark BODY #pragma mark - #pragma mark responding to events - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)keyEvent { // Will we drop this event to super? BOOL eatEvent = NO; if ([self kfCanPerformTypeSelect] && ([[self window] firstResponder] == self)) { BOOL canExtendFind = [self kfCanExtendFind]; if (canExtendFind && KFKeyEventIsExtendFindEvent(keyEvent)) { NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self]; [fieldEditor interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:keyEvent]]; [self kfFindPattern:[fieldEditor string] initialRow:[self kfSavedRowForExtensionSearch] topToBottom:[self kfSearchTopToBottom] allowExtension:YES]; eatEvent = YES; } else if (KFKeyEventIsBeginFindEvent(keyEvent)) { NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self]; [fieldEditor setString:@""]; [fieldEditor interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:keyEvent]]; NSString *newPattern = [fieldEditor string]; if (![newPattern isEqualToString:@""]) { [self kfFindPattern:[fieldEditor string] initialRow:[self kfInitialRowForNewSearch] topToBottom:[self kfSearchTopToBottom] allowExtension:YES]; } eatEvent = YES; } else if (canExtendFind && KFKeyEventIsDeleteEvent(keyEvent)) { // User might expect us to knock a character off the pattern - that'd be dangerous. // If the user mistimed he could trigger a table view delete action. // Best to squelch the behavior by not doing anything useful. eatEvent = YES; } else if (KFKeyEventIsFindNextEvent(keyEvent)) { [self findNext:self]; eatEvent = YES; } else if (KFKeyEventIsFindPreviousEvent(keyEvent)) { [self findPrevious:self]; eatEvent = YES; } else if (KFKeyEventIsCancelEvent(keyEvent)) { // this is superfluous in 10.2 and 10.3, but may be useful on systems prior to // 10.2. I haven't had a chance to find out. [self cancelOperation:self]; eatEvent = YES; [super keyDown:keyEvent]; } } if (!eatEvent) { // FIXME - hack // I can't find a decent way to clear a hanging dead-key (i.e. option-e) in kfResetSearch. // Sending an event following a dead key event through interpretKeyEvents is the // only thing I've found to do it, so we make sure that any keyEvent that we don't understand // goes through the field editor's interpretKeyEvents. It won't cause any damage because the field // editor has no delegate and will be cleared before it's used again anyway. // Without this workaround, entering "option-e, f" will stick this table in a state where all // key-events start with character "«", which means type-select won't work. The state is only // exited when a different control starts processing text. // // This workaround kills the above problem, but is suboptimal in that a dead-key never times out (besides just // being nasty). NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self]; [fieldEditor interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:keyEvent]]; // end hack [self setKfCanExtendFind:NO]; [super keyDown:keyEvent]; } } - (void)cancelOperation:(id)sender { [self kfResetSearch]; } // 10.2 private version of cancelOperation // I'm not sure how far back this will work. - (void)_cancelKey:(id)sender { [self cancelOperation:sender]; } // an outline view catches control-down and control-up // and uses them to select next and previous rows (same as plain up and down) // We can catch the events by implementing moveDown and moveUp. - (void)moveDown:(id)sender { NSEvent *currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent]; if ([currentEvent type] == NSKeyDown && KFKeyEventIsFindNextEvent(currentEvent)) { [self findNext:self]; } } - (void)moveUp:(id)sender { NSEvent *currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent]; if ([currentEvent type] == NSKeyDown && KFKeyEventIsFindPreviousEvent(currentEvent)) { [self findPrevious:self]; } } - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder { BOOL shouldResign = [super resignFirstResponder]; if (shouldResign) { [self setKfCanExtendFind:NO]; } return shouldResign; } static unsigned int modifierFlagsICareAboutMask = NSCommandKeyMask | NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSFunctionKeyMask; // yes if every character in the event is alphanumeric and no command, control or function modifiers static BOOL KFKeyEventIsBeginFindEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; if ((modifiers & (NSCommandKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSFunctionKeyMask)) != 0) { return NO; } NSMutableCharacterSet *beginFindCharacterSet = [[[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] mutableCopy] autorelease]; [beginFindCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]]; unichar character; int i; for (i = 0; i < numCharacters; i++) { character = [characters characterAtIndex:i]; if (![beginFindCharacterSet characterIsMember:character]) { return NO; } } return YES; } // yes if every character in the event is alphanumeric, punctuation or a space, and no command, control or function modifiers static BOOL KFKeyEventIsExtendFindEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; if ((modifiers & (NSCommandKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSFunctionKeyMask)) != 0) { return NO; } NSMutableCharacterSet *extendFindCharacterSet = [[[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] mutableCopy] autorelease]; [extendFindCharacterSet formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]]; [extendFindCharacterSet addCharactersInString:@" "]; unichar character; int i; for (i = 0; i < numCharacters; i++) { character = [characters characterAtIndex:i]; if (![extendFindCharacterSet characterIsMember:character]) { return NO; } } return YES; } static BOOL KFKeyEventIsFindNextEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; if (numCharacters == 1 && [characters characterAtIndex:0] == NSDownArrowFunctionKey && modifiers == (NSControlKeyMask | NSFunctionKeyMask)) { return YES; } return NO; } static BOOL KFKeyEventIsFindPreviousEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; if (numCharacters == 1 && [characters characterAtIndex:0] == NSUpArrowFunctionKey && modifiers == (NSControlKeyMask | NSFunctionKeyMask)) { return YES; } return NO; } static BOOL KFKeyEventIsDeleteEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; if (numCharacters == 1 && [characters characterAtIndex:0] == NSDeleteCharacter && modifiers == 0) { return YES; } if (numCharacters == 1 && [characters characterAtIndex:0] == NSBackspaceCharacter && modifiers == 0) { return YES; } return NO; } static BOOL KFKeyEventIsCancelEvent(NSEvent *keyEvent) { unsigned int modifiers = [keyEvent modifierFlags] & modifierFlagsICareAboutMask; NSString *characters = [keyEvent characters]; int numCharacters = [characters length]; const unichar EscapeKeyCharacter = 0x1b; if ((modifiers == NSCommandKeyMask) && [characters isEqualToString:@"."]) { return YES; } if (numCharacters == 1 && [characters characterAtIndex:0] == EscapeKeyCharacter && modifiers == 0) { return YES; } return NO; } #pragma mark finding patterns - (void)findNext:(id)sender { NSString *lastPattern = [self kfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern]; if (lastPattern == nil || ![self kfCanPerformTypeSelect]) { NSBeep(); } else { [self kfFindPattern:lastPattern initialRow:[self selectedRow] + 1 topToBottom:YES allowExtension:NO]; } } - (void)findPrevious:(id)sender { NSString *lastPattern = [self kfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern]; if (lastPattern == nil || ![self kfCanPerformTypeSelect]) { NSBeep(); } else { [self kfFindPattern:lastPattern initialRow:[self selectedRow] - 1 topToBottom:NO allowExtension:NO]; } } - (void)kfFindPattern:(NSString *)pattern initialRow:(int)initialRow topToBottom:(BOOL)topToBottom allowExtension:(BOOL)allowPatternExtension { NSArray *searchColumns = [self kfSearchColumns]; BOOL shouldWrap = [self searchWraps]; unsigned patternMatchOptions; NSDate *distantPast = [NSDate distantPast]; NSMutableArray *suspendedEvents = [NSMutableArray array]; const uint64_t eventCheckFrequency = SecondsToMachAbsolute(.01); NSString *match = nil; NSRange matchRange = {0,0}; // we'll translate topToBottom into these parameters // so that we can use a single loop for both directions int rowIncrement, boundaryRow; if (topToBottom) { rowIncrement = 1; boundaryRow = [self numberOfRows]; initialRow = (initialRow < boundaryRow) ? initialRow : boundaryRow; initialRow = (initialRow > 0) ? initialRow : 0; if (initialRow == 0) shouldWrap = NO; } else { rowIncrement = -1; boundaryRow = -1; initialRow = (initialRow > boundaryRow) ? initialRow : boundaryRow; initialRow = (initialRow < [self numberOfRows] - 1) ? initialRow : [self numberOfRows] - 1; if (initialRow == [self numberOfRows] - 1) shouldWrap = NO; } // keep ivars in sync [self setPattern:pattern]; [self setKfCanExtendFind:allowPatternExtension]; // set up pattern match options if ([self matchAlgorithm] == KFPrefixMatchAlgorithm) { patternMatchOptions = NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSAnchoredSearch; } else // substring match { patternMatchOptions = NSCaseInsensitiveSearch; } BOOL finished = NO; int row = initialRow; while (!finished) { // Mail generates 3MB in autoreleased objects in a search through 15000 rows // there's a noticable pause when they're deallocated. We'll avoid it by using // our own autorelease pool. // (Update - implementing typeSelectTableView:stringValueForTableColumn:row: in the mail // plugin dropped the number of allocations) // // Note: checking for new input no more often than 100 times a second drops time spent // in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask::::] from 30-60% of total function time to .2-.5% // at a cost of < 1% for timing functions. NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; finished = [self kfWorkUnitGetMatch:&match range:&matchRange lastSearchedRow:&row forPattern:pattern matchOptions:patternMatchOptions initialRow:row boundaryRow:boundaryRow rowIncrement:rowIncrement searchColumns:searchColumns timeout:eventCheckFrequency]; [match retain]; [pool release]; [match autorelease]; if (!finished) row += rowIncrement; if (finished && match == nil && shouldWrap) { if (topToBottom) row = 0; else row = [self numberOfRows] - 1; boundaryRow = initialRow; shouldWrap = NO; finished = NO; } if (!finished) { NSEvent *keyEvent; while ((keyEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask untilDate:distantPast // means grab events that have already occurred inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]) != nil) { if (KFKeyEventIsCancelEvent(keyEvent)) { [self kfResetSearch]; // we intentionally dump the suspended events in this case return; } else if (allowPatternExtension && KFKeyEventIsExtendFindEvent(keyEvent)) { NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self]; [fieldEditor interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:keyEvent]]; pattern = [fieldEditor string]; [self setPattern:pattern]; } else if (KFKeyEventIsDeleteEvent(keyEvent)) { // eat the event, do nothing. // User might expect us to knock a character off the pattern - that'd be dangerous. // If the user mistimed he could trigger a table view delete action. // Best to squelch the behavior by not doing anything useful. } else { [suspendedEvents addObject:keyEvent]; } } } } if (match != nil) { [self kfDidFindMatch:match range:matchRange inRow:row]; } else { [self kfDidFailToFindMatchSearchingToRow:row]; } int numSuspendedEvents, i; numSuspendedEvents = [suspendedEvents count]; for (i = numSuspendedEvents-1; i >= 0; i--) { [NSApp postEvent:[suspendedEvents objectAtIndex:i] atStart:YES]; } } - (BOOL)kfWorkUnitGetMatch:(NSString **)match range:(NSRange *)matchRange lastSearchedRow:(int *)lastSearchedRow forPattern:(NSString *)pattern matchOptions:(unsigned)patternMatchOptions initialRow:(int)initialRow boundaryRow:(int)boundaryRow rowIncrement:(int)rowIncrement searchColumns:(NSArray *)searchColumns timeout:(uint64_t)timeout // times are mach absolute times { int row, col; int numCols = [searchColumns count]; NSString *candidateMatch; NSRange rangeOfPattern; uint64_t stopTime = mach_absolute_time() + timeout; for (row = initialRow; row != boundaryRow; row += rowIncrement) { for (col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { candidateMatch = [self kfStringValueForTableColumn:[searchColumns objectAtIndex:col] row:row]; rangeOfPattern = [candidateMatch rangeOfString:pattern options:patternMatchOptions]; if ( (rangeOfPattern.location != NSNotFound) && [self kfShouldAcceptMatch:candidateMatch range:rangeOfPattern inRow:row]) { *match = candidateMatch; *matchRange = rangeOfPattern; *lastSearchedRow = row; return YES; } } // think of this as part of the loop condition, but we want to make sure that // the loop completes at least one iteration if (mach_absolute_time() > stopTime) { row += rowIncrement; break; } } *match = nil; *matchRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0); *lastSearchedRow = row - rowIncrement; return row == boundaryRow; } - (BOOL)kfShouldAcceptMatch:(NSString *)match range:(NSRange)matchedRange inRow:(int)row { id delegate = [self delegate]; if ( [self isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]] && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:shouldSelectItem:)]) { return [delegate outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)self shouldSelectItem:[(NSOutlineView *)self itemAtRow:row]]; } else if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:shouldSelectRow:)]) { return [delegate tableView:self shouldSelectRow:row]; } else { return YES; } } - (NSTimeInterval)kfPatternTimeoutInterval { // from Dan Wood's 'Table Techniques Taught Tastefully', as pointed out by someone // on cocoadev.com // Timeout is two times the key repeat rate "InitialKeyRepeat" user default. // (converted from sixtieths of a second to seconds), but no more than two seconds. // This behavior is determined based on Inside Macintosh documentation on the List Manager. NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; int keyThreshTicks = [defaults integerForKey:@"InitialKeyRepeat"]; // undocumented key. Still valid in 10.3. if (0 == keyThreshTicks) // missing value in defaults? Means user has never changed the default. { keyThreshTicks = 35; // apparent default value. translates to 1.17 sec timeout. } return MIN(2.0/60.0*keyThreshTicks, 2.0); } - (BOOL)kfCanPerformTypeSelect { return [self kfCanGetTableData] && [self kfSelectionShouldChange]; } - (BOOL)kfSelectionShouldChange { id delegate = [self delegate]; if ( [self isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]] && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView:)]) { return [delegate selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView:(NSOutlineView *)self]; } else if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(selectionShouldChangeInTableView:)]) { return [delegate selectionShouldChangeInTableView:self]; } else { return YES; } } - (BOOL)kfCanGetTableData { // First case: datasource implements NSTableViewDataSource protocol. Usually not true when // table view uses bindings or is actually an outline view. // Second case: self is an outline view and datasource implements NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol. This could arise when using class posing. // Third case: our delegate supplies the info we need. return ([[self dataSource] respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:)] || ([self isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]] && [[self dataSource] respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn:byItem:)]) || [[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableView:stringValueForTableColumn:row:)]); } - (NSString *)kfStringValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)column row:(int)row { // There are three ways we can get this information: (1) our delegate supplies it, (2) our datasource // supplies it like an NSTableViewDataSource, (3) our datasource supplies it like an NSOutlineViewDataSource // could optimize by factoring into three separate methods and precomputing which one to call (from keyDown:). // current sharking indicates this wouldn't help much. id delegate = [self delegate]; NSString *stringValue = nil; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableView:stringValueForTableColumn:row:)]) { stringValue = [delegate typeSelectTableView:self stringValueForTableColumn:column row:row]; } else { id objectValue = nil; id dataSource = [self dataSource]; // why do we check our own class? outline view is not bindings enabled, so datasource could be // acting as a datasource for an outline while being a binding data source for us if ([self isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]] && [dataSource respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn:byItem:)]) { objectValue = [dataSource outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)self objectValueForTableColumn:column byItem:[(NSOutlineView *)self itemAtRow:row]]; } else if ([dataSource respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:)]) { objectValue = [dataSource tableView:self objectValueForTableColumn:column row:row]; } NSCell *dataCell = [column dataCellForRow:row]; [dataCell setObjectValue:objectValue]; // sometimes the delegate changes the cell value in tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: if ([self isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]] && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(outlineView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:item:)]) { [delegate outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)self willDisplayCell:dataCell forTableColumn:column item:[(NSOutlineView *)self itemAtRow:row]]; } else if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:)]) { [delegate tableView:self willDisplayCell:dataCell forTableColumn:column row:row]; } stringValue = [dataCell stringValue]; } if (stringValue == nil) { stringValue = @""; } return stringValue; } - (NSArray *)kfSearchColumns { NSArray *searchColumns; NSSet *searchColumnIdentifiers = [self searchColumnIdentifiers]; if (searchColumnIdentifiers != nil) { NSMutableArray *partialSearchColumns; NSArray *candidateColumns = [self tableColumns]; NSTableColumn *column; int numCols, col; partialSearchColumns = [NSMutableArray array]; numCols = [candidateColumns count]; for (col = 0; col < numCols; col++) { column = [candidateColumns objectAtIndex:col]; if ([searchColumnIdentifiers containsObject:[column identifier]]) { [partialSearchColumns addObject:column]; } } searchColumns = partialSearchColumns; } else { searchColumns = [self tableColumns]; } return searchColumns; } - (BOOL)kfSearchTopToBottom { BOOL topToBottom = YES; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableViewSearchTopToBottom:)]) { topToBottom = [delegate typeSelectTableViewSearchTopToBottom:self]; } return topToBottom; } - (int)kfInitialRowForNewSearch { int row; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableViewInitialSearchRow:)]) { row = [delegate typeSelectTableViewInitialSearchRow:self]; } else { if ([self kfSearchTopToBottom]) { row = 0; } else { row = [self numberOfRows] - 1; } } return row; } #pragma mark taking action -(void)kfPatternDidChange:(id)sender { NSInvocation *timeoutInvocation = [self kfTimeoutInvocation]; [[timeoutInvocation class] cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:[self kfTimeoutInvocation] selector:@selector(invoke) object:nil]; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableViewPatternDidChange:)]) [delegate typeSelectTableViewPatternDidChange:sender]; } - (void)kfDidFindMatch:(NSString *)match range:(NSRange)matchedRange inRow:(int)row { NSString *pattern = [self pattern]; // update ivars [self setKfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern:pattern]; if ([self kfCanExtendFind]) { [self setKfSavedRowForExtensionSearch:row]; } // select row [self selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO]; if (![self kfRowIsVisible:row]) { // this is what NSTextView does when it finds patterns, and it's what Mail does // when moving through message table with up and down arrows [self kfScrollRectToCenter:[self rectOfRow:row] vertical:YES horizontal:NO]; } // start pattern timeout timer (see kfTimeoutInvocation for details) [[self kfTimeoutInvocation] performSelector:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil afterDelay:[self kfPatternTimeoutInterval] inModes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSDefaultRunLoopMode, NSModalPanelRunLoopMode, nil]]; // inform the delegate id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableView:didFindMatch:range:forPattern:)]) { [delegate typeSelectTableView:self didFindMatch:match range:matchedRange forPattern:pattern]; } } - (void)kfDidFailToFindMatchSearchingToRow:(int)row { if ([self kfCanExtendFind]) { [self setKfSavedRowForExtensionSearch:row]; } // start pattern timeout timer (see kfTimeoutInvocation for details) [[self kfTimeoutInvocation] performSelector:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil afterDelay:[self kfPatternTimeoutInterval] inModes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSDefaultRunLoopMode, NSModalPanelRunLoopMode, nil]]; id delegate = [self delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(typeSelectTableView:didFailToFindMatchForPattern:)]) { [delegate typeSelectTableView:self didFailToFindMatchForPattern:[self pattern]]; } else { NSBeep(); } } - (void)kfResetSearch { // note - doesn't clear hanging dead key. See keyDown for discussion and workaround. [self setPattern:@""]; [self setKfCanExtendFind:NO]; } // note: don't use setDelegate: to call this. NSOutlineView doesn't call through to // -[NSTableView setDelegate:], so it messes us up when posing. - (void)kfConfigureDelegateIfNeeded { id delegate = [self delegate]; if (delegate != [self kfLastConfiguredDelegate]) { // order is important here // We don't want to go into a recursion if the delegate tries to access a configurable value from // configureTypeSelectTableView. The delegate is interested in the pre-configuration values anyway. [self setKfLastConfiguredDelegate:delegate]; if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(configureTypeSelectTableView:)]) [delegate configureTypeSelectTableView:self]; } } #pragma mark utility - (BOOL)kfRowIsVisible:(int)row { NSScrollView *enclosingScrollView = [self enclosingScrollView]; if (enclosingScrollView == nil) { return NO; } else { NSRect visibleRect = [enclosingScrollView documentVisibleRect]; NSRect rowRect = [self rectOfRow:row]; // only care about whether we're onscreen vertically return ( (NSMaxY(visibleRect) >= NSMaxY(rowRect)) && (NSMinY(visibleRect) <= NSMinY(rowRect))); } } - (void)kfScrollRectToCenter:(NSRect)aRect vertical:(BOOL)scrollVertical horizontal:(BOOL)scrollHorizontal { NSScrollView *scrollView = [self enclosingScrollView]; if (scrollView != nil) { NSRect newVisibleRect = [scrollView documentVisibleRect]; if (scrollVertical) newVisibleRect.origin.y += NSMidY(aRect) - NSMidY([scrollView documentVisibleRect]); if (scrollHorizontal) newVisibleRect.origin.x += NSMidX(aRect) - NSMidX([scrollView documentVisibleRect]); newVisibleRect = NSIntersectionRect(newVisibleRect,[self bounds]); [self scrollRectToVisible:newVisibleRect]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark ACCESSORS #pragma mark - #pragma mark simulated ivars setup static NSMutableDictionary *idToSimulatedIvarsMap = nil; - (NSMutableDictionary *)kfSimulatedIvars { NSMutableDictionary *simulatedIvars = [idToSimulatedIvarsMap objectForKey:[self kfIdentifier]]; if (simulatedIvars == nil) { [self kfSetUpSimulatedIvars]; simulatedIvars = [idToSimulatedIvarsMap objectForKey:[self kfIdentifier]]; } return simulatedIvars; } // can avoid memory allocation if we use CFDictionary or NSMapTable and work with self directly - (id)kfIdentifier { return [NSValue valueWithPointer:self]; } - (void)kfSetUpSimulatedIvars { // prime idToSimulatedIvarsMap if (idToSimulatedIvarsMap == nil) { idToSimulatedIvarsMap = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } // if the simulatedIvars dict doesn't exist yet, create it NSMutableDictionary *simulatedIvars = [idToSimulatedIvarsMap objectForKey:[self kfIdentifier]]; if (!simulatedIvars) { simulatedIvars = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [idToSimulatedIvarsMap setObject:simulatedIvars forKey:[self kfIdentifier]]; } } - (void)kfTearDownSimulatedIvars { [idToSimulatedIvarsMap removeObjectForKey:[self kfIdentifier]]; if ([idToSimulatedIvarsMap count] == 0) { [idToSimulatedIvarsMap release]; idToSimulatedIvarsMap = nil; } } #pragma mark private accessors - (int)kfSavedRowForExtensionSearch { int row; NSNumber *rowNumber = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"initialRowForExtensionSearch"]; // default value if (rowNumber == nil) row = NSNotFound; else { row = [rowNumber intValue]; } return row; } - (void)setKfSavedRowForExtensionSearch:(int)row { [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:row] forKey:@"initialRowForExtensionSearch"]; } - (NSString *)kfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern { NSString *string = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"lastPattern"]; // defaults to nil return string; } - (void)setKfLastSuccessfullyMatchedPattern:(NSString *)string { if (string == nil) [[self kfSimulatedIvars] removeObjectForKey:@"lastPattern"]; else [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[[string copy] autorelease] forKey:@"lastPattern"]; } -(BOOL)kfCanExtendFind { NSNumber *canExtendFindNumber = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"canExtendFind"]; // default value if (canExtendFindNumber == nil) return NO; else return [canExtendFindNumber boolValue]; } -(void)setKfCanExtendFind:(BOOL)flag { [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:flag] forKey:@"canExtendFind"]; } // keep track of the last delegate for which we tried to run configureTypeSelectTableView - (id)kfLastConfiguredDelegate { return [[[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"lastConfiguredDelegate"] nonretainedObjectValue]; } - (void)setKfLastConfiguredDelegate:(id)anObject { if (anObject == nil) [[self kfSimulatedIvars] removeObjectForKey:@"lastConfiguredDelegate"]; else [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:anObject] forKey:@"lastConfiguredDelegate"]; } // // the timeoutNotification encapsulates the message that we send to self when the timeout // (for clearing the input buffer) expires. Invoke it with a delayed message send. // // Why do we use an invocation instead of doing the delayed message send directly? // -[NSObject performSelector:afterDelay:] retains the receiver until after the message send is // performed. That can extend the life of the tableView past the life of the delegate, which is // bad mojo. Yielded a crash in Adium. By buffering with an invocation that doesn't retain its // target, we can avoid the problem. Any pending delayed messages are cancelled when the table // table is dealloc'd. // - (NSInvocation *)kfTimeoutInvocation { NSInvocation *invocation = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"timeoutInvocation"]; // defaults to a message to kfResetSearch if (invocation == nil) { SEL selector = @selector(kfResetSearch); invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[self methodSignatureForSelector:selector]]; [invocation setTarget:self]; [invocation setSelector:selector]; [self setKfTimeoutInvocation:invocation]; } return invocation; } - (void)setKfTimeoutInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation { if (anInvocation == nil) [[self kfSimulatedIvars] removeObjectForKey:@"timeoutInvocation"]; else [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:anInvocation forKey:@"timeoutInvocation"]; } -(void)setPattern:(NSString *)pattern { NSString *oldPattern = [self pattern]; if (pattern == nil) pattern = @""; [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[[pattern copy] autorelease] forKey:@"pattern"]; NSNotification *patternChangedNotification = [NSNotification notificationWithName:KFTypeSelectTableViewPatternDidChangeNotification object:self userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:oldPattern forKey:@"oldPattern"]]; [self kfPatternDidChange:patternChangedNotification]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:patternChangedNotification]; } #pragma mark public accessors -(NSString *)pattern { NSString *pattern = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"pattern"]; if (pattern == nil) pattern = @""; return [[pattern retain] autorelease]; } static KFTypeSelectMatchAlgorithm defaultMatchAlgorith = KFPrefixMatchAlgorithm; + (KFTypeSelectMatchAlgorithm)defaultMatchAlgorithm { return defaultMatchAlgorith; } + (void)setDefaultMatchAlgorithm:(KFTypeSelectMatchAlgorithm)algorithm { defaultMatchAlgorith = algorithm; } -(KFTypeSelectMatchAlgorithm)matchAlgorithm { [self kfConfigureDelegateIfNeeded]; NSNumber *algorithmNumber = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"matchAlgorithm"]; if (algorithmNumber == nil) return defaultMatchAlgorith; else return [algorithmNumber intValue]; } -(void)setMatchAlgorithm:(KFTypeSelectMatchAlgorithm)algorithm { [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:algorithm] forKey:@"matchAlgorithm"]; } - (BOOL)searchWraps { [self kfConfigureDelegateIfNeeded]; NSNumber *searchWraphsNum = [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"searchWraps"]; // default value if (searchWraphsNum == nil) return NO; else return [searchWraphsNum boolValue]; } -(void)setSearchWraps:(BOOL)flag { [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:flag] forKey:@"searchWraps"]; } - (NSSet *)searchColumnIdentifiers { [self kfConfigureDelegateIfNeeded]; return [[self kfSimulatedIvars] objectForKey:@"searchColumnIdentifiers"]; } - (void)setSearchColumnIdentifiers:(NSSet *)identifiers { if (identifiers == nil) [[self kfSimulatedIvars] removeObjectForKey:@"searchColumnIdentifiers"]; else [[self kfSimulatedIvars] setObject:identifiers forKey:@"searchColumnIdentifiers"]; } @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark HELPER #pragma mark - // need a time function, don't want it to be sensitive to time zone switches or // clock syncs, would rather not require linking Carbon. We'll go with mach_absolute_time. // Written with reference to . static uint64_t SecondsToMachAbsolute(double seconds) { double nanoseconds_d = seconds * 1000000000; Nanoseconds nanoseconds_n = UInt64ToUnsignedWide((uint64_t) nanoseconds_d); return UnsignedWideToUInt64(NanosecondsToAbsolute(nanoseconds_n)); }