#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'tempfile' require 'open-uri' require 'shellwords' require 'nokogiri' require 'time' feed = ARGV[0] || 'mercury' site_dir = "#{Dir.home}/Source/Repos/kode54-net/cog" appcast = open("#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{feed}.xml") appcastdoc = Nokogiri::XML(appcast) appcast.close sparkle = appcastdoc.namespaces['xmlns:sparkle'] channel = appcastdoc.xpath('//channel') sortedchannels = channel.search('./item').sort_by{ |i| Time.parse(i.at('pubDate').text) }.reverse #Get the latest revision from the appcast appcast_enclosure = sortedchannels[0].search('./enclosure').first appcast_url = appcast_enclosure.attribute('url'); appcast_revision = appcast_enclosure.attribute_with_ns('version', sparkle).to_s; appcast_revision_split = appcast_revision.split( /-/ ) appcast_revision_code = appcast_revision_split[1] appcast_revision_split = appcast_revision_code.split( /g/ ) appcast_revision_code = appcast_revision_split[1] #Remove modified files that may cause conflicts. #%x[hg revert --all] #Update to the latest revision #%x[hg pull -u] # %[xcodebuild -workspace Cog.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace -scheme Cog archive 2>&1].each_line do |line| # if line.match(/\*\* BUILD FAILD \*\*/) # exit # end # end # archivedir = "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives" # latest_archive = %x[find #{archivedir} -type d -name 'Cog *.xcarchive' -print0 | xargs -0 stat -f "%m %N" -t "%Y" | sort -r | head -n1 | sed -E 's/^[0-9]+ //'].rstrip # app_path = "#{latest_archive}/Products#{ENV['HOME']}/Applications" script_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) app_path = "#{Dir.home}/Desktop/Cog" plist = open("#{app_path}/Cog.app/Contents/Info.plist") plistdoc = Nokogiri::XML(plist) plist.close version_element = plistdoc.xpath('//key[.="CFBundleVersion"]/following-sibling::string[1]') latest_revision = version_element.inner_text #latest_revision = %x[/usr/local/bin/hg log -r . --template '{latesttag}-{latesttagdistance}-{node|short}'] revision_split = latest_revision.split( /-/ ) revision_number = revision_split[0] revision_code = revision_split[1] revision_split = revision_code.split( /g/ ) revision_code = revision_split[1] if 1 #appcast_revision < latest_revision #Get the changelog changelog = %x[/usr/bin/git log #{appcast_revision_code}..#{revision_code} --pretty=format:'
  • view commit • %s
  • ' --reverse] description = changelog filename = "Cog-#{revision_code}.zip" filenamedesc = "Cog-#{revision_code}.html" deltamask = "Cog#{revision_number}-" temp_path = "/tmp"; %x[rm -rf '#{temp_path}/Cog.app' '#{temp_path}/Cog.zip'] #Copy the replacement build %x[cp -R '#{app_path}/Cog.app' '#{temp_path}/Cog.app'] #Zip the app! %x[rm -f '#{temp_path}/#{feed}.zip'] %x[ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent --zlibCompressionLevel 9 '#{temp_path}/Cog.app' '#{temp_path}/#{feed}.zip'] #Send the new build to the storage path %x[cp '#{temp_path}/#{feed}.zip' '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{filename}'] %x[rm '#{temp_path}/#{feed}.zip'] #Generate the description document descriptiondoc = Tempfile.new('#{feed}.html') descriptiondoc.write(description) descriptiondoc.close() #Send it to the storage path %x[cp '#{descriptiondoc.path}' '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{filenamedesc}'] %x[rm '#{descriptiondoc.path}'] #Update appcast %x[generate_appcast '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds'] #List out the deltas deltas = Dir.entries("#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds").select { |f| f =~ /\A#{Regexp.escape(deltamask)}.+\.delta\z/ }.map { |f| File.join("#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds", f) } #Upload them to S3 %x[s3cmd put -P -m application/octet-stream #{deltas.shelljoin} '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{filename}' s3://balde-losno-co/cog/] #Upload the changelog that Sparkle will display %x[s3cmd put -P -m text/html '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{filenamedesc}' s3://balde-losno-co/cog/] #Clean up %x[rm -rf '#{temp_path}/Cog.app'] #Upload to S3 %x[s3cmd put -P -m application/xml '#{site_dir}/#{feed}_builds/#{feed}.xml' s3://balde-losno-co/cog/] #Send web hook to update site update_uri = %x[security find-generic-password -w -a #{ENV['LOGNAME']} -s cogupdateurl] %x[curl -X POST #{update_uri}] end