/* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The RetroArch team * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following license statement only applies to this file (rhmap.h). * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, * to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __LIBRETRO_SDK_ARRAY_RHMAP_H__ #define __LIBRETRO_SDK_ARRAY_RHMAP_H__ /* * This file implements a hash map with 32-bit keys. * Based on the implementation from the public domain Bitwise project * by Per Vognsen - https://github.com/pervognsen/bitwise * * It's a super simple type safe hash map for C with no need * to predeclare any type or anything. * Will always allocate memory for twice the amount of max elements * so larger structs should be stored as pointers or indices to an array. * Can be used in C++ with POD types (without any constructor/destructor). * * Be careful not to supply modifying statements to the macro arguments. * Something like RHMAP_FIT(map, i++); would have unintended results. * * Sample usage: * * -- Set 2 elements with string keys and mytype_t values: * mytype_t* map = NULL; * RHMAP_SET_STR(map, "foo", foo_element); * RHMAP_SET_STR(map, "bar", bar_element); * -- now RHMAP_LEN(map) == 2, RHMAP_GET_STR(map, "foo") == foo_element * * -- Check if keys exist: * bool has_foo = RHMAP_HAS_STR(map, "foo"); * bool has_baz = RHMAP_HAS_STR(map, "baz"); * -- now has_foo == true, has_baz == false * * -- Removing a key: * bool removed = RHMAP_DEL_STR(map, "bar"); * bool removed_again = RHMAP_DEL_STR(map, "bar"); * -- now RHMAP_LEN(map) == 1, removed == true, removed_again == false * * -- Add/modify via pointer: * mytype_t* p_elem = RHMAP_PTR_STR(map, "qux"); * p_elem->a = 123; * -- New keys initially have memory uninitialized * -- Pointers can get invalidated when a key is added/removed * * -- Looking up the index for a given key: * ptrdiff_t idx_foo = RHMAP_IDX_STR(map, "foo"); * ptrdiff_t idx_invalid = RHMAP_IDX_STR(map, "invalid"); * -- now idx_foo >= 0, idx_invalid == -1, map[idx_foo] == foo_element * -- Indices can change when a key is added/removed * * -- Clear all elements (keep memory allocated): * RHMAP_CLEAR(map); * -- now RHMAP_LEN(map) == 0, RHMAP_CAP(map) == 16 * * -- Reserve memory for at least N elements: * RHMAP_FIT(map, 30); * -- now RHMAP_LEN(map) == 0, RHMAP_CAP(map) == 64 * * -- Add elements with custom hash keys: * RHMAP_SET(map, my_uint32_hash(key1), some_element); * RHMAP_SET(map, my_uint32_hash(key2), other_element); * -- now RHMAP_LEN(map) == 2, _GET/_HAS/_DEL/_PTR/_IDX also exist * * -- Iterate elements (random order, order can change on insert): * for (size_t i = 0, cap = RHMAP_CAP(map); i != cap, i++) * if (RHMAP_KEY(map, i)) * ------ here map[i] is the value of key RHMAP_KEY(map, i) * * -- Set a custom null value (is zeroed by default): * RHMAP_SETNULLVAL(map, map_null); * -- now RHMAP_GET_STR(map, "invalid") == map_null * * -- Free allocated memory: * RHMAP_FREE(map); * -- now map == NULL, RHMAP_LEN(map) == 0, RHMAP_CAP(map) == 0 * * -- To handle running out of memory: * bool ran_out_of_memory = !RHMAP_TRYFIT(map, 1000); * -- before setting an element (with SET, PTR or NULLVAL). * -- When out of memory, map will stay unmodified. * */ #include /* for malloc, realloc */ #include /* for memcpy, memset */ #include /* for ptrdiff_t, size_t */ #include /* for uint32_t */ #define RHMAP_LEN(b) ((b) ? RHMAP__HDR(b)->len : 0) #define RHMAP_MAX(b) ((b) ? RHMAP__HDR(b)->maxlen : 0) #define RHMAP_CAP(b) ((b) ? RHMAP__HDR(b)->maxlen + 1 : 0) #define RHMAP_KEY(b, idx) (RHMAP__HDR(b)->keys[idx]) #define RHMAP_KEY_STR(b, idx) (RHMAP__HDR(b)->key_strs[idx]) #define RHMAP_SETNULLVAL(b, val) (RHMAP__FIT1(b), b[-1] = (val)) #define RHMAP_CLEAR(b) ((b) ? (memset(RHMAP__HDR(b)->keys, 0, RHMAP_CAP(b) * sizeof(uint32_t)), RHMAP__HDR(b)->len = 0) : 0) #define RHMAP_FREE(b) ((b) ? (rhmap__free(RHMAP__HDR(b)), (b) = NULL) : 0) #define RHMAP_FIT(b, n) ((!(n) || ((b) && (size_t)(n) * 2 <= RHMAP_MAX(b))) ? 0 : RHMAP__GROW(b, n)) #define RHMAP_TRYFIT(b, n) (RHMAP_FIT((b), (n)), (!(n) || ((b) && (size_t)(n) * 2 <= RHMAP_MAX(b)))) #define RHMAP_SET(b, key, val) RHMAP_SET_FULL(b, key, NULL, val) #define RHMAP_GET(b, key) RHMAP_GET_FULL(b, key, NULL) #define RHMAP_HAS(b, key) RHMAP_HAS_FULL(b, key, NULL) #define RHMAP_DEL(b, key) RHMAP_DEL_FULL(b, key, NULL) #define RHMAP_PTR(b, key) RHMAP_PTR_FULL(b, key, NULL) #define RHMAP_IDX(b, key) RHMAP_IDX_FULL(b, key, NULL) #ifdef __GNUC__ #define RHMAP__UNUSED __attribute__((__unused__)) #else #define RHMAP__UNUSED #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4505) //unreferenced local function has been removed #endif #define RHMAP_SET_FULL(b, key, str, val) (RHMAP__FIT1(b), b[rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 1, 0)] = (val)) #define RHMAP_GET_FULL(b, key, str) (RHMAP__FIT1(b), b[rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 0, 0)]) #define RHMAP_HAS_FULL(b, key, str) ((b) ? rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 0, 0) != -1 : 0) #define RHMAP_DEL_FULL(b, key, str) ((b) ? rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 0, sizeof(*(b))) != -1 : 0) #define RHMAP_PTR_FULL(b, key, str) (RHMAP__FIT1(b), &b[rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 1, 0)]) #define RHMAP_IDX_FULL(b, key, str) ((b) ? rhmap__idx(RHMAP__HDR(b), (key), (str), 0, 0) : -1) #define RHMAP_SET_STR(b, string_key, val) RHMAP_SET_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key, val) #define RHMAP_GET_STR(b, string_key) RHMAP_GET_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key) #define RHMAP_HAS_STR(b, string_key) RHMAP_HAS_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key) #define RHMAP_DEL_STR(b, string_key) RHMAP_DEL_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key) #define RHMAP_PTR_STR(b, string_key) RHMAP_PTR_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key) #define RHMAP_IDX_STR(b, string_key) RHMAP_IDX_FULL(b, rhmap_hash_string(string_key), string_key) RHMAP__UNUSED static uint32_t rhmap_hash_string(const char* str) { unsigned char c; uint32_t hash = (uint32_t)0x811c9dc5; while ((c = (unsigned char)*(str++)) != '\0') hash = ((hash * (uint32_t)0x01000193) ^ (uint32_t)c); return (hash ? hash : 1); } struct rhmap__hdr { size_t len, maxlen; uint32_t *keys; char** key_strs; }; #define RHMAP__HDR(b) (((struct rhmap__hdr *)&(b)[-1])-1) #define RHMAP__GROW(b, n) (*(void**)(&(b)) = rhmap__grow(RHMAP__HDR(b), (void*)(b), sizeof(*(b)), (size_t)(n))) #define RHMAP__FIT1(b) ((b) && RHMAP_LEN(b) * 2 <= RHMAP_MAX(b) ? 0 : RHMAP__GROW(b, 0)) RHMAP__UNUSED static void* rhmap__grow(struct rhmap__hdr *old_hdr, void* old_ptr, size_t elem_size, size_t reserve) { struct rhmap__hdr *new_hdr; char *new_vals; size_t new_max = (old_ptr ? old_hdr->maxlen * 2 + 1 : 15); while (new_max && new_max / 2 <= reserve) if (!(new_max = new_max * 2 + 1)) return old_ptr; /* overflow */ new_hdr = (struct rhmap__hdr *)malloc(sizeof(struct rhmap__hdr) + (new_max + 2) * elem_size); if (!new_hdr) return old_ptr; /* out of memory */ new_hdr->maxlen = new_max; new_hdr->keys = (uint32_t *)calloc(new_max + 1, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!new_hdr->keys) { /* out of memory */ free(new_hdr); return old_ptr; } new_hdr->key_strs = (char**)calloc(new_max + 1, sizeof(char*)); if (!new_hdr->key_strs) { /* out of memory */ free(new_hdr->keys); free(new_hdr); return old_ptr; } new_vals = ((char*)(new_hdr + 1)) + elem_size; if (old_ptr) { size_t i; char* old_vals = ((char*)(old_hdr + 1)) + elem_size; for (i = 0; i <= old_hdr->maxlen; i++) { uint32_t key, j; if (!old_hdr->keys[i]) continue; for (key = old_hdr->keys[i], j = key;; j++) { if (!new_hdr->keys[j &= new_hdr->maxlen]) { new_hdr->keys[j] = key; new_hdr->key_strs[j] = old_hdr->key_strs[i]; memcpy(new_vals + j * elem_size, old_vals + i * elem_size, elem_size); break; } } } memcpy(new_vals - elem_size, old_vals - elem_size, elem_size); new_hdr->len = old_hdr->len; free(old_hdr->keys); free(old_hdr->key_strs); free(old_hdr); } else { memset(new_vals - elem_size, 0, elem_size); new_hdr->len = 0; } return new_vals; } RHMAP__UNUSED static ptrdiff_t rhmap__idx(struct rhmap__hdr* hdr, uint32_t key, const char * str, int add, size_t del) { uint32_t i; if (!key) return (ptrdiff_t)-1; for (i = key;; i++) { if (hdr->keys[i &= hdr->maxlen] == key && (!hdr->key_strs[i] || !str || !strcmp(hdr->key_strs[i], str))) { if (del) { hdr->len--; hdr->keys[i] = 0; free(hdr->key_strs[i]); hdr->key_strs[i] = NULL; while ((key = hdr->keys[i = (i + 1) & hdr->maxlen]) != 0) { if ((key = (uint32_t)rhmap__idx(hdr, key, str, 1, 0)) == i) continue; hdr->len--; hdr->keys[i] = 0; free(hdr->key_strs[i]); hdr->key_strs[i] = NULL; memcpy(((char*)(hdr + 1)) + (key + 1) * del, ((char*)(hdr + 1)) + (i + 1) * del, del); } } return (ptrdiff_t)i; } if (!hdr->keys[i]) { if (add) { hdr->len++; hdr->keys[i] = key; if (str) hdr->key_strs[i] = strdup(str); return (ptrdiff_t)i; } return (ptrdiff_t)-1; } } } RHMAP__UNUSED static void rhmap__free(struct rhmap__hdr* hdr) { size_t i; for (i=0;imaxlen+1;i++) { free(hdr->key_strs[i]); } free(hdr->key_strs); free(hdr->keys); free(hdr); } #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif