/* NSButton (Automatically check for updates on startup.) : (oid:51) */ "Automatically check for updates on startup." = "להפעיל עדכונים אוטומטיים"; /* NSButton (Automatically launch Last.fm client.) : (oid:88) */ "Automatically launch Last.fm client." = "Last.fm להפעיל לקוח"; /* NSButton (Browse) : (oid:40) */ "Browse" = "לדפדף"; /* NSButton (Edit) : (oid:30) */ "Edit" = "ערוך"; /* NSButton (Enable Last.fm support. (Must have Last.fm client installed)) : (oid:87) */ "Enable Last.fm support. (Must have Last.fm client installed)" = "Last.fm הפוך לזמין תמיכה"; /* NSButton (Enable remote control.) : (oid:77) */ "Enable remote control." = "להפעיל שלט רחוק"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:62) */ "Item1" = "Item1"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:63) */ "Item2" = "Item2"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:64) */ "Item3" = "Item3"; /* NSTextField (Next:) : (oid:26) */ "Next:" = "להעביר"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:110) */ "Nightly" = "לילי"; /* NSButton (Only listen to remote when Cog is active.) : (oid:44) */ "Only listen to remote when Cog is active." = "פעיל Cog להאזין שלט רחוק רק אם"; /* NSMenu : (oid:107) */ "OtherViews" = "OtherViews"; /* NSTextField (Output Device: ) : (oid:65) */ "Output Device: " = "התקן פלט"; /* NSTextField (Play:) : (oid:24) */ "Play:" = "הפעל"; /* NSTextField (Previous:) : (oid:25) */ "Previous:" = "לחזור"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:108) */ "Stable" = "יציב"; /* NSMenuItem : (oid:109) */ "Unstable" = "לא יציב"; /* NSTextField (Update Feed:) : (oid:111) */ "Update Feed:" = "Cog חדשות על עדכון של";