
349 lines
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// VGMInterface.m
// VGMStream
// Created by Christopher Snowhill on 9/1/17.
// Copyright 2017 __LoSnoCo__. All rights reserved.
#import "VGMInterface.h"
#import "Plugin.h"
#import "Logging.h"
static void log_callback(int level, const char* str) {
ALog(@"%@", str);
void register_log_callback() {
vgmstream_set_log_callback(VGM_LOG_LEVEL_ALL, &log_callback);
static STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_buffer(const char* const filename, size_t buf_size);
static STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_buffer_by_file(id infile, const char* const filename, size_t buf_size);
static size_t cogsf_read(COGSTREAMFILE* sf, uint8_t* dst, offv_t offset, size_t length) {
size_t read_total = 0;
if(!sf || !sf->infile || !dst || length <= 0 || offset < 0)
return 0;
//;VGM_LOG("cogsf: read %lx + %x (buf %lx + %x)\n", offset, length, sf->buf_offset, sf->valid_size);
/* is the part of the requested length in the buffer? */
if(offset >= sf->buf_offset && offset < sf->buf_offset + sf->valid_size) {
size_t buf_limit;
int buf_into = (int)(offset - sf->buf_offset);
buf_limit = sf->valid_size - buf_into;
if(buf_limit > length)
buf_limit = length;
//;VGM_LOG("cogsf: copy buf %lx + %x (+ %x) (buf %lx + %x)\n", offset, length_to_read, (length - length_to_read), sf->buf_offset, sf->valid_size);
memcpy(dst, sf->buf + buf_into, buf_limit);
read_total += buf_limit;
length -= buf_limit;
offset += buf_limit;
dst += buf_limit;
if(offset < sf->buf_offset && length > 0) {
// VGM_LOG("cogsf: rebuffer, requested %x vs %x (sf %x)\n", (uint32_t)offset, (uint32_t)sf->buf_offset, (uint32_t)sf);
// sf->rebuffer++;
// if (rebuffer > N) ...
NSObject* _file = (__bridge NSObject*)(sf->infile);
id<CogSource> __unsafe_unretained file = (id)_file;
/* read the rest of the requested length */
while(length > 0) {
size_t length_to_read;
/* ignore requests at EOF */
if(offset >= sf->file_size) {
// offset = sf->file_size; /* seems fseek doesn't clamp offset */
VGM_ASSERT_ONCE(offset > sf->file_size, "COGSF: reading over file_size 0x%x @ 0x%x + 0x%x\n", sf->file_size, (uint32_t)offset, length);
/* position to new offset */
if(![file seek:offset whence:SEEK_SET]) {
break; /* this shouldn't happen in our code */
/* fill the buffer (offset now is beyond buf_offset) */
sf->buf_offset = offset;
sf->valid_size = [file read:sf->buf amount:sf->buf_size];
//;VGM_LOG("cogsf: read buf %lx + %x\n", sf->buf_offset, sf->valid_size);
/* decide how much must be read this time */
if(length > sf->buf_size)
length_to_read = sf->buf_size;
length_to_read = length;
/* give up on partial reads (EOF) */
if(sf->valid_size < length_to_read) {
memcpy(dst, sf->buf, sf->valid_size);
offset += sf->valid_size;
read_total += sf->valid_size;
/* use the new buffer */
memcpy(dst, sf->buf, length_to_read);
offset += length_to_read;
read_total += length_to_read;
length -= length_to_read;
dst += length_to_read;
sf->offset = offset; /* last fread offset */
return read_total;
static size_t cogsf_get_size(COGSTREAMFILE* sf) {
return sf->file_size;
static offv_t cogsf_get_offset(COGSTREAMFILE* sf) {
return sf->offset;
static void cogsf_get_name(COGSTREAMFILE* sf, char* name, size_t name_size) {
int copy_size = sf->name_len + 1;
if(copy_size > name_size)
copy_size = name_size;
memcpy(name, sf->name, copy_size);
name[copy_size - 1] = '\0';
static STREAMFILE* cogsf_open(COGSTREAMFILE* sf, const char* const filename, size_t buf_size) {
return NULL;
if(sf->archname) {
char finalname[PATH_LIMIT];
const char* dirsep = NULL;
const char* dirsep2 = NULL;
// newly open files should be "(current-path)\newfile" or "(current-path)\folder\newfile", so we need to make
// (archive-path = current-path)\(rest = newfile plus new folders)
int filename_len = strlen(filename);
if(filename_len > sf->archpath_end) {
dirsep = &filename[sf->archpath_end];
} else {
dirsep = strrchr(filename, '\\'); // vgmstream shouldn't remove paths though
dirsep2 = strrchr(filename, '/');
if(dirsep2 > dirsep)
dirsep = dirsep2;
dirsep = filename;
dirsep += 1;
// TODO improve strops
memcpy(finalname, sf->archname, sf->archfile_end); // copy current path+archive
finalname[sf->archfile_end] = '\0';
concatn(sizeof(finalname), finalname, dirsep); // paste possible extra dirs and filename
// subfolders inside archives use "/" (path\archive.ext|subfolder/file.ext)
for(int i = sf->archfile_end; i < sizeof(finalname); i++) {
if(finalname[i] == '\0')
if(finalname[i] == '\\')
finalname[i] = '/';
// console::formatter() << "finalname: " << finalname;
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer(finalname, buf_size);
// The file is already open, add a reference to existing file
if(sf->infile && !strcmp(sf->name, filename)) {
// Already retained by sf, will be retained again if used
NSObject* _file = (__bridge NSObject*)(sf->infile);
id<CogSource> __unsafe_unretained file = (id)_file;
STREAMFILE* new_sf = open_cog_streamfile_buffer_by_file(file, filename, buf_size);
if(new_sf) {
return new_sf;
// Failure, try default open method
// a normal open, open a new file
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer(filename, buf_size);
static void cogsf_close(COGSTREAMFILE* sf) {
static STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_buffer_by_file(id<CogSource> infile, const char* const filename, size_t buf_size) {
uint8_t* buf = NULL;
buf = calloc(buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t));
if(!buf) goto fail;
this_sf = calloc(1, sizeof(COGSTREAMFILE));
if(!this_sf) goto fail;
this_sf-> = (void*)cogsf_read;
this_sf->vt.get_size = (void*)cogsf_get_size;
this_sf->vt.get_offset = (void*)cogsf_get_offset;
this_sf->vt.get_name = (void*)cogsf_get_name;
this_sf-> = (void*)cogsf_open;
this_sf->vt.close = (void*)cogsf_close;
if(infile) {
this_sf->infile = (void*)CFBridgingRetain(infile);
this_sf->buf_size = buf_size;
this_sf->buf = buf;
this_sf->name = strdup(filename);
if(!this_sf->name) goto fail;
this_sf->name_len = strlen(this_sf->name);
// Cog supports archives in unpack:// paths, similar to foobar2000
if(strncmp(filename, "unpack", 6) == 0) {
const char* archfile_ptr = strrchr(this_sf->name, '|');
char temp_save;
char* temp_null = 0;
if(archfile_ptr) {
this_sf->archfile_end = (intptr_t)archfile_ptr + 1 - (intptr_t)this_sf->name;
// So we search for the last slash in the source path
temp_null = archfile_ptr;
temp_save = *temp_null;
*temp_null = '\0';
const char* archpath_ptr = strrchr(this_sf->name, '/');
this_sf->archpath_end = (intptr_t)archpath_ptr + 1 - (intptr_t)this_sf->name;
*temp_null = temp_save;
if(this_sf->archpath_end <= 0 || this_sf->archfile_end <= 0 || this_sf->archpath_end > this_sf->name_len || this_sf->archfile_end >= PATH_LIMIT) {
// ???
this_sf->archpath_end = 0;
this_sf->archfile_end = 0;
} else {
this_sf->archname = strdup(filename);
if(!this_sf->archname) goto fail;
this_sf->archname_len = this_sf->name_len;
// change from "(path)/(archive)|(filename)" to "(path)/(filename)"
this_sf->name[this_sf->archpath_end] = '\0';
concatn(this_sf->name_len, this_sf->name, &this_sf->archname[this_sf->archfile_end]);
/* cache file_size */
if(infile) {
[infile seek:0 whence:SEEK_END];
this_sf->file_size = [infile tell];
[infile seek:0 whence:SEEK_SET];
} else {
this_sf->file_size = 0; /* allow virtual, non-existing files */
/* Typically fseek(o)/ftell(o) may only handle up to ~2.14GB, signed 32b = 0x7FFFFFFF
* (happens in banks like FSB, though rarely). Should work if configured properly, log otherwise. */
if(this_sf->file_size == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* -1 on error */
vgm_logi("STREAMFILE: file size too big (report)\n");
goto fail; /* can be ignored but may result in strange/unexpected behaviors */
return &this_sf->vt;
if(this_sf) {
return NULL;
static STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_buffer_from_url(NSURL* url, const char* const filename, size_t bufsize) {
id<CogSource> infile;
id audioSourceClass = NSClassFromString(@"AudioSource");
infile = [audioSourceClass audioSourceForURL:url];
if(![infile open:url]) {
/* allow non-existing files in some cases */
return NULL;
if(![infile seekable])
return NULL;
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer_by_file(infile, filename, bufsize);
static STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_buffer(const char* const filename, size_t bufsize) {
NSString* urlString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename];
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithDataRepresentation:[urlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] relativeToURL:nil];
if([url fragment]) {
// .TXTP fragments need an override here
NSString* frag = [url fragment];
NSUInteger len = [frag length];
if(len > 5 && [[frag substringFromIndex:len - 5] isEqualToString:@".txtp"]) {
urlString = [urlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"#" withString:@"%23"];
url = [NSURL URLWithDataRepresentation:[urlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] relativeToURL:nil];
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer_from_url(url, filename, bufsize);
STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_from_url(NSURL* url) {
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer_from_url(url, [[[url absoluteString] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding] UTF8String], STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile(const char* filename) {
return open_cog_streamfile_buffer(filename, STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
// STREAMFILE* open_cog_streamfile_by_file(id<CogSource> file, const char* filename) {
// return open_cog_streamfile_buffer_by_file(file, filename, STREAMFILE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
// }
VGMSTREAM* init_vgmstream_from_cogfile(const char* path, int subsong) {
sf = open_cog_streamfile(path);
if(sf) {
sf->stream_index = subsong;
vgm = init_vgmstream_from_STREAMFILE(sf);
return vgm;