
241 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Blame History

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/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "61"; */
"61.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item1"; ObjectID = "62"; */
"62.title" = "Öğe1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item2"; ObjectID = "63"; */
"63.title" = "Öğe2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item3"; ObjectID = "64"; */
"64.title" = "Öğe3";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Play:"; ObjectID = "198"; */
"198.title" = "Oynat:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Previous:"; ObjectID = "199"; */
"199.title" = "Önceki:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Next:"; ObjectID = "200"; */
"200.title" = "İleri:";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Automatically check for updates on startup"; ObjectID = "207"; */
"207.title" = "Automatically check for updates on startup";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Output Device: "; ObjectID = "211"; */
"211.title" = "Output Device: ";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "249"; */
"249.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "250"; */
"250.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "251"; */
"251.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "252"; */
"252.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "255"; */
"255.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "256"; */
"256.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "257"; */
"257.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "258"; */
"258.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "When opening files:"; ObjectID = "260"; */
"260.title" = "Dosyaları açarken:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "When opening file with ⇧ or ⌃⌘ held:"; ObjectID = "262"; */
"262.title" = "Dosya ⇧ veya ⌃⌘ basılıyken açılırken:";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Read CUE sheets when adding folders to playlist"; ObjectID = "311"; */
"311.title" = "Çalma listesine klasör eklerken CUE sayfalarını okuma";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Hz"; ObjectID = "0Am-5Y-EKq"; */
"0Am-5Y-EKq.title" = "Hz";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "1Cb-TU-E0q"; */
"1Cb-TU-E0q.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "1Yq-6f-Uho"; */
"1Yq-6f-Uho.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reset to defaults"; ObjectID = "1y7-iZ-BhE"; */
"1y7-iZ-BhE.title" = "Varsayılanlara sıfırla";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "3Gx-cs-3B0"; */
"3Gx-cs-3B0.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Table View Cell"; ObjectID = "7un-em-D8r"; */
"7un-em-D8r.title" = "Tablo Görünümü Hücresi";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "99B-Tx-dPH"; */
"99B-Tx-dPH.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Sample rate:"; ObjectID = "A9I-fr-vHp"; */
"A9I-fr-vHp.title" = "Sample rate:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default play time:"; ObjectID = "AQZ-ku-F8u"; */
"AQZ-ku-F8u.title" = "Varsayılan çalma süresi:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Spectrum bars"; ObjectID = "Bll-IJ-lje"; */
"Bll-IJ-lje.title" = "Spectrum bars";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Spectrum peaks"; ObjectID = "CQI-YZ-B3V"; */
"CQI-YZ-B3V.title" = "Spectrum peaks";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Text Cell"; ObjectID = "Dhd-k8-ZXq"; */
"Dhd-k8-ZXq.title" = "Metin Hücresi";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Label"; ObjectID = "ECB-P0-pve"; */
"ECB-P0-pve.title" = "Label";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "EQX-aL-uT0"; */
"EQX-aL-uT0.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Enable FreeSurround stereo to surround upmixing"; ObjectID = "F0i-UK-6Nu"; */
"F0i-UK-6Nu.title" = "Enable FreeSurround stereo to surround upmixing";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "MIDI Flavor:"; ObjectID = "FQF-vJ-hBx"; */
"FQF-vJ-hBx.title" = "MIDI Flavor:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default loop count:"; ObjectID = "Fgm-Vs-tgU"; */
"Fgm-Vs-tgU.title" = "Varsayılan döngü sayısı:";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Colorful dock icons"; ObjectID = "GdX-5e-NeU"; */
"GdX-5e-NeU.title" = "Colorful dock icons";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "HKM-FW-dhH"; */
"HKM-FW-dhH.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete Invalid Paths"; ObjectID = "JU5-o7-jid"; */
"JU5-o7-jid.title" = "Delete Invalid Paths";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Add Path"; ObjectID = "JxP-0t-mTB"; */
"JxP-0t-mTB.title" = "Add Path";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Selected:"; ObjectID = "KJz-qS-IcO"; */
"KJz-qS-IcO.title" = "Seçili:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Table View Cell"; ObjectID = "LwT-Qb-47r"; */
"LwT-Qb-47r.title" = "Tablo Görünümü Hücresi";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Enable HRTF filter (Not needed with AirPods or Beats)"; ObjectID = "NGx-0c-WVR"; */
"NGx-0c-WVR.title" = "HRTF filtresini etkinleştir (Airpods veya Beats ile gerekli değildir)";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Use 3D rendered spectrum"; ObjectID = "NMg-TO-amV"; */
"NMg-TO-amV.title" = "3D işlenmiş spektrum kullanın";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "(will be preferred if possible)"; ObjectID = "POG-ai-6D2"; */
"POG-ai-6D2.title" = "(mümkünse tercih edilecektir)";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Show album art"; ObjectID = "RGf-4D-3NW"; */
"RGf-4D-3NW.title" = "Albüm kapağını göster";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Quit when playback completes"; ObjectID = "SBA-J5-rEd"; */
"SBA-J5-rEd.title" = "Oynatma tamamlandığında çık";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Spam:"; ObjectID = "SMd-GA-jrH"; */
"SMd-GA-jrH.title" = "Spam:";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default fade time:"; ObjectID = "UdW-qd-A0x"; */
"UdW-qd-A0x.title" = "Default fade time:";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "V8o-Xy-HUW"; */
"V8o-Xy-HUW.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "WWy-iW-3Ct"; */
"WWy-iW-3Ct.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "XzK-h2-vIT"; */
"XzK-h2-vIT.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "YLi-QX-EgD"; */
"YLi-QX-EgD.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Path"; ObjectID = "Yz2-Ee-bZ0"; */
"Yz2-Ee-bZ0.headerCell.title" = "Path";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Text Cell"; ObjectID = "bWQ-dT-X3w"; */
"bWQ-dT-X3w.title" = "Metin Hücresi";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Use iTunes style"; ObjectID = "cOb-hQ-7K8"; */
"cOb-hQ-7K8.title" = "iTunes stilini kullan";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Limit volume control to 100%"; ObjectID = "ds2-aw-ebU"; */
"ds2-aw-ebU.title" = "Ses kontrolünü %100 ile sınırlayın";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Resampling Quality:"; ObjectID = "eX0-PC-iVo"; */
"eX0-PC-iVo.title" = "Resampling Quality:";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Resume playback on startup"; ObjectID = "fUg-Cg-gXa"; */
"fUg-Cg-gXa.title" = "Resume playback on startup";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Use flat perspective in toolbar"; ObjectID = "gXL-j6-df0"; */
"gXL-j6-df0.title" = "Use flat perspective in toolbar";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Enable notifications"; ObjectID = "hqT-nY-NoU"; */
"hqT-nY-NoU.title" = "Bildirimleri etkinleştir";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 3"; ObjectID = "jLL-zc-kYf"; */
"jLL-zc-kYf.title" = "Öğe 3";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = ""; ObjectID = "klv-Wh-0ur"; */
"klv-Wh-0ur.title" = "";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Valid"; ObjectID = "lEg-E3-TBs"; */
"lEg-E3-TBs.headerCell.title" = "Geçerli";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "MIDI Plugin:"; ObjectID = "n5F-dq-NZh"; */
"n5F-dq-NZh.title" = "MIDI eklentisi:";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete Path"; ObjectID = "nva-pz-xSS"; */
"nva-pz-xSS.title" = "Delete Path";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 2"; ObjectID = "nzS-3F-jPX"; */
"nzS-3F-jPX.title" = "Öğe 2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "oWh-lD-mFH"; */
"oWh-lD-mFH.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Suggest Paths"; ObjectID = "qjI-dK-nfG"; */
"qjI-dK-nfG.title" = "Suggest Paths";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Allow insecure SSL connections"; ObjectID = "sva-DV-ina"; */
"sva-DV-ina.title" = "Güvenli olmayan SSL bağlantılarına izin ver";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Show stop button"; ObjectID = "vMI-lj-Lrz"; */
"vMI-lj-Lrz.title" = "Durdur düğmesini göster";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Item 1"; ObjectID = "vaQ-pZ-jXy"; */
"vaQ-pZ-jXy.title" = "Öğe 1";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Volume Level:"; ObjectID = "wK4-EF-8Wa"; */
"wK4-EF-8Wa.title" = "Ses Düzeyi:";
/* Class = "CocoaBindingsConnection"; ibShadowedIsNilPlaceholder = "None"; ObjectID = "wNb-bg-cgq"; */
"wNb-bg-cgq.ibShadowedIsNilPlaceholder" = "Hiçbiri";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Folder access paths:"; ObjectID = "wWm-AD-cD4"; */
"wWm-AD-cD4.title" = "Folder access paths:";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Add other files in the same folder when adding a file"; ObjectID = "ws4-en-un8"; */
"ws4-en-un8.title" = "Dosya eklerken aynı klasöre başka dosyalar ekleyin";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Select a SoundFont"; ObjectID = "yeL-9c-lFq"; */
"yeL-9c-lFq.title" = "Select a SoundFont";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Send crash reports and usage data"; ObjectID = "zQ2-6O-3Og"; */
"zQ2-6O-3Og.title" = "Kilitlenme raporlarını ve kullanım verilerini gönderme";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = ""; ObjectID = "zaI-0m-tQf"; */
"zaI-0m-tQf.title" = "";