
107 lines
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// sega - Top-level emulation for DC and Saturn
#ifndef __SEGA_SEGA_H__
#define __SEGA_SEGA_H__
#include <HighlyTheoretical/emuconfig.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Static init for the whole library
// Returns nonzero on error
// May generate a null dereference if the library was compiled wrong, but
// that's for me to worry about.
sint32 EMU_CALL sega_init(void);
// Version information
const char* EMU_CALL sega_getversion(void);
// State init
// Version = 1 for Saturn, 2 for Dreamcast
// Example of usage:
// void *my_sega_state = malloc(sega_get_state_size(version));
// sega_clear_state(my_sega_state, version);
// ...
// [subsequent sega calls]
// ...
uint32 EMU_CALL sega_get_state_size(uint8 version);
void EMU_CALL sega_clear_state(void *state, uint8 version);
// Obtain substates
void* EMU_CALL sega_get_satsound_state(void *state);
void* EMU_CALL sega_get_dcsound_state(void *state);
// Upload program - must INCLUDE the 4-byte header.
// Returns nonzero on error.
sint32 EMU_CALL sega_upload_program(void *state, void *program, uint32 size);
// Executes the given number of cycles or the given number of samples
// (whichever is less)
// Sets *sound_samples to the number of samples actually generated,
// which may be ZERO or LESS than the number requested, but never more.
// Return value:
// >= 0 The number of cycles actually executed, which may be ZERO, MORE,
// or LESS than the number requested
// <= -1 Unrecoverable error
sint32 EMU_CALL sega_execute(
void *state,
sint32 cycles,
sint16 *sound_buf,
uint32 *sound_samples
// Get the current program counter
uint32 EMU_CALL sega_get_pc(void *state);
// Enable or disable various things
void EMU_CALL sega_enable_dry(void *state, uint8 enable);
void EMU_CALL sega_enable_dsp(void *state, uint8 enable);
void EMU_CALL sega_enable_dsp_dynarec(void *state, uint8 enable);
#ifdef __cplusplus