756 lines
19 KiB
756 lines
19 KiB
// HTTPSource.m
// HTTPSource
// Created by Vincent Spader on 3/1/07.
// Replaced by Christopher Snowhill on 3/7/20.
// Copyright 2020-2022 __LoSnoCo__. All rights reserved.
#import "HTTPSource.h"
#import "Logging.h"
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <string.h>
@implementation HTTPSource
static size_t http_curl_write_wrapper(HTTPSource *fp, void *ptr, size_t size) {
size_t avail = size;
while(avail > 0) {
[fp->mutex lock];
if(fp->status == STATUS_SEEK) {
DLog(@"curl seek request, aborting current request");
[fp->mutex unlock];
return 0;
if(fp->need_abort) {
fp->status = STATUS_ABORTED;
DLog(@"curl STATUS_ABORTED in the middle of packet");
[fp->mutex unlock];
int sz = BUFFER_SIZE / 2 - fp->remaining; // number of bytes free in buffer
// don't allow to fill more than half -- used for seeking backwards
if(sz > 5000) { // wait until there are at least 5k bytes free
size_t cp = MIN(avail, sz);
int writepos = (fp->pos + fp->remaining) & BUFFER_MASK;
// copy 1st portion (before end of buffer
size_t part1 = BUFFER_SIZE - writepos;
// may not be more than total
part1 = MIN(part1, cp);
memcpy(fp->buffer + writepos, ptr, part1);
ptr += part1;
avail -= part1;
fp->remaining += part1;
cp -= part1;
if(cp > 0) {
memcpy(fp->buffer, ptr, cp);
ptr += cp;
avail -= cp;
fp->remaining += cp;
[fp->mutex unlock];
return size - avail;
static NSString *guess_encoding_of_string(const char *input) {
NSString *ret = @"";
NSData *stringData = [NSData dataWithBytes:input length:strlen(input)];
[NSString stringEncodingForData:stringData encodingOptions:nil convertedString:&ret usedLossyConversion:nil];
return ret;
static int http_parse_shoutcast_meta(HTTPSource *fp, const char *meta, size_t size) {
// DLog (@"reading %d bytes of metadata\n", size);
DLog(@"%s", meta);
const char *e = meta + size;
const char strtitle[] = "StreamTitle='";
char title[256] = "";
while(meta < e) {
if(!memcmp(meta, strtitle, sizeof(strtitle) - 1)) {
meta += sizeof(strtitle) - 1;
const char *substr_end = meta;
while(substr_end < e - 1 && (*substr_end != '\'' || *(substr_end + 1) != ';')) {
if(substr_end >= e) {
return -1; // end of string not found
size_t s = substr_end - meta;
s = MIN(sizeof(title) - 1, s);
memcpy(title, meta, s);
title[s] = 0;
DLog(@"got stream title: %s\n", title);
char *tit = strstr(title, " - ");
if(tit) {
*tit = 0;
tit += 3;
const char *orig_title = [fp->title UTF8String];
const char *orig_artist = [fp->artist UTF8String];
if(!orig_title || strcasecmp(orig_title, tit)) {
fp->title = guess_encoding_of_string(tit);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
if(!orig_artist || strcasecmp(orig_artist, title)) {
fp->artist = guess_encoding_of_string(title);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
} else {
const char *orig_title = [fp->title UTF8String];
if(!orig_title || strcasecmp(orig_title, title)) {
fp->artist = @"";
fp->title = guess_encoding_of_string(title);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
return 0;
while(meta < e && *meta != ';') {
if(meta < e) {
return -1;
static const uint8_t *parse_header(const uint8_t *p, const uint8_t *e, uint8_t *key, int keysize, uint8_t *value, int valuesize) {
size_t sz; // will hold length of extracted string
const uint8_t *v; // pointer to current character
*key = 0;
*value = 0;
v = p;
// find :
while(v < e && *v != 0x0d && *v != 0x0a && *v != ':') {
if(*v != ':') {
// skip linebreaks
while(v < e && (*v == 0x0d || *v == 0x0a)) {
return v;
// copy key
sz = v - p;
sz = MIN(keysize, sz);
memcpy(key, p, sz);
key[sz] = 0;
// skip whitespace
while(v < e && (*v == 0x20 || *v == 0x08)) {
if(*v == 0x0d || *v == 0x0a) {
// skip linebreaks
while(v < e && (*v == 0x0d || *v == 0x0a)) {
return v;
p = v;
// find linebreak
while(v < e && *v != 0x0d && *v != 0x0a) {
// copy value
sz = v - p;
sz = MIN(valuesize, sz);
memcpy(value, p, sz);
value[sz] = 0;
return v;
static size_t http_content_header_handler_int(void *ptr, size_t size, void *stream, int *end_of_headers) {
// DLog(@"http_content_header_handler\n");
HTTPSource *fp = (__bridge HTTPSource *)stream;
const uint8_t *p = ptr;
const uint8_t *end = p + size;
uint8_t key[256];
uint8_t value[256];
if(fp->length == 0) {
fp->length = -1;
while(p < end) {
if(p <= end - 4) {
if(!memcmp(p, "\r\n\r\n", 4)) {
p += 4;
*end_of_headers = 1;
return p - (uint8_t *)ptr;
// skip linebreaks
while(p < end && (*p == 0x0d || *p == 0x0a)) {
p = parse_header(p, end, key, sizeof(key), value, sizeof(value));
DLog(@"%skey=%s value=%s\n", fp->icyheader ? "[icy] " : "", key, value);
if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "Content-Type")) {
fp->content_type = guess_encoding_of_string((const char *)value);
} else if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "Content-Length")) {
char *end;
fp->length = strtol((const char *)value, &end, 10);
} else if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "icy-name")) {
fp->title = guess_encoding_of_string((const char *)value);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
} else if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "icy-genre")) {
fp->genre = guess_encoding_of_string((const char *)value);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
} else if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "icy-metaint")) {
// printf ("icy-metaint: %d\n", atoi (value));
char *end;
fp->icy_metaint = (int)strtoul((const char *)value, &end, 10);
fp->wait_meta = fp->icy_metaint;
} else if(!strcasecmp((char *)key, "icy-url")) {
fp->album = guess_encoding_of_string((const char *)value);
fp->gotmetadata = 1;
// for icy streams, reset length
if(!strncasecmp((char *)key, "icy-", 4)) {
fp->length = -1;
if(!fp->icyheader) {
fp->gotsomeheader = 1;
return p - (uint8_t *)ptr;
static size_t handle_icy_headers(size_t avail, HTTPSource *fp, char *ptr) {
size_t size = avail;
// check if that's ICY
if(!fp->icyheader && avail >= 10 && !memcmp(ptr, "ICY 200 OK", 10)) {
DLog(@"icy headers in the stream");
ptr += 10;
avail -= 10;
fp->icyheader = 1;
// check for ternmination marker
if(avail >= 4 && !memcmp(ptr, "\r\n\r\n", 4)) {
avail -= 4;
ptr += 4;
fp->gotheader = 1;
return size - avail;
// skip remaining linebreaks
while(avail > 0 && (*ptr == '\r' || *ptr == '\n')) {
if(fp->icyheader) {
if(fp->nheaderpackets > 10) {
DLog(@"curl: warning: seems like stream has unterminated ICY headers");
fp->icy_metaint = 0;
fp->wait_meta = 0;
fp->gotheader = 1;
} else if(avail) {
int end = 0;
size_t consumed = http_content_header_handler_int(ptr, avail, (__bridge void *)fp, &end);
avail -= consumed;
ptr += consumed;
fp->gotheader = end || (avail != 0);
} else {
fp->gotheader = 1;
if(!avail) {
return size;
return size - avail;
static size_t _handle_icy_metadata(size_t avail, HTTPSource *fp, char *ptr, int *error) {
size_t size = avail;
while(fp->icy_metaint > 0) {
if(fp->metadata_size > 0) {
if(fp->metadata_size > fp->metadata_have_size) {
DLog(@"metadata fetch mode, avail: %zu, metadata_size: %zu, metadata_have_size: %zu)", avail, fp->metadata_size, fp->metadata_have_size);
size_t sz = (fp->metadata_size - fp->metadata_have_size);
sz = MIN(sz, avail);
size_t space = MAX_METADATA - fp->metadata_have_size;
size_t copysize = MIN(space, sz);
if(copysize > 0) {
DLog(@"fetching %zu bytes of metadata (out of %zu)", sz, fp->metadata_size);
memcpy(fp->metadata + fp->metadata_have_size, ptr, copysize);
avail -= sz;
ptr += sz;
fp->metadata_have_size += sz;
if(fp->metadata_size == fp->metadata_have_size) {
size_t sz = fp->metadata_size;
fp->metadata_size = fp->metadata_have_size = 0;
if(http_parse_shoutcast_meta(fp, fp->metadata, sz) < 0) {
fp->metadata_size = 0;
fp->metadata_have_size = 0;
fp->wait_meta = 0;
fp->icy_metaint = 0;
if(fp->wait_meta < avail) {
// read bytes remaining until metadata block
size_t res1 = http_curl_write_wrapper(fp, ptr, fp->wait_meta);
if(res1 != fp->wait_meta) {
*error = 1;
return 0;
avail -= res1;
ptr += res1;
uint32_t sz = (uint32_t)(*((uint8_t *)ptr)) * 16;
if(sz > MAX_METADATA) {
DLog(@"metadata size %d is too large\n", sz);
ptr += sz;
fp->metadata_size = 0;
fp->metadata_have_size = 0;
fp->wait_meta = 0;
fp->icy_metaint = 0;
// assert (sz < MAX_METADATA);
fp->metadata_size = sz;
fp->metadata_have_size = 0;
fp->wait_meta = fp->icy_metaint;
if(sz != 0) {
DLog(@"found metadata block at pos %lld, size: %d (avail=%zu)\n", fp->pos, sz, avail);
if((!fp->metadata_size || !avail) && fp->wait_meta >= avail) {
if(avail < 0) {
DLog(@"curl: something bad happened in metadata parser. can't continue streaming.\n");
*error = 1;
return 0;
return size - avail;
static size_t http_curl_write(void *_ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) {
char *ptr = _ptr;
size_t avail = size * nmemb;
HTTPSource *fp = (__bridge HTTPSource *)stream;
// DLog(@"http_curl_write %d bytes, wait_meta=%d\n", size * nmemb, fp->wait_meta);
gettimeofday(&fp->last_read_time, NULL);
if(fp->need_abort) {
fp->status = STATUS_ABORTED;
DLog(@"curl STATUS_ABORTED at start of packet");
return 0;
// process the in-stream headers, if present
if(!fp->gotheader) {
size_t consumed = handle_icy_headers(avail, fp, ptr);
avail -= consumed;
ptr += consumed;
if(!avail) {
return nmemb * size;
[fp->mutex lock];
if(fp->status == STATUS_INITIAL && fp->gotheader) {
fp->status = STATUS_READING;
[fp->mutex unlock];
int error = 0;
size_t consumed = _handle_icy_metadata(avail, fp, ptr, &error);
if(error) {
return 0;
avail -= consumed;
ptr += consumed;
// the remaining bytes are the normal stream, without metadata or headers
if(avail) {
// DLog(@"http_curl_write_wrapper [2] %d\n", avail);
size_t res = http_curl_write_wrapper(fp, ptr, avail);
avail -= res;
fp->wait_meta -= res;
return nmemb * size - avail;
static size_t http_content_header_handler(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) {
int end = 0;
return http_content_header_handler_int(ptr, size * nmemb, stream, &end);
static int http_curl_control(void *stream, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow) {
HTTPSource *fp = (__bridge HTTPSource *)stream;
[fp->mutex lock];
struct timeval tm;
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
float sec = tm.tv_sec - fp->last_read_time.tv_sec;
long response;
curl_easy_getinfo(fp->curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response);
// DLog ("http_curl_control: status = %d, response = %d, interval: %f seconds\n", fp ? fp->status : -1, (int)response, sec);
if(fp->status == STATUS_READING && sec > TIMEOUT) {
DLog(@"http_curl_control: timed out, restarting read");
memcpy(&fp->last_read_time, &tm, sizeof(struct timeval));
fp->status = STATUS_SEEK;
} else if(fp->status == STATUS_SEEK) {
DLog(@"curl STATUS_SEEK in progress callback");
[fp->mutex unlock];
return -1;
if(fp->need_abort) {
fp->status = STATUS_ABORTED;
DLog(@"curl STATUS_ABORTED in progress callback");
[fp->mutex unlock];
return -1;
[fp->mutex unlock];
return 0;
static void http_stream_reset(HTTPSource *fp) {
fp->gotheader = 0;
fp->icyheader = 0;
fp->gotsomeheader = 0;
fp->remaining = 0;
fp->metadata_size = 0;
fp->metadata_have_size = 0;
fp->skipbytes = 0;
fp->nheaderpackets = 0;
fp->icy_metaint = 0;
fp->wait_meta = 0;
- (void)threadEntry:(id)info {
@autoreleasepool {
CURL *curl;
curl = curl_easy_init();
length = -1;
self->curl = curl;
self->status = STATUS_INITIAL;
int status;
DLog(@"curl: started loading data %@", URL);
for(;;) {
struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
struct curl_slist *ok_aliases = curl_slist_append(NULL, "ICY 200 OK");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, [[URL absoluteString] UTF8String]);
NSString *ua = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Cog/%@", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:(__bridge NSString *)kCFBundleVersionKey]];
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, [ua UTF8String]);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, http_curl_write);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (__bridge void *)self);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, http_err);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, BUFFER_SIZE / 2);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, http_content_header_handler);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, (__bridge void *)self);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, http_curl_control);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, (__bridge void *)self);
// enable up to 10 redirects
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Icy-Metadata:1");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES, ok_aliases);
if(pos > 0 && length >= 0) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, (long)pos);
// fp->status = STATUS_INITIAL;
DLog(@"curl: calling curl_easy_perform (status=%d)...\n", self->status);
gettimeofday(&last_read_time, NULL);
status = curl_easy_perform(curl);
DLog(@"curl: curl_easy_perform retval=%d\n", status);
if(status != 0) {
DLog(@"curl error:\n%s\n", http_err);
[mutex lock];
if(self->status != STATUS_SEEK) {
DLog(@"curl: break loop\n");
[mutex unlock];
} else {
DLog(@"curl: restart loop\n");
skipbytes = 0;
self->status = STATUS_INITIAL;
DLog(@"seeking to %lld\n", pos);
if(length < 0) {
// icy -- need full restart
pos = 0;
content_type = nil;
seektoend = 0;
gotheader = 0;
icyheader = 0;
gotsomeheader = 0;
wait_meta = 0;
icy_metaint = 0;
[mutex unlock];
self->curl = NULL;
[mutex lock];
if(self->status == STATUS_ABORTED) {
DLog(@"curl: thread ended due to abort signal");
} else {
DLog(@"curl: thread ended normally");
self->status = STATUS_FINISHED;
[mutex unlock];
- (BOOL)open:(NSURL *)url {
URL = url;
mutex = [[NSLock alloc] init];
need_abort = NO;
pos = 0;
length = 0;
remaining = 0;
skipbytes = 0;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
nheaderpackets = 0;
content_type = nil;
curl = NULL;
memset(&last_read_time, 0, sizeof(last_read_time));
icy_metaint = 0;
wait_meta = 0;
memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata));
metadata_size = 0;
metadata_have_size = 0;
memset(&http_err, 0, sizeof(http_err));
need_abort = NO;
album = @"";
artist = @"";
title = @"";
genre = @"";
gotmetadata = 0;
seektoend = 0;
gotheader = 0;
icyheader = 0;
gotsomeheader = 0;
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(threadEntry:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
while(status == STATUS_UNSTARTED) {
while(status != STATUS_READING && curl) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (NSString *)mimeType {
DLog(@"Returning mimetype! %@", content_type);
return content_type;
- (BOOL)hasMetadata {
BOOL ret = !!gotmetadata;
gotmetadata = 0;
return ret;
- (NSDictionary *)metadata {
return @{ @"genre": genre, @"album": album, @"artist": artist, @"title": title };
- (BOOL)seekable {
return length > 0;
- (BOOL)seek:(long)position whence:(int)whence {
seektoend = 0;
if(whence == SEEK_END) {
if(position == 0) {
seektoend = 1;
return 0;
DLog(@"curl: can't seek in curl stream relative to EOF");
return NO;
[mutex lock];
if(whence == SEEK_CUR) {
whence = SEEK_SET;
position = pos + position;
if(whence == SEEK_SET) {
if(pos == position) {
skipbytes = 0;
[mutex unlock];
return 0;
} else if(pos < position && pos + BUFFER_SIZE > position) {
skipbytes = position - pos;
[mutex unlock];
return 0;
} else if(pos - position >= 0 && pos - position <= BUFFER_SIZE - remaining) {
skipbytes = 0;
remaining += pos - position;
pos = position;
[mutex unlock];
return 0;
// reset stream, and start over
pos = position;
status = STATUS_SEEK;
[mutex unlock];
return 0;
- (long)tell {
if(seektoend) {
return length;
return pos + skipbytes;
- (long)read:(void *)ptr amount:(long)amount {
size_t sz = amount;
while((remaining > 0 || (status != STATUS_FINISHED && status != STATUS_ABORTED)) && sz > 0) {
// wait until data is available
while((remaining == 0 || skipbytes > 0) && status != STATUS_FINISHED && status != STATUS_ABORTED) {
// DLog(@"curl: readwait, status: %d..\n", status);
[mutex lock];
if(status == STATUS_READING) {
struct timeval tm;
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
float sec = tm.tv_sec - last_read_time.tv_sec;
if(sec > TIMEOUT) {
DLog(@"http_read: timed out, restarting read");
memcpy(&last_read_time, &tm, sizeof(struct timeval));
status = STATUS_SEEK;
[mutex unlock];
album = @"";
artist = @"";
title = @"";
genre = @"";
return 0;
int64_t skip = MIN(remaining, skipbytes);
if(skip > 0) {
// DLog(@"skipping %lld bytes\n", skip);
pos += skip;
remaining -= skip;
skipbytes -= skip;
[mutex unlock];
// DLog(@"buffer remaining: %d\n", remaining);
[mutex lock];
// DLog(@"http_read %lld/%lld/%d\n", pos, length, remaining);
size_t cp = MIN(sz, remaining);
int64_t readpos = pos & BUFFER_MASK;
size_t part1 = BUFFER_SIZE - readpos;
part1 = MIN(part1, cp);
// DLog(@"readpos=%d, remaining=%d, req=%d, cp=%d, part1=%d, part2=%d\n", readpos, remaining, sz, cp, part1, cp-part1);
memcpy(ptr, buffer + readpos, part1);
remaining -= part1;
pos += part1;
sz -= part1;
ptr += part1;
cp -= part1;
if(cp > 0) {
memcpy(ptr, buffer, cp);
remaining -= cp;
pos += cp;
sz -= cp;
ptr += cp;
[mutex unlock];
if(status == STATUS_ABORTED) {
return 0;
return amount - sz;
- (void)close {
need_abort = YES;
content_type = nil;
while(curl != NULL) {
- (void)dealloc {
[self close];
- (NSURL *)url {
return URL;
+ (NSArray *)schemes {
return @[@"http", @"https"];