
551 lines
11 KiB

// PlaylistController.m
// Cog
// Created by Vincent Spader on 3/18/05.
// Copyright 2005 Vincent Spader All rights reserved.
#import "PlaylistController.h"
#import "PlaylistEntry.h"
#import "Shuffle.h"
@implementation PlaylistController
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
self = [super initWithCoder:decoder];
if (self)
acceptableFileTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"shn",@"wv",@"ogg",@"wav",@"mpc",@"flac",@"ape",@"mp3",@"aiff",@"aif",@"aac",nil];
acceptablePlaylistTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"playlist",nil];
shuffleList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// DBLog(@"DAH BUTTER CHORNAR: %@", history);
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
[super awakeFromNib];
- (int)insertFile:(NSString *)filename atIndex:(int)index
if ([acceptableFileTypes containsObject:[[filename pathExtension] lowercaseString]] && [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filename])
PlaylistEntry *pe = [[PlaylistEntry alloc] init];
[pe setFilename:filename]; //Setfilename takes car of opening the hack, but works for now
[pe setIndex:(index+1)];
[pe readTags];
[pe readInfo];
[self insertObject:pe atArrangedObjectIndex:index];
[pe release];
return 1;
return 0;
- (int)insertPath:(NSString *)path atIndex:(int)index
BOOL isDir;
NSFileManager *manager;
manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
DBLog(@"Checking if path is a directory: %@", path);
if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:path isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir == YES)
DBLog(@"path is directory");
int count;
int j;
NSArray *subpaths;
count = 0;
subpaths = [manager subpathsAtPath:path];
DBLog(@"Subpaths: %@", subpaths);
for (j = 0; j < [subpaths count]; j++)
NSString *filepath;
filepath = [NSString pathWithComponents:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:path,[subpaths objectAtIndex:j],nil]];
count += [self insertFile:filepath atIndex:index+count];
return count;
// DBLog(@"Adding fiiiiile: %@", path);
DBLog(@"path is a file");
return [self insertFile:path atIndex:index];
- (int)insertPaths:(NSArray *)paths atIndex:(int)index sort:(BOOL)sort
NSArray *sortedFiles;
int count;
int i;
if (!paths)
return 0;
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
count = 0;
DBLog(@"Sorting paths");
if (sort == YES)
sortedFiles = [paths sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];
sortedFiles = paths;
DBLog(@"Paths sorted: %@", sortedFiles);
for(i=0; i < [sortedFiles count]; i++)
int j;
NSString *f;
f = [sortedFiles objectAtIndex:i];
DBLog(@"Inserting path");
j = [self insertPath:f atIndex:(index+count)];
// DBLog(@"Number added: %i", j);
if (shuffle == YES)
[self resetShuffleList];
[self setSelectionIndex:index];
[self updateTotalTime];
return count;
- (int)addFile:(NSString *)filename
return [self insertFile:filename atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count]];
- (int)addPath:(NSString *)path
return [self insertPath:path atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count]];
- (int)addPaths:(NSArray *)paths sort:(BOOL)sort
return [self insertPaths:paths atIndex:[[self arrangedObjects] count] sort:sort];
- (NSArray *)acceptableFileTypes
return acceptableFileTypes;
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView*)tv
acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info
int i;
[super tableView:tv acceptDrop:info row:row dropOperation:op];
if ([info draggingSource] == tableView)
//DNDArrayController handles moving...still need to update the uhm...indices
NSLog(@"Archive stuff");
NSArray *rows = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[[info draggingPasteboard] dataForType: MovedRowsType]];
NSIndexSet *indexSet = [self indexSetFromRows:rows];
int firstIndex = [indexSet firstIndex];
if (firstIndex > row)
i = row;
i = firstIndex;
[self updateIndexesFromRow:i];
return YES;
if (row < 0)
row = 0;
NSArray *files = [[info draggingPasteboard] propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
[self insertPaths:files atIndex:row sort:YES];
[self updateIndexesFromRow:row];
[self updateTotalTime];
if (shuffle == YES)
[self resetShuffleList];
return YES;
- (void)updateTotalTime
double tt=0;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[self content] objectEnumerator];
PlaylistEntry* pe;
while (pe = [enumerator nextObject]) {
NSLog(@"Updating :%i", pe);
NSLog(@"Updating :%@", pe);
tt += [pe length];
int sec = (int)(tt/1000.0);
[self setTotalTimeDisplay:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i:%02i",sec/60, sec%60]];
- (void)setTotalTimeDisplay:(NSString *)ttd
[ttd retain];
[totalTimeDisplay release];
totalTimeDisplay = ttd;
NSLog(@"Displaying: %@", ttd);
- (NSString *)totalTimeDisplay;
return totalTimeDisplay;
- (void)updateIndexesFromRow:(int) row
// DBLog(@"UPDATE INDEXES: %i", row);
int j;
for (j = row; j < [[self content] count]; j++)
PlaylistEntry *p;
p = [[self content] objectAtIndex:j];
[p setIndex:(j+1)];
- (void)removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes
unsigned int *indexBuffer;
NSMutableArray *a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int i;
//10.3 fix
indexBuffer = malloc([indexes count]*sizeof(unsigned int));
[indexes getIndexes:indexBuffer maxCount:[indexes count] inIndexRange:nil];
for (i = 0; i < [indexes count]; i++)
NSLog(@"REMOVING FROM INDEX: %i", indexBuffer[i]);
[a addObject:[[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:(indexBuffer[i])]];
// a = [[self arrangedObjects] objectsAtIndexes:indexes]; //10.4 only
if ([a containsObject:currentEntry])
[currentEntry setIndex:-1];
[super removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:indexes];
[self updateIndexesFromRow:[indexes firstIndex]];
[self updateTotalTime];
if (shuffle == YES)
[self resetShuffleList];
[a release];
- (IBAction)takeShuffleFromObject:(id)sender
if( [sender respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)] )
[self setShuffle: [sender boolValue]];
[self setShuffle: [sender state]];
- (IBAction)takeRepeatFromObject:(id)sender
if( [sender respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)] )
[self setRepeat: [sender boolValue]];
[self setRepeat: [sender state]];
- (PlaylistEntry *)entryAtIndex:(int)i
//Need to fix for SHUFFLE MODE! holy fix.
if (shuffle == NO)
if (i < 0)
if (repeat == YES)
i += [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
else if (i >= [[self arrangedObjects] count])
if (repeat == YES)
i -= [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
return [[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i];
/* else
// NSLog(@"SHUFFLE: %i %i %i %i", i, shuffleIndex, offset, [shuffleList count]);
while (i < 0)
if (repeat == YES)
[self addShuffledListToFront];
//change i appropriately
i += [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
while (i >= [shuffleList count])
if (repeat == YES)
NSLog(@"Adding shuffled list to back!");
[self addShuffledListToBack];
return nil;
return [shuffleList objectAtIndex:i];
/*- (PlaylistEntry *)entryAtOffset:(int)offset
if (shuffle == YES)
int i = shuffleIndex;
i += offset;
// NSLog(@"SHUFFLE: %i %i %i %i", i, shuffleIndex, offset, [shuffleList count]);
while (i < 0)
if (repeat == YES)
[self addShuffledListToFront];
//change i appropriately
i += [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
while (i >= [shuffleList count])
if (repeat == YES)
NSLog(@"Adding shuffled list to back!");
[self addShuffledListToBack];
return nil;
return [shuffleList objectAtIndex:i];
int i;
i = [currentEntry index];
i += (offset-1);
if (i < 0)
if (repeat == YES)
i += [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
else if (i >= [[self arrangedObjects] count])
if (repeat == YES)
i -= [[self arrangedObjects] count];
return nil;
return [[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:i];
- (BOOL)next
PlaylistEntry *pe;
pe = [self entryAtIndex:[currentEntry index] + 1];
if (pe == nil)
return NO;
[self setCurrentEntry:pe];
return YES;
- (BOOL)prev
PlaylistEntry *pe;
pe = [self entryAtIndex:[currentEntry index] - 1];
if (pe == nil)
return NO;
[self setCurrentEntry:pe];
return YES;
- (void)addShuffledListToBack
NSArray *newList = [Shuffle shuffleList:[self arrangedObjects]];
NSIndexSet *indexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [newList count])];
[shuffleList insertObjects:newList atIndexes:indexSet];
- (void)addShuffledListToFront
NSArray *newList = [Shuffle shuffleList:[self arrangedObjects]];
NSIndexSet *indexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange([shuffleList count], [newList count])];
NSLog(@"%@", newList);
[shuffleList insertObjects:newList atIndexes:indexSet];
- (void)resetShuffleList
[shuffleList removeAllObjects];
[self addShuffledListToFront];
// shuffleIndex = 0;
- (id)currentEntry
// DBLog(@"WOAH EGE ");
return currentEntry;
- (void)setCurrentEntry:(id)pe
[currentEntry setCurrent:NO];
[pe setCurrent:YES];
[tableView scrollRowToVisible:([(PlaylistEntry *)pe index]-1)];
[pe retain];
[currentEntry release];
currentEntry = pe;
- (void)setShuffle:(BOOL)s
shuffle = s;
if (shuffle == YES)
[self resetShuffleList];
- (BOOL)shuffle
return shuffle;
- (void)setRepeat:(BOOL)r
repeat = r;
- (BOOL)repeat
return repeat;
- (void)savePlaylist:(NSString *)filename
// DBLog(@"SAVING PLAYLIST: %@", filename);
NSString *fileContents;
NSMutableArray *filenames = [NSMutableArray array];
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
PlaylistEntry *entry;
enumerator = [[self arrangedObjects] objectEnumerator];
while (entry = [enumerator nextObject])
[filenames addObject:[entry filename]];
fileContents = [filenames componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];
[fileContents writeToFile:filename atomically:NO];
- (void)loadPlaylist:(NSString *)filename
NSString *fileContents;
[self removeObjects:[self arrangedObjects]];
fileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filename];
if (fileContents)
NSArray *filenames = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
// DBLog(@"filenames: %@", filenames);
[self addPaths:filenames sort:NO];
- (NSArray *)acceptablePlaylistTypes
return acceptablePlaylistTypes;
- (NSString *)playlistFilename
return playlistFilename;
- (void)setPlaylistFilename:(NSString *)pf
[pf retain];
[playlistFilename release];
playlistFilename = pf;