100 lines
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Executable File
100 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File
Monkey's Audio MACDll.h (include for using MACDll.dll in your projects)
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 by Matthew T. Ashland All Rights Reserved.
Basically all this dll does is wrap MACLib.lib, so browse through MACLib.h for documentation
on how to use the interfaces.
Questions / Suggestions:
Please direct questions or comments to the Monkey's Audio developers board:
http://www.monkeysaudio.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.cgi -> Developers
or, if necessary, matt @ monkeysaudio.com
#ifndef APE_MACDLL_H
#define APE_MACDLL_H
#include "All.h"
#include "MACLib.h"
Defines (implemented elsewhere)
struct ID3_TAG;
Helper functions
extern "C"
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall GetVersionNumber();
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall GetInterfaceCompatibility(int nVersion, BOOL bDisplayWarningsOnFailure = TRUE, HWND hwndParent = NULL);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall ShowFileInfoDialog(const str_ansi * pFilename, HWND hwndWindow);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall TagFileSimple(const str_ansi * pFilename, const char * pArtist, const char * pAlbum, const char * pTitle, const char * pComment, const char * pGenre, const char * pYear, const char * pTrack, BOOL bClearFirst, BOOL bUseOldID3);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall GetID3Tag(const str_ansi * pFilename, ID3_TAG * pID3Tag);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall RemoveTag(const str_ansi * pFilename);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_GetVersionNumber)();
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_GetInterfaceCompatibility)(int, BOOL, HWND);
IAPECompress wrapper(s)
typedef void * APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE;
typedef APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_Create)(int *);
typedef void (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_Destroy)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_Start)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, const char *, const WAVEFORMATEX *, int, int, const void *, int);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_StartW)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, const char *, const WAVEFORMATEX *, int, int, const void *, int);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_AddData)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, unsigned char *, int);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_GetBufferBytesAvailable)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE);
typedef unsigned char * (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_LockBuffer)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, int *);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_UnlockBuffer)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, int, BOOL);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_Finish)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE, unsigned char *, int, int);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APECompress_Kill)(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE);
extern "C"
__declspec( dllexport ) APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE __stdcall c_APECompress_Create(int * pErrorCode = NULL);
__declspec( dllexport ) void __stdcall c_APECompress_Destroy(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_Start(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, const char * pOutputFilename, const WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeInput, int nMaxAudioBytes = MAX_AUDIO_BYTES_UNKNOWN, int nCompressionLevel = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NORMAL, const unsigned char * pHeaderData = NULL, int nHeaderBytes = CREATE_WAV_HEADER_ON_DECOMPRESSION);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_StartW(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, const str_utf16 * pOutputFilename, const WAVEFORMATEX * pwfeInput, int nMaxAudioBytes = MAX_AUDIO_BYTES_UNKNOWN, int nCompressionLevel = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NORMAL, const unsigned char * pHeaderData = NULL, int nHeaderBytes = CREATE_WAV_HEADER_ON_DECOMPRESSION);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_AddData(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, unsigned char * pData, int nBytes);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_GetBufferBytesAvailable(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress);
__declspec( dllexport ) unsigned char * __stdcall c_APECompress_LockBuffer(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, int * pBytesAvailable);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_UnlockBuffer(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, int nBytesAdded, BOOL bProcess = TRUE);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_Finish(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress, unsigned char * pTerminatingData, int nTerminatingBytes, int nWAVTerminatingBytes);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APECompress_Kill(APE_COMPRESS_HANDLE hAPECompress);
IAPEDecompress wrapper(s)
typedef APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_Create)(const char *, int *);
typedef APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_CreateW)(const char *, int *);
typedef void (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_Destroy)(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_GetData)(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE, char *, int, int *);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_Seek)(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE, int);
typedef int (__stdcall * proc_APEDecompress_GetInfo)(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE, APE_DECOMPRESS_FIELDS, int, int);
extern "C"
__declspec( dllexport ) APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE __stdcall c_APEDecompress_Create(const str_ansi * pFilename, int * pErrorCode = NULL);
__declspec( dllexport ) APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE __stdcall c_APEDecompress_CreateW(const str_utf16 * pFilename, int * pErrorCode = NULL);
__declspec( dllexport ) void __stdcall c_APEDecompress_Destroy(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE hAPEDecompress);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APEDecompress_GetData(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE hAPEDecompress, char * pBuffer, int nBlocks, int * pBlocksRetrieved);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APEDecompress_Seek(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE hAPEDecompress, int nBlockOffset);
__declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall c_APEDecompress_GetInfo(APE_DECOMPRESS_HANDLE hAPEDecompress, APE_DECOMPRESS_FIELDS Field, int nParam1 = 0, int nParam2 = 0);
#endif // #ifndef APE_MACDLL_H