
645 lines
17 KiB

// AudioController.m
// Cog
// Created by Vincent Spader on 8/7/05.
// Copyright 2005 Vincent Spader. All rights reserved.
#import "AudioPlayer.h"
#import "BufferChain.h"
#import "OutputNode.h"
#import "Status.h"
#import "Helper.h"
#import "PluginController.h"
#import "Logging.h"
@implementation AudioPlayer
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
output = NULL;
bufferChain = nil;
outputLaunched = NO;
endOfInputReached = NO;
chainQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
semaphore = [[Semaphore alloc] init];
atomic_init(&resettingNow, false);
atomic_init(&refCount, 0);
return self;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)d
delegate = d;
- (id)delegate {
return delegate;
- (void)play:(NSURL *)url
[self play:url withUserInfo:nil withRGInfo:nil startPaused:NO andSeekTo:0.0];
- (void)play:(NSURL *)url withUserInfo:(id)userInfo withRGInfo:(NSDictionary *)rgi
[self play:url withUserInfo:userInfo withRGInfo:rgi startPaused:NO andSeekTo:0.0];
- (void)play:(NSURL *)url withUserInfo:(id)userInfo withRGInfo:(NSDictionary *)rgi startPaused:(BOOL)paused
[self play:url withUserInfo:userInfo withRGInfo:rgi startPaused:paused andSeekTo:0.0];
- (void)play:(NSURL *)url withUserInfo:(id)userInfo withRGInfo:(NSDictionary *)rgi startPaused:(BOOL)paused andSeekTo:(double)time
ALog(@"Opening file for playback: %@ at seek offset %f%@", url, time, (paused) ? @", starting paused" : @"");
[self waitUntilCallbacksExit];
if (output) {
[output setShouldContinue:NO];
output = nil;
output = [[OutputNode alloc] initWithController:self previous:nil];
[output setup];
[output setVolume: volume];
@synchronized(chainQueue) {
for (id anObject in chainQueue)
[anObject setShouldContinue:NO];
[chainQueue removeAllObjects];
endOfInputReached = NO;
if (bufferChain)
[bufferChain setShouldContinue:NO];
bufferChain = nil;
bufferChain = [[BufferChain alloc] initWithController:self];
[self notifyStreamChanged:userInfo];
while (![bufferChain open:url withOutputFormatHint:[output format] withRGInfo:rgi])
bufferChain = nil;
[self requestNextStream: userInfo];
url = nextStream;
if (url == nil)
userInfo = nextStreamUserInfo;
rgi = nextStreamRGInfo;
[self notifyStreamChanged:userInfo];
bufferChain = [[BufferChain alloc] initWithController:self];
[bufferChain setUserInfo:userInfo];
if (time > 0.0)
[output seek:time];
[bufferChain seek:time];
[self setShouldContinue:YES];
outputLaunched = NO;
startedPaused = paused;
initialBufferFilled = NO;
[bufferChain launchThreads];
if (paused)
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusPaused waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)stop
//Set shouldoContinue to NO on all things
[self setShouldContinue:NO];
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusStopped waitUntilDone:YES];
@synchronized(chainQueue) {
for (id anObject in chainQueue)
[anObject setShouldContinue:NO];
[chainQueue removeAllObjects];
endOfInputReached = NO;
if (bufferChain)
bufferChain = nil;
output = nil;
- (void)pause
[output pause];
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusPaused waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)resume
if (startedPaused)
startedPaused = NO;
if (initialBufferFilled)
[self launchOutputThread];
[output resume];
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusPlaying waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)seekToTime:(double)time
if (endOfInputReached)
// This is a dirty hack in case the playback has finished with the track
// that the user thinks they're seeking into
CogStatus status = (CogStatus) currentPlaybackStatus;
NSURL *url;
id userInfo;
NSDictionary *rgi;
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
url = [bufferChain streamURL];
userInfo = [bufferChain userInfo];
rgi = [bufferChain rgInfo];
[self stop];
[self play:url withUserInfo:userInfo withRGInfo:rgi startPaused:(status == CogStatusPaused) andSeekTo:time];
// Still decoding the current file, safe to seek within it
[output seek:time];
[bufferChain seek:time];
- (void)setVolume:(double)v
volume = v;
[output setVolume:v];
- (double)volume
return volume;
//This is called by the delegate DURING a requestNextStream request.
- (void)setNextStream:(NSURL *)url
[self setNextStream:url withUserInfo:nil withRGInfo:nil];
- (void)setNextStream:(NSURL *)url withUserInfo:(id)userInfo withRGInfo:(NSDictionary *)rgi
nextStream = url;
nextStreamUserInfo = userInfo;
nextStreamRGInfo = rgi;
// Called when the playlist changed before we actually started playing a requested stream. We will re-request.
- (void)resetNextStreams
[self waitUntilCallbacksExit];
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
for (id anObject in chainQueue) {
[anObject setShouldContinue:NO];
[chainQueue removeAllObjects];
if (endOfInputReached) {
[self endOfInputReached:bufferChain];
- (void)setShouldContinue:(BOOL)s
shouldContinue = s;
if (bufferChain)
[bufferChain setShouldContinue:s];
if (output)
[output setShouldContinue:s];
- (double)amountPlayed
return [output amountPlayed];
- (void)launchOutputThread
initialBufferFilled = YES;
if (outputLaunched == NO && startedPaused == NO) {
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusPlaying];
[output launchThread];
outputLaunched = YES;
- (void)requestNextStream:(id)userInfo
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:willEndStream:) withObject:userInfo waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)notifyStreamChanged:(id)userInfo
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:didBeginStream:) withObject:userInfo waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)beginEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:displayEqualizer:) withVoid:eq waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)refreshEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:refreshEqualizer:) withVoid:eq waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)endEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:removeEqualizer:) withVoid:eq waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)addChainToQueue:(BufferChain *)newChain
[newChain setUserInfo: nextStreamUserInfo];
[newChain setShouldContinue:YES];
[newChain launchThreads];
[chainQueue insertObject:newChain atIndex:[chainQueue count]];
- (BOOL)endOfInputReached:(BufferChain *)sender //Sender is a BufferChain
BufferChain *newChain = nil;
if (atomic_load_explicit(&resettingNow, memory_order_relaxed))
return YES;
atomic_fetch_add(&refCount, 1);
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
// No point in constructing new chain for the next playlist entry
// if there's already one at the head of chainQueue... r-r-right?
for (BufferChain *chain in chainQueue)
if ([chain isRunning])
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return YES;
// We don't want to do this, it may happen with a lot of short files
//if ([chainQueue count] >= 5)
// return YES;
double duration = 0.0;
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
for (BufferChain *chain in chainQueue) {
duration += [chain secondsBuffered];
while (duration >= 30.0 && shouldContinue)
[semaphore wait];
if (atomic_load_explicit(&resettingNow, memory_order_relaxed)) {
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return YES;
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
duration = 0.0;
for (BufferChain *chain in chainQueue) {
duration += [chain secondsBuffered];
nextStreamUserInfo = [sender userInfo];
nextStreamRGInfo = [sender rgInfo];
// This call can sometimes lead to invoking a chainQueue block on another thread
[self requestNextStream: nextStreamUserInfo];
if (!nextStream) {
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return YES;
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
newChain = [[BufferChain alloc] initWithController:self];
endOfInputReached = YES;
BufferChain *lastChain = [chainQueue lastObject];
if (lastChain == nil) {
lastChain = bufferChain;
BOOL pathsEqual = NO;
if ([nextStream isFileURL] && [[lastChain streamURL] isFileURL])
NSMutableString *unixPathNext = [[nextStream path] mutableCopy];
NSMutableString *unixPathPrev = [[[lastChain streamURL] path] mutableCopy];
if ([unixPathNext isEqualToString:unixPathPrev])
pathsEqual = YES;
if (pathsEqual || ([[nextStream scheme] isEqualToString:[[lastChain streamURL] scheme]]
&& (([nextStream host] == nil &&
[[lastChain streamURL] host] == nil)
|| [[nextStream host] isEqualToString:[[lastChain streamURL] host]])
&& [[nextStream path] isEqualToString:[[lastChain streamURL] path]]))
if ([lastChain setTrack:nextStream]
&& [newChain openWithInput:[lastChain inputNode] withOutputFormatHint:[output format] withRGInfo:nextStreamRGInfo])
[newChain setStreamURL:nextStream];
[newChain setUserInfo:nextStreamUserInfo];
[self addChainToQueue:newChain];
DLog(@"TRACK SET!!! %@", newChain);
//Keep on-playin
newChain = nil;
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return NO;
lastChain = nil;
while (shouldContinue && ![newChain open:nextStream withOutputFormatHint:[output format] withRGInfo:nextStreamRGInfo])
if (nextStream == nil)
newChain = nil;
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return YES;
newChain = nil;
[self requestNextStream: nextStreamUserInfo];
newChain = [[BufferChain alloc] initWithController:self];
[self addChainToQueue:newChain];
newChain = nil;
// I'm stupid and can't hold too much stuff in my head all at once, so writing it here.
// Once we get here:
// - buffer chain for previous stream finished reading
// - there are (probably) some bytes of the previous stream in the output buffer which haven't been played
// (by output node) yet
// - self.bufferChain == previous playlist entry's buffer chain
// - self.nextStream == next playlist entry's URL
// - self.nextStreamUserInfo == next playlist entry
// - head of chainQueue is the buffer chain for the next entry (which has launched its threads already)
atomic_fetch_sub(&refCount, 1);
return YES;
- (void)endOfInputPlayed
// Once we get here:
// - the buffer chain for the next playlist entry (started in endOfInputReached) have been working for some time
// already, so that there is some decoded and converted data to play
// - the buffer chain for the next entry is the first item in chainQueue
@synchronized(chainQueue) {
endOfInputReached = NO;
if ([chainQueue count] <= 0)
//End of playlist
[self stop];
bufferChain = nil;
bufferChain = nil;
bufferChain = [chainQueue objectAtIndex:0];
[chainQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
DLog(@"New!!! %@ %@", bufferChain, [[bufferChain inputNode] decoder]);
[semaphore signal];
[self notifyStreamChanged:[bufferChain userInfo]];
[output setEndOfStream:NO];
- (BOOL)chainQueueHasTracks
@synchronized (chainQueue) {
return [chainQueue count] > 0;
return NO;
- (void)sendDelegateMethod:(SEL)selector withVoid:(void*)obj waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[delegate methodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[invocation setTarget:delegate];
[invocation setSelector:selector];
[invocation setArgument:(void*)&self atIndex:2];
[invocation setArgument:&obj atIndex:3];
[invocation retainArguments];
[invocation performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:wait];
- (void)sendDelegateMethod:(SEL)selector withObject:(id)obj waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[delegate methodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[invocation setTarget:delegate];
[invocation setSelector:selector];
[invocation setArgument:(void*)&self atIndex:2];
[invocation setArgument:&obj atIndex:3];
[invocation retainArguments];
[invocation performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:wait];
- (void)sendDelegateMethod:(SEL)selector withObject:(id)obj withObject:(id)obj2 waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[delegate methodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[invocation setTarget:delegate];
[invocation setSelector:selector];
[invocation setArgument:(void*)&self atIndex:2];
[invocation setArgument:&obj atIndex:3];
[invocation setArgument:&obj2 atIndex:4];
[invocation retainArguments];
[invocation performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:wait];
- (void)setPlaybackStatus:(int)status waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait
currentPlaybackStatus = status;
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:didChangeStatus:userInfo:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:status] withObject:[bufferChain userInfo] waitUntilDone:wait];
- (void)sustainHDCD
[self sendDelegateMethod:@selector(audioPlayer:sustainHDCD:) withObject:[bufferChain userInfo] waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)setPlaybackStatus:(int)status
[self setPlaybackStatus:status waitUntilDone:NO];
- (BufferChain *)bufferChain
return bufferChain;
- (OutputNode *) output
return output;
+ (NSArray *)containerTypes
return [[[PluginController sharedPluginController] containers] allKeys];
+ (NSArray *)fileTypes
PluginController *pluginController = [PluginController sharedPluginController];
NSArray *containerTypes = [[pluginController containers] allKeys];
NSArray *decoderTypes = [[pluginController decodersByExtension] allKeys];
NSArray *metdataReaderTypes = [[pluginController metadataReaders] allKeys];
NSArray *propertiesReaderTypes = [[pluginController propertiesReadersByExtension] allKeys];
NSMutableSet *types = [NSMutableSet set];
[types addObjectsFromArray:containerTypes];
[types addObjectsFromArray:decoderTypes];
[types addObjectsFromArray:metdataReaderTypes];
[types addObjectsFromArray:propertiesReaderTypes];
return [types allObjects];
+ (NSArray *)schemes
PluginController *pluginController = [PluginController sharedPluginController];
return [[pluginController sources] allKeys];
- (double)volumeUp:(double)amount
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
double newVolume = linearToLogarithmic(logarithmicToLinear(volume + amount, MAX_VOLUME), MAX_VOLUME);
if (newVolume > MAX_VOLUME)
newVolume = MAX_VOLUME;
[self setVolume:newVolume];
// the playbackController needs to know the new volume, so it can update the
// volumeSlider accordingly.
return newVolume;
- (double)volumeDown:(double)amount
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
double newVolume;
if (amount > volume)
newVolume = 0.0;
newVolume = linearToLogarithmic(logarithmicToLinear(volume - amount, MAX_VOLUME), MAX_VOLUME);
[self setVolume:newVolume];
return newVolume;
- (void)waitUntilCallbacksExit
// This sucks! And since the thread that's inside the function can be calling
// event dispatches, we have to pump the message queue if we're on the main
// thread. Damn.
if (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
BOOL mainThread = (dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue()) == dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL));
atomic_store(&resettingNow, true);
while (atomic_load_explicit(&refCount, memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
[semaphore signal]; // Gotta poke this periodically
if (mainThread)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.001]];
atomic_store(&resettingNow, false);