
3015 lines
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Executable File

// =============================================================================
// FILE: StdString.h
// AUTHOR: Joe O'Leary (with outside help noted in comments)
// This header file declares the CStdStr template. This template derives
// the Standard C++ Library basic_string<> template and add to it the
// the following conveniences:
// - The full MFC CString set of functions (including implicit cast)
// - writing to/reading from COM IStream interfaces
// - Functional objects for use in STL algorithms
// From this template, we intstantiate two classes: CStdStringA and
// CStdStringW. The name "CStdString" is just a #define of one of these,
// based upone the _UNICODE macro setting
// This header also declares our own version of the MFC/ATL UNICODE-MBCS
// conversion macros. Our version looks exactly like the Microsoft's to
// facilitate portability.
// NOTE:
// If you you use this in an MFC or ATL build, you should include either
// afx.h or atlbase.h first, as appropriate.
// Several people have helped me iron out problems and othewise improve
// this class. OK, this is a long list but in my own defense, this code
// has undergone two major rewrites. Many of the improvements became
// necessary after I rewrote the code as a template. Others helped me
// improve the CString facade.
// Anyway, these people are (in chronological order):
// - Pete the Plumber (???)
// - Julian Selman
// - Chris (of Melbsys)
// - Dave Plummer
// - John C Sipos
// - Chris Sells
// - Nigel Nunn
// - Fan Xia
// - Matthew Williams
// - Carl Engman
// - Mark Zeren
// - Craig Watson
// - Rich Zuris
// - Karim Ratib
// - Chris Conti
// - Baptiste Lepilleur
// - Greg Pickles
// - Jim Cline
// - Jeff Kohn
// - Todd Heckel
// - Ullrich Pollähne
// - Joe Vitaterna
// - Joe Woodbury
// - Aaron (no last name)
// - Joldakowski (???)
// - Scott Hathaway
// - Eric Nitzche
// - Pablo Presedo
// 2001-APR-27 - StreamLoad was calculating the number of BYTES in one
// case, not characters. Thanks to Pablo Presedo for this.
// 2001-FEB-23 - Replace() had a bug which caused infinite loops if the
// source string was empty. Fixed thanks to Eric Nitzsche.
// 2001-FEB-23 - Scott Hathaway was a huge help in providing me with the
// ability to build CStdString on Sun Unix systems. He
// sent me detailed build reports about what works and what
// does not. If CStdString compiles on your Unix box, you
// can thank Scott for it.
// 2000-DEC-29 - Joldakowski noticed one overload of Insert failed to do
// range check as CString's does. Now fixed -- thanks!
// 2000-NOV-07 - Aaron pointed out that I was calling static member
// functions of char_traits via a temporary. This was not
// technically wrong, but it was unnecessary and caused
// problems for poor old buggy VC5. Thanks Aaron!
// 2000-JUL-11 - Joe Woodbury noted that the CString::Find docs don't match
// what the CString::Find code really ends up doing. I was
// trying to match the docs. Now I match the CString code
// - Joe also caught me truncating strings for GetBuffer() calls
// when the supplied length was less than the current length.
// 2000-MAY-25 - Better support for STLPORT's Standard library distribution
// - Got rid of the NSP macro - it interfered with Koenig lookup
// - Thanks to Joe Woodbury for catching a TrimLeft() bug that
// I introduced in January. Empty strings were not getting
// trimmed
// 2000-APR-17 - Thanks to Joe Vitaterna for pointing out that ReverseFind
// is supposed to be a const function.
// 2000-MAR-07 - Thanks to Ullrich Pollähne for catching a range bug in one
// of the overloads of assign.
// 2000-FEB-01 - You can now use CStdString on the Mac with CodeWarrior!
// Thanks to Todd Heckel for helping out with this.
// 2000-JAN-23 - Thanks to Jim Cline for pointing out how I could make the
// Trim() function more efficient.
// - Thanks to Jeff Kohn for prompting me to find and fix a typo
// in one of the addition operators that takes _bstr_t.
// - Got rid of the .CPP file - you only need StdString.h now!
// 1999-DEC-22 - Thanks to Greg Pickles for helping me identify a problem
// with my implementation of CStdString::FormatV in which
// resulting string might not be properly NULL terminated.
// 1999-DEC-06 - Chris Conti pointed yet another basic_string<> assignment
// bug that MS has not fixed. CStdString did nothing to fix
// it either but it does now! The bug was: create a string
// longer than 31 characters, get a pointer to it (via c_str())
// and then assign that pointer to the original string object.
// The resulting string would be empty. Not with CStdString!
// 1999-OCT-06 - BufferSet was erasing the string even when it was merely
// supposed to shrink it. Fixed. Thanks to Chris Conti.
// - Some of the Q172398 fixes were not checking for assignment-
// to-self. Fixed. Thanks to Baptiste Lepilleur.
// 1999-AUG-20 - Improved Load() function to be more efficient by using
// SizeOfResource(). Thanks to Rich Zuris for this.
// - Corrected resource ID constructor, again thanks to Rich.
// - Fixed a bug that occurred with UNICODE characters above
// the first 255 ANSI ones. Thanks to Craig Watson.
// - Added missing overloads of TrimLeft() and TrimRight().
// Thanks to Karim Ratib for pointing them out
// 1999-JUL-21 - Made all calls to GetBuf() with no args check length first.
// 1999-JUL-10 - Improved MFC/ATL independence of conversion macros
// - Added SS_NO_REFCOUNT macro to allow you to disable any
// reference-counting your basic_string<> impl. may do.
// - Improved ReleaseBuffer() to be as forgiving as CString.
// Thanks for Fan Xia for helping me find this and to
// Matthew Williams for pointing it out directly.
// 1999-JUL-06 - Thanks to Nigel Nunn for catching a very sneaky bug in
// ToLower/ToUpper. They should call GetBuf() instead of
// data() in order to ensure the changed string buffer is not
// reference-counted (in those implementations that refcount).
// 1999-JUL-01 - Added a true CString facade. Now you can use CStdString as
// a drop-in replacement for CString. If you find this useful,
// you can thank Chris Sells for finally convincing me to give
// in and implement it.
// - Changed operators << and >> (for MFC CArchive) to serialize
// EXACTLY as CString's do. So now you can send a CString out
// to a CArchive and later read it in as a CStdString. I have
// no idea why you would want to do this but you can.
// 1999-JUN-21 - Changed the CStdString class into the CStdStr template.
// - Fixed FormatV() to correctly decrement the loop counter.
// This was harmless bug but a bug nevertheless. Thanks to
// Chris (of Melbsys) for pointing it out
// - Changed Format() to try a normal stack-based array before
// using to _alloca().
// - Updated the text conversion macros to properly use code
// pages and to fit in better in MFC/ATL builds. In other
// words, I copied Microsoft's conversion stuff again.
// - Added equivalents of CString::GetBuffer, GetBufferSetLength
// - new sscpy() replacement of CStdString::CopyString()
// - a Trim() function that combines TrimRight() and TrimLeft().
// 1999-MAR-13 - Corrected the "NotSpace" functional object to use _istpace()
// instead of _isspace() Thanks to Dave Plummer for this.
// 1999-FEB-26 - Removed errant line (left over from testing) that #defined
// _MFC_VER. Thanks to John C Sipos for noticing this.
// 1999-FEB-03 - Fixed a bug in a rarely-used overload of operator+() that
// caused infinite recursion and stack overflow
// - Added member functions to simplify the process of
// persisting CStdStrings to/from DCOM IStream interfaces
// - Added functional objects (e.g. StdStringLessNoCase) that
// allow CStdStrings to be used as keys STL map objects with
// case-insensitive comparison
// - Added array indexing operators (i.e. operator[]). I
// originally assumed that these were unnecessary and would be
// inherited from basic_string. However, without them, Visual
// C++ complains about ambiguous overloads when you try to use
// them. Thanks to Julian Selman to pointing this out.
// 1998-FEB-?? - Added overloads of assign() function to completely account
// for Q172398 bug. Thanks to "Pete the Plumber" for this
// 1998-FEB-?? - Initial submission
// 1999 Joseph M. O'Leary. This code is free. Use it anywhere you want.
// Rewrite it, restructure it, whatever. Please don't blame me if it makes
// your $30 billion dollar satellite explode in orbit. If you redistribute
// it in any form, I'd appreciate it if you would leave this notice here.
// If you find any bugs, please let me know:
// =============================================================================
// Avoid multiple inclusion the VC++ way,
// Turn off browser references
// Turn off unavoidable compiler warnings
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1100)
#pragma once
#pragma component(browser, off, references, "CStdString")
#pragma warning (disable : 4290) // C++ Exception Specification ignored
#pragma warning (disable : 4127) // Conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning (disable : 4097) // typedef name used as synonym for class name
// turns off reference counting at the assignment level
// I define this by default. comment it out if you don't want it.
// In non-Visual C++ and/or non-Win32 builds, we can't use some cool stuff.
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(_WIN32)
#define SS_ANSI
// Avoid legacy code screw up: if _UNICODE is defined, UNICODE must be as well
#if defined (_UNICODE) && !defined (UNICODE)
#define UNICODE
#if defined (UNICODE) && !defined (_UNICODE)
#define _UNICODE
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MIN and MAX. The Standard C++ template versions go by so many names (at
// at least in the MS implementation) that you never know what's available
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Type>
inline const Type& SSMIN(const Type& arg1, const Type& arg2)
return arg2 < arg1 ? arg2 : arg1;
template<class Type>
inline const Type& SSMAX(const Type& arg1, const Type& arg2)
return arg2 > arg1 ? arg2 : arg1;
// If they have not #included W32Base.h (part of my W32 utility library) then
// we need to define some stuff. Otherwise, this is all defined there.
#if !defined(W32BASE_H)
// If they want us to use only standard C++ stuff (no Win32 stuff)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
// On non-Win32 platforms, there is no TCHAR.H so define what we need
#ifndef _WIN32
typedef const char* PCSTR;
typedef char* PSTR;
typedef const wchar_t* PCWSTR;
typedef wchar_t* PWSTR;
#ifdef UNICODE
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
typedef char TCHAR;
typedef wchar_t OLECHAR;
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32
// Make sure ASSERT and verify are defined in an ANSI fashion
#ifndef ASSERT
#include <assert.h>
#define ASSERT(f) assert((f))
#ifndef VERIFY
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define VERIFY(x) ASSERT((x))
#define VERIFY(x) x
#else // #ifdef SS_ANSI
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
// Make sure ASSERT and verify are defined
#ifndef ASSERT
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define ASSERT(f) _ASSERTE((f))
#ifndef VERIFY
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define VERIFY(x) ASSERT((x))
#define VERIFY(x) x
#endif // #ifdef SS_ANSI
#ifndef UNUSED
#define UNUSED(x) x
#endif // #ifndef W32BASE_H
// Standard headers needed
#include <string> // basic_string
#include <algorithm> // for_each, etc.
#include <functional> // for StdStringLessNoCase, et al
#include <locale> // for various facets
// If this is a recent enough version of VC include comdef.h, so we can write
// member functions to deal with COM types & compiler support classes e.g. _bstr_t
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1100)
#include <comdef.h>
#define SS_INC_COMDEF // signal that we #included MS comdef.h file
#define SS_NOTHROW __declspec(nothrow)
#define SS_NOTHROW
#ifndef TRACE
#define TRACE
// Microsoft defines PCSTR, PCWSTR, etc, but no PCTSTR. I hate to use the
// versions with the "L" in front of them because that's a leftover from Win 16
// days, even though it evaluates to the same thing. Therefore, Define a PCSTR
// as an LPCTSTR.
#if !defined(PCTSTR) && !defined(PCTSTR_DEFINED)
typedef const TCHAR* PCTSTR;
#if !defined(PCOLESTR) && !defined(PCOLESTR_DEFINED)
typedef const OLECHAR* PCOLESTR;
#if !defined(POLESTR) && !defined(POLESTR_DEFINED)
#if !defined(PCUSTR) && !defined(PCUSTR_DEFINED)
typedef const unsigned char* PCUSTR;
typedef unsigned char* PUSTR;
// SS_USE_FACET macro and why we need it:
// Since I'm a good little Standard C++ programmer, I use locales. Thus, I
// need to make use of the use_facet<> template function here. Unfortunately,
// this need is complicated by the fact the MS' implementation of the Standard
// C++ Library has a non-standard version of use_facet that takes more
// arguments than the standard dictates. Since I'm trying to write CStdString
// to work with any version of the Standard library, this presents a problem.
// The upshot of this is that I can't do 'use_facet' directly. The MS' docs
// tell me that I have to use a macro, _USE() instead. Since _USE obviously
// won't be available in other implementations, this means that I have to write
// my OWN macro -- SS_USE_FACET -- that evaluates either to _USE or to the
// standard, use_facet.
// If you are having trouble with the SS_USE_FACET macro, in your implementation
// of the Standard C++ Library, you can define your own version of SS_USE_FACET.
#ifndef schMSG
#define schSTR(x) #x
#define schSTR2(x) schSTR(x)
#define schMSG(desc) message(__FILE__ "(" schSTR2(__LINE__) "):" #desc)
#ifndef SS_USE_FACET
// STLPort #defines a macro (__STL_NO_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION_TMPL_ARGS) for
// all MSVC builds, erroneously in my opinion. It causes problems for
// my SS_ANSI builds. In my code, I always comment out that line. You'll
// find it in \stlport\config\stl_msvc.h
#if defined(__SGI_STL_PORT) && (__SGI_STL_PORT >= 0x400 )
#if defined(__STL_NO_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION_TMPL_ARGS) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
#define SS_USE_FACET(loc, fac) std::use_facet<fac >(loc)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER )
#define SS_USE_FACET(loc, fac) _USE(loc, fac)
// ...and
#define SS_USE_FACET(loc, fac) std::use_facet(loc, (fac*)0)
#define SS_USE_FACET(loc, fac) std::use_facet<fac >(loc)
// =============================================================================
// UNICODE/MBCS conversion macros. Made to work just like the MFC/ATL ones.
// =============================================================================
// First define the conversion helper functions. We define these regardless of
// any preprocessor macro settings since their names won't collide.
#ifdef SS_ANSI // Are we doing things the standard, non-Win32 way?...
typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> SSCodeCvt;
// Not sure if we need all these headers. I believe ANSI says we do.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#ifndef va_start
#include <varargs.h>
// StdCodeCvt - made to look like Win32 functions WideCharToMultiByte annd
// MultiByteToWideChar but uses locales in SS_ANSI builds
inline PWSTR StdCodeCvt(PWSTR pW, PCSTR pA, int nChars,
const std::locale& loc=std::locale())
ASSERT(0 != pA);
ASSERT(0 != pW);
pW[0] = '\0';
PCSTR pBadA = 0;
PWSTR pBadW = 0;
SSCodeCvt::result res = SSCodeCvt::ok;
const SSCodeCvt& conv = SS_USE_FACET(loc, SSCodeCvt);
SSCodeCvt::state_type st= { 0 };
res =,
pA, pA + nChars, pBadA,
pW, pW + nChars, pBadW);
ASSERT(SSCodeCvt::ok == res);
return pW;
inline PWSTR StdCodeCvt(PWSTR pW, PCUSTR pA, int nChars,
const std::locale& loc=std::locale())
return StdCodeCvt(pW, (PCSTR)pA, nChars, loc);
inline PSTR StdCodeCvt(PSTR pA, PCWSTR pW, int nChars,
const std::locale& loc=std::locale())
ASSERT(0 != pA);
ASSERT(0 != pW);
pA[0] = '\0';
PSTR pBadA = 0;
PCWSTR pBadW = 0;
SSCodeCvt::result res = SSCodeCvt::ok;
const SSCodeCvt& conv = SS_USE_FACET(loc, SSCodeCvt);
SSCodeCvt::state_type st= { 0 };
res = conv.out(st,
pW, pW + nChars, pBadW,
pA, pA + nChars, pBadA);
ASSERT(SSCodeCvt::ok == res);
return pA;
inline PUSTR StdCodeCvt(PUSTR pA, PCWSTR pW, int nChars,
const std::locale& loc=std::locale())
return (PUSTR)StdCodeCvt((PSTR)pA, pW, nChars, loc);
#else // ...or are we doing things assuming win32 and Visual C++?
#include <malloc.h> // needed for _alloca
inline PWSTR StdCodeCvt(PWSTR pW, PCSTR pA, int nChars, UINT acp=CP_ACP)
ASSERT(0 != pA);
ASSERT(0 != pW);
pW[0] = '\0';
MultiByteToWideChar(acp, 0, pA, -1, pW, nChars);
return pW;
inline PWSTR StdCodeCvt(PWSTR pW, PCUSTR pA, int nChars, UINT acp=CP_ACP)
return StdCodeCvt(pW, (PCSTR)pA, nChars, acp);
inline PSTR StdCodeCvt(PSTR pA, PCWSTR pW, int nChars, UINT acp=CP_ACP)
ASSERT(0 != pA);
ASSERT(0 != pW);
pA[0] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte(acp, 0, pW, -1, pA, nChars, 0, 0);
return pA;
inline PUSTR StdCodeCvt(PUSTR pA, PCWSTR pW, int nChars, UINT acp=CP_ACP)
return (PUSTR)StdCodeCvt((PSTR)pA, pW, nChars, acp);
// Define our conversion macros to look exactly like Microsoft's to
// facilitate using this stuff both with and without MFC/ATL
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define SSCVT int _cvt; _cvt; UINT _acp=GetACP(); \
_acp; PCWSTR _pw; _pw; PCSTR _pa; _pa
#define SSCVT int _cvt = 0; _cvt; UINT _acp=GetACP();\
_acp; PCWSTR _pw=0; _pw; PCSTR _pa=0; _pa
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define SSCVT int _cvt; _cvt; UINT _acp=CP_ACP; _acp;\
PCWSTR _pw; _pw; PCSTR _pa; _pa
#define SSCVT int _cvt = 0; _cvt; UINT _acp=CP_ACP; \
_acp; PCWSTR _pw=0; _pw; PCSTR _pa=0; _pa
#define SSA2W(pa) (\
((_pa = pa) == 0) ? 0 : (\
_cvt = (strlen(_pa)+1),\
StdCodeCvt((PWSTR) _alloca(_cvt*2), _pa, _cvt, _acp)))
#define SSW2A(pw) (\
((_pw = pw) == 0) ? 0 : (\
_cvt = (wcslen(_pw)+1)*2,\
StdW2AHelper((LPSTR) _alloca(_cvt), _pw, _cvt, _acp)))
#define SSA2W(pa) (\
((_pa = pa) == 0) ? 0 : (\
_cvt = (strlen(_pa)+1),\
StdCodeCvt((PWSTR) _alloca(_cvt*2), _pa, _cvt)))
#define SSW2A(pw) (\
((_pw = pw) == 0) ? 0 : (\
_cvt = (wcslen(_pw)+1)*2,\
StdCodeCvt((LPSTR) _alloca(_cvt), _pw, _cvt)))
#define SSA2CW(pa) ((PCWSTR)SSA2W((pa)))
#define SSW2CA(pw) ((PCSTR)SSW2A((pw)))
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SST2A SSW2A
#define SSA2T SSA2W
#define SST2CA SSW2CA
#define SSA2CT SSA2CW
inline PWSTR SST2W(PTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PTSTR SSW2T(PWSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCWSTR SST2CW(PCTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCTSTR SSW2CT(PCWSTR p) { return p; }
#define SST2W SSA2W
#define SSW2T SSW2A
#define SST2CW SSA2CW
#define SSW2CT SSW2CA
inline PSTR SST2A(PTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PTSTR SSA2T(PSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCSTR SST2CA(PCTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCTSTR SSA2CT(PCSTR p) { return p; }
#endif // #ifdef UNICODE
#if defined(UNICODE)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline PCOLESTR SST2COLE(PCTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCTSTR SSOLE2CT(PCOLESTR p) { return p; }
inline POLESTR SST2OLE(PTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PTSTR SSOLE2T(POLESTR p) { return p; }
#elif defined(OLE2ANSI)
// in these cases the default (TCHAR) is the same as OLECHAR
inline PCOLESTR SST2COLE(PCTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCTSTR SSOLE2CT(PCOLESTR p) { return p; }
inline POLESTR SST2OLE(PTSTR p) { return p; }
inline PTSTR SSOLE2T(POLESTR p) { return p; }
//CharNextW doesn't work on Win95 so we use this
#define SST2COLE(pa) SSA2CW((pa))
#define SST2OLE(pa) SSA2W((pa))
#define SSOLE2CT(po) SSW2CA((po))
#define SSOLE2T(po) SSW2A((po))
#ifdef OLE2ANSI
#define SSW2OLE SSW2A
#define SSOLE2W SSA2W
inline POLESTR SSA2OLE(PSTR p) { return p; }
inline PSTR SSOLE2A(POLESTR p) { return p; }
inline PCOLESTR SSA2COLE(PCSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCSTR SSOLE2CA(PCOLESTR p){ return p; }
#define SSA2OLE SSA2W
#define SSOLE2A SSW2A
inline POLESTR SSW2OLE(PWSTR p) { return p; }
inline PWSTR SSOLE2W(POLESTR p) { return p; }
inline PCOLESTR SSW2COLE(PCWSTR p) { return p; }
inline PCWSTR SSOLE2CW(PCOLESTR p){ return p; }
// Above we've defined macros that look like MS' but all have
// an 'SS' prefix. Now we need the real macros. We'll either
// get them from the macros above or from MFC/ATL. If
// SS_NO_CONVERSION is #defined, we'll forgo them
#if defined (USES_CONVERSION)
#define _NO_STDCONVERSION // just to be consistent
#ifdef _MFC_VER
#include <afxconv.h>
#define _NO_STDCONVERSION // just to be consistent
#define A2CW SSA2CW
#define W2CA SSW2CA
#define T2A SST2A
#define A2T SSA2T
#define T2W SST2W
#define W2T SSW2T
#define T2CA SST2CA
#define A2CT SSA2CT
#define T2CW SST2CW
#define W2CT SSW2CT
#define ocslen sslen
#define ocscpy sscpy
#define T2OLE SST2COLE
#define OLE2T SSOLE2CT
#define A2OLE SSA2OLE
#define OLE2A SSOLE2A
#define W2OLE SSW2OLE
#define OLE2W SSOLE2W
#endif // #ifdef _MFC_VER
#endif // #ifndef USES_CONVERSION
#endif // #ifndef SS_NO_CONVERSION
// Define ostring - generic name for std::basic_string<OLECHAR>
#if !defined(ostring) && !defined(OSTRING_DEFINED)
typedef std::basic_string<OLECHAR> ostring;
#endif // #ifndef SS_ANSI
// StdCodeCvt when there's no conversion to be done
inline PSTR StdCodeCvt(PSTR pDst, PCSTR pSrc, int nChars)
pDst[0] = '\0';
std::char_traits<char>::copy(pDst, pSrc, nChars);
if ( nChars > 0 )
pDst[nChars] = '\0';
return pDst;
inline PSTR StdCodeCvt(PSTR pDst, PCUSTR pSrc, int nChars)
return StdCodeCvt(pDst, (PCSTR)pSrc, nChars);
inline PUSTR StdCodeCvt(PUSTR pDst, PCSTR pSrc, int nChars)
return (PUSTR)StdCodeCvt((PSTR)pDst, pSrc, nChars);
inline PWSTR StdCodeCvt(PWSTR pDst, PCWSTR pSrc, int nChars)
pDst[0] = '\0';
std::char_traits<wchar_t>::copy(pDst, pSrc, nChars);
if ( nChars > 0 )
pDst[nChars] = '\0';
return pDst;
// Define tstring -- generic name for std::basic_string<TCHAR>
#if !defined(tstring) && !defined(TSTRING_DEFINED)
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;
// a very shorthand way of applying the fix for KB problem Q172398
// (basic_string assignment bug)
#if defined ( _MSC_VER ) && ( _MSC_VER < 1200 )
#define Q172398(x) (x).erase()
#define Q172398(x)
// =============================================================================
// Usually for generic text mapping, we rely on preprocessor macro definitions
// to map to string functions. However the CStdStr<> template cannot use
// macro-based generic text mappings because its character types do not get
// resolved until template processing which comes AFTER macro processing. In
// other words, UNICODE is of little help to us in the CStdStr template
// Therefore, to keep the CStdStr declaration simple, we have these inline
// functions. The template calls them often. Since they are inline (and NOT
// exported when this is built as a DLL), they will probably be resolved away
// to nothing.
// Without these functions, the CStdStr<> template would probably have to broken
// out into two, almost identical classes. Either that or it would be a huge,
// convoluted mess, with tons of "if" statements all over the place checking the
// size of template parameter CT.
// In several cases, you will see two versions of each function. One version is
// the more portable, standard way of doing things, while the other is the
// non-standard, but often significantly faster Visual C++ way.
// =============================================================================
// If they defined SS_NO_REFCOUNT, then we must convert all assignments
#define SSREF(x) (x).c_str()
#define SSREF(x) (x)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sslen: strlen/wcslen wrappers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename CT> inline int sslen(const CT* pT)
return 0 == pT ? 0 : std::char_traits<CT>::length(pT);
inline SS_NOTHROW int sslen(const std::string& s)
return s.length();
inline SS_NOTHROW int sslen(const std::wstring& s)
return s.length();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssasn: assignment functions -- assign "sSrc" to "sDst"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::string::size_type SS_SIZETYPE; // just for shorthand, really
typedef std::string::pointer SS_PTRTYPE;
typedef std::wstring::size_type SW_SIZETYPE;
typedef std::wstring::pointer SW_PTRTYPE;
inline void ssasn(std::string& sDst, const std::string& sSrc)
if ( sDst.c_str() != sSrc.c_str() )
inline void ssasn(std::string& sDst, PCSTR pA)
// Watch out for NULLs, as always.
if ( 0 == pA )
// If pA actually points to part of sDst, we must NOT erase(), but
// rather take a substring
else if ( pA >= sDst.c_str() && pA <= sDst.c_str() + sDst.size() )
sDst =sDst.substr(static_cast<SS_SIZETYPE>(pA-sDst.c_str()));
// Otherwise (most cases) apply the assignment bug fix, if applicable
// and do the assignment
inline void ssasn(std::string& sDst, const std::wstring& sSrc)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sSrc.size();
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SS_PTRTYPE>(, sSrc.c_str(), nLen);
inline void ssasn(std::string& sDst, PCWSTR pW)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(pW);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SS_PTRTYPE>(, pW, nLen);
sDst.assign(pW ? SSW2CA(pW) : "");
inline void ssasn(std::string& sDst, const int nNull)
inline void ssasn(std::wstring& sDst, const std::wstring& sSrc)
if ( sDst.c_str() != sSrc.c_str() )
inline void ssasn(std::wstring& sDst, PCWSTR pW)
// Watch out for NULLs, as always.
if ( 0 == pW )
// If pW actually points to part of sDst, we must NOT erase(), but
// rather take a substring
else if ( pW >= sDst.c_str() && pW <= sDst.c_str() + sDst.size() )
sDst = sDst.substr(static_cast<SW_SIZETYPE>(pW-sDst.c_str()));
// Otherwise (most cases) apply the assignment bug fix, if applicable
// and do the assignment
#undef StrSizeType
inline void ssasn(std::wstring& sDst, const std::string& sSrc)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sSrc.size();
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SW_PTRTYPE>(, sSrc.c_str(), nLen);
inline void ssasn(std::wstring& sDst, PCSTR pA)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(pA);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SW_PTRTYPE>(, pA, nLen);
sDst.assign(pA ? SSA2CW(pA) : L"");
inline void ssasn(std::wstring& sDst, const int nNull)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssadd: string object concatenation -- add second argument to first
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void ssadd(std::string& sDst, const std::wstring& sSrc)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sSrc.size();
sDst.resize(sDst.size() + nLen);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SS_PTRTYPE>(, sSrc.c_str(), nLen);
inline void ssadd(std::string& sDst, const std::string& sSrc)
inline void ssadd(std::string& sDst, PCWSTR pW)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(pW);
sDst.resize(sDst.size() + nLen);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SS_PTRTYPE>(, pW, nLen);
if ( 0 != pW )
inline void ssadd(std::string& sDst, PCSTR pA)
if ( pA )
inline void ssadd(std::wstring& sDst, const std::wstring& sSrc)
inline void ssadd(std::wstring& sDst, const std::string& sSrc)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sSrc.size();
sDst.resize(sDst.size() + nLen);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SW_PTRTYPE>(, sSrc.c_str(), nLen);
inline void ssadd(std::wstring& sDst, PCSTR pA)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(pA);
sDst.resize(sDst.size() + nLen);
StdCodeCvt(const_cast<SW_PTRTYPE>(, pA, nLen);
if ( 0 != pA )
inline void ssadd(std::wstring& sDst, PCWSTR pW)
if ( pW )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssicmp: comparison (case insensitive )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
template<typename CT>
inline int ssicmp(const CT* pA1, const CT* pA2)
std::locale loc;
const std::ctype<CT>& ct = SS_USE_FACET(loc, std::ctype<CT>);
CT f;
CT l;
f = ct.tolower(*(pA1++));
l = ct.tolower(*(pA2++));
} while ( (f) && (f == l) );
return (int)(f - l);
#ifdef _MBCS
inline long sscmp(PCSTR pA1, PCSTR pA2)
return _mbscmp((PCUSTR)pA1, (PCUSTR)pA2);
inline long ssicmp(PCSTR pA1, PCSTR pA2)
return _mbsicmp((PCUSTR)pA1, (PCUSTR)pA2);
inline long sscmp(PCSTR pA1, PCSTR pA2)
return strcmp(pA1, pA2);
inline long ssicmp(PCSTR pA1, PCSTR pA2)
return _stricmp(pA1, pA2);
inline long sscmp(PCWSTR pW1, PCWSTR pW2)
return wcscmp(pW1, pW2);
inline long ssicmp(PCWSTR pW1, PCWSTR pW2)
return _wcsicmp(pW1, pW2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssupr/sslwr: Uppercase/Lowercase conversion functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
template<typename CT>
inline void sslwr(CT* pT, size_t nLen)
SS_USE_FACET(std::locale(), std::ctype<CT>).tolower(pT, pT+nLen);
template<typename CT>
inline void ssupr(CT* pT, size_t nLen)
SS_USE_FACET(std::locale(), std::ctype<CT>).toupper(pT, pT+nLen);
#else // #else we must be on Win32
#ifdef _MBCS
inline void ssupr(PSTR pA, size_t /*nLen*/)
inline void sslwr(PSTR pA, size_t /*nLen*/)
inline void ssupr(PSTR pA, size_t /*nLen*/)
inline void sslwr(PSTR pA, size_t /*nLen*/)
inline void ssupr(PWSTR pW, size_t /*nLen*/)
inline void sslwr(PWSTR pW, size_t /*nLen*/)
#endif // #ifdef SS_ANSI
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vsprintf/vswprintf or _vsnprintf/_vsnwprintf equivalents. In standard
// builds we can't use _vsnprintf/_vsnwsprintf because they're MS extensions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
inline int ssvsprintf(PSTR pA, size_t /*nCount*/, PCSTR pFmtA, va_list vl)
return vsprintf(pA, pFmtA, vl);
inline int ssvsprintf(PWSTR pW, size_t nCount, PCWSTR pFmtW, va_list vl)
// JMO: It is beginning to seem like Microsoft Visual C++ is the only
// CRT distribution whose version of vswprintf takes THREE arguments.
// All others seem to take FOUR arguments. Therefore instead of
// checking for every possible distro here, I'll assume that unless
// I am running with Microsoft's CRT, then vswprintf takes four
// arguments. If you get a compilation error here, then you can just
// change this code to call the three-argument version.
// #if !defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT) && !defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
#ifndef _MSC_VER
return vswprintf(pW, nCount, pFmtW, vl);
return vswprintf(pW, pFmtW, vl);
inline int ssnprintf(PSTR pA, size_t nCount, PCSTR pFmtA, va_list vl)
return _vsnprintf(pA, nCount, pFmtA, vl);
inline int ssnprintf(PWSTR pW, size_t nCount, PCWSTR pFmtW, va_list vl)
return _vsnwprintf(pW, nCount, pFmtW, vl);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssload: Type safe, overloaded ::LoadString wrappers
// There is no equivalent of these in non-Win32-specific builds. However, I'm
// thinking that with the message facet, there might eventually be one
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
inline int ssload(HMODULE hInst, UINT uId, PSTR pBuf, int nMax)
return ::LoadStringA(hInst, uId, pBuf, nMax);
inline int ssload(HMODULE hInst, UINT uId, PWSTR pBuf, int nMax)
return ::LoadStringW(hInst, uId, pBuf, nMax);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sscoll/ssicoll: Collation wrappers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
template <typename CT>
inline int sscoll(const CT* sz1, int nLen1, const CT* sz2, int nLen2)
const std::collate<CT>& coll =
SS_USE_FACET(std::locale(), std::collate<CT>);
return, sz1+nLen1, sz2, sz2+nLen2);
template <typename CT>
inline int ssicoll(const CT* sz1, int nLen1, const CT* sz2, int nLen2)
const std::locale loc;
const std::collate<CT>& coll = SS_USE_FACET(loc, std::collate<CT>);
// Some implementations seem to have trouble using the collate<>
// facet typedefs so we'll just default to basic_string and hope
// that's what the collate facet uses (which it generally should)
// std::collate<CT>::string_type s1(sz1);
// std::collate<CT>::string_type s2(sz2);
std::basic_string<CT> s1(sz1);
std::basic_string<CT> s2(sz2);
sslwr(const_cast<CT*>(s1.c_str()), nLen1);
sslwr(const_cast<CT*>(s2.c_str()), nLen2);
return, s1.c_str()+nLen1,
s2.c_str(), s2.c_str()+nLen2);
#ifdef _MBCS
inline int sscoll(PCSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return _mbscoll((PCUSTR)sz1, (PCUSTR)sz2);
inline int ssicoll(PCSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return _mbsicoll((PCUSTR)sz1, (PCUSTR)sz2);
inline int sscoll(PCSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return strcoll(sz1, sz2);
inline int ssicoll(PCSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return _stricoll(sz1, sz2);
inline int sscoll(PCWSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCWSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return wcscoll(sz1, sz2);
inline int ssicoll(PCWSTR sz1, int /*nLen1*/, PCWSTR sz2, int /*nLen2*/)
return _wcsicoll(sz1, sz2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ssfmtmsg: FormatMessage equivalents. Needed because I added a CString facade
// Again -- no equivalent of these on non-Win32 builds but their might one day
// be one if the message facet gets implemented
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
inline DWORD ssfmtmsg(DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSrc, DWORD dwMsgId,
DWORD dwLangId, PSTR pBuf, DWORD nSize,
va_list* vlArgs)
return FormatMessageA(dwFlags, pSrc, dwMsgId, dwLangId,
pBuf, nSize,vlArgs);
inline DWORD ssfmtmsg(DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSrc, DWORD dwMsgId,
DWORD dwLangId, PWSTR pBuf, DWORD nSize,
va_list* vlArgs)
return FormatMessageW(dwFlags, pSrc, dwMsgId, dwLangId,
pBuf, nSize,vlArgs);
// FUNCTION: sscpy. Copies up to 'nMax' characters from pSrc to pDst.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: sscpy
// inline int sscpy(PSTR pDst, PCSTR pSrc, int nMax=-1);
// inline int sscpy(PUSTR pDst, PCSTR pSrc, int nMax=-1)
// inline int sscpy(PSTR pDst, PCWSTR pSrc, int nMax=-1);
// inline int sscpy(PWSTR pDst, PCWSTR pSrc, int nMax=-1);
// inline int sscpy(PWSTR pDst, PCSTR pSrc, int nMax=-1);
// This function is very much (but not exactly) like strcpy. These
// overloads simplify copying one C-style string into another by allowing
// the caller to specify two different types of strings if necessary.
// The strings must NOT overlap
// "Character" is expressed in terms of the destination string, not
// the source. If no 'nMax' argument is supplied, then the number of
// characters copied will be sslen(pSrc). A NULL terminator will
// also be added so pDst must actually be big enough to hold nMax+1
// characters. The return value is the number of characters copied,
// not including the NULL terminator.
// pSrc - the string to be copied FROM. May be a char based string, an
// MBCS string (in Win32 builds) or a wide string (wchar_t).
// pSrc - the string to be copied TO. Also may be either MBCS or wide
// nMax - the maximum number of characters to be copied into szDest. Note
// that this is expressed in whatever a "character" means to pDst.
// If pDst is a wchar_t type string than this will be the maximum
// number of wchar_ts that my be copied. The pDst string must be
// large enough to hold least nMaxChars+1 characters.
// If the caller supplies no argument for nMax this is a signal to
// the routine to copy all the characters in pSrc, regardless of
// how long it is.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpycvt(CT1* pDst, const CT2* pSrc, int nChars)
StdCodeCvt(pDst, pSrc, nChars);
pDst[SSMAX(nChars, 0)] = '\0';
return nChars;
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const CT2* pSrc, int nMax, int nLen)
return sscpycvt(pDst, pSrc, SSMIN(nMax, nLen));
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const CT2* pSrc, int nMax)
return sscpycvt(pDst, pSrc, SSMIN(nMax, sslen(pSrc)));
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const CT2* pSrc)
return sscpycvt(pDst, pSrc, sslen(pSrc));
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const std::basic_string<CT2>& sSrc, int nMax)
return sscpycvt(pDst, sSrc.c_str(), SSMIN(nMax, (int)sSrc.length()));
template<typename CT1, typename CT2>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const std::basic_string<CT2>& sSrc)
return sscpycvt(pDst, sSrc.c_str(), (int)sSrc.length());
template<typename CT1>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const _bstr_t& bs, int nMax)
return sscpycvt(pDst, static_cast<PCOLESTR>(bs), SSMIN(nMax, (int)bs.length()));
template<typename CT1>
inline int sscpy(CT1* pDst, const _bstr_t& bs)
return sscpy(pDst, bs, bs.length());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functional objects for changing case. They also let you pass locales
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
template<typename CT>
struct SSToUpper : public std::binary_function<CT, std::locale, CT>
inline CT operator()(const CT& t, const std::locale& loc) const
return std::toupper<CT>(t, loc);
template<typename CT>
struct SSToLower : public std::binary_function<CT, std::locale, CT>
inline CT operator()(const CT& t, const std::locale& loc) const
return std::tolower<CT>(t, loc);
// This struct is used for TrimRight() and TrimLeft() function implementations.
//template<typename CT>
//struct NotSpace : public std::unary_function<CT, bool>
// const std::locale& loc;
// inline NotSpace(const std::locale& locArg) : loc(locArg) {}
// inline bool operator() (CT t) { return !std::isspace(t, loc); }
template<typename CT>
struct NotSpace : public std::unary_function<CT, bool>
const std::locale& loc;
NotSpace(const std::locale& locArg) : loc(locArg) {}
// Note -- using std::isspace in a COM DLL gives us access violations
// because it causes the dynamic addition of a function to be called
// when the library shuts down. Unfortunately the list is maintained
// in DLL memory but the function is in static memory. So the COM DLL
// goes away along with the function that was supposed to be called,
// and then later when the DLL CRT shuts down it unloads the list and
// tries to call the long-gone function.
// This is DinkumWare's implementation problem. Until then, we will
// use good old isspace and iswspace from the CRT unless they
// specify SS_ANSI
#ifdef SS_ANSI
bool operator() (CT t) const { return !std::isspace(t, loc); }
bool ssisp(char c) const { return FALSE != ::isspace((int) c); }
bool ssisp(wchar_t c) const { return FALSE != ::iswspace((wint_t) c); }
bool operator()(CT t) const { return !ssisp(t); }
// Now we can define the template (finally!)
// =============================================================================
// template<typename CT> class CStdStr : public std::basic_string<CT>
// This template derives from basic_string<CT> and adds some MFC CString-
// like functionality
// Basically, this is my attempt to make Standard C++ library strings as
// easy to use as the MFC CString class.
// Note that although this is a template, it makes the assumption that the
// template argument (CT, the character type) is either char or wchar_t.
// =============================================================================
//#define CStdStr _SS // avoid compiler warning 4786
template<typename CT>
class CStdStr : public std::basic_string<CT>
// Typedefs for shorter names. Using these names also appears to help
// us avoid some ambiguities that otherwise arise on some platforms
typedef typename std::basic_string<CT> MYBASE; // my base class
typedef CStdStr<CT> MYTYPE; // myself
typedef typename MYBASE::const_pointer PCMYSTR; // PCSTR or PCWSTR
typedef typename MYBASE::pointer PMYSTR; // PSTR or PWSTR
typedef typename MYBASE::iterator MYITER; // my iterator type
typedef typename MYBASE::const_iterator MYCITER; // you get the idea...
typedef typename MYBASE::reverse_iterator MYRITER;
typedef typename MYBASE::size_type MYSIZE;
typedef typename MYBASE::value_type MYVAL;
typedef typename MYBASE::allocator_type MYALLOC;
// shorthand conversion from PCTSTR to string resource ID
#define _TRES(pctstr) (LOWORD((DWORD)(pctstr)))
// CStdStr inline constructors
CStdStr(const MYTYPE& str) : MYBASE(SSREF(str))
CStdStr(const std::string& str)
ssasn(*this, SSREF(str));
CStdStr(const std::wstring& str)
ssasn(*this, SSREF(str));
#ifdef SS_ANSI
*this = pA;
if ( 0 != HIWORD(pA) )
*this = pA;
else if ( 0 != pA && !Load(_TRES(pA)) )
TRACE(_T("Can't load string %u\n"), _TRES(pA));
#ifdef SS_ANSI
*this = pW;
if ( 0 != HIWORD(pW) )
*this = pW;
else if ( 0 != pW && !Load(_TRES(pW)) )
TRACE(_T("Can't load string %u\n"), _TRES(pW));
CStdStr(MYCITER first, MYCITER last)
: MYBASE(first, last)
CStdStr(MYSIZE nSize, MYVAL ch, const MYALLOC& al=MYALLOC())
: MYBASE(nSize, ch, al)
CStdStr(const _bstr_t& bstr)
if ( bstr.length() > 0 )
append(static_cast<PCMYSTR>(bstr), bstr.length());
// CStdStr inline assignment operators -- the ssasn function now takes care
// of fixing the MSVC assignment bug (see knowledge base article Q172398).
MYTYPE& operator=(const MYTYPE& str)
ssasn(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(const std::string& str)
ssasn(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(const std::wstring& str)
ssasn(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(PCSTR pA)
ssasn(*this, pA);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(PCWSTR pW)
ssasn(*this, pW);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(CT t)
MYBASE::assign(1, t);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator=(const _bstr_t& bstr)
if ( bstr.length() > 0 )
return assign(static_cast<PCMYSTR>(bstr), bstr.length());
return *this;
// Overloads also needed to fix the MSVC assignment bug (KB: Q172398)
// *** Thanks to Pete The Plumber for catching this one ***
// They also are compiled if you have explicitly turned off refcounting
#if ( defined(_MSC_VER) && ( _MSC_VER < 1200 ) ) || defined(SS_NO_REFCOUNT)
MYTYPE& assign(const MYTYPE& str)
ssasn(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(const MYTYPE& str, MYSIZE nStart, MYSIZE nChars)
// This overload of basic_string::assign is supposed to assign up to
// <nChars> or the NULL terminator, whichever comes first. Since we
// are about to call a less forgiving overload (in which <nChars>
// must be a valid length), we must adjust the length here to a safe
// value. Thanks to Ullrich Pollähne for catching this bug
nChars = SSMIN(nChars, str.length() - nStart);
// Watch out for assignment to self
if ( this == &str )
MYTYPE strTemp(str.c_str()+nStart, nChars);
MYBASE::assign(str.c_str()+nStart, nChars);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(const MYBASE& str)
ssasn(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(const MYBASE& str, MYSIZE nStart, MYSIZE nChars)
// This overload of basic_string::assign is supposed to assign up to
// <nChars> or the NULL terminator, whichever comes first. Since we
// are about to call a less forgiving overload (in which <nChars>
// must be a valid length), we must adjust the length here to a safe
// value. Thanks to Ullrich Pollähne for catching this bug
nChars = SSMIN(nChars, str.length() - nStart);
// Watch out for assignment to self
if ( this == &str ) // watch out for assignment to self
MYTYPE strTemp(str.c_str() + nStart, nChars);
MYBASE::assign(str.c_str()+nStart, nChars);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(const CT* pC, MYSIZE nChars)
// Q172398 only fix -- erase before assigning, but not if we're
// assigning from our own buffer
#if defined ( _MSC_VER ) && ( _MSC_VER < 1200 )
if ( !empty() && ( pC < data() || pC > data() + capacity() ) )
MYBASE::assign(pC, nChars);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(MYSIZE nChars, MYVAL val)
MYBASE::assign(nChars, val);
return *this;
MYTYPE& assign(const CT* pT)
return assign(pT, CStdStr::traits_type::length(pT));
MYTYPE& assign(MYCITER iterFirst, MYCITER iterLast)
#if defined ( _MSC_VER ) && ( _MSC_VER < 1200 )
// Q172398 fix. don't call erase() if we're assigning from ourself
if ( iterFirst < begin() || iterFirst > begin() + size() )
replace(begin(), end(), iterFirst, iterLast);
return *this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CStdStr inline concatenation.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
MYTYPE& operator+=(const MYTYPE& str)
ssadd(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator+=(const std::string& str)
ssadd(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator+=(const std::wstring& str)
ssadd(*this, str);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator+=(PCSTR pA)
ssadd(*this, pA);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator+=(PCWSTR pW)
ssadd(*this, pW);
return *this;
MYTYPE& operator+=(CT t)
append(1, t);
return *this;
#ifdef SS_INC_COMDEF // if we have _bstr_t, define a += for it too.
MYTYPE& operator+=(const _bstr_t& bstr)
return operator+=(static_cast<PCMYSTR>(bstr));
// addition operators -- global friend functions.
friend MYTYPE operator+(const MYTYPE& str1, const MYTYPE& str2);
friend MYTYPE operator+(const MYTYPE& str, CT t);
friend MYTYPE operator+(const MYTYPE& str, PCSTR sz);
friend MYTYPE operator+(const MYTYPE& str, PCWSTR sz);
friend MYTYPE operator+(PCSTR pA, const MYTYPE& str);
friend MYTYPE operator+(PCWSTR pW, const MYTYPE& str);
friend MYTYPE operator+(const _bstr_t& bstr, const MYTYPE& str);
friend MYTYPE operator+(const MYTYPE& str, const _bstr_t& bstr);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Case changing functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
MYTYPE& ToUpper()
// Strictly speaking, this would be about the most portable way
// std::transform(begin(),
// end(),
// begin(),
// std::bind2nd(SSToUpper<CT>(), std::locale()));
// But practically speaking, this works faster
if ( !empty() )
ssupr(GetBuf(), size());
return *this;
MYTYPE& ToLower()
// Strictly speaking, this would be about the most portable way
// std::transform(begin(),
// end(),
// begin(),
// std::bind2nd(SSToLower<CT>(), std::locale()));
// But practically speaking, this works faster
if ( !empty() )
sslwr(GetBuf(), size());
return *this;
MYTYPE& Normalize()
return Trim().ToLower();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CStdStr -- Direct access to character buffer. In the MS' implementation,
// the at() function that we use here also calls _Freeze() providing us some
// protection from multithreading problems associated with ref-counting.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CT* GetBuf(int nMinLen=-1)
if ( static_cast<int>(size()) < nMinLen )
return empty() ? const_cast<CT*>(data()) : &(at(0));
CT* SetBuf(int nLen)
nLen = ( nLen > 0 ? nLen : 0 );
if ( capacity() < 1 && nLen == 0 )
return const_cast<CT*>(data());
void RelBuf(int nNewLen=-1)
resize(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nNewLen > -1 ? nNewLen : sslen(c_str())));
void BufferRel() { RelBuf(); } // backwards compatability
CT* Buffer() { return GetBuf(); } // backwards compatability
CT* BufferSet(int nLen) { return SetBuf(nLen);}// backwards compatability
bool Equals(const CT* pT, bool bUseCase=false) const
{ // get copy, THEN compare (thread safe)
return bUseCase ? compare(pT) == 0 : ssicmp(MYTYPE(*this), pT) == 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CStdStr::Load
// Loads string from resource specified by nID
// nID - resource Identifier. Purely a Win32 thing in this case
// true if successful, false otherwise
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef SS_ANSI
bool Load(UINT nId, HMODULE hModule=NULL)
bool bLoaded = false; // set to true of we succeed.
#ifdef _MFC_VER // When in Rome...
CString strRes;
bLoaded = FALSE != strRes.LoadString(nId);
if ( bLoaded )
*this = strRes;
// Get the resource name and module handle
if ( NULL == hModule )
hModule = GetResourceHandle();
PCTSTR szName = MAKEINTRESOURCE((nId>>4)+1); // lifted
DWORD dwSize = 0;
// No sense continuing if we can't find the resource
HRSRC hrsrc = ::FindResource(hModule, szName, RT_STRING);
if ( NULL == hrsrc )
TRACE(_T("Cannot find resource %d: 0x%X"), nId, ::GetLastError());
else if ( 0 == (dwSize = ::SizeofResource(hModule, hrsrc) / sizeof(CT)))
TRACE(_T("Cant get size of resource %d 0x%X\n"),nId,GetLastError());
bLoaded = 0 != ssload(hModule, nId, GetBuf(dwSize), dwSize);
if ( !bLoaded )
TRACE(_T("String not loaded 0x%X\n"), ::GetLastError());
return bLoaded;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: CStdStr::Format
// void _cdecl Formst(CStdStringA& PCSTR szFormat, ...)
// void _cdecl Format(PCSTR szFormat);
// This function does sprintf/wsprintf style formatting on CStdStringA
// objects. It looks a lot like MFC's CString::Format. Some people
// might even call this identical. Fortunately, these people are now
// dead.
// nId - ID of string resource holding the format string
// szFormat - a PCSTR holding the format specifiers
// argList - a va_list holding the arguments for the format specifiers.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// formatting (using wsprintf style formatting)
#ifndef SS_ANSI
void Format(UINT nId, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, nId);
va_start(argList, nId);
MYTYPE strFmt;
if ( strFmt.Load(nId) )
FormatV(strFmt, argList);
void Format(const CT* szFmt, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, szFmt);
FormatV(szFmt, argList);
void AppendFormat(const CT* szFmt, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, szFmt);
AppendFormatV(szFmt, argList);
#define MAX_FMT_TRIES 5 // #of times we try
#define FMT_BLOCK_SIZE 2048 // # of bytes to increment per try
#define BUFSIZE_1ST 256
#define BUFSIZE_2ND 512
#define STD_BUF_SIZE 1024
// an efficient way to add formatted characters to the string. You may only
// add up to STD_BUF_SIZE characters at a time, though
void AppendFormatV(const CT* szFmt, va_list argList)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = ssvsprintf(szBuf, STD_BUF_SIZE-1, szFmt, argList);
int nLen = ssnprintf(szBuf, STD_BUF_SIZE-1, szFmt, argList);
if ( 0 < nLen )
append(szBuf, nLen);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: FormatV
// void FormatV(PCSTR szFormat, va_list, argList);
// This function formats the string with sprintf style format-specs.
// It makes a general guess at required buffer size and then tries
// successively larger buffers until it finds one big enough or a
// threshold (MAX_FMT_TRIES) is exceeded.
// szFormat - a PCSTR holding the format of the output
// argList - a Microsoft specific va_list for variable argument lists
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FormatV(const CT* szFormat, va_list argList)
#ifdef SS_ANSI
int nLen = sslen(szFormat) + STD_BUF_SIZE;
ssvsprintf(GetBuffer(nLen), nLen-1, szFormat, argList);
CT* pBuf = NULL;
int nChars = 1;
int nUsed = 0;
size_type nActual = 0;
int nTry = 0;
// Grow more than linearly (e.g. 512, 1536, 3072, etc)
nChars += ((nTry+1) * FMT_BLOCK_SIZE);
pBuf = reinterpret_cast<CT*>(_alloca(sizeof(CT)*nChars));
nUsed = ssnprintf(pBuf, nChars-1, szFormat, argList);
// Ensure proper NULL termination.
nActual = nUsed == -1 ? nChars-1 : SSMIN(nUsed, nChars-1);
pBuf[nActual+1]= '\0';
} while ( nUsed < 0 && nTry++ < MAX_FMT_TRIES );
// assign whatever we managed to format
assign(pBuf, nActual);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CString Facade Functions:
// The following methods are intended to allow you to use this class as a
// drop-in replacement for CString.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef SS_ANSI
BSTR AllocSysString() const
ostring os;
ssasn(os, *this);
return ::SysAllocString(os.c_str());
int Collate(PCMYSTR szThat) const
return sscoll(c_str(), length(), szThat, sslen(szThat));
int CollateNoCase(PCMYSTR szThat) const
return ssicoll(c_str(), length(), szThat, sslen(szThat));
int Compare(PCMYSTR szThat) const
return MYBASE::compare(szThat);
int CompareNoCase(PCMYSTR szThat) const
return ssicmp(c_str(), szThat);
int Delete(int nIdx, int nCount=1)
if ( nIdx < GetLength() )
erase(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx), static_cast<MYSIZE>(nCount));
return GetLength();
void Empty()
int Find(CT ch) const
MYSIZE nIdx = find_first_of(ch);
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
int Find(PCMYSTR szSub) const
MYSIZE nIdx = find(szSub);
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
int Find(CT ch, int nStart) const
// CString::Find docs say add 1 to nStart when it's not zero
// CString::Find code doesn't do that however. We'll stick
// with what the code does
MYSIZE nIdx = find_first_of(ch, static_cast<MYSIZE>(nStart));
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
int Find(PCMYSTR szSub, int nStart) const
// CString::Find docs say add 1 to nStart when it's not zero
// CString::Find code doesn't do that however. We'll stick
// with what the code does
MYSIZE nIdx = find(szSub, static_cast<MYSIZE>(nStart));
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
int FindOneOf(PCMYSTR szCharSet) const
MYSIZE nIdx = find_first_of(szCharSet);
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
#ifndef SS_ANSI
void FormatMessage(PCMYSTR szFormat, ...) throw(std::exception)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, szFormat);
PMYSTR szTemp;
szFormat, 0, 0,
reinterpret_cast<PMYSTR>(&szTemp), 0, &argList) == 0 ||
szTemp == 0 )
throw std::runtime_error("out of memory");
*this = szTemp;
void FormatMessage(UINT nFormatId, ...) throw(std::exception)
MYTYPE sFormat;
VERIFY(sFormat.LoadString(nFormatId) != 0);
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, nFormatId);
PMYSTR szTemp;
sFormat, 0, 0,
reinterpret_cast<PMYSTR>(&szTemp), 0, &argList) == 0 ||
szTemp == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("out of memory");
*this = szTemp;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetXXXX -- Direct access to character buffer
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
CT GetAt(int nIdx) const
return at(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx));
CT* GetBuffer(int nMinLen=-1)
return GetBuf(nMinLen);
CT* GetBufferSetLength(int nLen)
return BufferSet(nLen);
// GetLength() -- MFC docs say this is the # of BYTES but
// in truth it is the number of CHARACTERs (chars or wchar_ts)
int GetLength() const
return static_cast<int>(length());
int Insert(int nIdx, CT ch)
if ( static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx) > size() -1 )
append(1, ch);
insert(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx), 1, ch);
return GetLength();
int Insert(int nIdx, PCMYSTR sz)
if ( nIdx >= size() )
append(sz, sslen(sz));
insert(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx), sz);
return GetLength();
bool IsEmpty() const
return empty();
MYTYPE Left(int nCount) const
return substr(0, static_cast<MYSIZE>(nCount));
#ifndef SS_ANSI
bool LoadString(UINT nId)
return this->Load(nId);
void MakeLower()
void MakeReverse()
std::reverse(begin(), end());
void MakeUpper()
MYTYPE Mid(int nFirst ) const
return substr(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nFirst));
MYTYPE Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const
return substr(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nFirst), static_cast<MYSIZE>(nCount));
void ReleaseBuffer(int nNewLen=-1)
int Remove(CT ch)
MYSIZE nIdx = 0;
int nRemoved = 0;
while ( (nIdx=find_first_of(ch)) != MYBASE::npos )
erase(nIdx, 1);
return nRemoved;
int Replace(CT chOld, CT chNew)
int nReplaced = 0;
for ( MYITER iter=begin(); iter != end(); iter++ )
if ( *iter == chOld )
*iter = chNew;
return nReplaced;
int Replace(PCMYSTR szOld, PCMYSTR szNew)
int nReplaced = 0;
MYSIZE nIdx = 0;
MYSIZE nOldLen = sslen(szOld);
if ( 0 == nOldLen )
return 0;
static const CT ch = CT(0);
MYSIZE nNewLen = sslen(szNew);
PCMYSTR szRealNew = szNew == 0 ? &ch : szNew;
while ( (nIdx=find(szOld, nIdx)) != MYBASE::npos )
replace(begin()+nIdx, begin()+nIdx+nOldLen, szRealNew);
nIdx += nNewLen;
return nReplaced;
int ReverseFind(CT ch) const
MYSIZE nIdx = find_last_of(ch);
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
// ReverseFind overload that's not in CString but might be useful
int ReverseFind(PCMYSTR szFind, MYSIZE pos=MYBASE::npos) const
MYSIZE nIdx = rfind(0 == szFind ? MYTYPE() : szFind, pos);
return static_cast<int>(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? -1 : nIdx);
MYTYPE Right(int nCount) const
nCount = SSMIN(nCount, static_cast<int>(size()));
return substr(size()-static_cast<MYSIZE>(nCount));
void SetAt(int nIndex, CT ch)
ASSERT(size() > static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIndex));
at(static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIndex)) = ch;
#ifndef SS_ANSI
BSTR SetSysString(BSTR* pbstr) const
ostring os;
ssasn(os, *this);
if ( !::SysReAllocStringLen(pbstr, os.c_str(), os.length()) )
throw std::runtime_error("out of memory");
ASSERT(*pbstr != 0);
return *pbstr;
MYTYPE SpanExcluding(PCMYSTR szCharSet) const
return Left(find_first_of(szCharSet));
MYTYPE SpanIncluding(PCMYSTR szCharSet) const
return Left(find_first_not_of(szCharSet));
#if !defined(UNICODE) && !defined(SS_ANSI)
// CString's OemToAnsi and AnsiToOem functions are available only in
// Unicode builds. However since we're a template we also need a
// runtime check of CT and a reinterpret_cast to account for the fact
// that CStdStringW gets instantiated even in non-Unicode builds.
void AnsiToOem()
if ( sizeof(CT) == sizeof(char) && !empty() )
void OemToAnsi()
if ( sizeof(CT) == sizeof(char) && !empty() )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trim and its variants
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
MYTYPE& Trim()
return TrimLeft().TrimRight();
MYTYPE& TrimLeft()
erase(begin(), std::find_if(begin(),end(),NotSpace<CT>(std::locale())));
return *this;
MYTYPE& TrimLeft(CT tTrim)
erase(0, find_first_not_of(tTrim));
return *this;
MYTYPE& TrimLeft(PCMYSTR szTrimChars)
erase(0, find_first_not_of(szTrimChars));
return *this;
MYTYPE& TrimRight()
std::locale loc;
MYRITER it = std::find_if(rbegin(), rend(), NotSpace<CT>(loc));
if ( rend() != it )
erase(rend() - it);
erase(it != rend() ? find_last_of(*it) + 1 : 0);
return *this;
MYTYPE& TrimRight(CT tTrim)
MYSIZE nIdx = find_last_not_of(tTrim);
erase(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? 0 : ++nIdx);
return *this;
MYTYPE& TrimRight(PCMYSTR szTrimChars)
MYSIZE nIdx = find_last_not_of(szTrimChars);
erase(MYBASE::npos == nIdx ? 0 : ++nIdx);
return *this;
void FreeExtra()
if ( !mt.empty() )
assign(mt.c_str(), mt.size());
// I have intentionally not implemented the following CString
// functions. You cannot make them work without taking advantage
// of implementation specific behavior. However if you absolutely
// MUST have them, uncomment out these lines for "sort-of-like"
// their behavior. You're on your own.
// CT* LockBuffer() { return GetBuf(); }// won't really lock
// void UnlockBuffer(); { } // why have UnlockBuffer w/o LockBuffer?
// Array-indexing operators. Required because we defined an implicit cast
// to operator const CT* (Thanks to Julian Selman for pointing this out)
CT& operator[](int nIdx)
return MYBASE::operator[](static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx));
const CT& operator[](int nIdx) const
return MYBASE::operator[](static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx));
CT& operator[](unsigned int nIdx)
return MYBASE::operator[](static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx));
const CT& operator[](unsigned int nIdx) const
return MYBASE::operator[](static_cast<MYSIZE>(nIdx));
operator const CT*() const
return c_str();
// IStream related functions. Useful in IPersistStream implementations
// struct SSSHDR - useful for non Std C++ persistence schemes.
typedef struct SSSHDR
BYTE byCtrl;
ULONG nChars;
} SSSHDR; // as in "Standard String Stream Header"
#define SSSO_UNICODE 0x01 // the string is a wide string
#define SSSO_COMPRESS 0x02 // the string is compressed
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: StreamSize
// Returns how many bytes it will take to StreamSave() this CStdString
// object to an IStream.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULONG StreamSize() const
// Control header plus string
ASSERT(size()*sizeof(CT) < 0xffffffffUL - sizeof(SSSHDR));
return (size() * sizeof(CT)) + sizeof(SSSHDR);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: StreamSave
// Saves this CStdString object to a COM IStream.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT StreamSave(IStream* pStream) const
ASSERT(size()*sizeof(CT) < 0xffffffffUL - sizeof(SSSHDR));
ASSERT(pStream != 0);
hdr.byCtrl = sizeof(CT) == 2 ? SSSO_UNICODE : 0;
hdr.nChars = size();
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Write(&hdr, sizeof(SSSHDR), 0)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamSave: Cannot write control header, ERR=0x%X\n"),hr);
else if ( empty() )
; // nothing to write
else if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Write(c_str(), size()*sizeof(CT), 0)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamSave: Cannot write string to stream 0x%X\n"), hr);
return hr;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: StreamLoad
// This method loads the object from an IStream.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT StreamLoad(IStream* pStream)
ASSERT(pStream != 0);
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(&hdr, sizeof(SSSHDR), 0)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamLoad: Cant read control header, ERR=0x%X\n"), hr);
else if ( hdr.nChars > 0 )
ULONG nRead = 0;
PMYSTR pMyBuf = BufferSet(hdr.nChars);
// If our character size matches the character size of the string
// we're trying to read, then we can read it directly into our
// buffer. Otherwise, we have to read into an intermediate buffer
// and convert.
if ( (hdr.byCtrl & SSSO_UNICODE) != 0 )
ULONG nBytes = hdr.nChars * sizeof(wchar_t);
if ( sizeof(CT) == sizeof(wchar_t) )
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(pMyBuf, nBytes, &nRead)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamLoad: Cannot read string: 0x%X\n"), hr);
PWSTR pBufW = reinterpret_cast<PWSTR>(_alloca((nBytes)+1));
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(pBufW, nBytes, &nRead)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamLoad: Cannot read string: 0x%X\n"), hr);
sscpy(pMyBuf, pBufW, hdr.nChars);
ULONG nBytes = hdr.nChars * sizeof(char);
if ( sizeof(CT) == sizeof(char) )
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(pMyBuf, nBytes, &nRead)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamLoad: Cannot read string: 0x%X\n"), hr);
PSTR pBufA = reinterpret_cast<PSTR>(_alloca(nBytes));
if ( FAILED(hr=pStream->Read(pBufA, hdr.nChars, &nRead)) )
TRACE(_T("StreamLoad: Cannot read string: 0x%X\n"), hr);
sscpy(pMyBuf, pBufA, hdr.nChars);
return hr;
#endif // #ifdef SS_INC_COMDEF
#ifndef SS_ANSI
// SetResourceHandle/GetResourceHandle. In MFC builds, these map directly
// to AfxSetResourceHandle and AfxGetResourceHandle. In non-MFC builds they
// point to a single static HINST so that those who call the member
// functions that take resource IDs can provide an alternate HINST of a DLL
// to search. This is not exactly the list of HMODULES that MFC provides
// but it's better than nothing.
#ifdef _MFC_VER
static void SetResourceHandle(HMODULE hNew)
static HMODULE GetResourceHandle()
return AfxGetResourceHandle();
static void SetResourceHandle(HMODULE hNew)
SSResourceHandle() = hNew;
static HMODULE GetResourceHandle()
return SSResourceHandle();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CStdStr friend addition functions defined as inline
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const CStdStr<CT>& str1, const CStdStr<CT>& str2)
CStdStr<CT> strRet(SSREF(str1));
return strRet;
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const CStdStr<CT>& str, CT t)
// this particular overload is needed for disabling reference counting
// though it's only an issue from line 1 to line 2
CStdStr<CT> strRet(SSREF(str)); // 1
strRet.append(1, t); // 2
return strRet;
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const CStdStr<CT>& str, PCSTR pA)
return CStdStr<CT>(str) + CStdStr<CT>(pA);
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(PCSTR pA, const CStdStr<CT>& str)
CStdStr<CT> strRet(pA);
return strRet;
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const CStdStr<CT>& str, PCWSTR pW)
return CStdStr<CT>(SSREF(str)) + CStdStr<CT>(pW);
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(PCWSTR pW, const CStdStr<CT>& str)
CStdStr<CT> strRet(pW);
return strRet;
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const _bstr_t& bstr, const CStdStr<CT>& str)
return static_cast<const CT*>(bstr) + str;
template<typename CT>
CStdStr<CT> operator+(const CStdStr<CT>& str, const _bstr_t& bstr)
return str + static_cast<const CT*>(bstr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These versions of operator+ provided by Scott Hathaway in order to allow
// CStdString to build on Sun Unix systems.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
// Made non-template versions due to "undefined" errors on Sun Forte compiler
// when linking with friend template functions
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str1,
const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str2)
CStdStr<wchar_t> strRet(SSREF(str1));
return strRet;
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str, wchar_t t)
// this particular overload is needed for disabling reference counting
// though it's only an issue from line 1 to line 2
CStdStr<wchar_t> strRet(SSREF(str)); // 1
strRet.append(1, t); // 2
return strRet;
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str, PCWSTR pW)
return CStdStr<wchar_t>(str) + CStdStr<wchar_t>(pW);
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(PCWSTR pA, const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str)
CStdStr<wchar_t> strRet(pA);
return strRet;
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str, PCSTR pW)
return CStdStr<wchar_t>(SSREF(str)) + CStdStr<wchar_t>(pW);
CStdStr<wchar_t> operator+(PCSTR pW, const CStdStr<wchar_t>& str)
CStdStr<wchar_t> strRet(pW);
return strRet;
CStdStr<char> operator+(const CStdStr<char>& str1, const CStdStr<char>& str2)
CStdStr<char> strRet(SSREF(str1));
return strRet;
CStdStr<char> operator+(const CStdStr<char>& str, char t)
// this particular overload is needed for disabling reference counting
// though it's only an issue from line 1 to line 2
CStdStr<char> strRet(SSREF(str)); // 1
strRet.append(1, t); // 2
return strRet;
CStdStr<char> operator+(const CStdStr<char>& str, PCSTR pA)
return CStdStr<char>(str) + CStdStr<char>(pA);
CStdStr<char> operator+(PCSTR pA, const CStdStr<char>& str)
CStdStr<char> strRet(pA);
return strRet;
CStdStr<char> operator+(const CStdStr<char>& str, PCWSTR pW)
return CStdStr<char>(SSREF(str)) + CStdStr<char>(pW);
CStdStr<char> operator+(PCWSTR pW, const CStdStr<char>& str)
CStdStr<char> strRet(pW);
return strRet;
#endif // defined(__SUNPRO_CC_COMPAT) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
// Now typedef our class names based upon this humongous template
typedef CStdStr<char> CStdStringA; // a better std::string
typedef CStdStr<wchar_t> CStdStringW; // a better std::wstring
typedef CStdStr<OLECHAR> CStdStringO; // almost always CStdStringW
#ifndef SS_ANSI
// SSResourceHandle: our MFC-like resource handle
inline HMODULE& SSResourceHandle()
static HMODULE hModuleSS = GetModuleHandle(0);
return hModuleSS;
// In MFC builds, define some global serialization operators
// Special operators that allow us to serialize CStdStrings to CArchives.
// Note that we use an intermediate CString object in order to ensure that
// we use the exact same format.
#ifdef _MFC_VER
inline CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CStdStringA& strA)
CString strTemp = strA;
return ar << strTemp;
inline CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CStdStringW& strW)
CString strTemp = strW;
return ar << strTemp;
inline CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CStdStringA& strA)
CString strTemp;
ar >> strTemp;
strA = strTemp;
return ar;
inline CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CStdStringW& strW)
CString strTemp;
ar >> strTemp;
strW = strTemp;
return ar;
#endif // #ifdef _MFC_VER -- (i.e. is this MFC?)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If you want to export CStdStringA and CStdStringW from a DLL, then all you
// need to
// 1. make sure that all components link to the same DLL version
// of the CRT (not the static one).
// 2. Uncomment the 3 lines of code below
// 3. #define 2 macros per the instructions in MS KnowledgeBase
// article Q168958. The macros are:
// ----- ------------------------ -------------------------
// SSDLLEXP (nothing, just #define it) extern
// SSDLLSPEC __declspec(dllexport) __declspec(dllimport)
// Note that these macros must be available to ALL clients who want to
// link to the DLL and use the class. If they
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//#pragma warning(disable:4231) // non-standard extension ("extern template")
// SSDLLEXP template class SSDLLSPEC CStdStr<char>;
// SSDLLEXP template class SSDLLSPEC CStdStr<wchar_t>;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CStdStringA WUFormat(UINT nId, ...);
// CStdStringA WUFormat(PCSTR szFormat, ...);
// This function allows the caller for format and return a CStdStringA
// object with a single line of code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef SS_ANSI
inline CStdStringA WUFormatA(UINT nId, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, nId);
CStdStringA strFmt;
CStdStringA strOut;
if ( strFmt.Load(nId) )
strOut.FormatV(strFmt, argList);
return strOut;
inline CStdStringA WUFormatA(PCSTR szFormat, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, szFormat);
CStdStringA strOut;
strOut.FormatV(szFormat, argList);
return strOut;
inline CStdStringW WUFormatW(UINT nId, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, nId);
CStdStringW strFmt;
CStdStringW strOut;
if ( strFmt.Load(nId) )
strOut.FormatV(strFmt, argList);
return strOut;
inline CStdStringW WUFormatW(PCWSTR szwFormat, ...)
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, szwFormat);
CStdStringW strOut;
strOut.FormatV(szwFormat, argList);
return strOut;
#endif // #ifdef SS_ANSI
#ifdef SS_ANSI
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: WUSysMessage
// CStdStringA WUSysMessageA(DWORD dwError, DWORD dwLangId=SS_DEFLANGID);
// CStdStringW WUSysMessageW(DWORD dwError, DWORD dwLangId=SS_DEFLANGID);
// This function simplifies the process of obtaining a string equivalent
// of a system error code returned from GetLastError(). You simply
// supply the value returned by GetLastError() to this function and the
// corresponding system string is returned in the form of a CStdStringA.
// dwError - a DWORD value representing the error code to be translated
// dwLangId - the language id to use. defaults to english.
// a CStdStringA equivalent of the error code. Currently, this function
// only returns either English of the system default language strings.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CStdStringA WUSysMessageA(DWORD dwError, DWORD dwLangId=SS_DEFLANGID)
CHAR szBuf[512];
if ( 0 != ::FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError,
dwLangId, szBuf, 511, NULL) )
return WUFormatA("%s (0x%X)", szBuf, dwError);
return WUFormatA("Unknown error (0x%X)", dwError);
inline CStdStringW WUSysMessageW(DWORD dwError, DWORD dwLangId=SS_DEFLANGID)
WCHAR szBuf[512];
if ( 0 != ::FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError,
dwLangId, szBuf, 511, NULL) )
return WUFormatW(L"%s (0x%X)", szBuf, dwError);
return WUFormatW(L"Unknown error (0x%X)", dwError);
// Define TCHAR based friendly names for some of these functions
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CStdString CStdStringW
#define WUSysMessage WUSysMessageW
#define WUFormat WUFormatW
#define CStdString CStdStringA
#define WUSysMessage WUSysMessageA
#define WUFormat WUFormatA
// ...and some shorter names for the space-efficient
#define WUSysMsg WUSysMessage
#define WUSysMsgA WUSysMessageA
#define WUSysMsgW WUSysMessageW
#define WUFmtA WUFormatA
#define WUFmtW WUFormatW
#define WUFmt WUFormat
#define WULastErrMsg() WUSysMessage(::GetLastError())
#define WULastErrMsgA() WUSysMessageA(::GetLastError())
#define WULastErrMsgW() WUSysMessageW(::GetLastError())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These structs are derived from the std::binary_function template. They
// give us functional classes (which may be used in Standard C++ Library
// collections and algorithms) that perform case-insensitive comparisons of
// CStdString objects. This is useful for maps in which the key may be the
// proper string but in the wrong case.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define StdStringLessNoCaseW SSLNCW // avoid VC compiler warning 4786
#define StdStringEqualsNoCaseW SSENCW
#define StdStringLessNoCaseA SSLNCA
#define StdStringEqualsNoCaseA SSENCA
#ifdef UNICODE
#define StdStringLessNoCase SSLNCW
#define StdStringEqualsNoCase SSENCW
#define StdStringLessNoCase SSLNCA
#define StdStringEqualsNoCase SSENCA
struct StdStringLessNoCaseW
: std::binary_function<CStdStringW, CStdStringW, bool>
bool operator()(const CStdStringW& sLeft, const CStdStringW& sRight) const
{ return ssicmp(sLeft.c_str(), sRight.c_str()) < 0; }
struct StdStringEqualsNoCaseW
: std::binary_function<CStdStringW, CStdStringW, bool>
bool operator()(const CStdStringW& sLeft, const CStdStringW& sRight) const
{ return ssicmp(sLeft.c_str(), sRight.c_str()) == 0; }
struct StdStringLessNoCaseA
: std::binary_function<CStdStringA, CStdStringA, bool>
bool operator()(const CStdStringA& sLeft, const CStdStringA& sRight) const
{ return ssicmp(sLeft.c_str(), sRight.c_str()) < 0; }
struct StdStringEqualsNoCaseA
: std::binary_function<CStdStringA, CStdStringA, bool>
bool operator()(const CStdStringA& sLeft, const CStdStringA& sRight) const
{ return ssicmp(sLeft.c_str(), sRight.c_str()) == 0; }
// If we had to define our own version of TRACE above, get rid of it now
#undef TRACE
#endif // #ifndef STDSTRING_H