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// SpotlightPlaylistEntry.m
// Cog
// Created by Matthew Grinshpun on 11/02/08.
// Copyright 2008 Matthew Leon Grinshpun. All rights reserved.
#import "SpotlightPlaylistEntry.h"
// dictionary that lets us translate from and mdKey to an entryKey
// if we need the help of a transformer, we use an nsarray
// with format (entryKey, transformerName)
static NSDictionary *importKeys;
extern NSPersistentContainer *__persistentContainer;
@implementation SpotlightPlaylistEntry
+ (void)initialize {
// We need to translate the path string to a full URL
NSArray *URLTransform =
@[@"url", @"PathToURLTransformer"];
// Extract the artist name from the authors array
NSArray *artistTransform =
@[@"artist", @"AuthorToArtistTransformer"];
importKeys = @{ @"kMDItemTitle": @"title",
@"kMDItemAlbum": @"album",
@"kMDItemAudioTrackNumber": @"track",
@"kMDItemRecordingYear": @"year",
@"kMDItemMusicalGenre": @"genre",
@"kMDItemPath": URLTransform,
@"kMDItemAuthors": artistTransform };
+ (PlaylistEntry *)playlistEntryWithMetadataItem:(NSMetadataItem *)metadataItem {
PlaylistEntry *entry = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"PlaylistEntry" inManagedObjectContext:__persistentContainer.viewContext];
// loop through the keys we want to extract
for(NSString *mdKey in importKeys) {
id importTarget = [importKeys objectForKey:mdKey];
// Just copy the object from metadata
if([importTarget isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
[entry setValue:[metadataItem valueForAttribute:mdKey]
// Transform the value in metadata before copying it in
else if([importTarget isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
NSString *importKey = [importTarget objectAtIndex:0];
NSValueTransformer *transformer =
[NSValueTransformer valueTransformerForName:[importTarget objectAtIndex:1]];
id transformedValue = [transformer transformedValue:
[metadataItem valueForAttribute:mdKey]];
[entry setValue:transformedValue forKey:importKey];
// The importKeys dictionary contains something strange...
else {
NSString *errString =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ERROR: Could not import key %@", mdKey];
NSAssert(NO, errString);
return entry;