940 lines
25 KiB
940 lines
25 KiB
#import "PlaybackController.h"
#import "PlaylistView.h"
#import <Foundation/NSTimer.h>
#import "CogAudio/Status.h"
#import "CogAudio/Helper.h"
#import "PlaylistController.h"
#import "PlaylistEntry.h"
#import "PlaylistLoader.h"
#import <MediaPlayer/MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MPRemoteCommandCenter.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MPRemoteCommand.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MPMediaItem.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MPRemoteCommandEvent.h>
#import "Logging.h"
@implementation PlaybackController
#define DEFAULT_SEEK 5
NSString *CogPlaybackDidBeginNotficiation = @"CogPlaybackDidBeginNotficiation";
NSString *CogPlaybackDidPauseNotficiation = @"CogPlaybackDidPauseNotficiation";
NSString *CogPlaybackDidResumeNotficiation = @"CogPlaybackDidResumeNotficiation";
NSString *CogPlaybackDidStopNotficiation = @"CogPlaybackDidStopNotficiation";
@synthesize playbackStatus;
@synthesize progressBarStatus;
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingSeekable
return [NSSet setWithObjects:@"playlistController.currentEntry",@"playlistController.currentEntry.seekable",nil];
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
[self initDefaults];
seekable = NO;
fading = NO;
_eqWasOpen = NO;
_equi = nil;
progressBarStatus = -1;
audioPlayer = [[AudioPlayer alloc] init];
[audioPlayer setDelegate:self];
[self setPlaybackStatus: CogStatusStopped];
return self;
- (void)initDefaults
NSDictionary *defaultsDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithDouble:100.0], @"volume",
[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"GraphicEQenable",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:-1], @"GraphicEQpreset",
[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"GraphicEQtrackgenre",
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"volumeLimit",
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:defaultsDictionary];
- (void)awakeFromNib
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
double volume = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] doubleForKey:@"volume"];
[volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(volume, MAX_VOLUME)];
[audioPlayer setVolume:volume];
[self setSeekable:NO];
- (IBAction)playPauseResume:(id)sender
if (playbackStatus == CogStatusStopped || playbackStatus == CogStatusStopping)
[self play:self];
[self pauseResume:self];
[self sendMetaData];
- (IBAction)pauseResume:(id)sender
if (playbackStatus == CogStatusPaused)
[self resume:self];
[self pause:self];
- (IBAction)pause:(id)sender
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:CogStatusPaused forKey:@"lastPlaybackStatus"];
[audioPlayer pause];
[self setPlaybackStatus: CogStatusPaused];
[self sendMetaData];
- (IBAction)resume:(id)sender
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:CogStatusPlaying forKey:@"lastPlaybackStatus"];
[audioPlayer resume];
- (IBAction)stop:(id)sender
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:CogStatusStopped forKey:@"lastPlaybackStatus"];
[audioPlayer stop];
[self sendMetaData];
//called by double-clicking on table
- (void)playEntryAtIndex:(NSInteger)i
[self playEntryAtIndex:i startPaused:NO andSeekTo:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0]];
- (void)playEntryAtIndex:(NSInteger)i startPaused:(BOOL)paused
PlaylistEntry *pe = [playlistController entryAtIndex:i];
[self playEntry:pe startPaused:paused andSeekTo:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0]];
- (void)playEntryAtIndex:(NSInteger)i startPaused:(BOOL)paused andSeekTo:(id)offset
PlaylistEntry *pe = [playlistController entryAtIndex:i];
[self playEntry:pe startPaused:paused andSeekTo:offset];
- (IBAction)play:(id)sender
if ([playlistView selectedRow] == -1)
[playlistView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] byExtendingSelection:NO];
if ([playlistView selectedRow] > -1)
[self playEntryAtIndex:(int)[playlistView selectedRow]];
NSDictionary * makeRGInfo(PlaylistEntry *pe)
NSMutableDictionary * dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if ([pe replayGainAlbumGain] != 0)
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[pe replayGainAlbumGain]] forKey:@"replayGainAlbumGain"];
if ([pe replayGainAlbumPeak] != 0)
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[pe replayGainAlbumPeak]] forKey:@"replayGainAlbumPeak"];
if ([pe replayGainTrackGain] != 0)
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[pe replayGainTrackGain]] forKey:@"replayGainTrackGain"];
if ([pe replayGainTrackPeak] != 0)
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[pe replayGainTrackPeak]] forKey:@"replayGainTrackPeak"];
if ([pe volume] != 1)
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[pe volume]] forKey:@"volume"];
return dictionary;
- (void)playEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe
[self playEntry:pe startPaused:NO andSeekTo:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0]];
- (void)playEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe startPaused:(BOOL)paused
[self playEntry:pe startPaused:paused andSeekTo:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0]];
- (void)playEntry:(PlaylistEntry *)pe startPaused:(BOOL)paused andSeekTo:(id)offset
if (playbackStatus != CogStatusStopped && playbackStatus != CogStatusStopping)
[self stop:self];
DLog(@"PLAYLIST CONTROLLER: %@", [playlistController class]);
[playlistController setCurrentEntry:pe];
lastPosition = -10;
[self setPosition:[offset doubleValue]];
if (pe == nil)
BOOL loadData = YES;
NSString * urlScheme = [[pe URL] scheme];
if ([urlScheme isEqualToString:@"http"] ||
[urlScheme isEqualToString:@"https"])
loadData = NO;
#if 0
// Race here, but the worst that could happen is we re-read the data
if ([pe metadataLoaded] != YES) {
[pe performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setMetadata:) withObject:[playlistLoader readEntryInfo:pe] waitUntilDone:YES];
#elif 0
// Racing with this version is less likely to jam up the main thread
if ([pe metadataLoaded] != YES) {
NSArray * entries = [NSArray arrayWithObject:pe];
[playlistLoader loadInfoForEntries:entries];
// Let's do it this way instead
if ([pe metadataLoaded] != YES && loadData == YES) {
NSArray *entries = [NSArray arrayWithObject:pe];
[playlistLoader performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadInfoForEntries:) withObject:entries];
[self sendMetaData];
[audioPlayer play:[pe URL] withUserInfo:pe withRGInfo:makeRGInfo(pe) startPaused:paused andSeekTo:[offset doubleValue]];
- (IBAction)next:(id)sender
if ([playlistController next] == NO)
[self playEntry:[playlistController currentEntry]];
- (IBAction)prev:(id)sender
if ([playlistController prev] == NO)
[self playEntry:[playlistController currentEntry]];
- (void)updatePosition:(id)sender
double pos = [audioPlayer amountPlayed];
[self setPosition:pos];
[[playlistController currentEntry] setCurrentPosition:pos];
[self sendMetaData];
- (IBAction)seek:(id)sender
double time = [sender doubleValue];
[audioPlayer seekToTime:time];
lastPosition = -10;
[self setPosition:time];
[[playlistController currentEntry] setCurrentPosition:time];
[self sendMetaData];
- (IBAction)seek:(id)sender toTime:(NSTimeInterval)position
double time = (double)(position);
lastPosition = -10;
[audioPlayer seekToTime:time];
[self setPosition:time];
[[playlistController currentEntry] setCurrentPosition:time];
- (IBAction)spam:(id)sender
NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
[pboard clearContents];
[pboard writeObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[[playlistController currentEntry] spam], nil]];
- (IBAction)eventSeekForward:(id)sender
[self seekForward:DEFAULT_SEEK];
- (void)seekForward:(double)amount
double seekTo = [audioPlayer amountPlayed] + amount;
if (seekTo > [[[playlistController currentEntry] length] doubleValue])
[self next:self];
[audioPlayer seekToTime:seekTo];
[self setPosition:seekTo];
[self sendMetaData];
- (IBAction)eventSeekBackward:(id)sender
[self seekBackward:DEFAULT_SEEK];
- (void)seekBackward:(double)amount
double seekTo = [audioPlayer amountPlayed] - amount;
if (seekTo < 0)
seekTo = 0;
[audioPlayer seekToTime:seekTo];
[self setPosition:seekTo];
[self sendMetaData];
- (void)changePlayButtonImage:(NSString *)name
NSImage *img = [NSImage imageNamed:name];
// [img retain];
if (img == nil)
DLog(@"Error loading image!");
[playbackButtons setImage:img forSegment:1];
- (IBAction)changeVolume:(id)sender
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
DLog(@"VOLUME: %lf, %lf", [sender doubleValue], linearToLogarithmic([sender doubleValue], MAX_VOLUME));
[audioPlayer setVolume:linearToLogarithmic([sender doubleValue], MAX_VOLUME)];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:[audioPlayer volume] forKey:@"volume"];
/* selector for NSTimer - gets passed the Timer object itself
and the appropriate userInfo, which in this case is an NSNumber
containing the current volume before we start fading. */
- (void)audioFadeDown:(NSTimer *)audioTimer
double volume = [audioPlayer volume];
double originalVolume = [[audioTimer userInfo] doubleValue];
double down = originalVolume/10;
DLog(@"VOLUME IS %lf", volume);
if (volume > 0.0001) //YAY! Roundoff error!
[audioPlayer volumeDown:down];
else // volume is at 0 or below, we are ready to release the timer and move on
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
[audioPlayer pause];
[audioPlayer setVolume:originalVolume];
[volumeSlider setDoubleValue: logarithmicToLinear(originalVolume, MAX_VOLUME)];
[audioTimer invalidate];
fading = NO;
- (void)audioFadeUp:(NSTimer *)audioTimer
double volume = [audioPlayer volume];
double originalVolume = [[audioTimer userInfo] doubleValue];
double up = originalVolume/10;
DLog(@"VOLUME IS %lf", volume);
if (originalVolume - volume > 0.0001)
if ((volume + up) > originalVolume)
[audioPlayer volumeUp:(originalVolume - volume)];
[audioPlayer volumeUp:up];
else // volume is at or near original level, we are ready to release the timer and move on
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
[audioPlayer setVolume:originalVolume];
[volumeSlider setDoubleValue: logarithmicToLinear(originalVolume, MAX_VOLUME)];
[audioTimer invalidate];
fading = NO;
- (IBAction)fade:(id)sender
double time = 0.1;
// we can not allow multiple fade timers to be registered
if (YES == fading)
fading = YES;
NSNumber *originalVolume = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [audioPlayer volume]];
NSTimer *fadeTimer;
if (playbackStatus == CogStatusPlaying) {
fadeTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:time
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:fadeTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[audioPlayer setVolume:0];
fadeTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:time
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:fadeTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[self pauseResume:self];
- (IBAction)skipToNextAlbum:(id)sender
BOOL found = NO;
NSInteger index = [[playlistController currentEntry] index];
NSString *origAlbum = [[playlistController currentEntry] album];
NSInteger i;
NSString *curAlbum;
PlaylistEntry *pe;
for (i = 1; i < [[playlistController arrangedObjects] count]; i++)
pe = [playlistController entryAtIndex:index + i];
if (pe == nil)
curAlbum = [pe album];
// check for untagged files, and just play the first untagged one
// we come across
if (curAlbum == nil)
found = YES;
if ([curAlbum caseInsensitiveCompare:origAlbum] != NSOrderedSame)
found = YES;
if (found)
[self playEntryAtIndex:i + index];
- (IBAction)skipToPreviousAlbum:(id)sender
BOOL found = NO;
BOOL foundAlbum = NO;
NSInteger index = [[playlistController currentEntry] index];
NSString *origAlbum = [[playlistController currentEntry] album];
NSString *curAlbum;
NSInteger i;
PlaylistEntry *pe;
for (i = 1; i < [[playlistController arrangedObjects] count]; i++)
pe = [playlistController entryAtIndex:index - i];
if (pe == nil)
curAlbum = [pe album];
if (curAlbum == nil)
found = YES;
if ([curAlbum caseInsensitiveCompare:origAlbum] != NSOrderedSame)
if (foundAlbum == NO)
foundAlbum = YES;
// now we need to move up to the first song in the album, so we'll
// go till we either find index 0, or the first song in the album
origAlbum = curAlbum;
found = YES; // terminate loop
if (found || foundAlbum)
if (foundAlbum == YES)
[self playEntryAtIndex:index - i];
- (IBAction)volumeDown:(id)sender
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
double newVolume = [audioPlayer volumeDown:DEFAULT_VOLUME_DOWN];
[volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(newVolume, MAX_VOLUME)];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:[audioPlayer volume] forKey:@"volume"];
- (IBAction)volumeUp:(id)sender
BOOL volumeLimit = [[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] defaults] boolForKey:@"volumeLimit"];
const double MAX_VOLUME = (volumeLimit) ? 100.0 : 800.0;
double newVolume;
newVolume = [audioPlayer volumeUp:DEFAULT_VOLUME_UP];
[volumeSlider setDoubleValue:logarithmicToLinear(newVolume, MAX_VOLUME)];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:[audioPlayer volume] forKey:@"volume"];
- (void)showStubEq
// Show a stopped equalizer as a stub
OSStatus err;
AudioComponentDescription desc;
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect;
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
desc.componentFlags = 0;
desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
AudioComponent comp = NULL;
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect;
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ;
comp = AudioComponentFindNext(comp, &desc);
if (!comp)
err = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &_eq);
if (err)
_eqStubbed = YES;
- (void)hideStubEq
_eq = NULL;
_eqStubbed = NO;
- (IBAction)showEq:(id)sender
if (_eq)
if (_equi && [_equi isOpen])
[_equi bringToFront];
_equi = [[AUPluginUI alloc] initWithSampler:_eq bringToFront:YES orWindowNumber:0];
[self showStubEq];
_eqWasOpen = YES;
[self audioPlayer:nil displayEqualizer:_eq];
[_equi bringToFront];
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player displayEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
if (_equi)
_eqWasOpen = [_equi isOpen];
_equi = nil;
if (_eq && _eq != eq) {
OSStatus err;
CFPropertyListRef classData;
UInt32 size;
size = sizeof(classData);
err = AudioUnitGetProperty(_eq, kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &classData, &size);
if (err == noErr)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue(CFSTR("GraphEQ_Preset"), classData, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);
if (_eqStubbed)
[self hideStubEq];
_eq = eq;
OSStatus err;
ComponentDescription cd;
CFPropertyListRef classData;
CFDictionaryRef dict;
CFNumberRef cfnum;
classData = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(CFSTR("GraphEQ_Preset"), kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);
if (classData)
dict = (CFDictionaryRef) classData;
cfnum = (CFNumberRef) (CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("type")));
CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &cd.componentType);
cfnum = (CFNumberRef) (CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("subtype")));
CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &cd.componentSubType);
cfnum = (CFNumberRef) (CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, CFSTR("manufacturer")));
CFNumberGetValue(cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &cd.componentManufacturer);
if ((cd.componentType == kAudioUnitType_Effect ) &&
(cd.componentSubType == kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ) &&
(cd.componentManufacturer == kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple ))
err = AudioUnitSetProperty(eq, kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &classData, sizeof(classData));
if (_eqWasOpen)
NSWindow * window = appController.miniMode ? appController.miniWindow : appController.mainWindow;
_equi = [[AUPluginUI alloc] initWithSampler:_eq bringToFront:NO orWindowNumber:window.windowNumber];
_eqWasOpen = NO;
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player refreshEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player removeEqualizer:(AudioUnit)eq
if (eq == _eq)
OSStatus err;
CFPropertyListRef classData;
UInt32 size;
size = sizeof(classData);
err = AudioUnitGetProperty(eq, kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &classData, &size);
if (err == noErr)
CFPreferencesSetAppValue(CFSTR("GraphEQ_Preset"), classData, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);
if (_equi)
_eqWasOpen = [_equi isOpen];
_equi = nil;
_eq = nil;
if (_eqWasOpen)
[self showEq:nil];
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player willEndStream:(id)userInfo
PlaylistEntry *curEntry = (PlaylistEntry *)userInfo;
PlaylistEntry *pe;
if (curEntry.stopAfter)
pe = nil;
pe = [playlistController getNextEntry:curEntry];
if (pe && [pe metadataLoaded] != YES) {
NSArray * entries = [NSArray arrayWithObject:pe];
[playlistLoader performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadInfoForEntries:) withObject:entries];
if (pe)
[player setNextStream:[pe URL] withUserInfo:pe withRGInfo:makeRGInfo(pe)];
[player setNextStream:nil];
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player didBeginStream:(id)userInfo
PlaylistEntry *pe = (PlaylistEntry *)userInfo;
[playlistController setCurrentEntry:pe];
equalizerApplyGenre([pe genre]);
lastPosition = -10;
[self setPosition:0];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CogPlaybackDidBeginNotficiation object:pe];
- (void)audioPlayer:(AudioPlayer *)player didChangeStatus:(NSNumber *)s userInfo:(id)userInfo
int status = [s intValue];
if (status == CogStatusStopped || status == CogStatusPaused)
if (positionTimer)
[positionTimer invalidate];
positionTimer = NULL;
if (status == CogStatusStopped)
[self setPosition:0];
[self setSeekable:NO]; // the player stopped, disable the slider
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CogPlaybackDidStopNotficiation object:nil];
else // paused
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CogPlaybackDidPauseNotficiation object:nil];
else if (status == CogStatusPlaying)
if (!positionTimer) {
positionTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:0.2 target:self selector:@selector(updatePosition:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:positionTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:CogPlaybackDidResumeNotficiation object:nil];
if (status == CogStatusStopped) {
[playlistController setCurrentEntry:nil];
[self setSeekable:NO]; // the player stopped, disable the slider
else {
[self setSeekable:YES];
switch (status) {
case CogStatusPlaying:
case CogStatusPaused:
if (status == CogStatusStopped) {
status = CogStatusStopping;
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 3 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if ([self playbackStatus] == CogStatusStopping)
[self setPlaybackStatus:CogStatusStopped];
[self setPlaybackStatus:status];
// If we don't send it here, if we've stopped, then the NPIC will be stuck at the last file we played.
[self sendMetaData];
- (void)playlistDidChange:(PlaylistController *)p
[audioPlayer resetNextStreams];
- (void)setPosition:(double)p
if (p > lastPosition && (p - lastPosition) >= 10.0)
PlaylistEntry * pe = [playlistController currentEntry];
NSInteger lastTrackPlaying = [pe index];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:CogStatusPlaying forKey:@"lastPlaybackStatus"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:lastTrackPlaying forKey:@"lastTrackPlaying"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setDouble:p forKey:@"lastTrackPosition"];
lastPosition = p;
position = p;
[[playlistController currentEntry] setCurrentPosition:p];
- (double)position
return position;
- (void)setSeekable:(BOOL)s
seekable = s;
- (BOOL)seekable
return seekable && [[playlistController currentEntry] seekable];
- (void)sendMetaData {
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter * defaultCenter = [MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter];
PlaylistEntry * entry = [playlistController currentEntry];
NSMutableDictionary *songInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
if (entry) {
if ([entry title])
[songInfo setObject:[entry title] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
if ([entry artist])
[songInfo setObject:[entry artist] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyArtist];
if ([entry album])
[songInfo setObject:[entry album] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumTitle];
if ([entry albumArt]) {
// can't do && with @available
if (@available(macOS 10.13.2, *)) {
CGSize artworkSize = CGSizeMake(500, 500);
MPMediaItemArtwork *mpArtwork = [[MPMediaItemArtwork alloc] initWithBoundsSize:artworkSize requestHandler:^NSImage * _Nonnull(CGSize size) {
return [entry albumArt];
[songInfo setObject:mpArtwork forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork];
// I don't know what NPIC does with these since they aren't exposed in UI, but if we have them, use it.
// There's a bunch of other metadata, but PlaylistEntry can't represent a lot of it.
if ([entry genre])
[songInfo setObject:[entry genre] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyGenre];
if ([entry year]) {
// If PlaylistEntry can represent a full date like some tag formats can do, change it
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDate *releaseYear = [calendar dateWithEra:1 year:[[entry year] intValue] month:0 day:0 hour:0 minute:0 second:0 nanosecond:0];
[songInfo setObject:releaseYear forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyReleaseDate];
[songInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[entry currentPosition]] forKey:MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime];
[songInfo setObject:[entry length] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration];
[songInfo setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:[entry index]] forKey:MPMediaItemPropertyPersistentID];
switch (playbackStatus) {
case CogStatusPlaying:
defaultCenter.playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePlaying;
case CogStatusPaused:
defaultCenter.playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused;
defaultCenter.playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStateStopped;
[defaultCenter setNowPlayingInfo:songInfo];