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=head1 NAME
stilview - command-line program to help you retrieve the entries stored
in STIL.
B<stilview> [-b] [-d] [-e entry] [-f field] [-i] [-l HVSC base dir] [-m]
[-o] [-s] [-t tune number]
B<stilview> {[-h] | [-v]}
B<STILView> is a command-line driven program to help you retrieve the
entries stored in STIL fast and accurately. STILView uses the STIL C++
class heavily to do this, and in fact, the primary purpose of this
command-line program is to test that class (which is, BTW, used in many
GUI-based SID players, most notably in SIDPlay for Windows and XSIDPLAY
for Unix systems). However, it is user-friendly enough to be used by
non-programmers, too.
Some terms and STIL-related lingo in alphabetical order:
=item B<BUG ENTRY>
There exists a special file in HVSC (F</DOCUMENTS/BUGlist.txt>) that
lists all known bugs in SID tunes in HVSC. See the top of that file
for details about what's in it exactly. A BUG entry is like a
STIL entry, but it is contained in this BUGlist.txt file.
=item B<FIELD>
The smallest piece of information in a STIL entry. Currently
valid field names are NAME, TITLE, ARTIST and COMMENT.
A special COMMENT field in a STIL entry for a
multi-tune SID file that refers to the whole SID, not just one tune in
it. These usually contain general information about the SID file
COMMENT: In Rob's own demo of this music, the tunes are named after the levels
in the original game.
TITLE: Lungs
TITLE: Kidney
=item B<HVSC>
High Voltage SID Collection. If you don't know what this is, you
downloaded the wrong program. :)
The pathname plus filename of a SID file that can be found in your
HVSC, relative to the base directory of HVSC. It is always in
UNIX-style format, eg.: /Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid refers to
Rob Hubbard's Commando.sid file within HVSC (which may actually be
found as C:\Music\HVSC\Hubbard_Rob\Commando.sid on your Windows PC).
A STIL entry that is referring to a SID file that has many tunes in it.
Each tune might have its own STIL block, which are separated by a
so-called tune designation in the form of "(#x)", where x = the
tune number. Consult the STIL.FAQ in HVSC for a detailed description.
COMMENT: In Rob's own demo of this music, the tunes are named after the levels
in the original game.
TITLE: Lungs
TITLE: Kidney
=item B<SECTION>
A part of STIL that belongs to one composer (ie. every STIL entry
referring to SID files that are in one subdirectory in HVSC).
Sections in STIL are always separated by a line in the form of: "###
Composer's name ########".
A special STIL entry that refers not to an individual SID file,
but to a whole subdirectory. These usually contain info about the
composer himself, or about all the SID file he/she ever composed,
and are always indexed in the form of "/Subdir/" (note the trailing
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
Hubbard's own comments are denoted by (RH).
A STIL entry that has no tune designation in it in the form of "(#x)",
where x is a number. (Note, that a single-tune entry might still refer
to a SID file which has many tunes in it, ie. when a single-tune entry
has nothing but a COMMENT field in it!)
TITLE: Zoolook (remix) [from Zoolook]
ARTIST: Jean Michel Jarre
Another example (the SID this is refering to has many tunes in it!):
COMMENT: Also used in the game "Wacky Darts" (c) 1990 Codemasters.
=item B<STIL>
SID Tune Information List, essentially a text-file database that
can be found in your HVSC in the /DOCUMENTS/ subdirectory.
All of the pieces of information in STIL relating to one SID file
of the HVSC. They are always indexed by the HVSC-relative pathname.
=item B<TUNE>
One of the compositions in a SID. Most SID files have only one tune
in them, but many have more than one (eg. one for the title score
of the game, and one for the hi-score music).
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-b>
Do B<not> print BUG entries
Default value: Not specified (ie. do print BUG entries)
Example: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -b>
When this option is specified, BUG entries will not be printed for
the given SID tune. At a minimum, the -e option has to be specified
for this option to work.
=item B<-d>
Default value: Not specified (ie. debug mode is off)
Example: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -d>
Turns on debug mode in STILView. This will result in an extensive
output, with the debugging messages going to STDERR. If you
encounter any problem or strange behavior with STILView, run
STILView with the exact same options as you did when you
encountered the problem, with this -d option added to them. Capture
the complete output of this run, and send it to me with a detailed
explanation of the problem (see email address at the top of this
=item B<-e>=I<entry>
Default: NONE (you have to give an HVSC-relative pathname to this
Example #1: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid>
Example #2: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/>
This is where you specify the STIL entry you are looking for, given
as an HVSC-relative pathname. If there exists no STIL entry for the
given filename, STILView will print out nothing. Otherwise, you'll
get the STIL entry (or parts of it, as you may have specified it by
other options). HVSC-relative pathnames are case-insensitive, so
/HUBBARD_ROB/Commando.sid is the same as /Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid.
Example #1 is the most frequent way of retrieving STIL entries, and
it will return all of the STIL entry for Commando.sid, as well as
the section-global comment for /Hubbard_Rob/. Example #2 is another
valid thing to do: this will return only the section-global comment
for /Hubbard_Rob/.
=item B<-h>
Default: NONE Example: stilview -h
Prints a brief help screen listing the available options. All other
options that are also specified on the command-line are ignored.
=item B<-f>=I<field>
Default: all
Valid values for <field> are: all, name, author, title, artist,
Example #1: C<stilview -l -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -f=comment>
Example #2: C<stilview -l -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=1 -f=title>
Example #3: C<stilview -l -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=12 -f=all -s -b>
Asks for one particular field in a STIL entry. Combined with the -t
option, these two options can retrieve any portion of a STIL entry,
including a single field in a specific subtune's entry. Below is
full and complete explanation of what the different possible
combinations of the -t and -f options retrieve:
C<-t=0 -f=all> : All of the STIL entry is printed.
C<-t=0 -f=comment> : The file-global comment is printed. For
single-tune entries that have nothing but a COMMENT field in them,
this prints that COMMENT. For single-tune entries that have other
fields in them, this prints nothing. (This is because single-tune
entries with nothing but a COMMENT field are assumed to be
file-global comments.)
C<< -t=0 -f=<name/author/title/artist> >> : Nothing is printed. This
combination of these options is invalid.
C<< -t=<x> -f=all >> : (Where x is anything but 0.) All fields from the
portion of the STIL entry for the given tune number <x> are
printed. For single-tune entries, asking for -t=1 -f=all is
equivalent to saying -t=0 -f=all, since by definition, the whole
entry refers to only one tune. (However, specifying -t with any
other number than 1 will print nothing!) Note that if there's a
file-global comment in the STIL entry (which also means that if a
single-tune entry has nothing but a COMMENT field in it), that is
B<not> printed with these combinations of options.
C<< -t=<x> -f=<name/author/title/artist/comment> >> : (Where x is anything
but 0.) The specific field from the portion of the STIL entry for
the given tune number is printed. For single-tune entries that have
nothing but a COMMENT in them, this returns nothing.
Of course, if the STIL entry or any portion of it asked with these
options does not exist, STILView will print nothing. Also, unless
otherwise specified with the -o, -s and -b options, the
section-global comment and the BUG entry of the given SID file will
also get printed (provided they exist).
In example #1, the file-global comment for /Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid
is printed, since -t is not specified and is assumed to be 0. Also
printed are the section- global comment and the BUG entry for the
same SID file (if they exist). In example #2, the TITLE field of
the STIL entry for tune #1 of /Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid is printed
along with the section-global comment and the BUG entry for the
same SID file (if they exist). In example #3, all of the STIL entry
for tune #12 of /Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid is printed, but nothing
=item B<-i>
Default: NONE
Example: C<stilview -i>
Starts STILView in interactive mode, ignoring all other options
specified on the command-line, except -l, -d and -m. In interactive
mode, you can look for STIL entries by typing them in. You will get
prompted for the desired STIL entry (which has to be specified with
an HVSC-relative pathname), for the tune number requested (which
should be any non-negative number, but this is not enforced), and
finally for the specific STIL field you want to retrieve.
=item B<-l>=I<HVSC base dir>
Default: The value of the HVSC_BASE environment variable
Example #1: C<stilview -l=C:\Music\HVSC\ -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid>
Example #2: C<stilview -l=../HVSC/ =-e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid>
Example #3: C<stilview -l -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid>
This is where you tell STILView where it can find the HVSC base
directory (the path to the directory has to be specified in the
form required by your operating system, eg. C:\Music\HVSC under
Windows, /home/lala/HVSC under UNIX). STILView will then try to
locate the STIL.txt file in the /DOCUMENTS/ subdirectory of that
directory. If this option is not specified (or if -l is specified
without a base directory), STILView will try to extract the path of
the HVSC base directory from the HVSC_BASE environment variable. If
that environment variable doesn't exist or is pointing to a
location where there's no STIL.txt file in a DOCUMENTS directory,
STILView fails. If the HVSC_BASE environment variable exists and is
valid, and this option is specified, the directory specified with
this option is used as the HVSC base directory instead of the
environment variable.
In example #1 the HVSC base directory is located in C:\Music\HVSC\
on the hard drive of a Windows PC, in example #2 it is located in
the HVSC directory of the current directory's parent directory of a
UNIX system. In example #3 the HVSC base directory is not specified
with the option, so it is assumed that the HVSC_BASE environment
variable contains the path to it. In reality, specifying the -l
option in example #3 is redundant, and can be omitted.
=item B<-m>
Demo mode
Default: NONE
Example #1: C<stilview -m>
Example #2: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -m -i>
When specified, it prints out a whole bunch of things that a) test
most of the functionality of STILView, and b) show what STILView is
capable of retrieving from STIL. In example #1, the demo is printed
with the STIL info coming from a default STIL entry, then STILView
quits. In example #2, the demo is printed taking the STIL info from
the specified STIL entry of /Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid (instead of
the default SID file), then interactive mode is entered.
=item B<-o>
Do B<not> print STIL entries
Default value: Not specified (ie. do print STIL entries)
Example #1: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -o>
Example #2: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -o -s>
When this option is specified, STIL entries will not be printed for
the given SID tune (but section-global entries and BUG entries will
be printed, provided they exist and other options did not turn
their output off). At a minimum, the -e option has to be specified
for this option to work. Example #1 will print out the
section-global comment and the BUG entry for
/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid, example #2 will print out just the
section-global comment for the same SID.
=item B<-s>
Do B<not> print section-global comments
Default value: Not specified (ie. do print section-global entries)
Example: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -s>
When this option is specified, section-global entries will not be
printed for the given SID tune. At a minimum, the -e option has to
be specified for this option to work.
=item B<-t>=I<tune number>
Default value: 0
Example #1: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -t=0>
Example #2: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=1 -f=title -s -b>
Example #3: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=12>
Asks for the portion of a STIL entry referring to one particular
tune. If tune number 0 is given, it retrieves all of the entry.
Combined with the -f option, these two options can retrieve any
portion of a STIL entry, including a single field in a specific
subtune's entry.
For further details about this option, see the explanation of the
-f option.
Example #1 retrieves all of the STIL entry for
/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid, including the section-global comment and
the BUG entry (if any), but since the default value for this option
is 0, it might as well be omitted in this example. Example #2
retrieves only the TITLE field of the first subtune's entry for
/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid (and not the section- global comment or the
BUG entry), while example #3 retrieves all of the STIL entry for
tune #12 of the same SID file (including the section-global comment
and the BUG entry, if any).
=item B<-v>
Print version numbers
Default value: Not specified (ie. do *not* print version numbers)
Example #1: C<stilview -v>
Example #2: C<stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -v>
When this option is specified, the version number of the STILView
program and the version number of the STIL.txt file used by it is
printed out. In example #1 this is the only piece of info that gets
printed on the screen, in example #2 the version numbers are
printed out, then the STIL entry for /Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid is
also printed out.
=item B<HVSC_BASE>
Specifies the location of the HVSC base directory.
All of the examples below assume that the HVSC_BASE environment is set
to a valid HVSC base directory (where the F<$HVSC_BASE/DOCUMENTS/STIL.txt>
and F<$HVSC_BASE/DOCUMENTS/BUGlist.txt> files exist), and the examples
also assume the presence of the following entries in these files:
--- In STIL.txt ---
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
COMMENT: "Action B was a very early game and very conservative in it's approach
- it was my idea of giving them what I thought they wanted, a simple
cute tune....." (RH)
COMMENT: Tunes #1 and #3 have been converted from arcade version.
COMMENT: According to Hubbard, Kentilla and Delta were the most complicated one
to compose, they took the longest time to do and they both drove him
TITLE: On the Run [from the Dark Side of the Moon]
ARTIST: Pink Floyd
COMMENT: It is more inspired by it than a remix of it.
TITLE: Koyaanisqatsi [from the movie]
ARTIST: Philip Glass
COMMENT: "Inspired by Philip Glass and Pink Floyd." (RH)
TITLE: Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence [from the movie] (0:42-1:16)
ARTIST: Ryuichi Sakamoto
COMMENT: "[...] I started exploring pentatonic things in B flat minor over
different bass notes, B flat, D flat, G flat and A flat. The middle
section went into F (I think) at double tempo to liven things up. I
was pleased with the tune......" (RH)
TITLE: Katjusha (0:07-0:36)
ARTIST: Matvei Blanter, M. Isakovski
TITLE: Katjusha (2:20)
ARTIST: Matvei Blanter, M. Isakovski
TITLE: Kaljinka (2:41-2:51)
ARTIST: Traditional
COMMENT: Russian folk song.
TITLE: Kaljinka (3:12-3:22)
ARTIST: Traditional
COMMENT: Russian folk song.
COMMENT: Russian folk song.
--- In BUGlist.txt ---
BUG: This is just for demo.
BUG: Demo entry.
Given these entries, following are the printouts you can expect from
STILView. ($> denotes a command-line prompt given by your operating
Everything related to a SID file is printed:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
------ STIL ENTRY ------
COMMENT: Tunes #1 and #3 have been converted from arcade version.
---------- BUG ----------
BUG: This is just for demo.
Ask for just the section-global comment:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
Note that this can also be retrieved with:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Commando.sid -o -b
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
This prints out nothing, as single-tune entries do not have file-global
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/International_Karate.sid -t=0 -f=comment -s -b
...Except if the only field in them is a COMMENT (in which case that
comment is assumed to be a file-global comment):
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Action_Biker.sid -t=0 -f=comment -s -b
COMMENT: "Action B was a very early game and very conservative in it's approach
- it was my idea of giving them what I thought they wanted, a simple
cute tune....." (RH)
Also note that single-tune entries have only one tune, so asking for
the STIL entry of tune #3 is pointless:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/International_Karate.sid -t=3 -s -b
Print out the file-global comment for the given SID file:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=0 -f=comment -s -b
COMMENT: According to Hubbard, Kentilla and Delta were the most complicated one
to compose, they took the longest time to do and they both drove him
Print out the ARTIST field of tune #12 of the given SID file, plus
print out everything else related to the SID file:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=12 -f=artist
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
------ STIL ENTRY ------
ARTIST: Philip Glass
---------- BUG ----------
BUG: Demo entry.
Note that the current version of STILView is capable to retrieve only
the first specified field of a tune that covers multiple songs! See
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Rasputin.sid -t=1 -f=title -s
TITLE: Katjusha (0:07-0:36)
Section-global comments are printed out even if the STIL entry for the
given SID file does not exist:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/This_doesnt_exist.sid
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
The following 4 steps depict how to have STILView print out everything
related to a given SID file's given tune number one by one:
1) This prints out just the section-global comment:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -o -b
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
2) This prints out just the file-global comment:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=0 -f=comment -s -b
COMMENT: According to Hubbard, Kentilla and Delta were the most complicated one
to compose, they took the longest time to do and they both drove him
3) This prints out all of the STIL entry for the given tune number:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=12 -f=all -s -b
TITLE: Koyaanisqatsi [from the movie]
ARTIST: Philip Glass
COMMENT: "Inspired by Philip Glass and Pink Floyd." (RH)
4) And this prints out just the BUG entry for the same tune number:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -t=12 -s -o
BUG: Demo entry.
The following 3 steps depict how to have STILView print out everything
related to a given SID file:
1) This prints out just the section-global comment:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -o -b
COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Hubbard to be his. People
have often stolen Hubbard's routine causing some tunes to be falsely
credited to him.
2) This prints out all of the STIL entry:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -s -b
COMMENT: "[...] The Delta music loader and ingame music was Gary Liddon's idea.
[...] He was the producer at Thalamus at the time. He told Rob Hubbard
to make the ingame music like the 2nd track from Dark Side of the Moon
by Pink Floyd." (Info from Matt Furniss.)
"The small jingles are all small clips from Sanxion and Romeo/Juliet
music. They were all supposed to be for short stingers such as end of
level, extra life etc..."
"Delta was based on this minimalist composition technique inspired by
Glass and a bit of Pink Floyd. It was quite hard too do and required
some custom code to the driver to do it. The music was tedious to
debug. The other Delta stuff was more conventional - I quite liked the
other tunes. Delta was spread over a 2 week period....." (RH)
According to Hubbard, Kentilla and Delta were the most complicated one
to compose, they took the longest time to do and they both drove him
TITLE: On the Run [from the Dark Side of the Moon]
ARTIST: Pink Floyd
COMMENT: It is more inspired by it than a remix of it.
TITLE: Koyaanisqatsi [from the movie]
ARTIST: Philip Glass
COMMENT: "Inspired by Philip Glass and Pink Floyd." (RH)
3) And this prints out all of the BUG entry:
$> stilview -e=/Hubbard_Rob/Delta.sid -s -o
BUG: Demo entry.
=head1 AUTHORS
=item B<LaLa> <LaLa@C64.org>
Original author.
=item B<Leandro Nini> <drfiemost@users.sourceforge.net>
Current maintainer.
=item SourceForge project: L<http://sourceforge.net/projects/sidplay-residfp/>
=item High Voltage Sid Collection (HVSC): L<http://hvsc.c64.org/>
=head1 COPYING
=item Copyright (C) 1998, 2002 LaLa
=item Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Leandro Nini
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.